Account Registration Management

Using the custom fields feature of learningBOX, you can set up "add required fields or remove unnecessary fields when registering members".
You can freely edit and manage the items by yourself, and you can set "add necessary items or remove unnecessary input items at the time of member registration".

What is the editing input fields?

By default, in version 2.13, [login ID, name, display name, department, position, email address, password, country of residence, language, status].
In 2.14 [login ID, name, display name, department, title, email address, password, country of residence, language, time zone, status, expiration date].
so please change to one of them if necessary.

▼ Settings screen when registering as a member (default settings)

Editing input fields


Member registration using the editing input fields

▼ Reduce the number of items

Custom Field Function 2


Add a new item.

Editing input fields


How to edit input fields

Sign-in as the learningBOX owner account, a user with Member Management role, and click Manage members.

Editing input fields


Click the Gear button and then click the Input fields Settings.

Custom Field Function 5


The input field settings screen will be displayed. From here, you can freely edit and manage the fields required for member registration.
Please note that you cannot remove your sign-in ID and password from an item.

learningBOX-Custom field function


You can choose whether or not to use the field by toggling the availability switch.
The green status indicates "Use" and the gray status indicates "Do not use".

learningBOX - How to use the custom fields feature


Click Add to insert a new field at the bottom.

learningBOX-Custom field function


Enter the field key in half-width alphanumeric characters, and then enter the item name. If necessary, enter a supplementary explanation.


You can select the input format and choose from "Input, Text Area, Radio, Check Box, and Pull Down".
For radios, checkboxes, and pull-downs, set the choices for the adjacent item.
Each new line is recognized as a choice.
In the case of the image below, two options will be registered, "Japan" and "Foreign".

learningBOX-Custom field function


If you want to rearrange the registration items, you can drag and drop the 【Hanger Menu】 surrounded by a red frame to rearrange the input fields.

learningBOX-Custom fields


If you're happy, click Save and you're all set.

learningBOX-Custom field function


When you register a member after setting up the input fields, the registration items will be added as follows

learningBOX-Custom field function


About the display setting function

You can now set the display settings for the member list to match the input fields. By setting this feature, you can hide information that you have added but do not want to show on the screen.

LearningBOX - Member management


When the Member List Display Settings modal opens, uncheck the items you do not want to display and click Save.
Sin-in ID can not be unchecked.

learningBOX - Member management functions


When I look at the Manage members, it only shows Sign-in ID and Name
