Bug Fixes
Quiz creation form
1. Solved the problem where the explanations are displayed twice when you input explanations to the description, multiple description, description+, and fill-in-the-blank questions in the question form.
Quiz creation form
1. Solved the problem where the explanations are displayed twice when you input explanations to the description, multiple description, description+, and fill-in-the-blank questions in the question form.
Group management
1. Problem solved where the email template could not be selected when performing a bulk invite.
1. Solved the problem that the line feed is not performed correctly in the answer details screen when you fill in multiple lines in the questionnaire.
1. Problem solved where the back button would not work on iOS devices (iPhone/iPad, etc.) after submitting a report.
1. Problem solved where the grade details screen would not be displayed.
1. Disabled the search condition narrowing function by text input in the score management.
2. Changed so that if a score is set, the scoring will be done with the set score.
3. Changed the total score to be 100 points when grading within a quiz question.
1. Problem solved where narrowing down teaching materials and groups did not work on smartphones and tablet devices such as iPhone and Andoroid.
2. Solved the problem that 0 cannot be set in the grading of quiz materials when the score is set to "1″.
1. When grading quiz questions, if the total score is set to exceed 100 points, the score will no longer be 100 points.
2. When narrowing down by problem type, two questionnaires that were displayed have been merged into one.
3. The notation of ISPRING teaching materials has been changed to iSpring. (To unify the product name)
Learn Contents
1. Problem solved where the search function would not work unless the user had permission to manage the materials.
Quiz creation form
1. Fixed a problem where sections were missing when importing an Excel file and editing it on the question form.
Submitted report list screen
1. Problem solved where grades would not be displayed for users who have partial permissions related to grades.
1. Changed the report grading in quiz materials to show "Please choose" instead of "Status" in the initial state.
2. In the modal of the report scoring in the quiz, when a score higher than the assigned score is entered, the score will be scored with the score set in the assigned score.
3.When downloading a CSV file, if the score is an empty string, the score is treated as 1. If a value of 0 or 1 or more is set, the calculation is performed using the specified score.
4. Added the items of the score, score ratio, and score to the answer details CSV of the question tab.
5.The item of the allotment, the score rate, and the score was added to the CSV of the grade details screen.
6. Added a function to display only the questions that received partial marks in the score details screen.
7. In the CSV file for each question, the count of correct/incorrect answers and values other than correct/incorrect (partial points and waitlist) are not counted.
8. In the CSV output (answer details and answer total) of the question detail screen of the question tab of the score management screen, the partial marks display and the display of marks waiting are supported.
9. In the CSV output of answer details, the grades of partial marks received from QuizGenerator were changed to be output as partial marks.
10. Changed so that if a score is set for a partial correct answer, the score will be displayed as a partial score.
11. In the detailed grade display, even if a question has a grade, the score percentage will be displayed in the same way as the part received from QuizGenerator.
12. Learners' answers are now displayed with special symbols (e.g. ) converted () except for multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and combination questions on the score details screen.
13. Changed so that grades are displayed even for materials that have not been assigned.
Quiz creation form
1. Changed so that a warning message is displayed when a user tries to leave the page without submitting a question in the question creation form.
delivered-mail function
1. Changed the layout of the invitation email template function email address input field.
Group management
1. Changed so that the Edit Email button and Help button on the Member Registration page are only displayed if you are an administrator or a user with group administration rights for all created groups.
1. In the questionnaire creation function, the section name part was not processed to convert HTML tags, so it was changed to process to convert HTML tags.
2. Changed to remove double quotation marks and backslashes in the survey creation function.
Learn Contents
1. Chemical structural formulae are now supported by images.
Contents management
1. Changed so that multiple choice questions can be created even when there are no labels.
Terms and Conditions
1. Added paragraph 6 to Article 3 of the learningBOX Terms of Use and changed the revision date to August 16.
1. Resolved a problem where users with grade management privileges could not see their own grades when they were set to not be able to see them.
2. In the grade details screen, the problem where questions awaiting grading would not be displayed when narrowing down the list of questions awaiting grading has been set has been resolved.
3. Resolved an issue where the number of wrongly answered questions in the quiz report grading modal (the window that appears) was NaN (no score).
4. Problem solved where popup display would be incorrect if the name of the teaching material contained special characters in the grade list screen.
5. Problem solved where the browser would stop working when displaying individual results.
1. In the "Learning" screen, when the status of a question is "Learning", the "Learning" status is not displayed.
1. Shortened the time it takes for individual results to be displayed.
Group management
1. Problem solved where member registration in CSV format could not be performed on the member management screen when using IE11 or Edge.
Quiz creation form
1.Fixed the problem where the voice synthesiser could not play back the voice when using the Sort by question function.
2. Fixed a problem in which editing a question with a score set would cause the score setting to disappear.
Report Management
1.XSS (Cross Site Scripting) countermeasure (process to replace special symbols () etc. with () etc.) has been implemented.
This prevents unauthorized acquisition of data from outside.
Quiz creation form
1.When an error occurs, the function that scrolls to the place where the error occurred has been implemented.
Manage Members
1. Changed "Nickname" label to "Display Name" in user CSV import.
2.In the user CSV import, changed to judge whether the mail address is correct and whether the name is correct in the name, display name, and mail address as well as the Web registration form.
1. Changed so that the group selection criteria are not inherited when you move from the group to your own results display.
Quiz creation form
1.Fixed an issue where the HTML editor options were not working properly.
2. Resolved an issue where media insertion would be recognized as an iframe tag when attempting to insert media.
1. With the report scoring function in the quiz<p>etc. were being displayed.
2. Problem solved where the user name would not be displayed correctly.