List of Features

Before login

For Learners
For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

This function is available before logging in.

Study publicly available issues

Study the general public issues.

Category List Questions will be displayed by category as specified by the registrant.
Issue List The list of questions registered for public release will be displayed.

Other Features

Public Courses You can see what courses are available before logging in/registering as a member.
Reissue of User Password If a user loses his/her password, it can be reissued. There are two ways to do this: by registered e-mail address or by login ID.
Find products/seminars/curriculum/training You can check what products/seminars/curriculum/training are available before logging in/registering as a member.


For Learners
For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License


Dashboard Study graphs and newly arrived courses can be displayed.
Dashboard Settings You can customize the contents of the display.
For Learners
Normal License
EC Special License

Listing of courses.
You can also switch between panel/list view. You can search by category.

Course Details

The description set for the course and the course content are displayed (friendly forwarding supported).

User Interface You can learn the contents. (Friendly forwarding supported)

Favorite Content

Browse Favorite Content You can register specific contents/folders/courses as favorites and display them in a list.

Other Features

Content search (select course, course details) Contents can be searched by name or keyword.
Display of time required for video (select course, course details) The length of the video will be displayed, indicating how many minutes of video are registered.
GOTO function (course details) When "Continue" is selected, priority is given to content that has not yet been studied.
Moving between teaching materials (study screen) You can move directly from one study screen to the next.
Course navigation (study screen) On the screen where you are studying, you can check and navigate to other materials in the same course.
For Learners
For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

You can see the results regarding the user.
It is possible to view the percentage of correct answers for each question, each user, and each individual's performance in graphs and tables.

My scores

You can check the learning progress of the contents.

My scores You can view your own results. You can set the items to be displayed for each user. You can check the answer details and the grading status in the selected grade details. CSV download of answer details is also available.

Progress Record

You can see how much each user is learning each day and how far they have progressed.
The system can visualize what kind of problems students are good at/not good at, etc., based on graphs and performance data.

Basic Information You can check your learning progress on a line graph and at a glance. You can also download a CSV file of your study progress.
Tag List You can check grades by tags assigned to quiz/test materials and identify trends in areas of weakness. You can also filter by section tags/question tags (AND search) and download CSV files.

Badge list

Badge Viewing You can check the list of badges acquired by individual users.

List of Certificates

Viewing certificates View a list of issued certificates.
For Learners
For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

Score List

View Grades You can view the authorized range of grades. You can check the answer details, grading status, grading and update history, etc. of the selected grades. CSV download of answer details is also available. You can also change the grader, download submitted data, and delete grades.
Display Settings You can select items to be displayed in the grade list.
Open quizzes settings You can hide publicly available questions on the Grades screen.
Invalid User Settings It is displayed in the owner environment for customized plans and above, and can be set to display and emergency settings for invalid user results.
Result Display Settings You can hide your results and medical records if you do not need them to be displayed.
Delete score data You can delete grades.
Report grading and feedback Manual scoring of questions in report format for quiz and test materials/manual scoring of report materials and AI-based scoring is available. Feedback can also include file attachments. If a quiz has sections, feedback can be left for each section.
CSV batch output of grades User performance data can be exported in CSV format in batches. Items to be extracted can be customized.
CSV batch output and scoring of reports Submitted reports can be downloaded in batches, and grading and feedback can be registered in Excel in batches. Partial grading is also available.
Confirmation of survey results You can check the survey response content/response status (answered or not answered).

Grading status

You can check and change the grading status of materials awaiting grading.

Batch grading with Excel import Upload an Excel file with scores, pass/fail, and feedback, and we will grade them together.
Excel Import History You can check the Excel upload history.
Score and approve You can check the grading status of each material, grade it, approve it, etc.
Progress by Scorer You can check the grading status of the materials you can grade for each user who has the authority to grade.
Grading workflow Add, edit, or delete steps for each phase of the grading workflow (pre-approval, grading, and post-approval).

By Content

The correct answer rate and operation log for the entire user base can be checked.

Aggregation by User You can browse specialized results by material; CSV download is also available.
Solution Details You can check the answers and scores for each question and for each user, and CSV download is also available. You can also modify the scores at once and check the history.
Operation Log You can see a log of which media has been played and how many times, when choices were changed, etc.
Compulsory scoring Quiz and test materials that have the Suspend and Resume feature enabled and whose status is "Studying" can be forced to be graded.

Score Analysis

You can check the aggregate results for the entire user base.

Summary board You can check the status of your answers to the course material.
Ranking You can check the scoring order.
Summary by Quiz You can check the percentage of correct answers, correct/incorrect answer rate, etc.
Summary by Tag You can check the time required and percentage of correct answers for each section tag/question tag.

 State of Progress

Course and material learning status can be displayed as a percentage, and progress can be checked/CSV exported.

On-screen confirmation You can check your progress by aggregating the contents/groups/study status/display period.
Batch CSV output of progress status Group/individual aggregate results can be exported in CSV format in a batch.

Proctor report

For content grades for which fraud countermeasures have been set, the presence or absence of fraud can be checked, and the list can be exported in CSV format.

On-screen confirmation If a grade has been set up with fraud countermeasures and the status is "Pass/Fail/Waiting for Grading," the number of fraud judgments/warning counts/interruptions can be checked. It is also possible to delete grades.
CSV batch output Batch output of fraud monitoring logs in CSV format is available.

List of badges acquired

Viewing of awarded badges You can check the list of badges that have been granted.

Progress record

You can see how much each user is learning each day and how far they have progressed with respect to their authorized range of grades.
The student can visualize what kind of problems they are good at/not so good at based on graphs and performance data.

User Search You can search for users to display.

Manage Exemption

Study exemptions can be set for each user.

On-screen designation Users and content can be selected on the screen and study exemptions can be set.
Designation by CSV CSV can be used to set up study exemptions.

Evaluation by others (diagnostic test)

Evaluation by others (diagnostic test) Users who have taken the diagnostic test can be evaluated by groups other than themselves or by others.
For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

You can create questions and teaching materials and set up the distribution of teaching materials to learners. You can also create learning courses that follow a set sequence.

Creating courses and folders

You can create courses/folders and store the content you create.

 folder Learners can immediately see the order of the material they are working through and move directly to their grades.
Course (automatically generated by AI) Courses can be automatically generated for selected utilization scenarios by referencing uploaded videos and PDFs.
folder You can create folders and organize your created materials by folder.

How to Create Content

Quiz/Exam You can easily create quizzes and tests from AI generated questions automatically or from templates. If a user tries to edit the quiz/test creation form while there is answer data pending, a warning will be displayed.
 Memorization card You can create learning content in the form of memorization cards (vocabulary books). AI can also be used to create cards from existing teaching materials.
 video You can upload videos in mp4 avi mov mpeg mpg mkv wmv webm format. Multiple videos can be uploaded simultaneously. HLS support. Slides and subtitles can also be set along with videos.
PDF Downloading and printing can be allowed/prohibited, and from PDF5 series, note-taking function and scroll direction can also be set.
Web page Teaching materials in the form of web pages created in HTML, with the ability to freely set font size, text color, etc. in HTML.
Show/Hide Workbook You can create memorization questions in sentence form.
Attached File As an attachment, learners can download educational materials and documents. It can be used for individual data or for zip files of multiple data.
 Report assignment You can specify the submission method for report assignments: web input/text/handwritten input/file upload. Feedback can be written/attached to the graded report, AI report analysis can be set, and "resubmission" instructions can be issued. It is also possible to set the "awaiting grading" status to disallow resubmission.
Typing Typing style teaching materials can be created. You can set the font size, time limit, passing score, order of questions, and level of scoring.
Personality test Users' personality and trait tendencies can be evaluated. In addition, the results of the diagnosis can be checked on the score sheet.
iSpring Presentation materials created with iSpring can be posted.
SCORM Materials Upload your own content or educational materials from other LMSs.
LTI 1.3 You can create teaching materials for tools that are compatible with LTI 1.3. 2.21 currently only supports zoom. Available when you sign up for the customization option.
URL Link URL links beginning with "https://" can be created as educational materials.
embedded video Videos posted on YouTube, Vimeo, etc. can be embedded using embed codes.
iframe Educational materials can be posted using the iframe embed code.
PowerPoint Material Presentation materials created with PowerPoint can be posted.

How to Create Questionnaire

You can create a questionnaire to hear feedback and evaluation of the materials from learners.

ID/tagging for questions It can be utilized for charting functions and tabulation by teaching materials.

Create a Certificate

Orientation setting for certificates You can choose between portrait and landscape orientation.

Conversion to specified version

Conversion to specified version Batch conversion of teaching materials to a specified version can be performed for each type of teaching material.

Basic video settings (for MOVIE-2.1.0 or higher materials)

Double speed display setting You can limit the double speed that users can set.
Video and slide display settings (for teaching materials MOVIE-3.0.0 or higher) You can configure settings related to the display format and initial display format to be used for videos and slides.

 Assessment tags

 Assessment tags You can determine the evaluation criteria according to the score for each tag you set for each question and section.


 Proctoring You can configure settings related to anti-fraud measures and apply them to your content.

Other Features

Content Movement You can reorder courses/folders/contents and move them to another course/folder.
Gradebook Preparation You can compare the materials by themselves or in multiples.
Headline You can set titles, etc. in the course.
 Prerequisites You can set conditions such as, "If you pass, you can move on to the next step."
learningBOX ON You can add educational materials at any time, which are automatically set when you register as an owner.
Selective content You can set up the system to learn any one of several contents.
Content Search You can search for created content by title or keyword.
Access period You can set the public/internal/private settings.
Limit attempts You can limit the number of times and the intervals between courses.
study class You can set whether or not the course is optional.
Manage notifications You can set when to send email notifications to administrators and learners, respectively.
Test mode settings You can set whether to display grade details, whether to show the header on the answer screen, etc.
Grading settings You can set the scoring workflow ON or OFF and fix the test mode.
Score amendment Scores can be manually corrected for machine-scored questions.
Basic course information setting You can set up basic course information such as thumbnail image settings, title editing, description to be displayed when studying, search keywords not included in the course name, and optional content codes.
Folder Basic Information Setting Basic folder information such as thumbnail image settings, title editing, description to be displayed when learning, search keywords not included in folder names, and optional content codes can be set.
Content Basic Information Settings Basic content information such as thumbnail image settings, title editing, description to be displayed when learning, search keywords not included in content names, and optional content codes can be set.
open period You can set the publication period for all users or for each group.
Response and submission deadline You can set deadlines for responses and submissions.
Linked Content You can specify content to be displayed based on the learning status of other content.
IP Restrictions You can restrict the IP of the access source.
Assign Content You can set the content to be displayed for each specific group or user.
Course capacity limit Data capacity limits can be set for each course.
Shortcut creation If you change the original material, the shortcut destination will also reflect the change.
Duplication You can duplicate content/folders/courses. (1 GB limit).
Distribute courses (other owner environment) Courses can be distributed to other owner environments.
Manage Badges Badges can be awarded to users whose learning status has reached "Passed" or "Completed".
Ranking Board Students' performance can be displayed in a ranking format for each course material.
Users in a group can compete for grades, and learners can see their own grades relative to the "Learn" screen.
Summary board The user's answers can be displayed in a pie chart or bar graph.
Based on the percentage of correct answers, the difficulty level of questions and areas of weakness and strength can be checked objectively by the administrator as a trend for all learners, and by the learners as their own trends.
Device testing management An operational test can be performed to verify that the download speed is up to a certain standard and that the audio can be played/the volume is set correctly.
Content Advance Explanation You can display a description just before the study.
Content URL URL acquisition and material transition can be performed when learning content.
Information Player version information/creation date/edit date information can be viewed.
 Tag function By tagging each section/question, you can use it to analyze your performance. (e.g., to identify areas of weakness)
Handwritten image creation and submission function Allows learners to submit their own written and illustrated answers to quiz/test/report assignments.
Manage content category You can categorize the content you create.
Outline settings You can manage templates for the description to be displayed just before the study.

Environment Settings

For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

Generator Version Control

Generator Version Control You can manage the versions of software used when creating teaching materials.

Manage badges

Configure badge settings.

Badges You can check the badges you have created, create your own badges, and reorder your badges.
Others Default badge image / behavior when clicking on a badge / display of acquired badges can be set.

Basic Fanfare Settings

Animation can be played when a badge is earned.

Select display operation You can select whether or not to use it and what to do when it is displayed.

List of Operation Test Management Templates

List of templates required for operation test setup.

Create, edit, delete You can create a new template or edit/delete an existing one.
Other Functions You can sort the list by title name.

Basic Course Settings

You can set the initial value of how to display the course list screen, set the description, and show/hide each button.

Select a course You can set the basic display settings for the Select Course screen.
Course details You can set the display settings for the course details screen.
Learn content You can set the display settings for course navigation, settings related to video playback, and whether or not failed content is included in the learning rate.
Public Courses You can make settings regarding courses open to the public.
Scene settings When logging in to SSO, only certain courses will be displayed by passing parameters for each scene.
View Scoring Status You can set whether to display the scoring status in the course details.
For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

You can register and edit learner and administrator users, and set administrative privileges for users.
Group management is also available, allowing for management of large groups of users.

Users and Groups

User registration/edit/delete You can add/edit/delete users. You can add/edit/delete user's photo and set users who can view grades.
User account expiration date settings You can set/edit the account expiration date for each user.
Assign roles Various privileges can be granted to each user. You can also check the permissions set for a group in the case of specific permissions.
Send and resend email invitations You can send (resend) an invitation email with ID/PW attached to the user.
Assign Content Content can be assigned on a per-user or per-group basis.
Group registration/edit/delete Groups can be registered/edited/deleted. Groups can be hierarchized according to the organization chart. Permission settings can be set for groups separately from individual permissions.
Group Code Any code can be set for each group.
archive You can archive by group.
Number of accounts that can be registered in the group The maximum number of accounts that can be registered for each group can be set.
CSV batch operation Batch registration/update and list download operations for users and groups can be performed in batches using CSV files, allowing for mass registration and editing. Authorization can be set for groups separately from individual authorization.
Display Settings You can set the items to be displayed in the list.
OneRoster By importing data from the school administration support system, group/user batch registration and authorization can be performed.

Input Field Settings

Settings for items displayed in the user registration/edit modal.

Sorting of display items You can change the order in which items are displayed.
Add Field Fields can be added freely.
availability For each item, you can set whether to use it or not.
required entry (e.g. in online forms) For each item, you can set whether or not the entry is required.
uneditable For each item, you can set whether or not editing is enabled.

Custom registration fields

Settings for items to be displayed on the profile change screen and the new member registration form.

Sorting of display items You can change the order in which items are displayed.
display switching For each item, you can set whether to display it or not.
uneditable For each item, you can set whether or not editing is enabled.
supplementary explanation A supplementary explanation can be set for each item.

Member Rank

You can configure settings related to membership rank when using the account billing feature.

Sorting of display items You can change the order in which items are displayed.
Register/edit/delete membership ranks You can add/edit/delete membership ranks.

Account sign-up settings

Settings related to registration and withdrawal.

Common Settings You can set whether or not to allow users to unsubscribe.
Member Registration Various settings required when using the member registration function can be configured.
photograph of the person himself It is displayed in the owner's environment while subscribing to the Standard Plan or higher, and can be set to allow or disallow the use of the owner's own photo.

Registration Screen URL

You can configure settings related to the registration URL when using the member registration function.

Publish URL You can issue a URL for each group, and when you register from the issued URL, you belong to that group.
CSV Download The list of URLs can be downloaded in CSV format.


You can configure the method of screen transition at login.

rules You can also create GDPR-compliant login forms.
(computer) password When logging in with the initial password, you can set the user to change it to another password.
Personal Information Settings You can change the initial name or set values to be entered for specific items.
Target Group You can select the group to which you want to apply the settings at login.

Merge users

Two accounts can be merged into one.

Integration List You can check the list of accounts that have been merged or unmerge them.
Integrate Users with disabled status can be merged with users with enabled status.


 Schedule Schedules can be set for users and groups.

Other Functions

Sort Groups You can change the order in which groups are displayed.
Approval requests for profile pictures You can check the list of applications for the applicant's photo and approve or disapprove the application.
User Operation Logs You can check the registrant/registration date/deletion date/deletion date for users belonging to the group for which you are authorized.
Notification e-mail receipt availability setting You can set whether or not to receive "Non-Important Notification Emails".
Date/Time Format Setting You can set the date and time display format.
For Learners
For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

Direct message

This is a communication function that allows administrators and users to exchange messages.

Direct message This function allows administrators to communicate one-on-one with users.
Conversations can be initiated in a room by sending a message from the administrator to the user.
It is not possible for a user to create a new room and start a message.
Images and PDF files can be attatched up to 5 MB.

Message Box

This is a communication function that allows users and groups to exchange messages.

Message Box This function allows the administrator to send messages to specific groups or users.
It can be used for communication within the group and to contact the learningBOX development headquarters.
Users can only send new messages to the administrator.
In addition, users who are in the destination to which the administrator sends a message can send a message in the series of exchanges.


For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

You can configure settings related to e-mail.

Manage notifications

You can register/edit the content to be posted in the "Announcements" section of the dashboard.

Register/Edit/Delete Notices You can add/edit/delete announcements.
Contact Information You can register/edit groups to which you want to post announcements.
Notification start date You can register/edit the date and time when you want to post notices.
Display the notification bar After logging in to learningBOX, you can set it to be displayed at the top of the screen.
Email Notification You can set whether or not to be notified by e-mail of the posting of notices.
Notify as Important Notice Notification can be sent by e-mail even to users who have set not to receive notification e-mails.

Email Settings

Configure settings for various emails sent from the learningBOX.
Templates can be edited for each e-mail to send notification e-mails with unique content.

Basic settings Basic settings common to all environments. You can set the character encoding and footer.
Member registration function You can configure settings related to the e-mail used for the member registration function.
account billing You can configure settings related to the e-mail used by the account billing function.
eCommerce You can configure settings related to e-mail used for EC functions.
Training course building You can configure settings related to the emails used for training functions.

Mail Sending Log

You can check the results of the email transmission.

Search You can narrow down your search by subject or date and time of transmission.

Mail Sending History

Sent You can check the registrant/subject/sending start date and time/sending status of sent e-mails.
Transmission schedule You can check the registrant/subject/send start date/time/status of the email to be sent.

Score management notification history

Email notification history regarding your grades.

Score management notification history Owners can view all records, but only those with partial performance authority can view the history of their own registrations.

Background processing

For Learners
For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

Background processing

Background processing You can check the current status and history of the process for which you have been notified of an appointment via the Notification banner.

Systems analysis

For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

You can check the usage information about the system.

Account currently logged in

You can check the list of currently logged-in accounts.

Search You can filter by name or browser name.

Access Log

You can check the access log list.

Search You can filter by name or browser name.
Create CSV The list being displayed can be downloaded in CSV format.

Operation Log

You can check the operation log.

Search You can filter by operation user or operation date and time.
Create CSV The list being displayed can be downloaded in CSV format.

AGS Communication Log

You can check AGS information on LTI Advantage.

Search You can filter by name or content.

Check utilization

Usage status can be checked based on the user's operation history.

Number of logins and users You can check the number of logins, number of users, and total number of studies for the last 2 weeks daily / last 30 days.
Usage You can check the plan you are subscribed to, the capacity used, and the date you started using the service.
For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

Third party app

You can configure the necessary settings for API integration.

Text of the invitation e-mail You can set the text to be sent when a user is registered via the API.
access authorizations You can set which permissions are used for each resource.
Usage Check the usage trends of third-party apps (OAuth2.0).
Download API Specification Download the API specification in PDF format.

PUSH notification setting

The system can be configured to notify the core system, etc., when a badge is acquired.

Notification List You can check the list of notified recipients.
Register/edit/delete a recipient You can add/edit/delete notification recipients.
Trigger List You can see which content badges are set to trigger.
notification history You can check the notified history.

Kaonavi Collaboration

You can configure the necessary settings for Kaonavi (external service) integration.

Basic settings You can set which accounts and which sheets to link to.
group synchronization For groups that exist in Kaonavi, you can set up appointment synchronization and immediate manual synchronization.
User Synchronization For users existing in Kaonavi, you can set up reserved synchronization and immediate manual synchronization. Other detailed settings are also available.
grade synchronization For grades that exist in the learningBOX, you can set the target content, schedule synchronization, and perform manual and immediate synchronization.
Synchronization history You can check the synchronized history.

Contract Status

For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

You can check information about the contract.

Order History

View order history, web-generated quotes and invoices, current contracts, and more.

Automatic Continuation of Contracts You can set the contract to continue automatically.

contract renewal

You can sign up for a paid plan.

New/Continuing Contracts You can make a new/continuing subscription for a paid plan.
Contracts added in the middle of the term You can sign up for additional people and options during the course of a paid plan contract.
Add people on a spot basis Additional members can be subscribed on a monthly basis during the contracting process of a paid plan.
Quotation creation function You can create a quotation.

usage conditions

Check usage Check account usage, storage, and AI assist usage.


For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

Configure various settings.


You can configure settings related to the entire learningBOX.

User Permission You can set whether to allow users to view their grades/change their profile.
Prevent Concurrent Login You can limit the number of browsers that can log in at the same time to a maximum of three.
You can select the behavior when the login condition is reached from "prohibit later logins or give priority to later logins".
SCORM1.2/LMS Item Selection You can set values to be sent to cmi.core.student_id/cmi.core.student_name.
Cancel Your Account You can cancel your membership.
Company Name Change You can change your company name.
List of Selected Contents View/unview the user's selected content.
Application You can check the list of login applications.
QuizGenerator License Key Setup You can register your purchased QuizGenerator license key.
CSV Output Settings You can set the character encoding for CSV output.
AI assist function usage settings You can set whether or not to use the AI assist function.

Page setup after login

You can configure settings related to login.

Common Settings You can set up pages after login, including a welcome page.
Supported OS and Browsers You can configure which operating systems and browsers you can log in to.

Page setup after logout

You can configure settings related to logout.

Common Settings You can set the page after logout.

Security settings

Security settings can be configured.

Account Lockout You can set the account lock function on/off, the number of failed login attempts allowed, and the account lock time to restrict login.
Password expiration date You can set password expiration dates and expiration notification settings.
Minimum password length You can set a minimum number of characters for the password.
Required character types for passwords You can set whether half-width characters (large and small) and special characters are required for passwords.
Allow the use of the wording used in the login ID when setting the password You can set whether or not to allow the use of the wording used in the login ID when setting the password.
Request password re-entry You can set whether or not you are required to re-enter your password when changing plans, canceling membership, changing your profile, or making EC payments.
Change password when resending invitation email If the setting is enabled, the password will be changed when the invitation e-mail is resent.
automatic logout You can set the system to automatically log out after a certain timeout period.
Log out when window is closed You can set whether or not to log out when the window is closed.
Two-factor authentication by e-mail In addition to authentication by login ID and password, each group can set whether or not to allow two-factor authentication by e-mail.

IP Restriction Management

You can set a study-enabled IP for a course/folder/material.

access list You can add/edit/delete access lists.
Login Restrictions Based on the access list, you can set IPs that can log in.
Content Viewing Restrictions Based on the access list, you can set the IPs available for learning for each course/folder/material.

LTI Integration

You can add tools that are compatible with LTI 1.3. 2.21 currently only supports zoom. This is available when you sign up for the customization option.

Register/Edit/Delete LTI Linkage Tools You can register/edit/delete the LTI Linkage Tool.
Display of connection information for LTI Linkage Tool Connection information for the LTI Linkage Tool can be displayed.

Media Management

Manage images, videos, and other media in one place.

Templates You can check the list of registered media.
Add Media Register media and distribute the same media from a single location to avoid wasting data capacity.

 Site customizer

Customers can set their own design, side menu, header menu, etc.

Basic settings You can set up basic information for each subdomain (breadcrumb display, etc.), login form settings (login authentication per device/subdomain login restrictions/login form settings), request changes to From mail, and META tag settings.
Design You can change the design using HTML/CSS and customize the top page with no code.
Manage Menu You can change the side menu and header menu.
System language You can change the language displayed in the system.

Payment System Functions

For Admin
EC Special License

Configure settings related to EC payments and account billing.

Payment processing settings

You can set whether or not to use each payment method.

1. free of charge If purchased free of charge, it is available immediately.
Paypal payment (credit card) If you use PayPal, you can use it immediately after the payment is completed. If you are using a subscription product (recurring billing), please use here.
3. bank transfer Bank transfers are available to purchasers upon approval from Sales Management after payment is reported by the purchaser.
4. invoice If you use invoice payment, it is available immediately after purchase. Invoices should be issued and sent by your company at a later date.
5. convenience store (GMO-PG) If you use convenience store payment, you may have to wait up to one day after payment is made before being able to study.
6. bank transfer (GMO-PG) If you use bank transfer (GMO Virtual Account Aozora), please note that you may have to wait up to 1 day after your payment is made before you can start learning.
7. credit card (GMO-PG) If credit card (GMO) is used, the purchaser can use it immediately after the payment is completed.

Sales management

Sales results can be checked.

by order You can check sales results by order and download individual/batch receipts.
By Product You can check sales results by product and download individual/batch receipts.
By Instructor You can check sales results by instructor.

Sales Management (for related parties)

You can check the sales results for each party involved.

goods You can check the sales results aggregated by the currently logged-in account and the related parties linked to the account.
Seminar You can check the list of sales results and tickets aggregated by the currently logged-in account and the related parties linked to the account.

Review Management

Configure settings related to reviews.

Search You can search by product name or contributor.
Automatically approve reviews Automatic/manual approval can be set.
Allow review even before login You can set whether or not you can submit reviews before logging in.
Approve or delete reviews You can approve/disapprove or delete reviews.

account billing management

Configure settings related to the account billing function.

Settings You can set up a trial period and terms of service.
billing plan You can add/edit/delete billing plans.
Contract Plan You can check the status of your contract and cancel it.
Transaction History You can search history by contractor or contract ID, download receipts, and create CSV of search results.

Coupon Management

Configure settings related to coupons.

Templates You can add/edit/delete coupons.
publication history You can check the history of coupons issued.

Receipt Setup

Configure settings related to receipts.

Company information to be included on the receipt You can set your company name, address, and company seal.
For Admin
EC Special License

You can start selling e-learning online by signing up for an EC Special License.
Product content can be easily created using the content management function.

EC Function Basic Settings

Manage basic settings related to EC functions.

Basic settings Basic settings related to EC functions can be configured.
Initial value of product list Initial values can be set for display format, sort order, and ascending/descending order.
Initial value of seminar list Initial values can be set for display format, sort order, and ascending/descending order.
Search You can set which search items to display.

Product Features

Configure settings related to products.

Manage products You can add/edit/duplicate/delete products. You can select normal/ subscription/ proxy purchase. You can set archive/not archive/review function on/off for each product.

Seminar function

Set up the settings related to the seminar.

Manage seminars You can add/edit/duplicate/delete seminars. Normal/multiple purchases/proxy purchases can be selected. You can set archive/not archive/review function on/off for each seminar.
local management You can add/edit/delete regions.
Ticket Template Management Detailed settings for issuing tickets can be saved as a template.

Relational Management

You can add/edit/delete related parties.

Account Linkage Registered users and related parties can be linked.
classifying You can set which type of instructor/organizer/passing student you are.

Other Functions

Category Management You can add/edit/delete categories.
Tag Management You can add/edit/delete tags.
purchase history You can check your order history/products you have subscribed to/seminars you have used tickets for/contract details and transaction history of your billing plan.
cart You can check the products and seminars currently in your cart.
address administration You can add/edit/delete addresses. Default addresses can be set.
Change of details of the parties involved The related parties themselves can change the related parties' detailed information.

Training course building

For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

Once you sign up for customization, you can begin your online training.
Training content can be easily created using the content management function.

Basic training settings

Manage basic settings related to training functions.

Basic settings You can set the description to be displayed on the "Find Training" screen and show/hide each button.
Default values Initial values can be set for display format, sort order, and ascending/descending order.
Description You can set the description to be displayed on the "Find Training" screen.
Search You can set which search items to display.
Message sent when reservation completed You can set the wording to be displayed when the reservation is completed.
Items to be displayed on the screen for ticket list printing You can set the items to be displayed on the screen for ticket list printing.

Manage training

You can add/edit/duplicate/delete trainings.

Individual Settings You can set whether to archive or not/turn on/off the review function, etc. for each training.
Batch registration/update Batch registration/update operation of training courses can be executed in bulk by CSV file, allowing registration/update of large numbers of training courses.

Review Management

Configure settings related to reviews.

Search You can search by product name or contributor.
Automatically approve reviews Automatic/manual approval can be set.
Allow review even before login You can set whether or not to allow review submissions on the pre-login screen.
Approve or delete reviews You can approve/disapprove or delete reviews.

Relational Management

You can add/edit/delete related parties.

Account Linkage Registered users and related parties can be linked.
classifying You can set up the instructor/organizer/successful candidate.

 Reservation manager (for stakeholders)

You can check the reservation results for each person involved.

Details View a list of reservation history, approve/reject reservations, and view a list of tickets.

Other Functions

Ticket Template Management Detailed settings for issuing tickets can be saved as a template.
Category Management You can add/edit/delete categories.
Tag Management You can add/edit/delete tags.
local management You can add/edit/delete regions.
Training reservation history View a history of previously booked trainings.
Change of details of the parties involved The related parties themselves can change the related parties' detailed information.

Curriculum function

For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

If you sign up for customization, you can publish your curriculum.
Curriculum content can be easily created using the content management function.

Curriculum settings

Manage basic settings related to curriculum functions.

Basic settings Initial values can be set for display format, sort order, and ascending/descending order.
Description on "Serch curriculum" You can set the description to be displayed on the "Find Curriculum" screen.
Search You can set which search items to display.
Maximum selection settings You can set how many curricula you can select, tied to your membership rank.

Manage curriculum

You can add/edit/duplicate/delete curricula.

Individual Settings You can set archiving/not archiving/review function on/off, etc. for each curriculum.

Review Management

Configure settings related to reviews.

Search You can search by product name or contributor.
Automatically approve reviews Automatic/manual approval can be set.
Allow review even before login You can set whether or not to allow review submissions on the pre-login screen.
Approve or delete reviews You can approve/disapprove or delete reviews.

Relational Management

You can add/edit/delete related parties.

Account Linkage Registered users and related parties can be linked.
classifying You can set up the instructor/organizer/successful candidate.

Curriculum Selection Management

You can check the status of your curriculum selections.

Selection History by Curriculum You can check the selection status of each curriculum and select or deselect all of them at once.

Other Functions

Category Management You can add/edit/delete categories.
Tag Management You can add/edit/delete tags.
Change of details of the parties involved The related parties themselves can change the related parties' detailed information.


For Learners
For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

Edit your Profile

Edit your Profile You can change your profile and take and upload your own photo.

Site construction/operation

For Admin
Normal License
EC Special License

Items that can be handled

Own Domain URL Dedicated servers allow you to set the URL to your own domain.
Domain name acquisition Domain name acquisition service is available.
SSL setup service SSL setup service is available.
Designation of system upgrade date Dedicated servers allow you to specify the timing of system upgrade maintenance.
Simultaneous simultaneous access Dedicated servers can support simultaneous simultaneous access, depending on the contract.
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