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Strategic HR in the DX Era Accelerates with Talent Management x e-Learning

When Kaonavi and learningBOX are linked, a PDCA cycle to promote employee development can be smoothly implemented.

Visualization of employee skills based on human resource data accumulated by Kaonavi.
Furthermore, by utilizing learningBOX for employee training and having employees take e-learning materials that take into account their aptitudes and challenges, effective strategic human resource management can be realized.

In this webinar, representatives from kaonavi and learningBOX will take the stage in collaboration to talk about the smooth integration of the systems and recommended features.

We look forward to your participation.

I recommend it to people like you!

  • Kaonavi users who are interested in how to use Strategic HR/LMS
  • If you are a learningBOX user and are interested in learning how to use Strategic HR/Talemanagement

Webinar Content

Key points of DX tools to enhance corporate competitiveness
Know-how to strengthen and develop DX personnel

Exhibition Outline

Date & Time Thursday, June 23, 2022
14:00 - 15:00
entrance fee FREE
Holding Method webinar
Use Zoom.
How to join We will inform you by e-mail separately after your application.


Kaonavi Corporation
Mr. Eiichi Tanaka

Tatsuno Information System Corporation Introduction Support
Saori Yoda

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