Visualization of progress management will make our organization more vibrant!


Checking progress is important for smooth operations. Many of you may be using various tools such as Gantt charts to manage the progress of your tasks and goals.

When a project is carried out by multiple people rather than individuals, managing progress is part of the job. So what are the benefits of managing progress?

In this article, we will explain the benefits of visualization of progress management and the points to keep in mind when introducing the system. If you are interested in making your project run more smoothly, please refer to this article.


What is progress management in the first place? What is the purpose?


Progress is defined as "the progress of a task or work," and progress management means "checking the progress of work and understanding any deviations from the plan. It also includes understanding problems and issues that arise during the work and taking measures to resolve them.

The purpose of progress management is to ensure that deadlines are met. Progress management makes it easy to know how far along the process you are and how much is left to do. No matter how detailed the schedule is, projects rarely proceed on schedule. The main purpose of progress management is to eliminate discrepancies between the schedule and actual progress and to meet deadlines.

Failure to meet deadlines can lead to a loss of trust in the company and a decline in business performance. Progress management, which even holds the fate of a project in its hands, is now the cornerstone of project management. Simply managing progress is not enough. What is required for team projects is the introduction of "visualized" progress management that can be shared among members.

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Benefits of progress management visualization


Visualization of progress management is essential for a smooth project. So what are the specific benefits?

Early detection of problems.

With visualized progress management, abnormalities can be detected as soon as they occur. The causes of schedule delays, problems faced by each member of the team, operational errors, and other issues facing the project will become clear, enabling early action to be taken. Delays in delivery and project failures can be minimized.

Improved operational efficiency

Visualization of progress management makes it easy for all team members to grasp the workflow of the entire project and clarify the priorities of work. By being clearly aware of "what needs to be done now" and being able to focus on the necessary tasks, work can proceed efficiently and work efficiency can be improved.

Able to meet deadlines

When progress management is visualized, each member is aware of the overall project schedule and sets his or her own work schedule working backward from it. By being aware of deadlines, each individual will be able to manage their own tasks more effectively, and major delays will be eliminated. This will also make it possible to meet deadlines throughout the entire project without major delays.

Creating cooperation within the team.

By making progress management visible, it becomes easier to grasp the status of each member. Since you can see your own situation and the situation of others, you can cooperate with each other by accepting or delegating tasks according to each other's workload. This also leads to the equalization of work.

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Notes on visualization of progress management


Visualization of progress management" improves member motivation and company productivity, but sometimes it is not as effective as expected. For individuals, using a to-do list or Gantt chart is effective, but if you have a large number of members, please be aware of the following points. If you know of any of the following in your company, please improve them as soon as possible.

Only progress is being made.

Without a solid understanding of the purpose of progress management, even if you are managing progress, you will not achieve your project goals. There is no point in progress management with a stance of "just keeping up appearances for the time being.

There is a discrepancy in the perception of the rate of progress.

Progress rate is "the degree to which the work is progressing. The progress rate varies greatly depending on whether it is reported subjectively by the person in charge or calculated from the number of man-hours.

It is important to clarify in advance what criteria will be used to report progress rates within the team. Uniform reporting standards will help prevent omissions.

Few opportunities to share with the team

If there is little sharing of progress among team members, they will not be able to understand each other's current status and the overall progress of the project will be unclear. The team will only be able to see the work they are responsible for, making it difficult to improve the productivity of the team as a whole.

The easiest way to share progress is to utilize a whiteboard. This method is to place the whiteboard where everyone can see it and update individual progress on a daily basis.

Trust has not been established.

No matter how careful we are in our work, mistakes and delays will occur. Without a solid relationship of trust, it is difficult to report such things. It is important to create an atmosphere of mutual support within the team, where even negative things can be reported.

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Importance of Progress Management in Employee Training


Progress management is not only important with regard to operations. It is also of great importance during internal training. By managing the progress of training, it is possible to develop human resources that can become competitive within a limited time frame. Progress management in training is beneficial to both the company and the employees.

[Advantages for the company

  • Ability to track employee learning progress.
  • Can follow up with employees who are behind in progress
  • Brush up on training content based on understanding

By monitoring learning progress, it is possible to know the aptitude of each employee. This will enable you to give accurate advice to employees who are behind in their progress or who have difficulty in certain areas, thereby enhancing the relationship of trust between you and your employees.

In addition, the training content can be brushed up to be more practical and appropriate after checking the level of understanding of the entire workforce. Progress management of training makes it possible to develop employees with practical skills in the shortest possible distance.

[Benefits on the part of the employee].

  • Visible rate of learning progress helps maintain motivation
  • Understand your strengths and weaknesses.
  • You'll get the right advice.

The ability to track one's own learning progress allows one to see the goal to be attained and increases motivation. By recording your study progress, you can see which areas you are strong in and which areas you are weak in, allowing you to make your own study plans, such as focusing on areas you are weak in.

In addition, the company will be able to identify areas of weakness and will be able to provide accurate advice at the right time.

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The goal of progress management is to meet deadlines, but the benefits do not stop there. Visualization of progress management can also improve company performance and employee motivation. Let's find the best progress management tool for your company.

Visualization of progress management is also a powerful tool not only for work, but also for training. Our "learningBOX", which allows you to manage the progress of training, has all the necessary functions for training management and allows you to monitor the learning status and understanding of each learner individually.

Of course, learners can also view their own results, which helps motivate them. We also have a free plan that you can try for free. Free Plan.

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