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  • Report on Employee Training Survey by Industry - Manufacturing, Retail, Finance, Medical Care, and Municipalities

Report on Employee Training Survey by Industry - Manufacturing, Retail, Finance, Medical Care, and Municipalities

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One of the main purposes of employee training is to increase productivity and corporate profits by improving the skills of employees. Due to social factors such as the declining birthrate and aging population, it is expected to become more difficult to secure a workforce in the future. In recent years, the need for employee training to strategically develop an organization's limited human resources has been increasing.

Therefore, LearningBOX conducted a survey of men and women in their 20s to 60s who work in manufacturing, retail, finance, medical care, and local government who have taken employee training courses.

 This article presents some of the survey results.
The full version of the survey results report, which provides hints for better training implementation, such as issues that participants perceived through the training and important points in training, can be downloaded from the link below.

Survey Summary

  • Survey method: Web-based questionnaire using monitors from General Research Corporation
  • Survey targets: Among the registered monitors of General Research, men and women in their 20s to 60s who work in manufacturing, retail, finance, medical care, and local government throughout Japan.
  • Number of valid responses: 1,086 (264 manufacturing, 191 retail, 199 financial, 218 medical care, 214 municipal)
    The number of valid responses for each question is indicated by "n=".
  • Survey Date: Thursday, March 2, 2023 - Monday, March 6, 2023

How to conduct employee training

Q.What format do you use for employee training? (Single answer)

In the industry as a whole, face-to-face stand-alone training accounts for more than 40%, while online stand-alone training is less than 10%, with face-to-face training being the main focus.

More than 70% of those in the financial industry have experienced online training, including online + face-to-face, suggesting that training is more online than in other industries. On the other hand, compared to other industries, the medical care industry mainly conducts face-to-face training.

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Types of training courses you have attended

Q.What types of employee training programs do you yourself receive? (Multiple answers)

Compared to other industries, the financial industry has the highest percentage of respondents with over 60% having attended compliance training, while the medical care industry and municipalities have a higher percentage of respondents having attended job-specific training.

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Extent to which training content is utilized in the workplace

Q.Do you think the content of employee training is applied to your work? (Single answer)

Around 70% of respondents in each industry answered that they "make use of the content of employee training in their work or make use of it a little," indicating that employee training has a certain effect on their work.

On the other hand, 30% of the respondents in each industry did not feel that the training was effective. It is necessary to interview the employees about what knowledge and skills they want to acquire, and to review and improve the training content.

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(1) Percentage of training format varies by industry.

While face-to-face training methods still dominate, the majority of training methods incorporate online. By industry, the trend toward online training is strongest in the financial industry. On the other hand, more than half of the respondents in the medical and nursing care industry still use face-to-face training, suggesting that some industries have yet to shift to online training.

(2) The type of training is unique to each industry.

In all industries, training is conducted mainly for new hires, mid-level employees, and managers, as well as compliance training. Compliance training is prominent in the financial industry, which shows the reality of the training that is unique to an industry that deals with "money" in the form of loans, asset management, and sales of financial products.

The full report, which includes survey results not published in this article, such as issues that participants felt through the training and important points they emphasized in the training, can be downloaded from the link below. We hope you will use the report as a source of ideas and hints for better employee training.

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