Release note

functional improvement

New Owner Registration
The revised Terms of Use have been posted.
Progress Record
1. Modify to display "Implemented" on the learning screen in personal medical records for the teaching materials which were set up in test mode in content management. (Except when viewing from the side menu > "Medical Records")
Check socres
1. When the aggregate CSV was created by selecting the teaching materials from the question tab, the number of question IDs did not match the IDs on the score screen, so the IDs were integrated into the score screen.

Bug Fixes

Check socres
1. If a questionnaire was created in the questionnaire creation form with one or multiple lines of questionnaire, the question was not displayed in the score details screen, so it was fixed to be displayed. This fix is available with ENQUETE 3.0.7 or later.
1. Fixed a bug that prevented app subscriptions from being selected when shared server/design customization was selected.
Learn Contents
1. Fixed a bug-eating note created with learningBOX 2.6 that did not open correctly at the second study session when creating learning materials. This fix is now available for MARKER 3.0.7 or later.

Bug Fixes

Email Settings
1. When resetting the grade management notification email template to the default value, there was a bug where the message "could not be deleted because it was used for e-mail notification registration" was displayed even if there was no reserved grade notification email.
 Progress record
1. When a logged-in member was viewing another member's chart, the teaching materials assigned to the logged-in member are displayed.

functional improvement

Check socres
1. If you enter a format other than the one shown in the display period (half-width numerals and hyphens (-)), the message "The display period is not appropriate" will be displayed and you will not be able to reserve a grade notification email.

Bug Fixes

Email Settings
1. Fixed a bug that the text was sent in English when the email template of Invitation Email Notification, Grade Management Notification, Notification, and Password Expiration Notification was not edited or overwritten.

Bug Fixes

Manage Members
1. Fixed a problem in which the number of items was displayed incorrectly when clicking "Next Page" at the bottom of the screen.
Check socres
1. Fixed a bug that the "Grade List" in the breadcrumb list could not be clicked when opening the question tab on a narrow screen and clicking on the quiz material, so that it can be clicked even on a narrow screen.
2. There was a bug in Internet Explorer 11 that if you reserved a grade notification email while entering a format other than the one shown in the display period (half-width numbers and hyphens (-)), the email would not be sent.
Manage contents
1. In the quiz/test creation form, there was a bug that the currently selected option setting template could be deleted, so the currently selected template cannot be deleted.
1. Fixed a bug in SAML settings where accounts were not automatically registered as members even if automatic account registration was enabled upon successful SAML authentication.

functional improvement

Manage contents
1. Adjusted the width of the title bar and the limit bar because they were out of alignment with the width of folders and teaching materials.
EC Store
1. The proxy price is now hidden for members who cannot make a proxy purchase or who are not logged in.
2. Modified GMO to send an error mail when GMO payment fails for some reason.
EC Payment Processing Settings
1. Changed the "Availability" column to the right side and modified it to display in color.

Bug Fixes

Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug that shortcuts of teaching materials could not be deleted, so that they can be deleted.
2. When saving a memorized card form, double-clicking the button would create the card for that number of times, so the button can be clicked only once.

functional improvement

Manage contents
1. Contents can now be deleted in bulk. After selecting multiple contents with the checkbox, right-click to display the delete menu.
2. Modified to display an animation (indicator) while deleting content.
3. When thumbnail images are set for content, if the image size is small, the image will be displayed at the top of the screen.
4. Changed the wording of "frequency limit" to "course limit".

Bug Fixes

1.Fixed a bug that the input check of QuizGenerator license key did not work correctly.

functional improvement

Manage contents
1. Memorization cards, PDFs, web pages, bug-eaten notes, questionnaires, typing materials, iSpring materials, SCORM materials, YouTube videos, and iframe materials are now available to the public.
2. Modified the quiz/test creation form to allow users to select the correct answer as 0 or X when creating correct/incorrect questions.
EC Product Management
1. The order in which products are displayed in the store can now be set.
Message Box
1.When viewing on a PC, the background color changes when the mouse is placed over a clickable area.
Manage Members
1.When you select "Waiting for login" in the status when you register or edit a member, the link of how to use and the warning about the setting are displayed in the input column of the number of days of validity.
Check socres
1. In the CSV and CSV of the answer summary of each question tab, the quiz which is not yet graded is now marked as 0.
1.Modified to show login ID in access log.
2. Modified so that only the search results are created in CSV by clicking Create CSV after displaying the access log search results.

Bug Fixes

Manage Members
1.Fixed a bug in which customized fields that contained HTML tags in the item names and choices were not displayed when viewed on the Member Management screen (List).
2. Fixed a bug in which the tag part was not displayed in the error message when there was a flaw in the customized field that contained tags such as HTML in the item name or choice in the bulk member registration screen.
Check socres
1. Fixed a bug in which the tag part was not displayed when viewing the grade details of survey materials that included tags such as HTML in your responses.

functional improvement

EC Sales Management
1. Changed to display in three tabs: By Order / By Product / By Instructor. There is a button to create CSV on each screen, and if you create CSV after searching, it will be downloaded with the contents.
2. When assigning materials to a learner on the By Order tab, it is no longer possible to click the Save button without selecting a learner.
Manage Members
1. Changed the character limit from 30 characters to 100 characters for the supplementary explanation in the registration field settings tab.
Access Log
1. Shortened the time required for display.

Bug Fixes

Manage Members
1. Fixed a problem in which the save button could not be pressed when editing a member who had already selected and saved the option when deleting a choice in a customization field, so that an error message prompting the member to reselect the option is displayed.
2. Fixed a bug that the tag part was not displayed when viewing a customized field that contains tags such as HTML in the item name and choice in the member registration/edit screen.

new features

Manage Members
1. To avoid duplicate email address errors, a new function has been added to create an alias for email addresses using the ++ symbol.

functional improvement

EC Sales Management
1.You can now search products by product code.
2. Modified the product information to display the product code.
Manage contents
1. When setting images to folders and teaching materials, the delete button is now hidden when no images are specified.
2. "Add Free Course" was displayed in the + menu of the subdomain where the initial materials were not installed, so it has been hidden.
side menu
1. When "Allow me to view my own results" was set to Off in the settings screen, "View Results" was displayed in the side menu, so it was hidden.
Email Settings
1. Changed the wording of "LearningBOX" in the new member registration email template to "learningBOX".

Bug Fixes

Learn Contents
1. Fixed a bug that caused a communication error when multiple non-logged-in users opened a public question at almost the same time, so that the quiz can be opened.
2. Fixed a bug in the bug-eating note creation form that prevented the achievement rate from being calculated and displayed correctly when copying a previously created bug-eating note and placing it in another location. The fix can be found by re-saving the buggy note from the Edit section of the content management.
Check socres
1. Fixed a bug that the time required was not displayed, so it is now displayed.
2. Fixed a bug in which the same time as the previous study was displayed when the grade screen was displayed while learning the same material.
3. In the quiz detail screen using HTML code, HTML code was displayed in the "Your answer" column, so it has been modified to be displayed the same as the quiz answer screen.

functional improvement

Learn Contents
1.certificates created and converted with certificate3.0.6, when using Internet Explorer 11, would not fit in A4 when the print button was clicked. when clicking the print button. This feature is available in certificate 3.0.7 and later. Along with this change, we have also made similar changes to the certificate preview and grade details screens on the content management page.
2. Improved the display of web pages and insect-eating notes so that they are displayed according to the screen size of the device being used. This allows pagination to be displayed so that it fits within the screen when there are multiple pages. This feature can be checked by retransforming the material from the content management.
3. Improved the highlighting of teaching materials when they are closed with the "X" button and moved to the screen for learning.
4.When you tap the right side of "Show All", the design was collapsed when you learn the bug-eating note on iOS12.
Manage contents
1. Modified to display an error message when more than 61 characters are entered in the title of the creation form for each teaching material.
2. Changed the title bar to display a character limit of 250 characters.
3. Modified so that an error message is displayed when more than 1001 characters are entered for "Description" that can be set for folders and teaching materials.
4. Modified the method of displaying error messages when creating a new sequential number on the certificate template creation screen so that the error messages are displayed in text below each input frame from the screen alert.
5. Changed the description of "Youtube materials" in the operation menu of YouTube video materials to "YouTube videos".
6. When overwriting the option settings in the quiz/test creation form, it is now possible to select which template to overwrite.
7. In the shortcut materials of Quiz/Test/Report/Typing/iSpring/SCORM materials, "Create shortcut" and "Re-upload" which were displayed in the operation menu are now hidden, and "Test mode setting" which was not displayed is now displayed.
Manage Members
1. Changed the link destination when clicking "How to use" in the member operation log screen from the member management explanation page to the member operation log explanation page.
2. The browser field in the access log has been modified to show the new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge.
1. Modified to display an error message when clicking "Change Company Name" after entering more than 1 or 51 characters in the "Change Company Name" field.
public issue
1. An icon has been added to the left side of the question title displayed after searching by "question" or "author".
Check socres
1. Modified to display the CSV output button when a member who does not have permission to manage grades views the grade details screen.

Bug Fixes

Manage notifications
1.Fixed a bug that when displayed in a narrow screen and the button of the operation column was stored in the + button, it did not work even if the edit and delete buttons were clicked after the button was displayed, so that it could be edited, saved, and deleted.

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