Version 2.17.22

functional improvement

Manage Members
1. Regarding the groups to which members belong, it has been modified so that members with group management privileges for only some groups cannot cancel all the groups to which members in the group belong.
Manage contents
1. Modified the alert message displayed when edits are not allowed to be saved in the survey creation form to display a detailed message.
2. The message displayed when "Save" is clicked in the report table setting has been modified to display "Created" in the case of new creation and "Saved" in the case of re-editing.
1. Modified to display an indicator until panel data loading is completed.
Category Management
1. When no category is registered, "Category does not exist" is displayed in the category list.
local management
1. When no region is registered, "Region does not exist" is displayed in the region list.
EC Seminar Details Screen
1. Changed the display position of "This seminar has been canceled" displayed for seminars whose status is canceled to center position.

Bug Fixes

Entire Site
1. A bug was found that links set in "Insert/Edit Link" in TinyMCE did not correctly go to the link destination when the link was clicked.
Course Details
1. There was a bug that "<>" were not displayed when the destination of "<>" displayed in the header was a folder and the user started learning from the course details screen.
Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug in which the original name of the duplicated gradebook was displayed when re-editing/saving the gradebook after duplicating the gradebook and changing the name of the teaching material.
1. Fixed a bug in the study graph/total study time panel that the display did not match the display in the grade list if the studied material was deleted from the content management.
2. Fixed a bug in which videos with the publication limit set to "private" were counted in the number of playback hours of new courses.
 Site customizer
1. Regarding the preview of the theme change modal, there was a bug that the preview was not displayed correctly when a template that does not use the top screen was selected for preview.
order screen
1. Regarding "View Demo" of the theme selection in the design customization request modal, there was a bug that the preview was not displayed correctly when you selected a template that does not use the top screen and clicked "View Demo".
purchase history
1. A bug in the display of ticket codes in the Ticket tab was not being displayed with the "Prefix/Suffix" set in the Seminar Registration/Update screen, and has been corrected so that the codes are displayed as set.
EC Products / EC Seminars / Curriculum Management
1. A bug in the display of course names in the list was found in which course names were not displayed when multiple courses with folders placed within a course were specified.
2. Regarding "View Details" of course name, there was a bug that multiple course list modals were displayed when clicking "View Details" with all items displayed by clicking the "+" button on a small screen size, which has been corrected to be displayed correctly.
EC Products/EC Seminars/Curriculum Registration/Update
1. Fixed a bug in which educational materials with public restriction set to "Private" were displayed in the course and could be specified, so they were not displayed. As a result, they are no longer displayed on the product/seminar/curriculum details screen.
2. A bug that allowed users to submit reviews on the preview screen has been corrected so that they cannot be submitted.
3. Fixed a bug in which members who had not checked the "Lecturer" box under "Related Parties" were displayed as lecturers at the top of the preview screen.
4. Fixed a bug in which members who checked "Hide" in "Related Parties" were displayed as lecturers at the top of the preview screen.
5. The "Preview" link at the top of the preview screen had a bug that the screen transition did not occur even if the link was clicked.

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