Release note

functional improvement

System Analysis > Operation Log
1. Removed unnecessary tab opening/closing behavior when downloading from "Create CSV".
1. Due to the company name change, the name of the payee on invoices/contract processing notification e-mails has been changed to the new company name.
2. Email address for quotation/invoice changed due to company name change.
3. "/ (slash)" was added between the fee and term in the [QuizGenerator License] panel to unify the notation.
Manage Exemption
1. In the [Exemption Designation Details] screen, in the [Content Storage Location] section, the tooltip now displays the abbreviated hierarchy of "Course Name" > ... > "Folder Name where exempted materials are stored".
Manage contents
1. When editing quizzes and tests containing audio shortcodes, line breaks are no longer inserted at the end.
2. In [Quiz/Test Creation Form], "Align Left/Center/Align Right/Align Both" was removed from the TinyMCE toolbar for the choices.
3. If you uploaded a SCORM material file from the "Select File" menu of the [Quiz/Test Creation Form], you will get an error message that says, "No question file exists in the ZIP archive. Please save the question file as 'quiz.txt', 'quiz.tsv' or 'quiz.xlsx'. The error message "The problem file does not exist in the ZIP archive.
4. In the [Typing Creation Form], it has been modified so that a single line of questions cannot be deleted.
5. In the [Content Allocation] modal, the content title has been adjusted to fit within the modal even if it is a long sentence and alphanumeric characters.
Grade Control > Reports Tab
1. When downloading from "Create Excel", the quiz/test report has been modified to output "answer contents and attached file name" for "text input & file submission" and "handwritten submission available" for "handwriting by pen".
Product management / Curriculum management / Seminar management / Training management
1. In the preview screen of registration/update, when clicking the "Preview" button of a product/curriculum/seminar/training that uses the preview function, the alert "Cannot display due to preview screen" has been modified.
API Integration
1. Modified to be able to retrieve the distribution of scores/score ratio/scores from the Batch Score Retrieval API.
Email Settings
1. In each [Edit Template] screen of [New/Edit Email], the name displayed in [Preview] has been modified to display the name of the currently logged-in user.
1. Modified to allow sliding even when the PC browser screen width is narrow.
1. The maximum number of characters in an e-mail address has been changed to 135.
2. When logged in as a user with only group management privileges (view), the "Gear" button on the "User Management" screen has been changed so that the "Display Settings" can be displayed.
If a user is granted group management privileges (view) and access privileges to the settings page, the "Gear" button will display "Display Settings" and "User Operation Log".
3. Added the note "*Only the owner can view the operation logs of deleted users" to the [User Operation Log] screen. The note "*Operation logs of deleted users can only be viewed by the owner" has been added to the [User Operation Log] screen.
Merge users
1. In the [Integrate] tab, the Product/Curriculum/Seminar/Training group is no longer displayed in the group pull-down menu.
Select Course/Tally Board/Specific Materials > CSV
1. Modified so that the text string as answered in the survey is displayed on the tally board.
Select a course
1. Fanfare display for badge acquisition has been modified so that the fanfare will be displayed even if the user backs up the browser after learning a quiz or test before moving to the results screen.
2. In the teaching material navigation window, the folder name in the hierarchy one level above the content being studied has been adjusted to fit within the frame even when the name is a long alphanumeric character.
3. When a report assignment with "Grading Workflow: On" is submitted and graded and then resubmitted, the "Waiting for Grading" status is now displayed in the course material navigation window.
4. Modified to display an indicator while searching for keywords to indicate that a search is in progress.
Find Products / Find Curriculum / Find Seminars / Find Training
1. When using the Internet Explorer browser, we have made adjustments to the details screen of related persons so that the characters will fit within the frame of [Introduction of Successful Candidates / Introduction of Lecturers / Introduction of Organizers] even when the name/abstract has many consecutive one-byte alphanumeric characters and the number of characters is large.
Manage badges
1. Added a button linking to the [How to use page].
2. When you create/update/delete a badge, the message "Saved" or "Deleted" will be displayed. or "Deleted. message is displayed when creating, updating, or deleting a badge.
Badge list
1. Modified so that the [Go to contents] modal can also be closed with the esc key.
Check utilization
1. In the "List of Logged-in Users" screen, the "Login/Name" field name has been changed to display the name of the field set in the "Input Field Settings" screen.
Account Billing Management > Select Billing Plan
1. When the language is set to "English", the credit card expiration date is now displayed as "month/year".

Bug Fixes

System Analysis > Operation Log
1. There was a bug that more than the number of items displayed or none of the items displayed were displayed depending on the page.
Content Management/Choose a course
1. When media that had already been set in TinyMCE for [Quiz/Test Creation Form] was deleted and changed to another media, there was a bug in which the media before the deleted change was played back, so the media after the change was played back.
2. In TinyMCE of [Quiz/Test Creation Form], there was a bug that when uploading media with a blank space in the file name, it could not be played and the file path would be incorrect when re-editing the media, so we have fixed it so that it can be played even if the file name has a blank space.
Manage contents
1. When editing a quiz or test using the Suspend/Resume function, there was a bug that caused a modal to be displayed saying [Suspended results are available] even if the status was "Passed/Failed/Executed".
An error occurred when uploading files larger than 2.1 GB.
1. When logging in and logging out repeatedly in a short period of time, there was a bug that the message "You have been automatically logged out. was displayed when logging out after a short period of time.
Select a course
1. A bug that caused blank pages to be displayed when learning notes created and studied before learningBOX 2.11 were updated to the generator with learningBOX 2.12.28 to 2.18.31 versions, has been corrected so that they are displayed correctly.
2. Fixed a problem in which the [Awaiting Grades] status was not displayed in the course details when resubmitting a report assignment with "Grading Workflow: On" set after submission and grading.
3. When clicking on "View Clear Condition" with a badge set, a bug was found that "Failed to retrieve data for clear condition. was displayed and data could not be acquired.
4. A bug that prevented the "Awaiting Grades" status from being displayed in the course details after a report assignment was submitted and graded as "Failed/Allowed to resubmit" and then studied and submitted again, has been corrected so that the "Awaiting Grades" status is still displayed when the assignment is submitted a second time.
5. In the course details, there was a problem in which if one user who could study the same report assignment obtained a "Waiting for Grades" status, the "Waiting for Grades" status was also displayed to other users who had not yet submitted the report.
Score Analysis
1. In [Quiz/Test Creation Form], there was a bug in which analysis results were displayed when the "Mode" item was deleted.
1 If the "Mode" item is deleted from a quiz/test in Normal mode, it is treated as Master mode and no analysis results will be displayed.
2 Quizzes and tests in Master Mode are not displayed in Analyze Results.
1. In the Reports tab, there was a bug that the "Operating Users" pull-down was corrupted when reloading with the "Import List" checked, and this has been corrected to be displayed correctly.
2. In the [By Material] tab, there was a bug that once a content was selected, the tooltip "You can take a quiz or survey" would not disappear and would continue to appear. was not disappearing and remained on the screen.
3. After following the steps below, there was a bug that the source user's selection was not reflected when the "Resubmit" pull-down window was opened after grading a report assignment of the user to be merged.
    Each user who will be integrated will submit a report assignment.
    Grade the report assignment of the user you plan to integrate with and select "Allow" from the "Resubmit" pull-down menu.
    The same user resubmits a report assignment
    Integrate Users
    Grade the report assignment for the user you are integrating with and select "Allow" from the "Resubmit" pull-down menu.
    Re-integrate users without un-integrating
Grade Control/Choose a Course>Course Details
1. On mobile devices, there was a bug that "Save PDF" could not be saved correctly when clicking "Save PDF" from the detail screen of the certificate results, so this has been corrected so that it can be saved.
2. When deleting content after studying shortcut content distributed by other owners, the "Question/Explanation/Section Name" was not displayed on the Grade Details screen.
1. There was a bug in which the status of an upcoming plan created by auto-renewal was not changed to "Canceled" if the plan had been created with "Auto-renewal toggle: Off" and no payment had been made when the start date of the plan was reached.
2. When subscribing to design customization with auto-renewal, "Design customization" was not selected on the "Upgrade" screen.
3. On the order screen for contract renewal, there was a bug that "Domain name acquisition agent" and "SSL setting agent" could be selected when a monthly contract was selected; this has been corrected so that they cannot be selected.
API Integration
1. In the Batch Grades API, there was a bug in which half-width numbers were output to [result] when partial points were set for quiz/test grades.
Account Billing Management > Select Billing Plan
1. When the language was set to "English," there was a bug in which the free period and the subscription plan period were displayed in duplicate.
Content Management > Quiz and Test Creation Forms / Notification Management / User Management / Email Invitation Settings / Upgrade > Increase Number of Accounts, Add Options, Order Additional Spots
1. When the language was set to "English," the [?] button did not move to the "How to use" page when the language was set to "English".
single sign-on
1. When logging in using single sign-on, there was a bug that did not allow users to move to the specified shortcut course/folder/content screen.
2. When using single sign-on and setting grade management privileges (edit/view), there was a bug that prevented setting or deleting shortcut courses/folders.
Curriculum Selection History
1. On mobile devices, there was a bug in which the "Out of Publication Period" text was not displayed on the [Curriculum Selection History] screen when a curriculum that was set to be closed or scheduled to be open to the public was selected.
1. In the groups of products/curriculum/seminars/training/distribution courses, there was a bug that an empty CSV was downloaded when a group download was performed.

Bug Fixes

Manage contents
1. In the [Quiz/Test Creation Form], there was a bug that the [Drop here to add folder item] text did not appear and an error message was displayed when the following actions were taken; this has been corrected so that the text appears immediately.
Open the [Upload/Select File] screen under [Insert/Edit Image].
Click the "Discard and Return" button after inserting an image in [Insert/Edit Image], and then open the [Upload/Select File] screen of [Insert/Edit Image] from [Quiz and Test Creation Form] again.

functional improvement

Search form to narrow down your search criteria
1. Modified so that the period is not changed even if the mouse wheel is operated on the input form of [Specify period].
1. The "By Question" tab has been changed to the "By Material" tab.
Manage badges
1. The order of the [List of Badges Granted] display has been changed to be in descending order of acquisition date and time.
Reservation history by training
1. When [Reservation history by training program (for related parties) / Ticket list (for related parties)] is displayed in English, the "Click here to check available number" button will be wrapped around if the screen size is too small.
1. Fixed a bug in which an error message was displayed when "0" was entered in the user registration field, because some fields could not be registered correctly or were left blank.
Product List
1. The number of remaining seats available for purchase on the product detail screen has been modified to be counted correctly.
Product Details
1. In the case of a product purchased on behalf of a customer, if the customer does not have the group management authority and cannot purchase the product, the message "Unavailable. is displayed if the user does not have [Group Management Authorization] and is unable to purchase the product.
Product Details / Seminar Details / Training Details / Curriculum Details
1. When using the Internet Explorer browser, if the "Related Person's Name" in the "Related Person's Details" screen contains a large number of consecutive one-byte alphanumeric characters, the characters would be displayed outside of the frame of the related person's name.
Select a course
1. After studying materials with quizzes uploaded as SCORM, the "Return to previous screen" button and the white button with no text were displayed, but we have modified it so that only the blue "Again" button is displayed.
2. When the study screen is opened from the course details screen, the name of the currently displayed course material in the "Course Material Navigation" screen will also be scrolled.
Operation Log
1. Modified so that users with [Settings Page Access Authorization] can also view the page.
IP Restriction Management
1. When searching in the [Search Filter], the search results for "_ (underscore)" and "% (percent)" are now also displayed.
Access Log / Details of Results / List of Supported Devices / Logged-in Accounts
1. MacOS version display has been modified to show 10.15.7 or higher for MacOS 10.15 or higher; Firefox only shows 10.15 or higher.
1. Changed the old company name on the [PayPal Payment Method] screen to the new company name.
Message Box
1. Modified so that users with [Message Box Management Authority] can view the [Participant List] even if they created a message box with the [Allow replies] check unchecked.

Bug Fixes

1. In the [User Registration/Edit] modal, there was a bug that the icon of the group added through the Kao Navi linkage became the icon of the "Normal Group"; this has been corrected to display the group icon for Kao Navi linkage.
2. The [User Management] settings displayed to users with certain privileges were excessive or insufficient, and have been corrected so that only the necessary items are displayed.
Select a course
1. There was a bug in which the original content was skipped after learning the content set in [Linked Content Settings].
2. When moving to the upper level in the breadcrumb list, a bug that did not move to and highlight the course/folder opened on the previous page has been corrected to ensure correct operation.
3. A bug that prevented the "View Clear Conditions" button from being displayed when [Clear Conditions] with "Get Badge" added was placed under a folder that was not assigned, has been corrected so that it is displayed.
4. In the survey, there was a bug that the pulldowns did not disappear after the user selected a choice.
5. After opening a content and clicking the [X] button of the content, it was automatically reloaded to the top of the course details screen.
6. In the Quiz/Test Score Detail screen, there was a bug in which the same wording as the image file name of some file extensions was not displayed correctly when it was included in the question text.
1. In [Dashboard Settings], when the panels "Course List" and "Newest First" were added and the language setting was switched to English, an error occurred and the panel was not displayed.
API Integration
1. Fixed a bug that caused an error when retrieving account data for a large number of accounts, so that the data is now retrieved correctly.
Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug in which the preview of an image file once canceled did not disappear when the file was selected in [Set Image] of Course/Folder/Contents, so that the preview will disappear if the file is canceled.
2. In embedded videos, there was a bug that the time required was not displayed if the embed code was pasted when creating content and then saved without clicking any location.
3. In Quiz/Test, there was a bug in the file submission settings for the "Report/Survey Description" question format that the maximum capacity for each subscription plan was not displayed correctly.
Page After Sign-in Settings
1. Fixed a bug in which certain characters were not reflected correctly when entered in the [Contents] field of the welcome page.
Content Management / Grade Details
1. In the quiz/test, there was a problem with characters disappearing when "" (double quotation marks) were entered in the title of [Related Contents].
Public Courses
1. Fixed a problem in which content was not displayed when a course distributed by "Distribute Course (Other Owner Environment)" from another account was made available to the public, so that the content is displayed only when logged in with the assigned account.
Grade Management>Grades List
1. There was a bug that the language of the "Results List" in the breadcrumb list was not immediately switched when the language setting was switched in the header after clicking the "Details" button.

Bug Fixes

PUSH notification setting
1. In the [Notification History] tab, there was a bug that the correct data values were not being sent in the [Contents] section.

functional improvement

1. When selecting an invoice on the "Payment Procedures" screen, a message has been modified to indicate that the auto-renewal toggle must be turned off by the user before payment is made if auto-renewal is not desired.
Ranking Board
1. Modified to display "No display name setting" or "No name" when there is no display name/name setting.
2. The results of the status that is being studied in the quiz in Master Mode are no longer displayed on the [Ranking Board].
1. Changed the wording of the tooltip in the Edit Group modal from "Rename the currently selected group" to "Edit the currently selected group information.
1. In the [Reports] tab, when the import history is displayed after batch grading of reports, it has been modified so that it can be searched by the operation user.
2. Modified to display deleted operation users in the Reports tab.
Exemption Designation Details
1. In the [Add Exemptions] modal, when a user with grade management privileges for both the source and target courses of a shortcut course specifies content, selecting either the source course or the target course will automatically specify the other course. The following changes have been made to the system.
Check utilization
1. The tooltip displayed when hovering the mouse over "Number of logins" has been adjusted.
 Site customizer
1. Modified the [Side Menu Settings] screen to require the URL if the appearance is that of a button.
1. In [Review Management], the calendar on the right side of the date of submission was being displayed with a cutout on certain screen sizes.
2. Improved the [Receipt Setup] screen to display an incorrect zip code message when an incorrect zip code is entered and searched.
Training course building
1. The design of the [Training Details] screen has been adjusted so that the display will not be corrupted even if many periods are set.
PUSH notification setting
1. Modified so that PUSH notifications are sent even for badges acquired by exemption designation.
Merge users
1. The order of the group pull-down list in the [Integrate] tab has been unified with the [User Management] tab.

Bug Fixes

1. Fixed a problem in which the owner did not receive the contract renewal notification e-mail when creating the next plan with automatic continuation if the setting authority withdrew/deleted the membership after placing an order.
Select a course
A bug that prevented the check status from being retained when learning and closing a bug note that had uploaded a zip created prior to has been corrected so that the check status is retained.
2. Fixed a bug in which course names that were not assigned were displayed in folder shortcuts.
3. Fixed a bug in which the breadcrumb list of the target content in the [Clear condition to proceed] modal was displayed with the name of the folder from which the shortcut was not assigned.
4. In the bug-snipped notes, when superscript or subscript was set to a bug-snipped area, the text was not partially hidden; this bug has been corrected so that the text is now completely hidden.
5. A bug that caused a message with a wide width to be displayed when the clear condition was met and the next material could be studied, was corrected to be displayed with an appropriate width.
6. In report assignments, there was a bug in which a message was not displayed when the clear condition was met and the next material could be studied.
7. Fixed a bug that caused the user to be redirected to the [Select Course] screen after studying the material from within a folder shortcut, so that the user is redirected to [Course Details] in the folder.
8. Regarding the display of folder names in [Target Contents] in the [Clear Condition to Proceed] modal, there was a bug that the folder name of the source folder of the shortcut was displayed when the shortcut folder was set as the clear condition.
9. In the [Clear condition to proceed] modal, there was a bug in the display of the breadcrumb list under [Target badge] that it did not display correctly if the learner had only the shortcut destination folder assigned content and not the shortcut source folder. This problem has been corrected to be displayed correctly.
1. Fixed a bug that allowed the display/selection of invitation mail templates without group management authority.
Access Log
1. When viewing the access log on a mobile device, the "Upgrade" button was different from the display on other screens, so the design was adjusted.
2. There was a bug that access date and time were not always displayed in descending order when users were merged, so it was corrected to display in descending order.
Manage contents
1. There was a bug that prevented scrolling in the [Set Badge] modal when there are many content categories.
2. Create a shortcut folder of a folder where content with a badge is placed with "Clear condition: Clear when badge is obtained" set as the destination when clicking the name of the content displayed in "Clear condition to proceed" in the "Clear condition to proceed" modal. [When a learner clicked on the shortcut folder displayed in the [Clear condition to proceed] modal, the transition destination would be [Select course]. Course Details].
Public Courses
1. Fixed a bug in which folders in a course were not displayed when a course shortcut was published under "Public Course".
List of Products / List of Seminars / List of Curriculum / List of Training
1. Fixed a bug in which sort conditions were not retained.
account billing
1. A bug that prevented the purchase of eligible products after plan cancellation, even within the expiration date, has been corrected so that they can be purchased.
Account Application Management
1. In the date search form on the right side of the application date, there was a bug that the selected date was not included in the search results.
single sign-on
1. Fixed a bug in which users were redirected to [Dashboard] without redirecting to the specified URL when single sign-on was performed with the URL of educational material content specified.
Answer Details
1. There was a bug in which multiple copies of the same gradebook were displayed on the same page when opening [Grade Details], so this has been corrected so that only one copy is displayed.
Score management notification history
1. In the [Grade Control Notification Email Filtering Criteria] modal, there was a bug in which the users scheduled to be sent did not match the filtering criteria in [Grade Control], so this has been corrected to display correctly.
Site Customizer / Free Plan Registration
1. There was a bug in which the SNS integration button was displayed on the "Free Plan" registration screen when the SNS integration button was set to OFF in the [Login Form Settings] tab.
Welcome page
1. A bug in which certain settings in the "Common Settings" tab, "Login Enabled Device Settings" tab, and "Security Settings" tabs of the "Page Setup Immediately After Login" screen were not displayed to first-time log-in users.

functional improvement

Learn Contents
1. The [Again] button is now displayed when the number of times the limit has not been reached when the quiz results screen is reached. If you are allowed to study again, you can study again from the result screen.
2. Adjusted the design of the [Clear condition to proceed] modal in the material navigation.
3. Adjusted the design of the ranking board.
Manage contents
1. Modified the [Open period setting] modal placeholder to display the full text on all devices, since the end of the sentence was not displayed on some devices.
2. The error message displayed when a course set in Products / Seminars / Curriculum / Training is moved to another course or folder has been modified to indicate which type is set.
Email Settings
1. When setting common items, if the corresponding language is changed without saving after editing a template, a message will be displayed to the effect that the edited contents are discarded.
order screen
1. The price of the [Dedicated Server / Own Domain] option for design customization has been changed due to a price revision. The new prices will be effective from July 21, 2022.

Bug Fixes

Learn Contents
1. Regarding the [Re-select learner] of the selection type content, there was a problem in which learners could change their selection of materials even if [Cannot change if grade is available] was set.
2. When the [Clear condition to move on] modal was displayed in the teaching material navigation, there was a bug that prevented the display/non-display of [Contents for which this badge can be acquired].
3. There was a bug that material after the clear condition bar was grayed out and could not be studied even if the clear condition breakthrough condition was met.
1. A bug was found in which nothing was displayed for the most recent study graph when the graph format was specified as [line graph].
Order History
1. There was a bug that prevented correct searches for [Total Amount] in the search criteria.
Payment procedure screen
1. There was a bug in which the correct amount was not displayed for the amount for the second year and thereafter in the contents of new (additional) orders when auto-renewal was turned on.
Check socres
1. Regarding the "Forced Grading" button on the tab by teaching material, there was a bug that the "Forced Grading" modal was not displayed when the "Forced Grading" button was clicked while the teaching material to be displayed was specified.
2. In the "My Results/List" tab, there was a bug in which results other than the highest score were displayed.
Content Advance Explanation
1. The display of teaching materials in the [Template Assignment] modal was not displaying correctly depending on the setting status of the user's content assignment setting authority.
PayPal Settlement
1. Due to a specification change on the PayPal side that occurred around late June 2022, there was a problem with receiving payment notifications for plans / EC products / EC seminars that were paid for via PayPal.

Bug Fixes

Scoring and Analysis
1. A bug that caused users with grade management privileges to be redirected to the page immediately after login when they clicked on the contents of the tab by teaching material or accessed grade analysis, has been corrected so that the page is displayed correctly instead of redirecting to the previous page.
*This did not affect customers using design customization.

functional improvement

Account Application Management
1. Modified so that when searching for users in an environment using the account application registration function, the search can be narrowed down by the status of "not activated".

Group batch registration/update
1. Changed so that only the error message with the highest priority is displayed if there are multiple errors during registration.

1. Changed so that the purchase history button is not displayed to users other than those who belong to the subdomain owner environment.

1. Changed the range in which the maximum number of account registrations, group name, and group code can be edited from "the group to which the authority is assigned" to "the hierarchy under the group to which the authority is assigned" when the user has the authority to edit a part of the group.

Manage contents
1. In the quiz/test creation form, the option items of "Title of the screen waiting for scoring" and "Message of the screen waiting for scoring" were modified so that they can be displayed in tinyMCE.

Operation Log
1. Regarding the display of operating users, the display of users who have not registered their name/display name has been modified so that the display name is displayed for users who have not registered their name, and the login ID is displayed for users who have not registered their name and display name.

Select a course
1. Modified to display an indicator when opening courses/folders/materials.

1. Changed the link to the usage page in the "User Permission Settings" section.

Bug Fixes

Scoring and Analysis
1. Fixed a bug that prevented CSV output of questionnaires from version 3.0.10 or earlier on the Grades by Course Material screen.
2. Fixed a bug in which the conditions narrowed down in the Grade List tab were taken over in the By Course Materials tab.

1. There was a bug that caused an error when a 13-digit phone number was set in the convenience store (GMO-PG) settings screen, which was corrected so that the error would not occur during convenience store payment.

Training course building
1. A bug in the CSV output of reservation history by training (for related parties) did not output as shown in the list, so it has been corrected to output as shown.

Selective content
1. When clicking the Start/Continue button on the Select Course screen after selecting elective content, "Please select content" was not displayed.

Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug in which the content description at the bottom of the screen moved to the top of the screen when the content was saved.

1. In the Message Box Management Authority Settings screen, there was a bug in which the icons of groups added through Kaonavi integration were not displayed correctly.
2. When the Group Management Authority modal was opened by a user with some Group Management Authority and Authorization Grant Authority, if the authorization for all users had already been set, a bug was found that the modal was displayed as blank and could be deleted.

1. There was a bug that when a user applied for a paid plan with expired options, the amount of the expired options was included in the second year price display.

Order History
1. There was a bug that an error message was displayed when searching by "order date" or "payment due date" and the search could not be performed.

Summary board
1. When a tally board was set up for a quiz that included answer handover content, there was a bug that the handover content was not displayed on the tally board.

functional improvement

order screen
1. Changed so that the spot order screen cannot be accessed when there is an unpaid principal contract.
2. Unnecessary slash symbols have been removed from the Order Summary/Quote Issuance/Payment Procedure screen when applying for a QuizGenerator license.
3. Added the phrase "buy outright" on the Order Summary/Quote Issuance screen when applying for copy right non-display.

1. Adjusted the height of the curriculum/products/seminar related panels.

View Grades/Total Board
1. Modified to display formulas more neatly.

Manage contents
1. Modified to display an indicator after clicking the Save/Delete button for linked content settings.

API Integration
1. In each API, the default value is applied to the result when no value, blank or negative value is specified for limit/offset.

Bug Fixes

Course Details
1. There was a bug in which the icons for Grades/Ranking Board/Tally Board could not be clicked after the completion of the course with a limit on the number of lessons.

Check socres
1. When a communication failure occurred and the user tried to resend the results from the terminal, the resend function was stopped if the attempt failed.

order screen
1. A bug that prevented the correct amount from being displayed when returning from the payment procedure screen to the add option screen, has been corrected so that the correct amount is displayed.
2. In the screen for changing the number of users and midway through the license period, there was a problem in which the contract details after the change were displayed in the monthly view when a one-year extension was selected.

API Integration
1. When retrieving the list of access lists and the list of login restrictions and content viewing restrictions, an error could occur due to the way limit and offset are combined, so this has been corrected to prevent errors.
2. Fixed a bug in which the results of the educational material viewing restrictions were displayed when updating the login restrictions with both login restrictions and educational material viewing restrictions in place.

withdrawal from a group
1. Fixed a bug in which emails were not sent to the destination that had been set for to/cc/bcc in the unsubscription notification email, so that they are sent.

functional improvement

Course Details
1. Faster display of course details screen.

order screen
1. Modified so that email notifications regarding invoice payment deadlines are also sent to the order's registered email address.

1. Modified so that search conditions are retained even after returning to the Grade List screen after setting search conditions on the Grade List screen and opening the detail screen of the displayed grades.
2. Faster display after search including unlearned.

Payment processing setup/account billing management
1. The transition destination for links related to the Special Commercial Code has been changed.

Public Courses
1. Course icon (green flag) display is now supported.

Manage contents
1. We have modified the quiz/test creation form to display a message when saving images and other media used in the quiz/test creation form when the corresponding media does not exist, and to prevent accidental saving, the Save button cannot be clicked. When using the form for a long period of time, please save the form and if this message is displayed, please try reloading the screen (refresh) or logging out/logging in again.

Bug Fixes

Course Details
1. In the "Using Grading Workflow" On report assignment, there was a bug that the grade button and favorite button could not be pressed after submission.
2. There was a bug in which the limit of the number of times a course could be taken was not increased even if multiple purchases were made for materials for which the limit was set to "per purchase.

Manage contents
1. A bug in which color settings were not reflected in video materials set in MOVIE-2.1.0 has been corrected.
2. Fixed a bug that allowed students to learn without selecting the selection type content, so that students can learn only after selecting.
3. Fixed a bug that prevented scrolling of the selective content modal when selecting "Back" from the alert display after editing selective content.
4. "Set Teaching Material Assignment" was not displayed in the Edit menu for selective content.
5. A bug that allowed courses included in Products/Seminars/Curriculum to be moved by dragging them to the side panel has been corrected so that they cannot be moved.

List of Selected Contents
1. Fixed a bug that prevented resetting the selection status of members.

1. There was a bug that "Other Orders" was not a link, so we fixed it so that you will be redirected to the link when you click on it.

Access Log
1. There was a bug in which the date in the Access Date column was not displayed correctly in browsers with the language set to English.

Manage seminars
1. Fixed a bug in which the pagination was displayed vertically in the "Check Available Numbers" modal, so it is now displayed horizontally.

API Integration
1. Fixed a bug in which an error did not occur when specifying a group ID when adding or updating login restrictions or content viewing restrictions.

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