Release note

functional improvement

User Interface
1. Faster display of the content study screen.
Choose a course (before login)
1. The message "Please log in or register a new account to proceed to the next step." that appears in the modal when you click on a content. message that appears in the modal when clicking on content has been changed to "Please log in or register to proceed to the next step. has been changed to "Please log in or register to proceed to the next step.
Content Management > Upload PDF
1. Changed "learner" to "user" in "Do not let the learner choose another scroll".
1. The message displayed when clicking the "Save" button in the "Grade Control Authority" modal has been changed to read "Grade Control Authority has been saved.
Security settings
1. Added a note in the "Enable Automatic Logout" panel: "If you exit the window without logging out, or if communication is lost, you will be logged out after one hour regardless of this setting." has been added.
Diagnostic testing/user integration
1. Modified so that answers to diagnostic tests conducted before user integration can be viewed by users after the integration.
Third-Party Evaluation
1. Changed the "Continue" button displayed when interrupting another person's evaluation so that it now says "Continue".
Score chart
1. Modified to calculate and display the average value of the score sheet displaying the results of diagnostic tests, excluding users whose status is "invalid".
Manage Exemption
1. Faster processing when specifying exemptions in CSV upload.
Product/Seminar/Curriculum/Training Management
1. The "Date Created / Date Updated / Date Sold / Date Reservation Started / Date Held" items have been modified to be displayed in the format set in the "Date Format / Time Format" on the "Change Profile" screen.
Purchase History > Contract Plans / Subscription Products
1. The "Transaction Date / Next Settlement Date" field has been modified to display in the format set in the "Date Format / Time Format" on the "Change Profile" screen.

Bug Fixes

Learning screen
1. Fixed a bug in which a part of the quiz/test study screen was partially displayed out of focus when enlarged on iOS/iPadOS devices.
Course details
1. Fixed a bug in which content allocation to folders below the middle level could break through the clear condition even though the clear condition was not met.
Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug in which duplication of videos created with Generator Version: [MOVIE-3.0.0] or higher failed when the size of the video was large.
2. Fixed a problem in which videos created with Generator Version: [MOVIE-3.0.0] or higher could not be uploaded again if they were deleted using "Delete Media" in the "Create Video Materials (Video and Slide) Form".
Grade Control > List
1. Fixed a bug in which the [Subscribe to e-mail notifications based on current search criteria] modal was not displayed when "Show only unlearned/show only unlearned and learning" was selected in "Other search" while a date was entered in "Specify period".
2. Fixed a bug in the "Email Template" of the "Register Email Notification with Current Filtering Criteria" modal, in which an email with a blank content name was sent when a template saved before learningBOX version [2.13.27] was selected and an email notification was sent.
Manage Exemption
1. Fixed a bug in which CSV uploading did not correctly designate exemptions for folders/materials in a course, or for material in a folder, when exemptions were designated at the same time.
Site Customizer > System Language Settings
1. Fixed a bug that changes were not reset in rare cases after clicking the "Reset Changes" button.
Spot Additional Order
1. Fixed a bug that caused the status of a user to be "disabled" even though the number of accounts had not been exceeded, when there were multiple owner environments for which the spot addition period ended on the same date.
EC functions / Curriculum / Basic training settings
1. Fixed a bug that settings were not saved correctly after clicking "Save".

functional improvement

Learning screen
1. adjusted the wrap position so that the timeline name fits within the frame when the timeline name is set with a large number of half-width characters for movies with generator version [MOVIE-3.0.0] or higher.
Manage contents
The message displayed when content duplication fails had a problem in which the message was displayed as a symbol if HTML special characters were used in the content name.
2. faster processing when duplicating videos with generator version: [MOVIE-3.0.0] or higher.
Grades detail screen
1. the header icon has been changed so that the results of video content with generator version: [MOVIE-3.0.0] or higher will be displayed with the new icon.
Grade Analysis/Tally Board
1. in the quiz format: [Multiple Entries], when multiple correct answers are set for a quiz, the answers are now displayed in multiple lines.
Page settings after login > Login enabled device settings
1. changed the destination screen when clicking the [?] button next to "Supported OS/Browser Settings" has been changed.
 Site customizer
The search method of the "Search Filter" in the "Manage Subdomain Media" screen has been modified so that partially matched media can be narrowed down and displayed.

Bug Fixes

Learning screen
1. fixed a problem in which the score sheet was not displayed when a quiz with the same "Section ID/Section Tag" was selected in the "Contents Selection" and a chart analysis panel with "Score Percentage per Section Tag" selected as the criteria item was placed.
2. fixed a bug that allowed simultaneous tapping of the "inaudible/audible" buttons when the [Voice Test] modal was displayed on a smartphone device.
Fixed a problem in which the timeline name was not displayed correctly when moving the timeline using the "" buttons for movies with Generator Version: MOVIE-3.0.0 or higher.
Content Management > Video Materials (Video and Slide) Creation Form
When using Generator version: MOVIE-3.0.0 or higher, after uploading a file in the "Media" tab, if the media took a long time to load, the message "Upload could not be completed. was displayed when it took a long time to load the media after uploading a file in the [Media] tab, the message "Upload could not be completed" was displayed.
Site Customizer > Basic Settings > Connecting with External Systems
1. corrected incomplete URLs in the "ACS URL Validator for learningBOX" section.

functional improvement

Learning screen
1. Regarding the "Chart Analysis Panel" of the Gradebook, when "Show only content with grades" is set in the "Display by grade status" item, it has been modified so that it is displayed when three or more selected contents are studied.
Manage contents
1. The message displayed when content duplication fails had a bug in which the message was displayed as a symbol if HTML special characters were used in the content name.
Grade Analysis/Tally Board
1. Question Format: In the case of multiple correct answers in the [Multiple Entries] quiz, the quiz has been modified so that the correct answers are displayed in separate lines if there are multiple correct answers.
Page settings after login > Login enabled device settings
1. Changed the destination screen when clicking the [?] button next to "Supported OS/Browser Settings" has been changed.
 Site customizer
1. The search method in the "Search Filter" of the [Manage Subdomain Media] screen has been modified so that partially matched media can be narrowed down and displayed.
2. Modified so that hierarchy cannot be set for menus with "Design" set to "Button Display" in the [Edit Side Menu / Header Menu > Edit Menu] modal.
API Integration
1. Changed the response for "user/group/author>delete" from "200 OK" to "202 Accepted" when successful.

Bug Fixes

Learning screen
1. Fixed a bug in which the gradebook was not displayed when a quiz with the same "Section ID/Section Tag" was selected in "Contents Selection" and a chart analysis panel with "Score Percentage per Section Tag" selected as the criterion item was placed in the chart analysis panel.
 Site customizer
1. Fixed a bug that prevented saving in the [Edit Side Menu/Header Menu > Create Custom Menu] modal.
2. Fixed a bug in the [Edit Side Menu / Header Menu > Edit Menu] modal that saved contents were not immediately reflected.

functional improvement

API Integration
1. changed the response to "user/group/author>delete" from "200 OK" to "202 Accepted" when successful.

Bug Fixes

Learning screen
1. fixed a bug that prevented embedded videos and iframe materials with restricted embedding URLs (domains) from displaying properly on macOS/iOS/iPadOS. when the embedding destination of Vimeo videos was restricted to "" etc. Fixed a privacy error on these browsers when using Vimeo videos embedded in "" and other browsers.

functional improvement

Manage contents
1. changed the destination of "Fee Plans/Licenses" displayed in the "Upload Attachment" modal.
(1) In the pre-log in screen, the "Register new owner and create quote" button has been deleted and only the "Register new owner and proceed" button is now displayed.
2. changed the title displayed in the browser tab of the [Add Spot Order] screen when the language is displayed as "English".
Order History List > Order List
1. changed the search display so that "Option" cannot be selected when "Spot" is selected for "License".
Site Customizer > Design > Page Designer
1. changed the wording of "publish" to "publish page".
Media Management
1. the search method of the "Search Filter" has been modified to be able to narrow down and display media with partial matches.

Bug Fixes

Learning screen
1. fixed a bug that prevented embedded videos and iframe materials with restricted embedding URLs (domains) from displaying properly on macOS/iOS/iPadOS. fixed a bug that prevented embedded Vimeo videos with restricted embedding destinations such as " Resolved a privacy error with these browsers.
Group batch registration/update
When registering groups of multiple levels in a batch by CSV upload, if a code containing only numbers or uppercase letters was entered in the "Parent Group Code" field, the message "An invalid parent group code has been specified. was displayed and the group could not be registered.

functional improvement

Manage contents
1. When a content name has many characters and is displayed in abbreviated form, a tooltip will now display the entire content name when hovering the mouse over the content name display.
Learning screen
1. Modified the chart analysis panel in the results table so that it is displayed only when there are at least three of the target contents.
1. Changed so that only the "To Quotation" button in the "Order Summary" panel can be clicked when "EC Special License" is selected.
Find Products/Seminars/Curriculum/Training
1. The breadcrumb list displayed in the upper left corner of the screen has been modified so that it can be replaced with the string specified in the [Site Customizer > Design > System Language] tab.
Maintenance screen
1. Design changed.

Bug Fixes

Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug in which the linked content icon was not displayed next to the course name when "Linked Content" was set for content in a course distributed to other environments.
2. Fixed a bug in which the "being distributed" icon next to the course name was not displayed when the course name distributed to other environments had many characters.

Bug Fixes

Quiz and Test Creation Form
1. fixed a problem in which the quiz/test could not be saved when the "Save and Publish (Exit)" button was clicked while a language file was loaded in Options: [Upload Language File (custom_lang)].

functional improvement

Operation Log
1. modified to record site customizer operations
Find Products/Seminars/Curriculum/Training
The breadcrumb list displayed in the upper left corner of the screen has been modified so that it can be replaced with the string specified in the "Site Customizer > Design > System Language" tab.
1. when "EC Special License" is selected, only the "Go to Quotation" button in the "Order Summary" panel can be clicked.
2. changed the message displayed when canceling an order for additional spot paid by bank transfer, so that the number of additions is displayed as "00 accounts" instead of "00 persons".
1. modified so that quotation/invoice cannot be issued when the language is displayed as "English".
Order History
1. regarding narrowing down the display, when "License" is narrowed down to "Spot", the selection of "Option" has been modified so that "Option" cannot be selected.
Maintenance screen
1. design changes.

Bug Fixes

Course Detail Screen/Grades Management
1. fixed a bug that prevented the same score from being recorded in duplicate when the "Time Required" field was left blank on the "Studying" screen, and as a result, the clear condition could not be surpassed.
Edit Mail Template
1. when you click the "Reset before editing" button, you will receive a message "If you have not clicked the Save button, your edits will be discarded. Are you sure you want to move the language template?" message was displayed.

functional improvement

Exempt Designated Management > Exempt Designation Details
1. faster screen display when the number of registrations is large.
In the "Add Account/Upgrade License/Add Option/Increase Number of Accounts/Upgrade License" screen, the link to the Fee Calculation Method screen has been moved to a new location.
The "Number of persons" in the "Additional order details" panel of the "Payment procedure" screen/ "Additional order details" panel of the "Complete procedure" screen has been modified to display the number of additional persons.
1. ticket design: for "Business", adjusted the design of "Date, Time, Place, Instructor" when the language is displayed as "English".

Bug Fixes

Select a course
1. fixed a bug in a quiz/test with a motion test and interruption function set, in which if the motion test was canceled in the learning screen, the status would not change to "learning" after interruption.
1. fixed a bug that the system did not start operation on the same day if the time zone was set later than Japan by the ordering party when the payment was made by PayPal payment/bank transfer on the start date of use.
2) Fixed a problem in which the "Notification of Start of Subscription Plan" email was sent to the customer even if the "Auto Continue Subscription" setting in the "Order History" screen was set to "Off" and the plan created with auto renewal was not activated for the auto renewal plan created with bill payment.

functional improvement

Learning screen
1. for contents for which both "course limitation and operation test" have been set, even if the user clicks the "✖" button after the operation test and finishes learning before the start of learning, it will not be counted in the number of lessons taken.
Manage contents
1. modified to allow "publication restrictions" to be set for content shortcuts. This allows the setting of publication restrictions that are different from those of the original content of the shortcut.
When a content name has many characters and is displayed in abbreviated form, a tooltip will now display the entire content name when hovering the mouse over the content name display.
Manage Grades > List > Register for email notifications based on current filtering criteria
1. modified so that a past date cannot be specified in the "Start of delivery date and time" field.
2) Modified to apply the time zone set in "Start of distribution" etc. when a user who set time zone other than "Japan" registers for notification.
1. when a login ID has many characters and is displayed in abbreviated form, a tooltip will now display the entire login ID when hovering the mouse over the login ID display.
Edit your Profile
1. modified the "Date Format" so that the date format is displayed in the product/seminar/curriculum/training management, curriculum selection history, ticket template management, purchase history > orders tab, training reservation history > training tab, reservation history by training (for related parties), and order history by product (for related parties) screens. The following changes have been made.
1. on the "Add Account/Upgrade License/Add Option/Increase Number of Accounts/Upgrade License" screen, a link has been added to take users to the How to Calculate Fees screen.
2) Modified the date/time displayed in the "Notification of Subscription Renewal / Notification of Subscription Renewal Completion" e-mail regarding automatic renewal to display the "date/time format" set in "Profile Change / User Management".
Added the phrase "*Please bear the bank transfer fee" to the "Settlement Procedure" screen when paying by bank transfer or invoice payment, and to the e-mail received when applying for a paid plan. The phrase "*Please pay the bank transfer fee by yourself" has been added.
4. "Only a quotation can be issued when a dedicated server is selected. Please contact us directly if you wish to use a dedicated server. is not displayed when the country of residence is set to a country other than "Japan".
5. the two terms "Dedicated Server" and "Dedicated Server" were mixed in the "Order Summary" panel, so they have been unified into "Dedicated Server".
6. the "Period" indicator has been added to the "New Order Details/New (Additional) Order Details" panel on the [Procedure Completion] screen to display the period of the application details.
The phrase "Please check your quotation for details" is no longer displayed to users whose country of residence is set to a country other than "Japan". is not displayed to users whose country of residence is not "Japan".

Bug Fixes

Manage contents
1. fixed a bug in which the linked content icon was not displayed next to the course name when "Linked Content" was set for content in a course that is distributed to other environments.
2. fixed a bug in which the "being distributed" icon next to the course name did not appear when the course name distributed to other environments had a large number of characters.
Password reissue procedure
1. fixed a bug in which the "New Password/New Password (Confirmation)" input fields were not displayed correctly when "Suppress Automatic Password Entry" was set to "On" in the "Site Customizer" > "Basic Settings" > "Use Login Form".

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