Introducing e-learning for promotional examinations at directly managed stores to develop human resources that will make each individual shine even brighter.

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  • Employment and promotion examinations

Release Date :

Ms. Yoshika Kawada

Issues and Reasons for Introduction
  • Wanted to convert costly and time-consuming paper-based promotional exams to the Web
  • A low-cost, easy-to-use system was a requirement.
  • We wanted a system that could be used as a learning tool as well as a test.
Solution / Effect
  • Introduction of learningBOX to Web-Based Promotional Examinations Saves Costs and Time
  • The system is cheaper to install than expected and easy to use, with an intuitive UI and a large number of question types.
  • Various functions are included as standard and can be used as a learning tool

Monogatari Corporation was founded in 1949 as the oden restaurant "Sakebou Genji. Since its establishment, the company has always operated its restaurants with the same aspirations: "to bring our customers the biggest smiles and the most cheerful spirits" and "to make our customers feel truly relaxed. We interviewed the company, which has introduced e-learning for promotion examinations at its directly managed stores, about the effectiveness of the system and its future development.

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Attended an exhibition and was looking for a web-based system for promotion exams.

Why did you decide to implement learningBOX?

We first became aware of learningBOX at an exhibition (Education IT Solution EXPO). The purpose of participating in the exhibition was to experience various systems and gather information to confirm whether the system we are currently using really matches our company and whether it is in line with the current trends.

In addition, there was a request to make the promotion examinations web-based, and we were looking for a system that could make this possible. The main issue was the cost and time required for the paper-based examinations, and we were wondering if we could do something about the transportation costs and time required for the one- to two-hour examinations, which required people from all over Japan to come to our offices in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, etc. We were also looking for a system that would allow us to use a web-based system for the examinations.

What kind of effect have you seen since the introduction of learningBOX?

We have received a great deal of feedback from our stores saying that it has been very helpful for them to be able to take their promotion exams on the web, which has streamlined their operations. After taking the promotion test online for two hours at the store, they can go straight to their shift. I think it was worthwhile to introduce this system.

Also, they seem to be able to take the exam without much nervousness because they can take the exam at their own store, using a computer they are familiar with. The program seems to reduce not only the physical aspect but also the psychological load, which is an unexpected benefit.

Just a few days ago, we conducted another promotion test and were able to get the results the same evening. This has made it very easy work-wise to take the next action immediately.

Intuitive to use and attractive to a wide variety of question formats, to be introduced in the franchise division as well.

You mentioned that the exhibition was the catalyst for your decision. There are many companies that offer e-learning services, but could you tell us what made you choose learningBOX?

We were looking for a system that could meet all of our requirements, including cost and the "ease of use" we were looking for, but we happened to come across your company when we were thinking that we could not find anything that fit the bill. Just when I was thinking that this exhibition might not yield anything, I had a very good encounter with you.

In addition to the fact that it was offered at a fairly low cost, when we actually checked out the UI at the booth, we found it intuitive and very easy to use. The fact that it has a variety of functions as standard, in addition to being able to utilize it in exams, was also a major deciding factor. Eventually, I would like to use it not only for promotional exams, but also as a learning tool.

What parts of the system did you find particularly "user-friendly"?

In creating the test,13 types of questionsWith learningBOX, when I want to test my knowledge in a test, it is very helpful to have a question format that I can pinpoint and check. If there were only four types of questions, we would have to think of different ways to ask knowledge questions for each of the four types of questions. However, learningBOX is very easy to create questions because it allows both writing and filling in the blanks.

One is the ease of use on the part of the creator, and the other is that it is multi-device compatible. The number of examinees is increasing every year, as not only employees but also partners (part-timers and part-timers) are able to take the exam for promotion. In this case, being able to take the exam on a smartphone or tablet is a very important point.

Our company has a "position partner" system, which allows partners to become store managers, assistant managers, and managers, and we had about 150 partners take the exam for promotion that we recently held. The exam was taken by about 150 partners, who were able to take the exam in their own familiar environment and with their smartphones, without having to come to our offices in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, etc. We were very pleased with the results, not only for the participants but also for us. This has been very helpful, not only for the participants, but for us as well, since we no longer have to travel to the examinations as examiners.

Do your staff members feel any resistance about taking promotion exams at their personal terminals?

Since the smartphone was his own, which he uses on a daily basis, and before taking the promotion exam, he had it tested for the same operation as the actual exam, there were no major problems. The most recent promotional exam was also completed without any problems.

Now you are introducing learningBOX not only to the promotion examinations of directly managed stores, but also to the franchise department.

Yes, it seems that the franchise division has decided to introduce this system. Basically we have been using it for promotion exams for our directly managed stores, but the franchise division also had some issues related to training. There was a lack of time, and the franchise department did not have the opportunity to test their knowledge after their own training.

It is precisely in the franchise sector that the learningBOX is useful, as cost and time are major issues. It is really reassuring to be able to take the test and learn in my usual environment. I also like the fact that I can take the test as many times as I want until I reach a passing score.

I want to use it for knowledge sharing such as manuals.

I got the impression that you put a lot of effort into in-house training.

Actually, we don't really think in terms of "education. Our company's management philosophy is "Smile & Sexy," and our management philosophy is about people living their lives as human beings, in their own way. People who want to live their lives in their own way have taken the trouble to choose this company. I believe that the fundamental philosophy of the people who have chosen to come to our company is their desire to "let their individuality shine. As a result, I feel that this desire is connected to the education of our employees.

We also insist on providing feedback on the results of the course. Individual course results are entrusted to the participant's supervisor, and only pass/fail results are disclosed to the participant himself/herself. The exam questions are divided into sections such as Management Philosophy, Food Hygiene, Compliance, and Subordinate Training, and the percentage of points for each section is calculated. We request that superiors focus on the sections in which the trainees were weak.

Can you tell us how you plan to use learningBOX in the future?

We are currently considering using it as a learning tool as well as a promotion test. "Show/Hide WorkbookI think there was a feature called "I am thinking of using this feature as a learning tool.

We hope to supplement your studies with a tool to help you learn what is in the manual and to confirm what you have studied.

What do you value most in training new employees and partners?

It is about not giving up on individual potential. I don't give up, but I also have a rule within myself not to have strange expectations. The other person is different from me, so what I can do may not necessarily be possible for the other person, and vice versa. I also believe that it is difficult to convey my thoughts to the other person with 100% certainty. However, I don't think you should crush the person's potential, and you should not give up on that person's potential.

We have overcome a lot of frustration to reach this idea. Our company's management philosophy, "Smile & Sexy," which I mentioned earlier, is about people living their lives as human beings, in their own way. It is a company that is very passionate about people, and the manager and assistant manager of the store that took care of me right after I joined the company were very enthusiastic about educating and training me in a way that they really cared about me.

Now that I am in the position of educating people, I would like to continue to provide the kind of people-oriented education that my predecessors have provided me. I would like to further accelerate human resource development by combining that desire with the IT technology learningBOX.

Thank you for your participation

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