Bug Fixes
Quiz creation form
1. Solved the problem of duplicate explanations being displayed for description and description + questions.
Quiz creation form
1. Solved the problem of duplicate explanations being displayed for description and description + questions.
whole system
1.Added a function to warn until login is done when using the standard browser of Andoroid.
whole system
1. Changed so that the help at the bottom right is not displayed on the screen that does not display the header part.
2. Changed so that you can log in with the Enter key after entering your login information.
1. The results of questions that have been suspended by the Resume function are no longer displayed.
1. Resolved the issue where you would return to the screen after logging in when selecting a user from the Personal tab with the setting to not show your results.
2. Fixed a problem where members who have permission to manage their own grades could see their grades when they were set to not show their grades.
3. Problem solved where the "Back" button at the end of the answer details screen would not work.
4. Problem solved where grades would not be displayed correctly if there was a discrepancy in grade management permissions.
5. Problem solved where grades would not be displayed for users who have grade management permissions for all folders in some groups.
Manage Members
1. Resolved the issue where the value entered for the name would be registered as the display name if the display name is blank when registering or updating members via batch operations (CSV).
2. Problem solved where registration could not be performed if there was an empty field when performing member registration or update via batch operation (CSV).
3. Problem solved where data would be corrupted if a non-existent column (item) was entered when registering or updating members via batch operation (CSV).
email invitation
1. Changed so that it opens in a separate tab when opening the edit invitation email from the member registration screen.
2. Changed so that tabs are closed when you click the back button on the invitation and invitation email edit screens that were opened in separate tabs.
Manage Members
1. Solved the problem that the variable name "nickname" cannot be used when registering and updating members by batch operation (CSV).
2. Problem solved where the 'Execute Registration' button would not be displayed when the screen width was too narrow or the screen was too small when registering or updating members in batch operations (CSV).
whole system
1. Changed so that the message displayed at the top of the screen automatically disappears after registering for notifications.
1. Adjusted the design of the answer detail screen.
Report Submission History
1. When opening a report whose publication period has expired, the message "Publication period has expired" has been changed to be displayed.
1. Resolved the issue where the list of individual grades would be displayed if the user was not granted full grade permissions.
2. Resolved an issue where the grades displayed were inaccurate if you had partial permissions on the grades.
Manage Members
1.You can now change groups and update information in bulk via CSV.
2. "Company Name/Department/Title" field has been added to the user information.
Manage contents
1. Thumbnail images can now be set for folders and files.
1. You can now use the "List of Unlearned Students" function to manage unlearned materials.
whole system
1.The entire learningBOX has been redesigned with a stylish material design.
Manage contents
1. Folder status display has been changed to "Complete, Learning, Unlearning".
Learn Contents
1. "Studying" has been added to the file status in addition to "Passed, Failed, Viewed, Not Taken".
2. You can use the latest version 5.3.12 of QuizGenerator.
Video Playback Player
1. "1.5x speed" has been added to the video playback speed.
user information
1. Changed the expression "nickname" to "display name".
My Page
1. Notification display switching has been accelerated.
Learn Contents
1. solved the problem of not being able to move on after answering the quiz in Master mode when using the "Once you view and answer the quiz, you can move on" limit bar.
Member registration
1. Revived the function to automatically generate a password when a member registers with the form.
1. Problem solved where members could not be narrowed down in the list tab.
2. Resolved an issue where grades would not be displayed correctly if you had partial grade permissions.
Manage Members
1. Added an icon to be displayed next to the group name.
2. Changed the icon of Member Batch Registration.
Manage Members
1. Problem solved where the display would collapse when items such as the name were long.
1. Problem solved where the name of the teaching material was not displayed correctly when a member with grade management rights viewed the grade list.
2. Problem solved where the number of items displayed in the results list would not switch even though All was selected.
Learn Contents
1. Problem solved where the list of materials screen would not return after a report was submitted.
Manage Members
1. It is now possible to grant administrative privileges to specific users for large-scale use.
2. Members can now be moved between groups in batches using a checkbox.
3. The nickname and login ID of the member information can be changed by the administrator.
4.The design has been renewed.
1. You can now distribute as a questionnaire by importing an html file in form format.
SCORM Materials
1.SCORM1.2 compliant teaching materials can now be distributed as SCORM teaching materials by importing them in Zip format.