E-learning increases employee qualification acquisition rate
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- Improving employee performance
- Promoting industry qualifications
- Building an environment for learning easily

- Improved qualification pass rates
- Established active learning atmosphere
Established in 2006. The pillar of our business is the sale of Panasonic brand home appliances, which are sold to LE (local electrical appliance specialty store division), CE (consumer electronics mass retailer division), VE (lifestyle retailer division), etc. We also have divisions such as customer service for repair and service, and business units for solution proposals. By delivering products and services, we support the lifestyles that lie ahead and contribute to the creation of comfortable spaces and environments.
Free Trial Told us learningBOX was a Perfect Fit
First of all, could you introduce your company business?
Mr. Nakagawa: We are engaged in domestic sales of Panasonic products, repair and service, and solution proposals. Our department is in charge of human resource development for the sales division within that department.

What prompted you to introduce learningBOX?
Mr. Fujii: We introduced learningBOX as a learning tool for acquiring industry certifications. As part of human resource development to improve employees' skills and expertise, we promote the acquisition.
We were looking for an e-learning system as a tool that would allow us to balance work and study, and we found learningBOX.
What made you choose learningBOX?
Mr. Fujii: First, our new system should be used with smartphones so that our employees can learn with their devices. When I searched the web, I found learningBOX.
Since the Free Plan allows us to register for up to10 users, we shared accounts within the department and tried the features. The ease of use and functionality were perfect fits for us.
Empower Learning with Smartphones
Tell us the benefits you have experienced after the introduction.
Mr. Nakagawa: A very high pass rate on certification exams should be highlighted. "Master Mode" helped repetitive learning, asking incorrect answers again and again. (c.f. Retry failed quizzes) This feature we think highly effective for learners.
Do you think that learningBOX was a good match for your employees in balancing their daily work and study?
Mr. Fujii: It is important to deepen understanding with textbooks and repeat past exam questions in order to prepare for the certification exam. Studying repeatedly on a smartphone led to an improved pass rate. Some of our employees have told that they studied on their smartphones while taking crowded commuter trains or after putting their children to bed. We are delighted to hear that learning has became part of their daily lives.

What types of content did you create on learningBOX?
Mr. Fujii: For our purposes, all 250 questions were created as true-false questions, and descriptions can be added to each question. This allows learners to deepen their understanding while answering previous questions. We think it is very effective for learning.
Established Active Learning Atmosphere
What do you think about the value of creating in-house content ?
Mr. Nakagawa: We can create tailored content for employees onsite. We are promoting a culture of self-directed learning within the company, and I think learningBOX is a highly valuable tool to support our project.
Are you planing to expand your usage in the future?
Mr. Fujii:In expanding the use of the system to other certification exams, we have decided to apply an annual contract so that some exams can be taken through a year. We are also considering expanding the use of learningBOX to other training programs.
Thank you for your participation