Release note

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Entire Site
    • Improved stability

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

    • Faster processing at login
Learning screen
    • Faster processing when opening quizzes/tests
    • Improved stability of PDF content
Quiz and Test Creation Form
    • Modified to inherit default values of options when updating generator from QUIZ-5 series to QUIZ-6.1.6 or higher
Site Customizer > Basic Settings > Basic Information
    • Changed wording in tooltip when hovering mouse over [Allow duplicate login IDs with general users under other subdomain owners] toggle.
Search Curriculum / Curriculum Details
    • Faster screen display processing
account billing
    • Billing cycle calculation method supports leap years.

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Grade Control > Reports > Create Excel
    • Output of Graded Report Grades Empty Scoresbecomes
    • When "Back" is clicked on the payment procedure screen while a free plan is selected, the contract period pull-down menu is displayed blank.
    • When issuing a quotation with an expired plan, the current usage is displayed as a free plan.

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Learning screen
    • Faster processing when opening quizzes/tests
    • Improved stability of PDF content
Choose a course / Course Details
    • Adjustment of learning rate calculation method to avoid errors
Manage contents
    • Error message when moving selective content headings to another level
Grade Control / Medical Records / Personal Medical Records
    • Adjustment of the design of the list display when the side menu is opened and closed.
Grade Control > Reports > Create Excel
    • Adjusted the display format of the Score/Error/Resubmission cell to output as numerical values.
User Information Settings Management > Registration Settings
    • Adjustment to reflect saved content immediately
Search Curriculum / Curriculum Details
    • Faster screen display processing
account billing
    • Billing cycle calculation method supports leap years.
Account Billing Management > Contract Plans
    • Modified the radio button in the Delete Plan modal so that it cannot be selected

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

User Management > Batch Operation (CSV) > User Download
    • [Receive Notification Email" does not appear in the download section.
    • Embedded video/iframe study completion date/time is not recorded correctly
    • Display name is displayed even if display name is set to "Do not use" in User Information Settings Administration>Input Field Settings.
Grade Control > Reports > Create Excel
    • Outputting grades for graded reports results in empty scores.
Create / Edit New Report Scoring Request Notification Email
    • Report scoring request notification e-mails are not sent to the e-mail address set in [To(Additional)/Cc/Bcc].
Page Setup after Login / Page Setup after Logout
    • Copywrite does not appear in footer
LTI Integration
    • Unknown error occurs when entering search filters/sorting tool names in a row
Site Customizer > Design > Edit Template
    • [Incorrect data was submitted on "Back without editing" click]. I get an error saying
    • Unnecessary [;] at bottom of file page edit window
Register / Update
    • Pressing the Enter key while the cursor is on the name updates the screen.

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Choose a course / Course Details
    • Adjustment of learning rate calculation method to avoid errors
Free Plan Registration
    • Adjusted display of country of residence pulldown when window size is changed
Manage contents
    • Modified so that a timeout does not occur when duplicating a course/folder/content with a large data volume (teaching materials are shortcuts)
    • Changed to not allow saving when [publish condition>study status] is not set in the linked content setting modal.
    • Error message when moving selective content headings to another level
    • Score modification settings are now inherited when duplicating a course/folder/content
    • Content other than gradebooks displays "Study Completion Date and Time" with the following status
      • Study Complete
      • Answer is complete.
      • passing (e.g. exam)
      • rejection
    • In some contents, "Study completion date and time" is updated and displayed by clicking the "X" in the upper right corner of the study screen.
Grade Control / Medical Records / Personal Medical Records
    • Adjustment of the design of the list display when the side menu is opened and closed.
Gradebook > Lists / Reports
    • Group names in the Group column are now displayed in the order of the groups set in the user management screen when a user belongs to multiple groups.
Grade Control > By Content > Operation Log
    • Accelerate search/CSV creation process
Grade Control > Reports > Create Excel
    • [Clicking "Create Excel" now outputs data to Excel without interrupting the process, even if the data contains corrupted content.
Grade Control > Progress
    • Changed so that content set to [Private] is not displayed in the content pulldown.
User Information Settings Management > Registration Screen URL
    • Adjustment to retain input content even if the Enter key is pressed while the cursor is over the [convention name] input field.
Manage notifications
    • Adjustment of the design of the list display when the side menu is opened and closed.
Email Settings > Account Billing Features
    • Adjusted the text position of the plan details field in the body of email templates related to account billing.
address administration
    • When each item in the address is a series of single-byte alphanumeric characters and has a large number of characters, the display is adjusted to fit within the address frame.
Account Billing Management > Contract Plans / Billing Plans
    • Modified the radio button in the Delete Plan modal so that it cannot be selected
    • Changed the upper limit of [Price] in the Add Plan/Edit Plan modal to [¥3,000,000].

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Learning screen
    • Quiz/test question format: For [Fill-in-the-blank] questions, unnecessary line breaks are displayed in the [Wrong Answer (Correct Answer)] and [Correct Answer] columns when an incorrect answer is given.
    • When a user sets the language to [English] and clicks on [Go to quizzes are not completed][Try again] when studying Mushikae notes, the message is displayed in Japanese.
      • Can be checked by creating a new/editing/converting to a specified version of the worm-eaten note.
    • When studying web pages/worm-eaten notes in the Safari browser on iOS 16.6 or higher, when scrolling after moving pages, some of the content is not displayed.
    • [In the Courses Studied panel, a course is not displayed if the grade is only for content in a shortcut folder from another course.
Manage contents
    • [In the "Set Image" modal, you can click "Save" even if the uploaded image file size exceeds 5 MB.
Quiz and Test Creation Form
    • Preview cannot be displayed in the image upload/selection modal after uploading an image file from [Insert/Edit Image, Insert/Edit Media] in TinyMCE.
    • When re-editing a quiz/test, if you click [Preview] in the lower left corner of the screen while there is content in the commentary for question type:[Fill-in-the-blanks], [|-] will automatically be added to the commentary.
    • Embedded video/iframe study completion date/time is not recorded correctly
    • Fields set to [Do not use] in User Information Settings Management>Input Field Settings are displayed.
    • When multiple files are uploaded to [Correction File] in the Report > Grading (Report in Quiz) modal, the [] buttons in the upper right corner of the modal cannot be used to move questions in a quiz or test that has multiple questions in the [Report Type: [Report / Survey Description].
    • Public Question Results are displayed in the CSV output by users even when "Show Public Question Results" is turned off in the Public Question Settings modal.
Grade Control > Reports > Create Excel
    • Outputting grades for graded reports results in empty scores.
Grade Management > By Content > Answer Details / Operation Log
    • When a quiz/test has only a part of question tags/section tags, the answer details/operation log cannot be searched by tags.
Grade Analysis > Tally Board
    • HTML tags are displayed in the answer content displayed when hovering the mouse over a pie/bar chart.
List of Certificates
    • Some certificates are not displayed even if the status is passed.
Batch User Registration/Update
    • When the [Add Group Affiliation] column in the CSV file is to the right of the [Group Affiliation] column and the content is blank, the affiliation is not reflected in the group specified in the [Group Affiliation] column when CSV is uploaded in a hierarchy other than [All Users].
Basic Course Settings
    • Settings for [General Public Course Settings > OGP Image] in the course basic settings for subdomain environments are not reflected.
Access Log
    • When a format other than the default is set in [Date/Time Format] on the Edit User/Profile Change screen, clicking [CSV Output] after narrowing down the results using [Access Date/Time] does not output the CSV with the narrowed-down results.
Site Customizer > Basic Settings > Integrating with External Systems > Using Your Own SSO Key
    • Settings in the SSO Key New/Edit modal are not updated to the settings associated with the changed owner ID when the owner ID is changed in the Site Customizer > Basic Information > Subdomain Settings.
Site Customizer > Design > Edit Template
    • Unnecessary [;] at bottom of file page edit window
Register / Update
    • Pressing the Enter key while the cursor is on the name updates the screen.
Account Billing Management > Billing Plans
    • When adding a new plan from [Add Plan] while there are two or more pages of billing plans, the contents of the list are not displayed on the last page.

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Grade Control > Reports > Create Excel
    • Adjusted the display format of the Score/Error/Resubmission cell to output as numerical values.
    • Group Code Specification Changes
      • Default value to random alphanumeric characters
      • [g + number] group codes can now be used when adding/editing groups
    • In some contents, "Study completion date and time" is updated and displayed by clicking the "X" in the upper right corner of the study screen.
    • Adjusted the order of display and links in the message displayed when downgrading a paid plan due to expiration

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Medical Records / Personal Records > Tag List
    • Unknown error occurs when narrowing down section tags/question tags in a row
Add new members
    • Error message is not displayed when clicking "Confirm" without entering the confirmation password.

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Grade Control > Reports > Excel Creation
    • Character counts/scores are treated as strings and cannot be correctly determined as correct or incorrect.
Create / Edit New Report Scoring Request Notification Email
    • Report scoring request notification e-mails are not sent to the e-mail address set in [To(Additional)/Cc/Bcc].

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Grade Control > Reports > Excel Creation
    • Changed so that if the submitted content exceeds 32767 characters, the content after 32767 characters is not output to Excel.

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Entire Site
    • Cannot set [underline (double line)] of TinyMCE in Safari browser on macOS
    • Unable to upload files one by one from [Insert/Edit Image, Insert/Edit Media] in TinyMCE in Firefox browser on Windows/macOS
Manage contents
    • Shortcut course/folder edit menu does not appear for users with content management (edit)/content assignment privileges.
User Management > Batch Operation (CSV) > User Download
    • [Receive Notification Email" does not appear in the download section.

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Choose a course / Course Details
    • Adjustment of learning rate calculation method to avoid errors

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Grade Control > Reports > Excel Creation
    • Character counts/scores are treated as strings and cannot be correctly determined as correct or incorrect.
Create / Edit New Report Scoring Request Notification Email
    • Report scoring request notification e-mails are not sent to the e-mail address set in [To(Additional)/Cc/Bcc].

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

    • Content other than gradebooks displays "Study Completion Date and Time" with the following status
      • Study Complete
      • Answer is complete.
      • passing (e.g. exam)
      • rejection
    • In some contents, "Study completion date and time" is updated and displayed by clicking the "X" in the upper right corner of the study screen.
Grade Control > Reports
    • Changed so that if the submitted content exceeds 32767 characters, the content after 32767 characters is not output to Excel.
Email Settings > Account Billing Features
    • Adjusted the text position of the plan details field in the body of email templates related to account billing.

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Entire Site
    • Unable to upload files one by one from [Insert/Edit Image, Insert/Edit Media] in TinyMCE in Firefox browser on Windows/macOS
    • [In the Courses Studied panel, a course is not displayed if the grade is only for content in a shortcut folder from another course.
    • Embedded video/iframe study completion date/time is not recorded correctly
Grade Control > Reports
    • Regarding the report scoring request notification, if there are many recipients, the same email with the same content is sent every 30 minutes.

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Content Management > When moving courses/folders registered in Products/Seminars/Curriculum/Training
    • Added all group management permissions (edit) as a condition for displaying links to various update screens in error messages.
Content Management > Quiz and Test Creation Form
    • Added the following to the Question-and-Answer (timed) option template
      • Move between questions (movable): Off(False)
Grade Control > Reports
    • Update the contents of the Excel file downloaded in [Create Excel].
      • Output the user status value in the quiz row
    • Additional conditions for sending outstanding payment notification emails based on payment due date
      • Transactions with suspended status and unpaid invoices
    • Adjusted display of plan name when EC special license expires
Account Billing Management > Contract Plans
    • Modified the radio button in the Delete Plan modal so that it cannot be selected

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Grade Control > List > Subscribe to Grade Control Notification Emails / Send Email History > Scheduled to Send
    • Email template names are not displayed correctly when the Grade Control Notification/Invitation Email Notification template is the default only
Score management notification history
    • Unable to move to the second page or later when there are more than 26 notifications of report grading requests
LTI Integration
    • Unknown error occurs when entering search filters/sorting tool names in a row

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