Release note

functional improvement

Learn Contents
1. In the banner displayed at the bottom of the screen, the question "What is choosing a course? link has been changed.
2. When clicking the "X" button in the upper right corner of each content, the transition destination will be changed to "Course Details" if the batch course conversion has been completed, "Course Details" if the batch course conversion has not been completed and learning has started from "Find Course / Course Details", or "Start Learning" if the batch course conversion has not been completed. The following changes have been made.
Badge list
1. Modals for moving to contents were not consistent in some parts.
Access Log
1. Lightened the weight of the site, as it was taking a long time to display and search.

Bug Fixes

Manage Members
1. Fixed a bug in which the status of excess members after the end of spot contracts was not changed to invalid correctly.
EC function/curriculum function basic settings
1. In the share button image, there was a bug that the uploaded image was not displayed when the same image was uploaded again after clicking the "Restore Default Image" button when the image had already been uploaded.
1. Fixed a bug that prevented the assignment of individual teaching materials.
2. Fixed a problem in which folders placed in the lower level of an allocated folder were also allocated at the same time.

functional improvement

Learn Contents
1. For questions where the input format for survey materials is "list selection," the wording displayed in the pull-down menu when no answer is selected has been changed from "-selected-" to "-unselected-".
Manage Members
1. In the Group Management Authority / Teaching Material Management Authority / Grade Management Authority / Teaching Material Allocation Authority / Mail Template Editing Authority / Message Box Management Authority modal, the message displayed when clicking "Save" has been changed from "00 Management Authority updated" to "00 Management Authority saved". The following changes have been made.
Survey Design Form
1. Added a pull-down to select the language in which the response screen is displayed. This allows the response screen to be displayed in the language specified on the survey design form, regardless of the language preference of the learner.
Page After Sign-in Settings
1. Regarding the value that is automatically entered when clicking the "Load Recommended Environment" button in the Login Enabled Device Settings tab, "14" is now automatically entered for the iPadOS OS version in accordance with the update of the recommended OS.
account billing
1. When "1 year" is selected for the period in the modal for adding a plan, the period in the plan list was displayed as "12 months" but has been modified to be displayed as "1 year".
Select a course
1. Modified so that the default image is displayed if no image is set for the course.
EC Products / Seminars / Curriculum Management
1. In the product registration/update, seminar registration/update, and curriculum registration/update, when duplicate product/seminar/curriculum codes are set, the duplicate codes are now specifically displayed.
EC Seminar Details
1. If a member who wanted to purchase a seminar did not have a plan contract for the membership rank available for purchase, the end date and time of the sale was not displayed.
Security settings
1. Modified to display EC payment settings in the "Require password re-entry" field only in the subdomain owner environment for settings that use EC functions.

Bug Fixes

Learn Contents
1. In "Upload File" of "Report Assignment Materials", there was a bug that files could not be uploaded if the file extension was capitalized.
2. Some input fields in the Edit modal of the Score List / Question List / Section List / Chart Analysis panel were not being updated to their default values when clicking Change with the input field blank.
3. When a course/folder is set to give badges, if there are 22 materials in the course/folder, the badge "0% < x < 100%" will be displayed in the course/folder even if the status of all materials is "Passed" or "Study Completed". The problem has been corrected so that the badge "x = 100%" is displayed.
Manage contents
1. In the Set Selective Content modal, there was a bug that multiple headings were created when "Save" was clicked repeatedly; this has been corrected so that it can be clicked only once.
2. In the Firefox browser, there was a bug that when multiple materials were deleted at once by putting a check in the check box, the check would remain after the materials were deleted.
Check socres
1. When the display language was set to English, the tab displayed when clicking "Email notification" was not visible on the outside of the screen.
Personal medical record / Medical record function
1. Fixed a bug in which shortcut folders placed in the course were not displayed in the study progress.
order screen
1. In the payment procedure screen, there was a bug that "Starter Plus Monthly / Standard Plus Monthly" was displayed on the license when upgrading in the middle of the contract period with a Starter Plus / Standard Plus annual contract. Plus Annual" is now displayed.
2. Incorrect quote/invoice amounts for the Standard Plus plan have been corrected.
Page After Sign-in Settings
1. There was a bug that "Your Recommended Curriculum" was not displayed when you logged in for the first time if you turned on "Allow users to select initial curriculum" when no category was registered in "Curriculum Selection" in the page settings > Common Settings tab immediately after login. Fixed.
Choose a course / Course Details
1.There was a bug that the arrow mark was not displayed next to the title of the teaching material displayed by the interlocking type contents.
2. For educational materials that have been set to display response/submission due dates, there was a bug that the response/submission due date and time were not displayed at the top of the title of the educational materials.
3. A bug that prevented fanfares from being displayed when acquiring badges by clicking "Start / Continue" at the bottom of the course title, folder title, or material title was corrected.
EC Function Basic Settings
1. The Save button was not clickable. At the same time, the color of the button was changed from green to blue.
 Site customizer
When the Page Designer screen was displayed, the text in the side menu was displayed larger, and this problem has been corrected so that the text is displayed at the same size as in other screens.

Bug Fixes

Content Management / Select a Course
1. There was a bug in which a folder was counted in the number of target materials in the clear condition when a folder was included in the course, and the condition could not be cleared.

functional improvement

Access Log
1. Lightened the weight of the site, as it was taking a long time to display and search.

functional improvement

Learn Contents
1. Regarding the tooltips that are displayed when clicking "<>" in the header when moving between teaching materials is not allowed, the display location of the tooltips has been modified so that they will automatically move when the screen size is changed.
2. Added support for learning SCORM materials with non-string settings in value.
Check socres
1. For CSV output from "CSV Export" on the Score Details screen, the "Handwritten Submission" message will now be displayed in the answer display area for reports and questionnaire quizzes with "Handwritten by pen" as the writing method.
2. "Answer Details CSV / Answer Total CSV / Operation Log CSV" output from "Create CSV" in the "By Question" tab has been modified so that "Handwritten Submission" will be displayed in the answer display area when the answer method is "Handwritten by pen" in the report/questionnaire format quizzes.
3. Changed the wording of the tooltip that appears when hovering the mouse over a question ID on the score details screen to display "Question ID".
4. Added support for displaying grade details for SCORM materials that do not send student_response.

Bug Fixes

Manage Members
1. In the Delete Member modal, "Receive Notification Emails / Country of Residence / Language / Time Zone" was not correctly displaying the information saved in the Edit Member modal.
Check socres
1. In the My Grades/List tab, there was a bug that when multiple YouTube materials were displayed in a row in the pull-down menu for narrowing down the list of materials, the names of the materials were displayed in a horizontal line, so this bug has been fixed so that they are displayed in a vertical line like other materials.
2. In the "My Results/List" tab, there was a bug in which the screen would not display correctly when reloading with all question types unchecked.
Learn Contents
1. In programming materials, there was a bug that output results were not displayed when clicking Check/Submit.

functional improvement

Supported Environments
1. The recommended OS for macOS and iPadOS has been changed to macOS11 BigSur~ / iPadOS14 / iPadOS15, and the supported OS to macOS10.15 Catalina / iPadOS13. At the same time, the "Recommended Environment List" displayed when accessing the site with an unsupported browser has been updated to the same content.
Manage Members
In the Bulk Invite Member List, when a member with group management and granting privileges tries to grant/modify privileges to the owner by CSV upload, an error message "Cannot grant privileges to the administrator. When a member with group management and granting privileges tries to grant/modify privileges to the owner via CSV upload, the error message "Cannot grant privileges to administrator.
The maximum number of accounts that can be registered in a group has been changed to 1,000,000 users per group.
Check socres
1. In the group display of the medical record function, the number of groups that can be registered has been changed to be hidden.

Bug Fixes

Manage contents
1. For SCORM materials, there was a bug that prevented the start-up file from being acquired/updated correctly, so it has been fixed so that the start-up file is acquired/updated correctly.
Check socres
1. Fixed a bug in the grade management notification history where the report grade request notification history for groups/materials for which you did not have grade management permissions was displayed.
Basic Course Settings
1. There was a bug that settings were not changed/saved correctly when a member with setting page access rights changed/saved the settings.
EC Products / Seminar Management
1. In the EC product/seminar registration/update screen, there was a bug where members with EC function access only could not set purchase restrictions.

functional improvement

Check socres
1. In the List tab, the time required to narrow down groups has been accelerated.
2. In the List tab, the time until the "Show only unlearned" filter is displayed has been accelerated.
3. In the List tab, when "All Periods" is clicked in the "Refine Display Periods", the period specification is automatically selected and the results for all periods are displayed in the list.
1. Regarding the e-mail about the due date of invoice payment, when an owner with an unpaid contract withdraws from the service, the login ID / registered e-mail address is modified to include the information before the withdrawal.
2. The maximum number of characters to be entered for "Name of the person in charge / Title of the person in charge / Department of the person in charge" in the invoice entry form has been changed from 100 to 80 characters.
API Integration
1. Added "score_type" to the search criteria of the batch score retrieval, so that the best_score (the highest score retrieved first) and last_score (the latest score) can be retrieved.
Manage Members
1. Changed the group display to hide the number of accounts that can be registered for all members.

Bug Fixes

Manage Members
1. On the Member Management Bulk Registration and Update page, there was a bug that members with group management and authorization rights could change their own permissions and owner's permissions by uploading CSV files. This has been fixed.
Check socres
1. In the medical record function, there was a bug in which groups were not displayed correctly when a member with the permission to manage grades of all members and all teaching materials accessed the medical record screen in an environment where there were either product, seminar, or curriculum groups.
2. In the question-by-question tab, a bug that prevented members with grade management privileges for some groups only from opening the individual question details modal has been fixed.
3. In the "Force Grading" modal in the "By Question" tab, if a member with grade permission for the shortcut course/folder opened the modal, the grades were not displayed.
Manage content category
1. There was a bug that members who had the privilege to manage only some materials could not access the content category management screen.
Manage contents
If you duplicate a course/folder that contains materials with the answer/submit by date indicator set, the answer/submit by date indicator settings were not properly transferred to the materials in the duplicated course/folder.
Manage badges
1. The Badges tab / Granted Badges tab was not displaying correctly when accessed by members with grade management privileges for some groups only.
2. In the Badges tab, when a member with only configuration page access opened the "Add badge / Update badge" modal, the content category was not displayed.
Grading Writing Report
1. There was a bug that the results were not displayed correctly when accessed by members with the permission to manage results for only some groups, so it has been fixed to display the results.
1. Regarding the email regarding the due date of invoice payment, there was a bug that the owner's login ID / registered email address was listed in the email when the owner left the site without making payment after a member with access to the setting page placed an order. address.
EC Seminar Management
1. In the modal for adding price and duration in the seminar registration/renewal screen, there was a bug that once the due date was selected, the due date could not be set correctly.
 Site customizer
1. When importing subdomains, there was a bug that the last modified date was not displayed correctly, so it has been fixed to display the correct last modified date.
Log in
1. Fixed a bug that prevented granting/deleting permissions for all members and some materials, or for some groups and all materials, when using single sign-on for grade management.

Bug Fixes

Log in
1. Fixed a bug that prevented users from logging in for a certain period of time with a low probability while setting "Prohibit later login".
 Progress record
1. Fixed a bug in which the graphs were not displayed correctly after learning when you had permission to grade the link folder.

functional improvement

Manage Members
1. Modified the CSV downloaded by clicking Batch Operation > Group Download to not include the Curriculum, Product, and Seminar groups.
2. Modified so that the group names of Curriculum, Products, and Seminars cannot be changed when uploading groups in bulk using CSV.
3. In the modal for adding permissions for managing materials, grades, and assigning materials, an icon is now displayed next to the course/folder title.
Email Settings
In the "Member Registration Notification" template on the Member Registration function tab, the following items can now be added to the template: "Registrant Login ID / Registrant Display Name / Registrant Department / Registrant Title / Registrant E-mail Address".
Manage contents
1. In the category setting modal, when the content category name string is too long, a scroll bar has been added so that it can be displayed by scrolling left and right.
Manage badges
In the add/update/remove badges modal, when the content category name string length is too long, a scroll bar has been added so that it can be scrolled left and right.
1. On the screen for selecting a country, when you clicked "Register in the above country" multiple times, you were redirected to My Page.
Check socres
1. Modified the "Enter score" in the Report tab > Scoring modal so that values greater than 2147483648 cannot be entered or saved.
2. Improved the pull-down of course materials on the "My Results" and "List" tabs to show an icon next to the course/folder/material title.
Page After Sign-in Settings
The OS version setting has been removed from the Chrome OS setting on the Login enabled devices tab. Along with the improvement of this feature, the "More than / Equal to" indication on the supported devices list screen has also been removed.
 Site customizer
1. Modified the backup of subdomains so that they can be imported in an environment with a different version than the one in which they were backed up.
1. In the IP Restrictions Management screen > View Teaching Materials tab > Modal for adding restrictions, the icon is now displayed next to the course/folder/teaching materials title.

Bug Fixes

Choose a course / Open to the public
1. There was a problem with the default values in the Course Basic Settings screen > List not being displayed in the correct order, so they are now displayed in the correct order.
Manage Members
1. In the member deletion modal, when the expiration date is selected as "From Login Date / From Creation Date / Expiration Date", the grayed-out input field did not display the numerical value, which has been fixed to display the numerical value.
1. The timing of the plan operation was incorrect in some cases, which has been corrected.
Learn Contents
1. There was a problem where users could not return to the learning screen if they moved between learning materials immediately after the voice test/download speed test was conducted for materials with compatible device settings.
2. When canceling the voice test/download speed test and returning to the learning screen for materials with compatible device settings, there was a problem with other materials being highlighted or not being highlighted.
3. If "Enable auto-logout" is set to ON in System Settings > Security Settings, the system would automatically logout even during learning after the set timeout period had elapsed.
4. There was a problem with memorization cards placed before the "You can proceed to the next level if you pass this level" constraint, which prevented learning the material after the constraint even if the achievement rate was 100%.
 Progress record
1. Shortcut course/folder grades were not being displayed in the graph, so the problem has been corrected so that they are displayed.
Check socres
1. There was a bug in the issue type pull-down on the list tab that allowed users to schedule email notifications with all the checkboxes unchecked, so it has been fixed so that users cannot schedule them.
Message Box
1. In the Create New Thread modal, when a group was specified as the destination, there was a bug where the group search would not work correctly.
 Site customizer
1. There was a bug that the settings in the Login Form Settings tab were initialized after editing/saving the subdomain name in the basic settings.
Edit your Profile
1. There was a bug that the ON/OFF change of "Receive email notifications of public announcements" was not saved if the change of email address was not allowed.
Supported devices setting templates
1. Fixed a bug that caused an alert to be displayed when creating a new file, saying "There are teaching materials that use this template. When creating a new file, there was a problem that an alert was displayed saying, "There are teaching materials using this template.

functional improvement

Manage contents
When creating a shortcut to a course/folder, the description and category set in the original course/folder will be inherited.
2. When distributing a course to another owner's environment, the description set in the original course is now inherited.
3. Changed the section bar of the quiz/test creation form to display "Section" instead of "Section" in Japanese when the language is set to English.
4. Changed the wording of the correct answer "Correct: Correct / Incorrect: Incorrect" to "Correct: True / Incorrect: False" in the quiz/test creation form with the language set to English.
Custom Dashboards
1. The tab names for "PC View" and "Smartphone View" in the dashboard settings screen have been changed to display "Laptop" and "Mobile" since they were displayed in Japanese even when the language was set to English.
2. Changed the default settings for "Select Permissions" for each panel in the Dashboard Settings screen > Button Panel Edit modal so that the default settings for each panel are the same as the display format of My Page.
When adding or duplicating a panel in the dashboard settings screen, it will automatically scroll to the corresponding panel.
4. Changed the default value of "Learning / Contents / Members / Scores" to "Learning / Contents / Members / Scores" when the language is set to English.
Page After Sign-in Settings
1. The login enabled device setting has been modified so that it can be saved even when the Chrome OS version is not entered.
Supported devices setting templates
When the download speed test is turned off, the settings can now be saved even if they are not entered.
2. The function names in the side menu were displayed in Japanese even when the language is set to English, so they are now displayed as "Manage supported devices setting templates".
Basic Course Settings
1. Changed the wording of the initial order of the list to "in order of content management / publication / new creation".
Log in
1. Faster login process to learningBOX.

Bug Fixes

Learn Contents
1. Fixed a problem in which the header was displayed on the learning screen of the target environment when distributing a course that contains materials with "Hide header menu on teaching material display screen" turned on in the test mode settings.
2. Fixed a bug in the highlighting when moving from the badge list to the screen to study, where shortcut folders were not highlighted.
Manage Members
1. Fixed a problem in which half-width symbols were displayed as HTML special characters in the Assign Teaching Materials modal when a group containing half-width symbols in its name was selected and displayed in the list view.
Custom Dashboards
1. The date and time of the seminar were displayed out of view when the New Seminar Panel (Large) was set and displayed on a smartphone device.
Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug in the quiz/test creation form that prevented it from being saved when there were a large number of questions.
2. Regarding the information in the gear menu, there was a bug that the editor's name was not updated when editing content, so it has been fixed to update and display the editor's name.
Badge list
In the modal for navigating to content, there was a bug where the shortcut course/folder was not displayed, but the original shortcut course/folder.

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