Release note

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Entire Site
    • Improved stability

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Entire Site
    • Due to the change of the learningBOX URL, the URL of the email signature was changed to the new domain [.learningbox.onlineChange to ].

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Content Management > Evaluation by Tag
    • Adjusted behavior of score percentage input in Safari / Firefox browsers
Grade Details > Exam Monitoring Log
    • Change to hidden if grades are being studied with no interruptions
Training Management > Training Batch Registration/Update
    • Optimized bulk delete process
Reservation management (for related parties) > Reservation management by training > Batch reservation registration
    • Adjust the criteria for groups to be displayed

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Dashboard > Schedule
    • Schedule notification modal does not appear
Grade Details > Grading
    • Question scores are not displayed correctly under certain conditions.
Coupon Management > Coupon Registration / Update
    • Cannot set multiple target products

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Grade Details > Grading
    • Modified to display the question ID at the time of study when the question ID is changed after study.
Grade details (quiz/test)
    • Exercise format:.Adjusted character count display process for report and survey descriptions

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Study > Gradebook > Question List Panel
    • When the question takeover function is set in the quiz/test, the results are not displayed correctly.

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Entire Site
    • Improved stability

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Entire Site
    • Due to the change of the learningBOX URL, the URL of the email signature was changed to the new domain [.learningbox.onlineChange to ].

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Learning in progress screen > Simultaneous learning control
    • Adjusted the wording in the force close modal that is displayed when deleting a grade during study.
Grade Control > Fraud Monitoring Log
    • Optimized narrowing search process
Grade Details > Grading
    • Modified to display the question ID at the time of study when the question ID is changed after study.
Grade details (quiz/test)
    • Exercise format:.Adjusted character count display process for report and survey descriptions
Badge List > Badge Detail Modal
    • Adjust thumbnail display of content with changed badge display settings
User Management > Application List for Personal Photo
    • Changed [Approved/Not Approved] to be blank when status is pending approval
User Information Settings Management > Registration Settings > Personal Photo
    • Changed to not display the following groups in the group item that uses the person's photo
      • Archived Groups
      • Products / Seminars / Curriculum / Training Groups
Profile > Personal Photo > Register Photo Modal
    • Modified so that the pull-down cannot be clicked if the camera is not connected
Background processing
    • Changed to display [Deleted] in the name field when an operated user is deleted.

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Study in Progress > Fraud Prevention (Browser Monitoring)
    • Sometimes the OK button on the warning modal cannot be pressed after maximizing the screen on macOS
Quiz and test (report and questionnaire writing format)
    • Sometimes the status is waiting for scoring even when AI automatic scoring is executed.
Grade Details (Report)
    • Question text and other items may be displayed in duplicate.

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Content Management > Quiz and Test Creation Forms > Edit Question / Section Tags
    • Adjusted behavior when entering tags (except for tags rated by tag)
Content Management > URL Links
    • Modified to show indicator during processing after clicking save
Grade Control > List
    • Optimized grading process
Grade Control > Submission List
    • Modified to leave the state of narrowing down by specifying the content even when the user moves from the breadcrumb list of the grade details.

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Grade Control > Submission List > Grade Details
    • Users with grade management privileges (grade approval) cannot move from the breadcrumb list to the list of submissions.

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Grade Details > Grading
    • Adjusted the transition destination when deleting a grade on the grade detail screen after grading.
Grading & Analysis > Grading Management / Submission List
    • Faster screen display processing

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Manage Exemption
    • Accelerate the process of adding exemption designations

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Content Management > Quiz > Select File to Download
    • When downloading a quiz/test created in TSV format in Excel format, some of the questions are not output correctly.
Content Management > Diagnostic Test Creation Form / Grade Details (Diagnostic Test)
    • Images are not displayed when half-width symbols are used in file names

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