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Visualize learners' "weak points," analyze their progress.
Let's enhance effective e-learning.

Visualization of Weaknesses: e-Learning System to Graph Learners' "Weaknesses" and Analyze Their Grades to Enhance Learning Effectiveness Using the quiz function and gradebook of our e-learning system, it is possible to output "score distribution and item analysis" from learners' answer data to grade results. In this article, we will introduce "learner answer analysis" using learningBOX's quiz function [tagging function] and gradebook. The administrator can check the learner's level of understanding, overcome weak points, and grasp the scores for each subject and overall trends at a glance. If you have a need to "examine and aggregate" learners' answer tendencies and score distribution, please refer to this report to find out more! Please try the quiz function and gradebook of learningBOX by referring to this article. Click here for the table of contents Easy Creation of Exam Questions on the Web Visualize answer data at a glance with grade management Radar chart analysis of grade reports is recommended for score analysis Summary Easy creation of exam questions on the web The quiz feature of learningBOX makes it easy for anyone to create tests. Even if you are not confident in your computer or IT skills, you can create a test in a few minutes using the question creation form. Tests can be created in a combination of 13 different question types, including multiple-choice, multiple-answer, and fill-in-the-blank questions. You can also set up clear conditions to limit the number of students who can move on to the next practice question. Setting Tags as Questions Using the "tagging" feature within the quiz function, you can set tags to questions you have created. When you study a question with a tag, you can tabulate and analyze the number of correct answers, number of incorrect answers, and percentage of correct answers for each tag using the chart function of the score management system. This feature can be used for self-analysis and discovery of weak areas of the learner. Tags can be set for each section of [Quiz/Test] or for questions in the same category. How to use the tagging function Tagging is set when creating a quiz/test from the content management screen. Step 1: Open the content management screen. Click "Contents Management" on the TOP page or the side menu. Step 2. Create a quiz/test This time, we will create a quiz/test using the question creation form. Click on the "+" icon in the upper left corner of the screen > "Educational Materials" > "Quiz/Test" > "Create Quiz" or "Create Test". *Make sure to create a course on the TOP screen of Content Management, and create the quiz/test within that course. Step 3. Set tags Click "Edit Tab" under the question. For section tags, click "+Add Section" and then click "Edit Tags" under the section. *To set up a section, set "Mode" to "Normal Mode" in the option values. Answer data is visualized at a glance in the grade management. Learners' grades can be checked using the "Grade Control" and "Medical Record" functions. The "Gradebook" can be used for "overall grade management", while the "Chart" can be used for "grade management and analysis of each learner". How to use the tagging and chart functions When a learner takes a quiz/test that has been tagged, the results for each tag will be displayed on the chart screen. By using the chart, you can visualize how much students study each day, what kind of problems they are good at or bad at, and so on, based on graphs and grade data. The grade data can also be downloaded in CSV format. About the display of grades in the medical record This page introduces the procedure for checking the details of grades in the medical record. Step 1: Open the chart screen. Click "Grading and Analysis" > "Medical Record Function" in the side menu. Step 2: Select the target learner Click "Details" to the right of the learner in the list of learners. Step 3: Display grade information by tag Click on the "Tags" tab. Here, you can check the number of correct/incorrect answers, total number of answers, time required, and percentage of correct answers for each tag. The list of tags can also be narrowed down by content, time period, or search filter. *If you wish to view only specific content, please select the target content in the "Study Progress" column at the bottom of the "Basic Information" tab screen. Step 4: Displaying only section tags Clicking on "Section Tag Only" will allow you to view only the grade information for the section tag. Radar chart analysis of grades is recommended for score analysis. Using the gradebook in learningBOX, the scores and scoring percentages for multiple items can be graphed together, allowing you to grasp at a glance the learner's areas of strength and weakness. Here are some of the features of the gradebook 1. The balance of scores/percentage of points for each item can be checked. 2. to know which areas are your weak points. For more detailed information on how to use this feature, please refer to this report card. (1) To check the balance of scores/percentage of points for each item. 2. to know which areas are your weak points. Conclusion In this article, we have introduced "learner answer analysis" utilizing the quiz function [tagging function] and gradebook of learningBOX. The administrator can check the learner's level of understanding, overcome weak points, and grasp the scores for each subject and overall trends at a glance. Our e-learning system [learningBOX] is available free of charge to everyone from individuals to companies. If you are considering implementing an e-learning system, please give our learningBOX a try. ⇒Please try our e-learning system for free.

learningBOX upgraded to Ver. 2.17

About this Version Upgrade Thank you for your continued use of learningBOX. Today, learningBOX has been upgraded from Ver. 2.16 to Ver. 2.17. In this article, we will provide details about Ver. 2.17.13 (released on March 9, 2022), to which various new features have been added. Click here for a list of new features and functional improvements. New Features Functional Improvements 1. expansion of course functionality 13. expansion of functionality for checking compatible devices Expansion of two-factor authentication 3. Selective content settings 15. Expansion of test mode settings 4. Gradebook 16. Permission to view group management and grade management 5. page designer 17. group batch registration and download function Breadcrumbs are added to the display. 7. Display of question answers/corrections 19. Display of detailed course descriptions 8. Message Box Management Authority 20. Video Basic Settings 9. Video time display function 21. Immediate availability of design customization 10. Automatic video playback function 22. Addition of authentication failure information to access log 11. Curriculum/course description 12. Welcome page redisplay function In this version update, the "Course Function" has been revamped, which significantly changes the way the study screen looks. Many other features have also been added, including improvements to existing functions and expansion of functions that can be linked via API. We will now introduce the 2.17 series version update in detail. Expanded course functionality The TOP of all study screens are now unified with the course materials, making them easier to customize as well as simpler looking. Headings/Clearance Conditions The existing learning control function has been completely redesigned and is now a clear condition. More complex conditions can be set than before. Selective Content Setting This function allows the learner to select only one of multiple learning materials. Gradebook Original gradebooks can now be created and distributed as content within a course. Page Designer You can now more easily change the design of pages that can be created in the Site Customizer. Media Management Videos and teaching materials can now be registered in learningBOX and used via CDN without having to upload media files for each content. Function for displaying answers to questions/corrections Answers to specific questions and corrections can be displayed. Message Box Management Authority Authorized users can send messages to groups and other users. Video Duration Display Function Video content times are now displayed on the "Find Curriculum" and "Select Course" screens. Automatic Video Continuous Playback When there are multiple video contents, they are now automatically played in succession. Curriculum/Course Descriptions Explanatory text can be displayed on the "Find Curriculum" and "Select Course" screens. Re-display of Welcome Page The welcome page can be redisplayed. Expanded functionality for checking compatible devices A [Back] button has been added to the list of compatible devices screen, as well as to automatically read the recommended environment for learningBOX. Expansion of two-factor authentication functionality Two-factor authentication can now be set for specific groups. Expansion of Test Mode Settings Test mode settings can now be configured to display more detailed results. Group Management/Grades Management Viewing Authority Member management and grade management permissions can now be allowed for viewing only. Group Batch Registration and Download Function The group CSV batch registration format has been changed to a clearer display. Breadcrumbs are now displayed in the "General Public Courses," "Select Course," and "Course Details" screens. Breadcrumbs are now displayed on the "Public Courses," "Select Course," and "Course Details" screens. Switching the display of detailed course descriptions The course and folder descriptions displayed at the top of the "Learn" screen can now be toggled on and off. Basic Video Settings Basic settings related to videos, such as the range of video double speed settings and shadows, can now be configured. This function is available for video content with MOVIE Player version 2.1.0 or higher. Design customization is now available on the same day. Design customization is now available for same-day use when ordered from the order screen. Authentication Failure Information Added to Access Log Information on authentication failures is now displayed in the access log. Miscellaneous Please contact our CS sales team if you have any questions or need more information. Inquiry Form We will continue to listen to our customers and improve the functionality of the system to make it even more comfortable to use. The new features and functional improvements added to learningBOX Ver. 2.17 are described in detail in this release note. We look forward to your continued support of learningBOX/QuizGenerator.

A study method that gets you results in less time! E-learning is the best way to prepare for the exam

A study method that gets results in a short time! E-learning is the best way to prepare for the exam! This is Kidaoka, Marketing Manager. This article is for those who are studying for school tests, certification exams, or other examinations and are wondering if their study methods are correct or not, or those who are having trouble reaching a passing score. In this article, we also explain the key concepts of learning methods and the mechanism of memory, which is closely related to remembering things. Using our e-learning system, learningBOX, you can easily create "learning tailored to your own objectives and goals" on the web according to the situation of use. Click here for the table of contents 1. What is the learning method utilizing e-learning? 2. Effective learning methods based on the brain's memory mechanism LearningBOX's test creation function is recommended for memory consolidation 4. Summary What is the learning method using e-learning? E-learning is a method of learning and training via the Internet using digital devices such as computers. By utilizing e-learning, students can learn effectively during "travel time and spare time" outside of school hours. Features of e-Learning In recent years, with the spread of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, many learning applications have been developed. However, it is difficult for all learning apps to be used directly as learning materials in schools, and many educators have probably had their heads turned. Unlike learning apps, e-learning allows students to "create and edit" their own learning materials and exam questions, and collect detailed performance information and data on each student. With the spread of the Internet and advances in information technology, companies, schools, and society as a whole have high expectations for its potential in terms of ease of use and learning effectiveness. E-Learning Learning Rapidly Advancing in the Wake of the New Coronavirus Conventional learning methods involve "person-to-person" education, in which an instructor gives a lecture directly to the student at a specific place and time. In contrast, e-learning is a learning style that enables students to "receive education anytime, anywhere, anytime and anytime" via a network of terminals such as PCs, tablets, and smartphones. It is a system that combines IT and information technology, and is used in the same sense as "educational IT" and "web learning/online learning" because it is learning via a network. For more information on e-learning, please refer to this article. Effective learning methods based on the brain's memory mechanism Our brain stores information in two areas: the hippocampus, which temporarily stores memories, and the cerebral cortex, which stores information for the long term and can utilize it when necessary. Newly learned information is once stored in the hippocampus, and only that which is deemed necessary is sent to the cortex. Information that comes in through the eyes, ears, and other sensory organs is temporarily stored in the hippocampus, a region deep in the brain, but most of it disappears. Because the brain is constantly receiving large amounts of information, it is necessary to determine the value and priority of the information and discard it. Three processes are essential to the memory process The memory process can be divided into three stages: inscription, retention, and recall. Inscription is the process of converting information from an external stimulus into meaning and capturing it as a memory, retention is the process of storing what has been inscribed, and recall is the process of outputting the stored memory after a certain period of time. Memory is a process that involves the following three steps: remembering ⇒ keeping ⇒ recalling. Effective Learning Methods Derived from the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve is a curve that shows the degree of "savings" in long-term memory. It is a graph that shows how much of what you have memorized remains in your mind over time. The "savings rate" is a percentage that indicates how much time is saved in terms of the time it takes to completely re-memorize the content once memorized. Hypotheses and findings derived from the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve ▼ Key points from the experiment The more time passes, the longer it takes people to recall, and relearning at an earlier stage decreases the time and burden of recall. In addition, the potential memory retention period is thought to be about 30 days, during which time it is important to review. In order to remember, it is also important to repeat the same content over and over again. Furthermore, an output-oriented learning method is effective in order to increase the chances of recall. Repetitive learning is effective for memory retention. As can be seen from the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve, memory becomes more forgettable with the passage of time, and most of what we remember disappears unconsciously. The key to memory retention is the timing of review. People often say, "Review before you forget," but this is actually a big mistake. This is because memories are more likely to stick when you are trying your best to remember them. Data show that memories are more likely to stick in brain circuits when output is repeated rather than input. This hypothesis is supported by experiments conducted by Dr. Karpik at the University of Washington. The experiment conducted by Dr. Karpik is described in detail in this article. LearningBOX's test creation function is recommended for memory retention! Testing is a good way to consolidate memory, but it can be a daunting task to administer a test every time. If this is the case, try creating a test using our e-learning system! learningBOX allows anyone to easily create the tests needed for output on the web. It is easy to create, and you can set up the question text, answers, and explanations according to a dedicated form. About the Test Creation Feature Using the test creation function, you can easily set a limit on the number of times a test can be taken and the date and time when the test will be open to the public. You can also display or hide the results of students who are taking a test, depending on your needs. Please refer to this article for more detailed information on how to use the system. ⇒Test Mode learningBOX is an LMS that makes it easy for anyone to start e-learning Our e-learning system (learningBOX) allows anyone from individuals to companies to start using e-learning for free. All you need to prepare is a computer and an Internet environment, and you can start e-learning from the day you register! For more information on how to use learningBOX, please refer to this article. ⇒What you can do with learningBOX Please refer to this article for examples of how learningBOX can be used. Conclusion In this article, we have introduced learning methods and information on how to use e-learning. Using our e-learning system, learningBOX, you can easily create "learning tailored to your own objectives and goals" on the web according to the situation in which you utilize the system. We also offer a free plan that allows you to use learningBOX for an unlimited period of time. If you are having trouble implementing e-learning, please take this opportunity to try our learningBOX.
Efforts to Achieve Digitalization of Local Governments

IT Reforms in Local Governments for the Realization of a Digital Society

IT Reforms in Local Governments for the Realization of a Digital Society Hello, I am Morishita of the Development Department. It will soon be a year and a half since I joined Tatsuno Information Systems. These days, I spend most of my time writing programs! Recently, I am grateful for the presence of PM (Project Manager) and manage to struggle with difficult tasks. We are looking for someone with PM experience. Would you like to work with us? ▼ Now to the main topic! In this article, I would like to share with you some of the initiatives and trends toward the realization of digitalization in government, where the use of IT is lagging behind. In the response to the new coronavirus infection, there have been various issues such as insufficient utilization of cross-sectional data among regions and organizations. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has recommended that national and local government systems be unified/standardized for the digitization of local administration. In the Digital Reform Bill approved by the Cabinet on March 9, the government proposes to mandate the unification of business system specifications by FY2025 in order to accelerate the digitization of public administration by promoting the unification of local government systems and the use of My Number. (See: Standardization of Municipal Information Systems|from Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) Click here for table of contents 1. Standardization of Local Government Information Systems 2. My Number System, the Foundation for the Digitization of Public Administration 3. Use of My Number to be Expanded to School Education in FY2023 4. Linking My Number to e-Learning Systems 5. Summary Standardization of Local Government Information Systems In the response to the new coronavirus, various issues regarding digitization were revealed, including delays in digitization and lack of human resources at national and local governments, administrative inefficiencies resulting from inadequate system coordination, cumbersome procedures, and delays in delivery of benefits. The development of ICT in recent years, as represented by the Internet, has been remarkable, and while many digitalization platforms for efficient organizational management and convenient and safe service provision through the use of IT have already been implemented in the private sector, they are still far from sufficient in local governments. For more information on ICT, please refer to this article. The Importance of Digitization in Local Governments In an aging society with a declining birthrate, people must concentrate on tasks that only people can do, and actively digitize those areas that can be digitized. The use of digital technology will lead to the creation of a system that facilitates the implementation of "management and analysis of information collection and effective actions with a high level of evidence," which local governments have been weak at in the past. The promotion of digitalization is expected to have the effect of increasing the management awareness and monetization mindset of local governments. However, it is also true that the degree of utilization of digital technology varies markedly among many municipalities. The concept of "Digital Transformation (DX)" is now attracting attention. Companies are expected to break away from existing businesses and create new value by utilizing new digital technologies. The promotion of the digitization of all socioeconomic activities by the public is not merely the introduction of new technologies, but the transformation of systems, policies, and the way organizations are organized, etc., in line with the new technologies. For more information on digital transformation (DX), please refer to this article. Government Initiatives for Digitalization The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has proposed that local governments be obliged to adopt core information systems within a transition period as a way to accelerate the unification and standardization of local government business systems, and to set a target date and create an environment in which local governments can begin preparing for the transition. According to a survey conducted by the Information and Communication Research Institute in 2016, the implementation rate of ICT utilization projects exceeded 601 TP2T in the fields of "education, disaster prevention, and crime prevention," while the rate was only about 201 TP2T in the fields of infrastructure, industrial promotion, and employment. ▼Survey and research on the current status of ICT utilization in the region (2017) Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications|From ICT Utilization by Sector About the My Number System, which is the foundation for the digitization of public administration In his policy speech at the 203rd session of the Diet (extraordinary session) on October 26, 2020, Prime Minister Kan advocated the promotion of digitization of national and local government administration by breaking down the stove-piping between ministries and agencies and local governments. In addition, he proposed that the My Number Card be distributed to almost all citizens within two and a half years, that the integration of the health insurance card and the My Number Card begin in March 2021, and that the digitalization of driver's licenses be promoted. Purpose of the My Number System The My Number System aims to "realize a fair and just society," "improve convenience for citizens," and "enhance administrative efficiency" by utilizing the number as a common social infrastructure. The My Number system will be introduced based on the four number-related laws enacted and promulgated in May 2013, including the Law Concerning the Use of the Number to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures (hereinafter referred to as "Number Law"). Use of My Number will be expanded to school education in FY2023. The My Number system is being promoted at the initiative of the government, and recently, its use in the field of education is being considered. In the education field, it is planned to link learner IDs, which are necessary for the utilization of learning histories that are the focus of the GIGA school concept, to My Number and make them available to families and schools that wish to use them starting in FY2023. What is the GIGA School Concept? GIGA School is an initiative launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology that aims to realize "education tailored to the individuality of each child. It is a five-year plan to provide each student receiving compulsory education with a personal computer and a high-speed network environment. In addition, an "e-learning system" will be introduced to support the work of teachers and staff, with the aim of reforming their work styles. This plan, launched in December 2019, is an effort to realize effective learning in the new era through the improvement and utilization of the ICT environment. The importance of this initiative is becoming increasingly important in the wake of the recent Corona disaster, and educational institutions are also undergoing IT reforms. Information Linkage in the My Number System Information linkage under the My Number System is a system that allows residents to omit documents (copies of residence certificates, taxation certificates, etc.) submitted to administrative agencies for various procedures by exchanging personal information between different administrative agencies, etc. using a dedicated information provision network system. The government plans to verify the linkage between the my number card and the learner ID of the educational support tool (LMS) introduced by each school starting in FY2010 with the target year of 2023. Regarding operation in school education Many people change the organization they belong to over time throughout their lives, from elementary school to university, study abroad, employment, and so on. However, since each individual's learning history and achievements exist separately, it takes an enormous amount of time and effort to compile records of what they actually "learned" and "worked on" there. If data can be accumulated not only on school learning history but also on work performance, it will be useful for a wide range of purposes, such as improving treatment within the company or changing jobs, and will motivate working people to continue learning. If a learner ID can be identified by personal identification using a personal number card, it will be possible to update one's learning history on a daily basis anytime and anywhere, and to easily carry it with one when needed. In fact, this kind of initiative was mentioned at the Keidanren EdTech Strategy Study Group in March 2020, where the necessity of "building and utilizing a system for recording learning history" and the usefulness of "data linkage using learner IDs" were discussed. Regarding learner IDs, the current situation is that private companies issue IDs for each of their services and products. As a result, it is a time-consuming operation that requires reviewing data linkage due to class changes, etc. Therefore, by establishing a mechanism that allows single sign-on with a single ID (assuming the OAuth mechanism is in place) and linking with IDs issued by private companies, it will be possible to use learning products provided by private companies. Furthermore, if the IDs can be extended to include the accumulation of learning logs, it will be possible to construct a mechanism to record learning histories and to compare and analyze the collected data. One idea would be to use the student's personal ID number as the ID for this purpose. Source: Learning in the Society 5.0 Era Using EdTech|from Japan Business Federation Reference: March 2020, Learning in the Society 5.0 Era Utilizing EdTech (main text) Reference: March 2020 Learning in the Society 5.0 Era Utilizing EdTech (Summary) Linking My Number to e-Learning Systems As more concrete consideration is given to the use of linking a learner ID to a My Number card, e-learning systems (LMS) will also need to be operated more flexibly. Currently, various e-Learning systems are used by different organizations. learningBOX is an LMS (Learning Management System) that can be easily set up even by first-time users learningBOX, Tatsuno Information System's LMS, is designed not from the developer's perspective, but from the user's perspective. learningBOX is an e-learning system that anyone can use easily. It is a learning management system with all the functions required for an e-learning system, including "creation of teaching materials, creation of questions and tests, and grading and grade management. ▼learningBOX's external linkage functions are explained in detail here. Benefits and Expectations of e-Learning Systems Once an e-Learning system is in place to continuously accumulate individual learning histories, it will be useful for analysis and forecasting. Schools can use the learning data of enrolled students to measure the effectiveness of education, and companies can analyze the relationship between personnel evaluations at the hiring stage and after employment, and between internal training and performance. Conclusion In this article, we have introduced trends in the digitization of government administration toward the realization of digitalization of local governments. The My Number system is being promoted at the initiative of the government, and recently it is also being considered for use in the education sector. One of the requirements for e-learning systems to be adopted by many organizations in the future is "whether or not it is a flexible LMS that can be externally linked. In the turbulent post-Corona era, the emphasis is on the ability to utilize diverse human resources with different ideas and abilities within an organization, and organizations that can shift from conventional homogenized learning to "individually optimized learning" will survive. The mission of e-learning systems also lies in this point, and it is a sobering thought every day. We are working hard to develop highly flexible e-learning systems that meet the needs of our customers. We plan to continue developing more convenient features in the future! If you are considering implementing an e-learning system, we hope you will consider our learningBOX as well.
e-Learning - LMS

The forefront of online learning! What is the LMS that supports e-learning [2021]?

On the Forefront of Online Learning! What is the LMS that Supports e-Learning [2021]? My name is Kidaoka, and I am in charge of marketing. In this article, we will introduce in detail "LMS functions and mechanisms," which are indispensable for e-learning. Recently, the number of companies introducing LMS has been increasing every year as teleworking is promoted due to the impact of the spread of the new coronavirus. ▼ This article is recommended for customers with these concerns! 1. want to conduct human resources training effectively 2. To centralize the management of internal training programs. 3. To reduce transportation and accommodation costs of employees for training, and to reduce training costs. 4. To visualize in-house know-how and share it at the organizational level. Click here to see the table of contents 1. What is LMS? 2. Standardization of LMS by SCORM 3. What has become possible through the use of LMS 4. Human Resource Education in the Corona Era 5. Summary What is LMS? LMS stands for (Learning Management System), also known as a learning management system. LMS is a system that integrates and centrally manages not only e-learning materials, learning, and grade management, but also training and course applications and learner progress. It is being developed as a platform with comprehensive functions necessary for corporate human resource development. It refers to an environment that serves as the foundation or infrastructure for systems and services that deliver e-learning via the Internet. By utilizing IT technology, learners can receive training from remote locations or from home. By utilizing an LMS, "it is possible to enhance the learning effectiveness of the entire organization while improving operational efficiency." Purpose of the LMS As the name implies, LMS was originally developed for the purpose of distributing e-learning materials created by e-learning to learners and managing learning results as data. Prior to the widespread use of the Internet, e-learning materials were used for training, with CDs or DVDs and PCs being used together. The administrator only had to deliver the CDs or DVDs to the learners and they could start learning. However, the disadvantage of the conventional method was that it was difficult to keep the learners motivated and motivated, and the administrator had no information on the learners' progress or performance. The problem was that the administrator had no way of knowing: 1. whether the learner had completed the course or not; 2. how much progress had been made; and 3. 2. how much progress has been made? 3. which courses are necessary for the learner? The training program was progressing without control over this information. In addition, there was no way to improve the training content or verify its effectiveness. That's where the LMS came in! With the advent of the LMS platform, a system is now in place to manage the information necessary for e-learning operations in an integrated manner. Administrators and educators can now acquire learner learning data and performance data in real time and strategically educate human resources. With the advent of LMS, "learners can check their own learning history and test results, and receive support and feedback at the most appropriate time. Main Functions of the LMS LMS functions can be divided into two main categories: for learners and for administrators. The two main functions of the LMS are for the learner and for the administrator: "Which materials and courses should I assign to which learners? and "How many learners are taking a course? There are many LMSs on the market with a wide variety of functions. The Japan E-Learning Consortium, a non-profit organization that promotes and standardizes e-learning, introduces the main functions of LMSs as follows ◆Main Functions of LMS 1. learner registration, modification, and deletion 2. registration of teaching materials, assignment of teaching materials to learners 3. Management of individual learner's learning history, learning progress, and grades 4. Grade aggregation and statistical analysis functions 5. Setting up a bulletin board for information sharing and sending e-mails to learners. Reference source: Japan E-Learning Consortium Brief summary of LMS features E-learning using an LMS manages the learning status on a server, so the learning status can be checked in real time. By centrally managing learning information, it can be expected to prompt appropriate action to those who are behind in learning and to continuously improve the quality of learning materials based on analysis of correct and incorrect information. Benefits for Learners Easy to understand the flow of learning from start to finish Real-time display of learning progress rate and test results helps to maintain motivation. The learning history can be viewed, so you can grasp your strong and weak areas. The ability to take courses at any time and any place (without IP restrictions, etc.) depending on the company. Advantages for Administrators ・Cost containment and rapid implementation are possible. Progress of each learner and test results can be viewed and extracted in CSV format. The system automates the tallying of student study time and test corrections, thereby reducing workload. Data can be centrally managed on the server, making it easier to manage students and course materials. In addition to being able to manage the progress and performance of all learners, the LMS is also characterized by its ability to easily grasp the strengths and weaknesses of each learner through the quantification and graphing of performance data. Standardization of LMS with SCORM SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a global standard for e-learning developed by the ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative), an American standards organization. SCORM is a global standard for e-learning established by ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative), an American standards organization. It is a standard for e-learning and defines specifications for combining LMS (Learning Management System) and teaching materials. It is possible to use materials from different companies as long as they are compliant with SCORM. In Japan, the Japan e-Learning Consortium certifies LMSs and content, as well as SCORM-related qualifications. The Two Roles of SCORM SCORM has two major roles. 1. to register teaching materials with the system 2. to exchange grades and other information between the system and the teaching materials *These are defined as the standard specifications, allowing for the combination of different vendor's teaching materials and LMS (Learning Management System). Advantages of SCORM Before the advent of SCORM, teaching materials created by Company A could only be used with Company A's LMS. Unless Company A and Company B had a business alliance and shared common specifications, basically, Company A's content could only be used with Company A's LMS, and Company B's content could only be used with Company B's LMS. However, with the advent of SCORM, LMS (Learning Management System) and educational materials (content) interoperability can be realized. ▼The article about SCORM is explained in detail here. What can now be achieved by using an LMS With the advent of LMS, even on-site personnel can easily manage e-learning. Learner performance data, learning materials, and even programs can now be centrally managed on the Web, reducing the burden on administrators and enabling more effective and efficient operations. The system enables quick and flexible response to student registration, student management, updating of course materials, and program maintenance while reducing costs, and enables learners to study anytime, anywhere with the latest environment and materials. By capturing such user information and learning data, such as login status, course frequency, test results, and whether or not a student has completed the prescribed course, the system is expected to provide "educational materials tailored to each individual within the company or organization and to each individual. Tatsuno Information System's LMS is an e-learning system focused on ease of use and low cost Tatsuno Information System's LMS (Learning Management System), learningBOX, is designed not from the developer's perspective, but from the user's perspective. learningBOX is an e-learning "box" that enables the construction and management of a conventional learning environment on the Web. Inside this box, learning materials such as videos and PDFs, questions and tests, and grades are stored, and the system manages the learning process. If you have any of these problems, learningBOX can solve them! 1. You already have an LMS (Learning Management System) in place, but you find it difficult to operate, set up, and understand the system. 2. You have a problem that only a person with IT knowledge can set up and manage the system. 3. I want to reduce the cost of the LMS. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about e-learning implementation. Online meetings for introduction support are also available. Please refer to this page for a detailed explanation of how to use learningBOX. STEP1. How to start learningBOX STEP2. How to set up learningBOX We have compiled a list of learningBOX use cases. Here is what has changed by using learningBOX! It has been improved! We have collected some of the happy voices after the introduction of learningBOX, including the following. What are the "learningBOX implementation effects" that users have actually felt? 1. Online examinations can be taken at home in response to the new normal society! 2. Flexibility to respond immediately to requests and support was excellent! 3. the ability to study over and over again, which was very much appreciated. ⇒A list of case studies using learningBOX can be found here. Click here to see the case study of ◆Tatsuno Information System Human Resource Education in the Era of Corona The new coronavirus has caused a decline in business performance and sales, as well as a sudden introduction of teleworking, and has changed the way organizations operate and the way people work. The third wave has arrived, and many companies are still struggling to cope with it. Across Japan, economic activity has stagnated, business performance has declined significantly, and many organizations are still operating at a loss. Impact of the spread of the new coronavirus on companies By 5:00 p.m. on August 3, Tokyo Shoko Research, Inc. had reported 11 "new corona"-related business failures (with liabilities of 10 million yen or more), bringing the total number of cases since February to 385 (321 bankruptcies, 64 cases with discretionary attorney or in preparation). Although not included in the total, 12 small bankruptcies with debts of less than 10 million yen have been identified. Source: Tokyo Shoko Research|"New Coronavirus" related bankruptcies IT industry, in fact, had a lot of business closures.] An in-depth survey of industries that have gone bankrupt or closed due to the new coronavirus and the subsidies that were used! The IT industry, which has been positively affected, actually had many business closures! Source: Chat Plus Corporation|from a survey on the impact of the new coronavirus on various industries Digital communication required in the age of coronavirus Due to the still-unabated spread of the coronavirus, many companies are now faced with the urgent task of understanding and reviewing their fixed costs and expenses in order to ensure business continuity. In some cases, costs related to human resource development, education, and training may also be subject to cost review. How can we recover and expand our business performance as an organization in the with-corona era? As we have to survive in a society coexisting with the coronavirus, the most important issue for executives and managers is how to recover and expand the business performance of their own organizations. The social changes caused by the coronavirus are an opportunity to change many things. In order to recover deteriorating business performance, recover losses, and achieve sustainable organizational growth, marketing and management strategies, human resource training, and the management skills to implement these strategies are necessary. Conclusion In this article, we have introduced in detail "LMS functions and mechanisms," which are indispensable for e-learning. While e-learning and LMS are attracting attention, many managers may be troubled by their high running costs. However, corporate human resource development is an investment, not a cost. Human resource development is connected to the "company power" of corporate management. By all means, let's overcome the adversity of the recession together through employee training!
E-Learning - Medical Campaign

Use the learningBOX to achieve effective in-hospital training and human resource development!

Shortcut to online training! Medical Campaign for those in the Medical Industry (Head office: Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture; President: Yoichiro Nishimura), an e-learning system developer, is launching a "Medical Campaign" targeting those working in the medical field in response to the spread of the new coronavirus. The "Medical Campaign" is being implemented as a token of our appreciation and support for healthcare professionals who struggle daily with risks. This campaign is for 200 users of the Standard Plan, which normally requires a fee, for a maximum of two months free of charge. With the recession caused by the spread of the new coronavirus, many in the medical industry are faced with the urgent task of reviewing their fixed costs and expenses in order to continue their business. In light of this situation, it is highly likely that costs related to human resource development and education will also be subject to cost review in the future. With learningBOX, existing in-hospital training can be smoothly replaced with online training. Impact of the spread of the new coronavirus on the medical industry The impact of the new strain of coronavirus on hospital management is severe, with 28% of hospitals cutting or refusing to pay bonuses. Source: 28% of hospitals have chosen the painful option of reducing or not paying bonuses due to the serious deterioration of hospital management caused by the new strain of coronavirus. As the number of patients infected with the new type of coronavirus continues to surge once again, hospital management across Japan that accepts patients is deteriorating. Source: Medical Collapse Already Imminent, Can the Hospital Management Crisis Be Saved|Business+IT Training of New Nursing Staff Using Online Materials and the Proficiency and Retention of Nursing Skills Source: New Nursing Staff Training at Corona Disaster As online lectures at universities spread to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, medical students are becoming increasingly anxious as they prepare to advance to the next grade and take national examinations. Source: "Anxious about the Future" as Impatient Medical Students Miss Clinical Practice Due to Coronavirus Click here for table of contents 1. about the Medical Campaign 2. the advantages of switching from in-hospital training to online training 3. learningBOX is an LMS focused on ease of use and low cost 4. summary About Medical Campaign We are launching a "Medical Campaign" to express our gratitude and support for medical professionals who are struggling daily to cope with the risk of novel coronavirus infection, a threat that mankind has never experienced before. Features of the Campaign 1. 2 months free for the most popular "Standard Plan 200"! 2. 200 user accounts distributed for free! 3. Customers can try learningBOX at no risk! 4. You will not be charged any money. You can check how it works for free! If you are interested, please click the banner below to visit the project page. Advantages of Converting from Group Training to Online Training In the extremely busy medical industry, it is no longer practical for all concerned to coordinate their schedules to meet together. In addition, the face-to-face group training style is risky because it is easy for so-called "three-dense" conditions to be met. For those in the medical industry who are concerned that they cannot find the best way to implement training, although it is a must! ⇒learningBOX makes it possible to smoothly replace group training with online training. Recruitment and Human Resource Education at Corona Disaster Many hospitals have been forced to close one of their wards due to a shortage of nurses and medical staff. Securing excellent human resources is an important management issue for all hospitals and medical industries. Advantages of Online Training Hospitals that are able to invest sufficiently in securing and developing human resources will be able to create a positive cycle that leads to improved quality of care and better management. Staff are highly motivated and have a high awareness of growth, so turnover is low and excellent personnel are attracted by the reputation of the hospital. By assigning the right number of staff to the necessary departments, the workload is not excessive and a good work environment is maintained. Patient complaints and incidents can be expected to decrease. The ability to provide high quality medical care will also benefit management by increasing the unit cost of medical care and increasing the number of patients. Ichiyo-kai Sayo Kyoritsu Hospital, a medical corporation that actually introduced learningBOX In addition to specialized training such as medical safety training, infection control training, and NST training, the hospital provides a wide variety of training programs, including hospital operation and management, training to share future plans, and general education training that should be acquired as a member of society. The large number of employees and the complexity of their work patterns made it difficult for all employees to participate in group training. The e-learning training allows employees to adjust their own schedules and study as needed, allowing them to control the balance between work and study with independence. Managers are now able to provide detailed support while checking the level of understanding of the training using not only the course history but also the test and report submission functions, enabling enhanced training results and smart centralized management of information. We also intend to further digitize existing materials and create our own curriculum in the future. By utilizing the learningBOX, staff members have efficient and high-quality learning opportunities. Our goal is to return the learning gained from this experience to the local community in the form of high-quality medical services. learningBOX is an LMS focused on ease of use and low cost learningBOX is a learning management system (LMS) that covers all functions such as creating teaching materials, creating questions and tests, grading, and managing grades, all at a reasonable price and ease of use. The system is designed to be intuitive and easy to use for both administrators and learners, even for those without specialized knowledge. In the creation of learning materials required for online training, materials and examinations conducted in the hospital can also be conducted on the Internet. In addition to that, information, materials, and printouts distributed in the department can also be made available in the system, or learners can download the files. Click here for POINT The design of the system is such that learners can learn the functions and settings by touching the system without having to read the manual over and over again. An e-learning system that can be easily started by simply setting up a PC and an Internet environment. The e-learning system is easy to start, all you need is a PC and an Internet connection. You can also set a limited period of time and limit the number of times you can take the course. The quiz function allows you to create and publish full-fledged exam questions on the web. The message box function allows group members to communicate with each other like a chat room. Almost all functions can be tried out with a free plan for an unlimited period of time. With the report function, you can submit your assignments on the web! ⇒About the report assignment creation function learningBOX is an LMS that can be operated intuitively even by those who do not have a high level of IT literacy. learningBOX, Tatsuno Information System's LMS (Learning Management System), is designed not from the developer's perspective, but from the user's perspective. It is also known for its ease of use, which allows even those who are not good at computer operations to learn to operate it by intuitive touch. In addition, we listen to the requests of customers who actually use learningBOX, and develop new functions and modifications to existing functions on a daily basis. Compared to other companies, none of them upgrade their functions as frequently as we do. Our e-learning system is not an LMS that focuses only on price. It is an e-learning system that can be operated with ease even by first-time users, and provides the learning environment necessary for training and education within the hospital, as well as for the growth and human resource development of your hospital. Conclusion In this article, we introduced the "Medical Campaign" for everyone working in the medical field. This campaign allows 200 users of Standard, which is normally charged, to use the service for free for up to two months. learningBOX is an LMS that can be operated intuitively even by those who are not highly IT literate. Our e-learning system is not an LMS that focuses only on price. It is an e-learning system that can be operated with ease even by first-time users and provides the learning environment necessary for internal training, education, and corporate growth. Take advantage of this medical campaign to reduce the risks of group training and achieve effective in-house training and personnel development.
Advantages and disadvantages of e-learning implementation

Dramatic change with e-learning! What are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing

E-learning can make a dramatic difference! What are the advantages and disadvantages of introducing it? My name is Kidaoka, and I am in charge of marketing. In this article, we will discuss the "merits and demerits" of implementing e-learning. The introduction of e-learning has many advantages not only for the company that operates it, but also for the participants. The new coronavirus has led to the shift to IT in society as a whole, and the need for online classes and online training is on the rise. Even in the future with-corona era, schools and companies will need to train people. E-learning has its advantages and disadvantages, but what we are concerned about is the actual results after the introduction of the system. By understanding the "advantages and disadvantages" of e-learning in advance, you can make preparations for using it for different purposes and enhancing learning effectiveness. In this paper, we will explain in detail what kind of effects can be expected from the use of e-Learning. Click here for Table of Contents 1. Background to the Growing Demand for e-Learning 2. Advantages and disadvantages of e-Learning 3. How to introduce e-learning 4. Introduction of learningBOX case studies 5. Summary Background of the growing demand for e-learning Due to the impact of the new coronavirus infection, many companies have begun to consider and introduce teleworking. The Japanese government is also encouraging telework to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. In addition, to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, it has become difficult to conduct group training. However, in order for a company to continue to grow, it is important to create a system that fosters a flexible attitude and organizational climate in which each employee is willing to take on challenges in learning. In order to solve these social conditions and problems, "e-learning learning" is now attracting a great deal of attention. Characteristics of e-Learning E-learning is a learning system that uses electronic devices such as PCs and smartphones and the Internet to enable students to "improve their skills at their own pace, unrestricted by time or place. Advantages and Disadvantages of e-Learning In order to demonstrate the benefits of introducing e-Learning, it is most important to make sure that it is well utilized in in-house training programs. When considering the introduction of e-Learning for training, certification, and school education, understanding the advantages and disadvantages will make the introduction and operation go smoothly. We have compiled a list of possible customer utilization scenarios, so let's take a quick look. E-learning for in-house training Once a learning environment has been created, e-learning can be used repeatedly. Therefore, it has the potential to significantly reduce the cost of in-house group training and training for new employees. The following costs are incurred when conducting group training Transportation costs incurred when gathering participants at the training venue. 2. venue costs incurred in order to conduct the training 3. Printing and distribution costs for training materials 4. expenses for outside lecturers who will be in charge of the training Conducting training via e-learning can reduce the time and costs associated with venue expenses and course textbook distribution. It can also provide flexible learning opportunities for people with irregular working hours or mid-career hires, who would otherwise be difficult to accommodate with group training. E-Learning in School Education E-learning learning can be easily exported from the delivery system, LMS (Learning Management System). The learning history file stores data necessary for learning management, such as learning progress (not yet / in progress / completed, etc.), time of implementation, time required, test scores, etc. E-learning can also quantify the performance data here and display it in a graph. ▼ Advantages in School Education 1. Students can study anytime, anywhere at their own convenience. 2. Students can study according to their level of understanding and learning progress. 3. Easy to grasp the grade data and grade management You can take as many preparatory, review, and re-study courses as you like. E-learning is a very suitable learning method for qualification acquisition, preparation for examinations, and overcoming weak subjects, because you can study at your own pace and repeat as many times as you like. Disadvantages of e-Learning Because each learner has to make time for the e-learning course, there is a possibility that the motivation and desire to learn may be difficult to sustain on one's own. There may be cases where learners do not study because they are too busy with their work. Unlike group training, which provides semi-forced learning opportunities, it is important for learners to actively engage in learning. Therefore, companies need to take measures to keep learners motivated, such as incorporating gamification elements into learning and creating a community among learners. The advantages and disadvantages of e-learning can be briefly summarized as follows How to implement e-learning Based on the advantages and disadvantages of e-Learning, many of you who are considering actually implementing e-Learning may be wondering how to go about it. Here we would like to focus on the advantages of creating e-Learning materials in-house. Creating e-Learning materials in-house E-learning systems can be produced in-house. The main things you will need are the learning management system I mentioned earlier and learning materials for e-learning created with slides and other materials. One of the advantages of in-house production is the ability to create training content unique to the company. The easier it is to upload, the less work is required to create content and the more regularly it can be updated. If you are considering using e-Learning for training, but are not sure whether to create the materials in-house or outsource them, please take a look here. Advantages of Creating e-Learning Materials In-House First of all, outsourcing requires a lot of time and money to revise the materials once they are created. The disadvantages of outsourcing are the same in any field, but once created, revisions and updates are costly in terms of additional fees and time and effort to request them. 2. when created in-house, we can easily create and modify it ourselves. On the other hand, if you create the materials in-house, you can easily create and revise them yourself, and you can control the maintenance of the materials after they are created. If you are creating your own materials, the ease of use of eLearning is critical! When creating e-Learning materials in-house, isn't the most important point to make the materials easy to use? If you want to create your own e-learning materials, the most important thing is to be able to create them easily, isn't it? One of the concepts of learningBOX is "a system that allows anyone to easily build a web-based learning environment. Have you ever had the experience of not knowing how to operate a new tool or application, or having the feeling that it is different from what you expected? I often do. It is a great feeling when you find a system or application that is easy to use. ▼learningBOX is an LMS that focuses on ease of use and low cost. LearningBOX is designed to be intuitive and easy to operate without manuals, so that administrators creating e-learning materials do not feel stressed when using it. ▼learningBOX also allows you to sell the content you create through EC! Learn more about learningBOX's EC function in this article. Introduction of learningBOX case studies We would like to introduce some examples of e-learning cases in which learningBOX is actually being used by companies that have created their own teaching materials. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about e-learning implementation. Online meetings are also available. What has changed since we started using ▼learningBOX? Improvement! Conclusion In this article, we have explained the "advantages and disadvantages" of implementing e-Learning. The introduction of e-learning offers many advantages not only to the company operating it, but also to the learner! In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, it has become difficult to conduct group training. However, in order for a company to continue to grow, it is important to create a system that supports each employee in learning and fosters an attitude and organizational culture that flexibly responds to change and challenges. We, of course, use learningBOX for training, but most of our teaching materials are created in-house. LearningBOX can be used for up to 10 accounts for an unlimited period of time, free of charge. Please try our easy-to-use, instruction-free service!
elearning - market research

Current and future trends in the e-learning market in 2021.

Current and Future Trends in the E-Learning Market in 2021 Hello, everyone. This is the Tokyo team of Tatsuno Information Systems. The year 2020 was marked by sad news due to the spread of the new coronavirus. I don't think anyone expected such an era to come. Many companies have made a turnaround from the traditional way of working and shifted to remote work from the perspective of infection control. It was also a year of diversity in working styles, with people moving away from Tokyo and changing their lifestyles. More educational institutions such as high schools and universities introduced online classes using e-learning instead of face-to-face classes. The rapid spread of remote work and online learning is forcing major changes throughout society. E-learning is gradually becoming a familiar part of our lives. So how is e-learning changing? We have researched the results of a survey on the changing market. Click here to see the table of contents 1. Current status and future trends of the e-learning market in 2021 2. Changes in BtoB and BtoC 3. e-Learning will be increasingly used in 2021 4. Summary Explanation of the Current Status and Future Trends of the e-Learning Market in 2021 Kenneth Research has published a report on "Global Corporate eLearning Market" on September 02, 2020, consisting of in-depth analysis and industry insights for the forecast period 2020-2027. The global enterprise e-learning market is segmented by "by training, by end-user, by technology (mobile e-learning, learning content management system (LCMS), virtual classroom, web-based, podcast, learning management system (LMS), and others) and by region" and the global The e-learning market is expected to witness a significant CAGR during the forecast period 2020-2027. (Reference: Kenneth Research) Global Enterprise E-Learning Market The global eLearning market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 131 TP2T to reach US$93.64 billion between 2020 and 2024. Growth in this market is expected to be fueled by increased student engagement in the classroom through gamification and increased adoption of microlearning. Regional analysis is considered for key regions such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America, and Rest of the World. North America is the leading/important region globally in terms of market share due to the region's advanced technology infrastructure coupled with the availability of high-speed Internet connectivity. On the other hand, Asia Pacific is also expected to exhibit the highest growth rate/ CAGR over the forecast period of 2020-2027. According to Eurostat, the total value of the European ICT sector, including ICT manufacturing and ICT services, is estimated to exceed €475 billion in 2017. ICT services consist of computer programming, consulting, and related activities, which accounted for about 49.1% share in 2017 while telecommunications activities accounted for about 30.3% share in this segment. These factors are estimated to have a positive impact on market growth in the coming years. Changes in BtoB and BtoC The e-learning market size in FY 2019 continues to expand steadily with a steady increase in the number of users and diversification of services offered. In BtoB, the market will gain momentum from the revitalization of corporate investment in human resource development. In FY2019, the size of the domestic e-learning market is expected to increase 7.7% year-on-year to ¥235.4 billion. The breakdown is 68.4 billion yen (+5.2% YoY) for the BtoB market for corporations (including individuals within companies and organizations) and 167 billion yen (+8.8% YoY) for the BtoC market for individuals, and both markets are expected to continue expanding. Source: Yano Research Institute|from a survey on the domestic e-learning market In the BtoB market, e-learning has penetrated more industries and companies than ever before due to the diversification of learning tools with the popularization of smartphones and tablet devices, the evolution of video content, and the ease of use of e-learning due to the development of cloud environments, combined with the revitalization of corporate human resource development needs. e-Learning has penetrated more industries and companies than ever before. Steady sales growth in the BtoC market The size of the domestic e-learning market in FY2020 is forecast to increase 4.5% over the previous year to 246 billion yen. In the current fiscal year, both BtoB and BtoC markets are expected to see an increase in the number of e-learning users as the impact of the new coronavirus infection increases demand for distance learning. Source: Yano Research Institute|from a survey on the domestic e-learning market The BtoC market will see a steady increase in the number of users and the generalization of e-learning as a form of personal learning, due to the penetration of learning styles utilizing smartphones, tablets, and SNS, the evolution of services provided by improved information communication technology, and the emergence of learning services using AI (Artificial Intelligence). The number of users is steadily increasing, and the environment is progressing to generalize e-learning as one of the forms of personal learning. Both the BtoB and BtoC markets are expected to continue to expand in the future. E-learning will be used more and more in 2021 E-learning, which makes full use of multimedia materials such as video and audio as well as text and slides, has many application scenarios. E-learning is a form of learning that is still evolving, and it is also a field in which new methods of utilization are being tested. E-learning has the potential to provide "optimal learning for each student," which has been an issue in traditional schools. Obtaining qualifications through e-learning By offering national qualifications, private courses, and certification exams as e-learning, even busy businesspeople can make effective use of their spare time to study, and they can repeat difficult-to-understand sections as many times as they like in their own time. Many of the certification exams and courses that used to require attending lectures at certification schools are now offered through e-learning. Language Learning with e-Learning As with certification acquisition, learning a foreign language used to be done by making an appointment and attending a school. However, as with the acquisition of qualifications, this also had the disadvantage that it was difficult for working people with jobs to continue attending school, and one-on-one lessons, which enhance the learning effect, are expensive. For language acquisition, where continuous learning is important, online learning through e-learning is expected to become the mainstream in the future. Human Resource Development through e-Learning The conventional learning style, including schools, is based on group learning, where participants gather at a predetermined time and place, and the same is true for corporate employee training. Corporate training is not always held like a school. Preparation and costs for new employees and in-house training tend to be high, and it is difficult to manage the learning progress of each participant. To solve these problems, e-learning is attracting attention from companies. E-learning is ideal for corporate employee training, as it allows employees to learn in their spare time without putting pressure on work hours, and the progress can be easily monitored by managers. In addition to having employees take in-house training courses related to business skills, management, and sales, some companies have established their own learning management systems to optimize employee education with original content. ▼ The features of e-learning can be briefly summarized as follows 1. The same quality of education can be provided to a large number of trainees. 2. Optimal education can be provided according to the learning progress of each participant. 3. Significantly reduce the cost of education. 4. Keep the educational content up-to-date. Let's create "training, examinations, and correspondence courses" with learningBOX! learningBOX is an e-learning creation system that focuses on "ease of use" and "low cost. It is an LMS with all the functions necessary for e-learning, including the creation of teaching materials, questions and tests, and grading and grade management. What has changed since we started using ▼learningBOX? Improvements! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about e-learning implementation. Introduction support online meetings are also available. Conclusion In this article, we introduced the current status and future trends of the e-learning market in 2021. Today, when information from all over the world can be obtained in an instant through the Internet, it can be said that the globalization of not only the economy but also all "things" and "matters" is accelerating. The reason why more and more companies are focusing on strategic human resource development is to respond quickly to the changes brought about by globalization, and e-learning is the best solution to achieve this. On the other hand, children and students who will have to cope with the drastic changes brought about by globalization also need to develop the ability to think independently and acquire the ability to respond and adapt in a short period of time. The best solution for this is e-learning and adaptive learning.
LearningBOX is upgraded to Ver2.13.

LearningBOX is upgraded to Ver2.13.

About this Version Upgrade Thank you for using learningBOX, our e-learning creation system. Today, learningBOX has been upgraded from Ver. 2.12 to Ver. 2.13. In this article, we would like to provide you with details about Ver. 2.13. (released on January 19, 2021), which adds various new features. Click here for a list of new features and functional improvements. New Functions Functional Improvements 1. renewal of order screen 8. input of typing materials in English 2. Expand functionality of grade management notification 9. Add related content to quiz/test materials 3. Notification function for notification management 10. Function to limit the number of input characters Function to specify the number of times an audio file can be played 5. GDPR compliant login form 12. Add question ID 6. Optimize display of title tag 13. Introduce HLS video 7. LearningBOX version display function The "grade management" and "notice management notification" functions, which have long been requested, are now even easier and more convenient to use. In addition, the order screen can be operated via the web for plan changes and upgrades from the middle of the contract period. Many other functions have been added, including improvements to existing functions. We will now introduce the details of the 2.13 version upgrade. Renewal of the order screen The order screen has been renewed, and various upgrades are now available even during the contract period. The order screen is divided by contract type, making operation and selection easier than before. In addition, the payment procedure screen now allows you to confirm the details of your contract after changes have been made. Expanded functionality of grade management notifications Study start date and time, study status (grades), and test pass/fail results are now also displayed. Using the email template function, an email can be automatically sent to a set email address "upon member registration, report grading completion, and study completion". The content of the email sent can be freely edited and set, and it is possible to set not to send an invitation email. Notification function of Notice Management You can now register multiple links to notification notifications and fix the notification from the administrator at the top of the page. Overseas Support Customers who live outside of Japan can now process payments in U.S. dollars in addition to Japanese yen. When registering as a new owner, a "Region and Language" field will be added, and the date will change according to the place of residence at the time of account registration. GDPR-compliant login form A new GDPR-compliant login form can be set up. GDPR stands for "General Data Protection Regulation" and refers to the General Data Protection Regulation enacted by the European Union on May 25, 2018. By setting up a GDPR compliant login form, you can provide your customers with a safer and more secure e-learning experience. Title Tag Display Optimization Page titles used to be set to a uniform subdomain site title, but with the development of the new feature, administrators will be able to track user screen transitions with Google Analytics. Version display function of learningBOX A new version display function has been added. Using this function, you can check at a glance which version of learningBOX you have used to create your teaching materials. English input for typing materials English input has been added to the Typing Materials Creation Form. The questions that can be set for English input can be configured to suit the customer's usage scenario, such as sentences with mixed spaces, case sensitivity, and so on. Additional Functions for Related Content A new feature has been added to the quiz/test. The Add Related Content feature allows you to set content in the commentary section that is related to the quiz content. Character limit function You can set a limit on the number of characters you can enter for Short Answer questions in quizzes and tests. This function can be set for three types of questions: "Short Answer", "Short Answer+", and "Multiple Short Answer". Ability to specify the number of times an audio file can be played You can set a limit on the number of times an audio question can be played back in the quiz/test. Addition of question IDs You can optionally set an ID for each question in the quiz/test. Introduction of HLS Video You can set your videos to HLS video. HLS video can be played without problems not only on Apple products such as Mac, iPhone, and Safari, but also in Windows and Android environments. With HLS video, you can upload videos of appropriate quality depending on your connection and device performance. Miscellaneous Please contact our representative: CS Sales Team for more detailed operation procedures or any other questions. Inquiry Form We will continue to listen to our customers' voices and improve our functions to make your use of our products even more comfortable. Thank you for your continued support of LearningBOX/QuizGenerator.
Past Questions - e-Learning

How to start preparing for the national exam using e-learning.

A Must for Medical Fields: How to Start Preparing for the National Exam Using E-Learning! My name is Kidaoka, and I am in charge of marketing. It is almost time for the national examinations. How is your preparation for the national exam going? In this article, we will introduce how to use our e-learning service, learningBOX, to help you prepare for the national examinations in the medical field. Due to the impact of the spread of the new coronavirus, direct face-to-face teaching has become difficult, and each student has been unable to study satisfactorily for the exam. With learningBOX, anyone can easily create a study environment on the Internet. LearningBOX can not only create study materials necessary to prepare for the national examinations, but also create and publish original study materials on the web according to the study level and group of students. Using our e-learning system, students can study outside of class time, as well as in their spare time or while traveling, to "efficiently and effectively" prepare for the national examinations. Repetitive learning using e-learning is a highly recommended way to prepare for and review the basic knowledge needed to solve the real exam. Click here for Table of Contents 1. What is learningBOX? 2. Preparation for the National Examination using learningBOX 3. Facts and Sufferings of the National Examination Preparation at Corona Disaster 4. Summary What is learningBOX? learningBOX is a learning management system (LMS) that covers all the functions required for online learning, including "learner registration, creation and assignment of teaching materials, and grade management," and focuses on price and ease of use. An LMS (Learning Management System) is a system that can create, register, and distribute learning materials necessary for implementing online learning, and manage learners' learning progress and grades. ▼LearningBOX Usage Guide (describes the sequence of steps) Our e-learning system is very simple to use and set up, and is designed so that even first-time users can operate it quickly! ⇒learningBOX operation manual learningBOX is an easy-to-use e-learning system for both administrators and learners! Learners can basically proceed with the learning process alone, so they can learn at their own pace without worrying about the eyes of those around them. As you can see in the capture below, the learner opens the folder containing the learning materials and clicks on the contents inside to proceed with the learning. ▼Learners receive an "ID and password" from the administrator and log in to learningBOX to begin learning. Click here for content features that can be created and configured in learningBOX You can create and set up teaching materials from a total of more than 15 different content functions. How to start learningBOX STEP1. create learning materials All learning materials that can be created on learningBOX are set up from the content management screen. For details, please refer to this article. STEP2. Register and add members This article explains how to invite members to learningBOX and how to create and set up groups. STEP3. How to check the learning status With learningBOX, you can check who answered which questions and how they answered them on the grade management screen, and you can even download the information in CSV format. This page explains how to use and view learningBOX's grade management. Since learningBOX manages the learning status on the server, you can check the learning status of your learners in real time. Preparation for the National Examination using learningBOX Those who take the national medical examinations must acquire a wide range of knowledge related to the treatment and life of patients, such as "knowledge of the structure and functions of the human body, names of diseases, and drugs used in treatment. The national examinations in the medical field have a wide range of questions and difficult terminology. There are many questions that cannot be answered without a firm grasp of the meaning and content, even if you only remember the words. With learningBOX, you can efficiently memorize and understand the basics and keywords needed to solve the exam questions. No.1: Memorization cards and worm-eaten notebooks specialized for memorizing words and long sentences Memorization cards can be edited to your liking in terms of font size and color, and images can be inserted. This is a highly recommended tool for reviewing and relearning the basics needed to solve national exam questions. You can create as many memorization cards as you like. Mushiken Notebook allows you to easily create memorization questions in text format. You can easily create and edit your own original memorization materials by adding bug-eaten enclosure lines to the content you want to memorize. No.2: Use the quiz function to check your understanding of the contents you have studied and your retention of the basics Using the quiz function of learningBOX, you can "set images, videos, and links to question sentences and choices. In addition, a wide variety of other customizations are possible, such as randomizing the order of quiz questions, not showing the answers to learners, changing the language in the system, etc. ⇒List of options that can be set for the quiz function Repetitive learning using e-learning is a very effective learning method for consolidating memory and increasing the percentage of correct answers to past questions! By using the quiz function of learningBOX, you can find out your weak points by data of the number of correct answers in your weak and strong subjects. No.3: Reuse school printouts and materials as teaching materials by converting them into PDF files. With learningBOX, you can upload PDF documents created in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. ⇒How to use materials created with Google Slides as e-learning materials learningBOX can be set up for course learning! learningBOX also allows detailed settings tailored to the user, such as course settings for teaching materials and the ability to distribute teaching materials to different groups. It has a function to perform "course setting" that allows you to advance to the next question after you pass a specific question. If you do not pass and understand a question, you will not be able to move on to the next question. You can set constraints such as "- - You can proceed to the next question only after you have answered/read up to this point - - - - You can proceed to the next question only after you have passed up to this point - - - -" or "- - You can proceed to the next question only after you have passed up to this point - - - -". You can set up a constraint condition such as "- - - - You can proceed to the next step after you have answered/read this much - - - - - You can proceed to the next step after you have passed this much - - -". This feature can also be used to send certificates to members who have completed learning content or passed specific questions. ▼ Sample materials for national exam questions (memorization cards, bug-out notes, quizzes) Sample study materials are available. Clicking on the 00 memorization card, 00 bug-eaten notebook, or 00 test will activate the player and allow you to actually manipulate the contents. National Nursing Exam Anatomy Mnemonic Cards Anatomy bug-out notebook Anatomy test challenge National Pharmacology Exam Pharmacology memorization cards Worm-eaten notebook of pharmacology Challenge Test on Pharmacology Comedical (PT, OT, ST) Memorization cards for kinesiology Worm-eaten notebooks for kinesiology Challenge test on kinesiology Facts and Struggles of National Exam Preparation at Corona Disaster ▼ The troubles of school officials: ......... Teachers' concerns One teacher is in charge of many roles and duties, and has to prepare materials in a limited time. Teachers are anxious about when they will be exposed to coronas in class. It is difficult to teach face to face, and it is difficult to grasp each student's level of understanding. It is difficult to know how much students study each day, how much time they spend on it, and how they are progressing. It is difficult to support students who have already graduated. ▼ Concerns of students who have taken the exam: ......... Concerns of new and former graduates ∙ Supplementary classes and national exam preparation classes are different from previous years, and ronin students cannot attend the classes. Library and study rooms are not satisfactory. ・The library and study rooms are not satisfactory (including school, city, and private). There is no environment where I can ask questions, so I have to do things by myself. It is difficult to maintain motivation because the period of not talking to anyone is too long. There is a strong fear of not being able to take the exam if they are exposed to coronas before the national exam. I think that there are a wide variety of problems. learningBOX makes it easy for anyone to start learning online! With learningBOX, you can advance your national exam preparation while protecting yourself from the coronavirus, and efficiently learn the knowledge you need to pass the exam. ▼ Advantages on the teacher's side Using the grade management function of learningBOX, individual weak points can be quantified and visualized! ⇒ Subjects in which you are good at/weak at can be immediately identified. Students can analyze and scrutinize their knowledge retention and comprehension in detail from the grade management screen. Report assignments can be set Manage members at the grade, class, or group level Students can create their own teaching materials, which are useful for reviewing and improving learning methods, and for preparing and reviewing for the following year and beyond. ▼Benefits for learners You can proceed with the preparation for the national exam quickly and easily on your smartphone without having to attend school You can prepare and review as many times as you like at your favorite time without worrying about being watched by others You can extract your strong/weak subjects from your score data. Use study tools specialized for input and output Tatsuno Information System, Inc. is developing services that will be appreciated by all of our customers, both individuals and corporations. No matter how small, please contact us first. We will realize your ideas with the power of EdTech. Please contact us if we can help you with internal training, training for new employees, learning at school, or individual learning management. ⇒Reserve a web meeting ⇒Contact us by e-mail or phone Conclusion In this article, we have introduced how to use our e-learning program, learningBOX, to help you prepare for the national medical examinations. Our e-learning allows you to study outside of class time, as well as during short gaps and travel time, to "efficiently and effectively" prepare for the national examinations. Repetitive learning using e-learning is a highly recommended method of learning to build up the basics necessary for solving the real exam. The learningBOX can be used by up to 10 people, including the administrator, free of charge and indefinitely for almost all functions, except for the optional functions that require a fee. Please take this opportunity to try our learningBOX. We also recommend this! Also read "Easy-to-work-on system visibly improves results!
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