[vol. 2] System Replacement Reduces Contact Desk Work by 44%, Makes Diagnostic Tests Easier to Create

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  • Content sales (B2B)

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Transportation and Mobility Division and its Outsourcing Partner, CAICA Technologies Inc.

Issues and Reasons for Introduction
  • Bad usability of a previous system
  • Workload for many inquiries about how to use the previous system and implementation required hours
  • Development speed, quality and cost for a new personality test
Solution / Effect
  • Simple UI and cost-effective
  • Improved operational efficiency by reducing the number of customer inquiries and operational man-hours
  • A new personality test could be created without extra charge.

Tokio Marine dR Co., Ltd. was established in 1996 as a risk consulting company of the Tokio Marine Group. As a group of experts that uses digital technology to accurately resolve risks, the company takes on the challenge of tackling a wide range of social issues. The company's Transportation & Mobility Division provides a wide range of support to companies to build and strengthen their vehicle safety management systems, from legal compliance support to consulting based on surveys and analysis, and as part of this support, the company offers a traffic safety web-based learning service. learningBOX is currently being used as the system infrastructure for this service. In this interview, we spoke with the chief researcher of the Transportation & Mobility Division. This interview will be presented in two volumes.

The first part of the article, including the deciding factors for introducing learningBOX, is available at here.

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Create a completely new "diagnostic test to grow" with the "Diagnostic Test" function.

There is a diagnostic test content in "WebstadR." Could you tell us about the background behind the creation of this test?

The test was developed as a diagnostic test that can be used by customers in all industries, in the sense that it visualizes a driver's strengths and weaknesses to help them learn about their own driving tendencies and to help them drive safely.

We have been discussing the development of a new diagnostic test for quite some time, but usually it takes a lot of time, effort, and cost to create a diagnostic test from scratch. We have always been faced with the challenge of how to create a new diagnostic test that would please our customers while maintaining a balance between quality and cost.

Originally, we had been offering several diagnostic tests for a long time, including some we had developed decades ago, but we decided to discontinue all of them, and finally, we needed a replacement for them, so we were very concerned about creating a new diagnostic test. Just then, learningBOX's "Personality testI was told about the "I'm a fan of this" function. I began to wonder if I could somehow create something based on this.

An example of a diagnostic test in the "Safe Driving Web Course. The driving recorder video is shown to evaluate the participant's ability to predict danger.

How did you feel when you actually tried the "diagnostic test" function?

When we first tried the "diagnostic test" function, we thought, "If we can create so many in such a short period of time, why not take the plunge and create many more?" We were able to change our way of thinking. If we did this, we might be able to better meet the diverse needs of our customers. Like the "Safe Driving Web Course," which has more than 150 contents, I thought that it would be a good idea to have more diagnostic tests to choose from, not just one or two. It was a great opportunity for me to think in this way.

Using the "Diagnostic Test" feature of the learningBOX, the first round of diagnostic tests was released in April 2024, the second round will be released soon, and we are trying to create a third and subsequent rounds. The product concept of these diagnostic tests is slightly different from the diagnostic tests we have offered for many years.

What specific diagnostic tests do you plan to create in the future?

The diagnostic tests we have offered in the past were not designed to be updated after release, but we believe that this new diagnostic test really begins after release.

We intend to accumulate and analyze the data to continuously improve the quality of the test. As we accumulate data, we can continue to improve the evaluation result reports (score sheets) to provide even more valuable feedback, and we expect that this will lead to the development of new diagnostic tests.

In the past, it was difficult to create diagnostic tests that could be developed and developed one by one, taking time and cost. learningBOX's "diagnostic test" function has a certain "type" of diagnostic test, which can be created in no-code or low-code (*2). The "diagnostic test" function of learningBOX has a certain "type" of diagnostic test and can be created in no-code and low-code (*2). We would like to create diagnostic tests at low cost, accumulate data, and keep updating them to make them better and better. In terms of changing the lineup of diagnostic tests themselves, we are about to do something that we have not been able to achieve for many years.

(*2) "No code" refers to development in which no source code is written, and "low code" refers to development in which the amount of source code written is minimized.

Steady increase in the number of users and use of learningBOX for other services

According to your company's website, the number of accidents among customers who used "WebstadR" decreased by 70%.

Yes, I agree. Companies whose safety training has resulted in a reduction in the number of accidents have at least two things in common: First, the content of the training is appropriate for the company's current risks, which means that the e-learning program has selected appropriate content. The second is to manage the e-learning program, i.e., to encourage participation and increase the participation rate. In the cases where both of these goals were achieved, the participation rate exceeded 701 TP3T, leading to a reduction in the number of accidents.

As consultants, we would like to add value to this service by providing content with higher educational effects and management support to increase the course attendance rate. We hope that your company will add functions to learningBOX that will motivate students and lead to higher attendance rates.

An example of a diagnostic test score sheet. The radar chart displays the score of each evaluation item in an easy-to-understand manner.

We will continue to study the issue of how to improve the attendance rate. What kind of feedback have you received from people who have actually used the contents of WebstadR?

I think that the voice of "ease of use" has already been clearly voiced. In terms of problems and dissatisfaction such as not knowing how to use the system, it is clear from the decrease in the number of inquiries to the help desk.

How much has the number of help desk inquiries decreased since the introduction of the learningBOX? What other benefits have you seen?

The number of help desk inquiries has visibly decreased by 44% compared to before the introduction of learningBOX. Please see the following chart for details.

Comparison of the number of referrals to the Help Desk regarding "login not possible

- Survey targeting the most common inquiry (category) highly relevant to the operation of e-learning systems: "Cannot log in (cannot log in for some reason)".
- The number of cases is based on help desk inquiry records. Figures for FY2022 (April-September) and FY2024 (April-September), when the contrast between the old and new systems is clear, are used for comparison.

This reduction also translates into customer satisfaction. In addition, not only the number of inquiries, but also the man-hours required for in-house setup work, etc., have been greatly reduced.

In our case, we have to deal with each customer who uses our service, which is quite a complex operation. Because of the complexity, we have to make sure that the little UI and " Other permissionsSpecifications such as the settings of the "LearningBOX" system have a significant impact on man-hours. Therefore, replacing the previous system with learningBOX has been very helpful in reducing management man-hours.

The burden of system maintenance has also been reduced. learningBOX has a low failure frequency, and the timing of maintenance can be selected (seeEnterprise(in the case of the "I"), so I am very grateful for that.

The reduction in operational man-hours in all aspects has led to a reduction in operating costs. And since the launch of "WebstadR," which replaced learningBOX, the number of users has steadily increased.

Since learningBOX can be used in a variety of situations, in fact, in addition to "WebstadR," our company is also developing "Tokio Risk Intelligence," "mini Tsuku Video," and "dR Knowledge Square" services on learningBOX.

Mr. Hisato Honda, Chief Researcher

A company that addresses the essential aspects of e-learning: learning effectiveness.

How do you feel about learningBOX's sales and support, which has been with you from the stage of considering the introduction of the system?

Thank you for always being really attentive to our needs. Your company is very accommodating, so I sometimes feel spoiled. From the very beginning, I felt your company's attitude of "making a good product" and "listening to the voice of one customer. Of course, I still feel the same way, and I trust you very much in this aspect.

What do you expect from learningBOX in the future?

I hope that we will not forget the agility that major vendors do not have, and the commitment to properly pursue the essential aspects of our business. When you talk about essential points, you are referring to the part of improving learning effectiveness through e-learning, aren't you? Since the foundation of your business is to provide the infrastructure for educational services, the aspect of supporting people who learn is to help them change their behavior to the desired behavior in order to improve the learning effect. I think that the company is facing a fairly essential aspect of thinking about what it can do as a system to support this, so I would still like you to keep that part of your business in mind.

Also, learningBOX is becoming more and more convenient with each new version, isn't it? I think the system will become more and more complex in the future, but I hope that the "simplicity" of the first version will not be lost. The lightness and simplicity of the system is very good. Thank you for your continued support.

Please see the rest of the article in Part I for more information on the benefits of implementing ▼learningBOX.

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Case Study - [Part 1] Tokio Marine Dealer, Inc.

In this issue, we interviewed Tokio Marine Dealer Co., Ltd. about how they have used learningBOX as a system platform for their web-based learning service to improve operational efficiency by reducing the number of customer inquiries and the number of man-hours required to operate the service.

Thank you for your participation

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