Release note

functional improvement

EC Products/Seminars
1. Modified so that products/seminars in the cart will not be emptied even if GMO payment fails after adding the product/seminar to the cart.
EC Products/Seminars/Curriculum List
1. Improved the category search so that you can cancel the search by clicking "All".
Seminar List / EC Function Basic Settings
1. Changed the word "Normal" in the sort order to "Recommended".
EC Products/Seminars/Curriculum Registration and Renewal
1. Changed the wording of "Sort Order" to "Recommendation".
Manage seminars
1. When "Enable Account Billing" is set to "Off" in "Account Billing Management", the "Available Member Rank" field will not be displayed in "Price/Period" when registering/editing seminars.
Manage contents
1. Modified the quiz/test creation form so that question numbers (Q1) are displayed without being cut off when the width of the form is too narrow.
2. The characters set in the "Yomikata" field are no longer included in text files downloaded after switching the input mode from Romaji to English in the typing material creation form.
3.Added "Web Page>>Upload Web Page" in the + button menu.
Add new members
1.Improved the automatic deletion of blank characters when they are entered at the beginning or end of the input field.
Member management / Medical record function
1. Changed the icon of the group imported by KhaoNavi.
Kaonavi Collaboration
1. Modified to set comparison conditions when setting "Synchronization Target Filter" and "Affiliation Add Trigger" when synchronizing members. It is possible to set conditions such as Age: 50 or more, Retirement date is not blank.
My Page
1. Modified the wording of "Name/Display Name" in the member list so that it is displayed in conjunction with the item name.
1. The word "option" is not displayed in the order details column of the payment procedure screen when you have not added any new "option".
Account Application Management
1.When the number of registered members reaches the number of available members, the explanation "The maximum number of members has been reached" will be displayed when the mouse is hovered over the "Approve" button.

Bug Fixes

List of EC products and seminars
1. The number of students in each detail screen was displayed based on the number of purchases made at the beginning.
Manage Members
1. While using the KhaoNavi linkage function, there was a problem where the data could not be saved with the "Third Party Identifier" field left blank, so it has been corrected so that the data can be saved even with the field left blank.
Manage contents
1.Fixed a bug that the settings in the description field could not be loaded correctly when editing the attached file materials.
PUSH notification setting
1. Fixed a bug in which HTML tags were not displayed as strings when they existed in the screen because they were recognized as HTML.

Bug Fixes

Manage Members
1.While using the KhaoNavi linkage function, there was a problem where the data could not be saved with the "Third Party Identifier" field left blank.

functional improvement

Manage contents
1.When the Save button is clicked in the report assignment creation form, an indicator is displayed until it moves to the contents list.
1. Added "Chrome OS" to the OS of the access log.
1. Modified so that you will be redirected to My Page when you browser back after finishing the order with invoice.
2. Modified to display the expiration date on the quotation.
Manage Members
1.When you register a batch of members by CSV, you can register even if the deadline type is not entered. Unlimited" is automatically entered at the time of registration.
2. When the automatic synchronization of the Khaonavi linkage function is set to Off, it has been modified so that the "Third Party Identifier" can be entered on the member edit screen. If the value is changed to the same as the employee number on the Khaonavi side and then synchronized, the member information can be updated.
3.When the group batch registration is completed by CSV, the message "Registration completed successfully. when the group batch registration is completed.

Bug Fixes

1. Fixed a problem in which quotations and invoices containing HTML special characters were displayed as symbols when they were created.
Curriculum List
1.Fixed a bug that the number of students in the curriculum detail screen was displayed as 0. The correct number of students is now displayed.

Bug Fixes

Check socres
1.There was a problem that the list was not displayed in Internet Explorer 11, so it was corrected to display.
 Progress record
1. The Basic Information tab, which had been suspended, is now available again.

Bug Fixes

Check socres
1. Fixed a problem where content was not displayed in the learning progress column when a member who does not have permission to manage grades viewed the personal chart.

functional improvement

Manage contents
1. When displaying the report material creation form, the indicator is now displayed until the data loading is complete.

Bug Fixes

 Progress record
1. Fixed a problem where content was not displayed in the learning progress column when a member with grade permissions on the second and subsequent levels of content viewed the medical record.

functional improvement

Log in
1. Modified to display the error code when the login fails in Single Sign On.

Bug Fixes

Summary board
1. Fixed a bug that the graph was not displayed correctly.
Check socres
1. There was a bug that the answers were not displayed when opening a questionnaire that contained double quotation marks in the questionnaire from the question-specific tab and creating an answer summary CSV.
Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug in quiz/test creation form that prevented scrolling when canceling to return without deleting options.
Learn Contents
1. When learning HLS videos on iOS/iPad devices, there was a problem where the transition to the next video would not occur even after the video ended.

functional improvement

EC Purchase History
1. The date of the receipt has been changed from the date of issue to the date of payment.

Bug Fixes

 Progress record
1. Fixed a problem in which only the bottom row remained when clicking "Undeliverable Only" with the folded part of the material passed in the study progress opened, so that only the undeliverable part is correctly displayed.
Check socres
1. Fixed a bug in which explanations for incorrect answers were not shown, so they are now shown.

functional improvement

Check socres
1.On the result detail screen, the nickname is displayed if the member has not registered a name, and the login ID is displayed if the member has not registered a nickname.
2.The column name in CSV was unified with the screen display.
Manage notifications
1.In the registrant column, the nickname is displayed if the member has not registered a name, and the login ID is displayed if the member has not registered a nickname.
 Progress record
1. Modified the name field to display the nickname when the member does not have a name registered.
2. The number of completed lessons is no longer counted when a lesson is waiting to be graded.
Manage contents
1. In the typing material creation form, the question input fields can now be reordered.
2. Changed the display format for "Delete Optional Template" in the quiz/test creation form.
3.Added a link to the how-to page in the report assignment form [?] in the form.
1.The bank transfer information in the email sent after your application has been changed.

Bug Fixes

Manage contents
When editing a question in the second section, clicking "Back to List" would cause the section tags and question tags to disappear, so they are now saved correctly.
1. The sequential number of the option contents in "Try to use various options" was wrong, so it was corrected.
2. Fixed a bug that prevented opening the API linkage in "Try using various options".
 Progress record
1. Fixed a bug that caused the line to turn green when the status went from Waiting for Grading to Failed, so that it is now displayed as white.
Check socres
1. When viewing quiz materials that contain HTML or other tags in the question IDs from the Question tab, there was a bug that they were recognized as HTML and processing was executed.

new features

Kaonavi Collaboration
1. Linkage with the talent management system "Khaonavi" is now possible.

For more information, click here↓

Kaonavi PR Times

functional improvement

1. We have closed new applications for the option "Standard smartphone application use".
Message Box
1. Modified to display the nickname if the member does not have a registered name, and to display the login ID if the member does not have a registered nickname.

Bug Fixes

EC Store
1. Fixed a bug where the "Buy" button was not being displayed, so it is now displayed.

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