
Efficient Grading Management
Tracking Learners’ Performance Data

Progress record helps learners motivate learning by showing their achievement. learningBOX automates grading and analyzes the recorded data for closer support for learners.


  • Grade Tracking
  • CSV Export
  • Progress Record
  • Grading Workflow
  • Grading Writing Report

Hussle-free Grading Management

Key 01
Streamline grading

Automate Grading Steps

Learners’ performance will be automatically recorded, and teachers and managers can access the details including the status, scores, start date and more items stored in one place.
*Content with the grading workflow can be graded individually.

Grading Workflow

Our grading workflow reshapes your grading strategies involving multiple approvers and graders. The status of the submissions will be shared with those who are in charge.

Feedback to learners

You can grade report assignments, adding personalized feedback to the learners. Partial points are also available.

Key 02
Detailed Data of Each Learner

Track Learners’ Progress

Teachers and trainers can pick the specific grading information they need, and it takes only a few steps to send reminders to learners who do not complete the course, etc.

CSV Download

Even large amount of data can be downloaded with a CSV file,
specifying the items.

Key 03
Grasp Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Learner

Progress Record

Depending on the tag settings, the detailed data can be analyzed, allowing teachers and trainers to provide closer support to learners.

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