Release note

functional improvement

Manage contents
When creating a shortcut to a course/folder, the description and category set in the original course/folder will be inherited.
2. When distributing a course to another owner's environment, the description set in the original course is now inherited.
3. Changed the section bar of the quiz/test creation form to display "Section" instead of "Section" in Japanese when the language is set to English.
4. Changed the wording of the correct answer "Correct: Correct / Incorrect: Incorrect" to "Correct: True / Incorrect: False" in the quiz/test creation form with the language set to English.
Custom Dashboards
1. The tab names for "PC View" and "Smartphone View" in the dashboard settings screen have been changed to display "Laptop" and "Mobile" since they were displayed in Japanese even when the language was set to English.
2. Changed the default settings for "Select Permissions" for each panel in the Dashboard Settings screen > Button Panel Edit modal so that the default settings for each panel are the same as the display format of My Page.
When adding or duplicating a panel in the dashboard settings screen, it will automatically scroll to the corresponding panel.
4. Changed the default value of "Learning / Contents / Members / Scores" to "Learning / Contents / Members / Scores" when the language is set to English.
Page After Sign-in Settings
1. The login enabled device setting has been modified so that it can be saved even when the Chrome OS version is not entered.
Supported devices setting templates
When the download speed test is turned off, the settings can now be saved even if they are not entered.
2. The function names in the side menu were displayed in Japanese even when the language is set to English, so they are now displayed as "Manage supported devices setting templates".
Basic Course Settings
1. Changed the wording of the initial order of the list to "in order of content management / publication / new creation".
Log in
1. Faster login process to learningBOX.

Bug Fixes

Learn Contents
1. Fixed a problem in which the header was displayed on the learning screen of the target environment when distributing a course that contains materials with "Hide header menu on teaching material display screen" turned on in the test mode settings.
2. Fixed a bug in the highlighting when moving from the badge list to the screen to study, where shortcut folders were not highlighted.
Manage Members
1. Fixed a problem in which half-width symbols were displayed as HTML special characters in the Assign Teaching Materials modal when a group containing half-width symbols in its name was selected and displayed in the list view.
Custom Dashboards
1. The date and time of the seminar were displayed out of view when the New Seminar Panel (Large) was set and displayed on a smartphone device.
Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug in the quiz/test creation form that prevented it from being saved when there were a large number of questions.
2. Regarding the information in the gear menu, there was a bug that the editor's name was not updated when editing content, so it has been fixed to update and display the editor's name.
Badge list
In the modal for navigating to content, there was a bug where the shortcut course/folder was not displayed, but the original shortcut course/folder.

functional improvement

EC Purchase Procedure
The coupon can now be used when purchasing products on behalf of the customer.
EC Products/Seminars
1. In the "Search Products/Seminars", "Products/Seminars Details", "Shopping Cart", "Purchase Procedure", "Purchase Completion", and "Purchase Cancellation" screens, "Tax Included" is now displayed next to the price.
IP Restriction Management
1. In the Access List tab, the Login Restrictions tab, and the Course Materials Viewing Restrictions tab, the browser tab name has been modified to be displayed in the format "IP Restrictions Management | Tab Name | Site Title.
Check socres
1. Modified the Gear button > Display Settings so that it is not possible to click "Save" when all display items are unchecked.

Bug Fixes

EC Coupon Management
1. In the coupon registration screen, there was a problem with the curriculum being displayed for the target product, so it has been fixed so that the curriculum is not displayed.
Check socres
1. In the "Aggregate by Question" display in the "By Question" tab, there was a bug that displayed "Total: 0 students" when displaying materials that were only assigned to materials in a folder.
2. Fixed a bug in the CSV output on the grade details screen that caused CSV to be output with the score at the time of answering, when the score of a question was changed after quiz study.
Page After Sign-in Settings
1. In the "Login enabled terminal settings" tab, there was a bug that the same error message was displayed in the next line when the line with the error message was deleted.

functional improvement

Manage contents
1. The order of badges displayed in the badge management screen is now reflected in the "Set Badge" modal.
2. Changed the name of the link folder to "Create Course / Folder Shortcut".
3. Modified the course/folder duplicate menu so that two patterns can be created: "Duplicate" and "Duplicate (shortcut for teaching materials)".
Page After Sign-in Settings
1. Modified so that the OS version cannot be set to 11 or higher / equal to 11 for Windows of the login enabled terminal setting.
2. Changed so that only either the screen title or tab name is displayed in the browser tab when the login enabled device setting tab is displayed, so that "Page setting immediately after login | Tab name | Site name" is displayed.
3. In the "Loginable Device Settings" tab, when an error message is displayed after clicking "Save", the screen will now automatically scroll to the corresponding location.
1. The screen that transitions after canceling a product/seminar in the PayPal, GMO Convenience Store, GMO Bank Transfer, or GMO Credit Card payment screen has been modified so that it will display correctly even if it is accessed multiple times by browser back or page refresh.
View access log, list of supported devices, and results
1. Changed to display the Chrome OS version in the format displayed on the device's settings screen.

Bug Fixes

Manage contents
1. There was a bug that allowed members with content management privileges to edit course/folder descriptions, search keywords, images, and publication periods without management privileges for some materials.
2. When duplicating a folder/course that had content categories set, there was a problem where the content categories set in the duplicated folder/course were set in the teaching materials in the duplicated folder/course. The problem has been fixed so that the content category of the material in the duplicated folder/course is not set.
3. When a folder/course with a content category set was duplicated, there was a problem where the duplicated folder/course did not have a content category set.
Manage Members
1. Fixed a bug that "This email address is already in use" was displayed when an email address starting with a symbol was entered and saved in the member registration / edit modal. When saving an email address that begins with a symbol, the message "This email address is already in use.
Check socres
1. Because there was a problem that the header was displayed at the bottom of the data downloaded from the tab by question > Create CSV file of answer total, it has been corrected so that the header is not displayed at the bottom.
2. Fixed a problem in which the content of the data downloaded by using the Tab by Issue > Create Operation Log CSV was blank, so that the correct CSV is created.
Badge list
1. Fixed a bug that the breadcrumbs in the "Go to content" modal were not displayed when badges were set for shortcut materials in folders.
Learn Contents
1. There was a bug that if you clicked "Cancel" after the download speed test/audio test was executed for quizzes other than quizzes with supported device settings and course restrictions, it would be counted in the course count. The problem has been fixed.
Email Settings
1. Fixed a problem in which the EC function tab was displayed for subdomains that were using the EC function in an environment other than that of the subdomain owner.
 Site customizer
1.Fixed a bug that the side menu theme could not be loaded in the side menu edit screen.

functional improvement

Supported Environments
1.Regarding iOS, we changed the recommended OS to iOS14 / iOS15 and the supported OS to iOS13. At the same time, the "Recommended Environment Table" displayed when accessing the site with an unsupported browser has been updated to the same content.
Page After Sign-in Settings
1. Due to the change in the recommended environment, only numbers 13 and above can be entered for iOS > OS Version in the Loginable Device Settings tab.
Manage contents
1. Modified so that public period and IP address restriction can be set for linked folders. At the same time, added a note: "The publication period and IP address limit of the lower level folders and materials refer to the settings of the link source. at the same time.
2. Modified so that the link folder distributed from another owner environment cannot be moved to a directory other than the top directory.
3. Abolished the setting of compatible terminals for certificates and transcripts.
Supported Device Configuration Templates
1.The wav / ogg / m4a / aac formats have been abolished as extensions that can be set for the original audio played during audio testing.
 Site customizer
1. Added a search filter function to the subdomain list page.
2. The SAML Advanced Settings "Set the following two items from the Issue URL" button in the Basic Settings > Login Form Settings is now hidden when an Issue URL other than onelogin is entered. If you use other than onelogin, please fill in all items.
Learn Contents
1.Modified to display the teaching materials of the link folder in the search screen.
2. Modified to display the icon of the link folder when the link folder exists in the breadcrumb list.

Bug Fixes

Log in
1. Fixed a bug that prevented users from logging in for a certain period of time with a low probability while setting "Prohibit later login".
Manage contents
1. The number of linked folders displayed in the information of the folder/course where the linked folder was created was incorrectly displayed, and has been corrected to display the correct number.
Learn Contents
1. Fixed a bug that it moved to the folder of the link source when clicking the name of the link folder in the breadcrumb list.
2. When a quiz, test, or report is submitted with a badge set and the status is "Waiting for Grades", there was a problem with the badge being awarded.
3. Fixed a bug where the fanfare when you get a badge was not displayed, so it is now displayed.
4. When the ✖ button in the upper right corner is clicked while answering a quiz with the interrupt function set, there was a problem where the correct number of lessons would not be displayed unless you reloaded.
Page After Sign-in Settings
1. Fixed a problem in which the settings were not displayed when a member with access privileges to the settings page set the login enabled device settings and then accessed the login enabled device settings screen again.
Operation Log
1. Fixed a bug that the log was not kept when a group was deleted.
 Site customizer
1. Because there was a problem that the information of Google Workspace was caught in the validation and could not be registered in the SAML advanced setting in Basic Setting > Login Form Setting, it was corrected that ? and = can be entered, and the information of Google Workspace can be registered.

functional improvement

Manage Members
1.When a new member registration is automatically approved, an email notification will be sent to the new member registrant.
2.When you click "Save" with incomplete input items when you register/edit a member, it will automatically scroll to the incomplete items.
Manage contents
1.About the link folder of the folder or the course, it has been modified so that it can be created and moved even if it is not the top hierarchy.
2. Added "Superscript" and "Subscript" to TinyMCE in the teaching material creation form.
API Integration
1. The quiz question types have been modified to be output for the quiz and test material grade detail acquisition API and the batch grade acquisition API.
Supported Device Configuration Templates
1. Improved so that the setting value can be saved even if it is not entered when the download speed test is used off.
Product/Seminar Details
1. When a product/seminar is out of the sales period, it will not be displayed as "Only 0 units left to buy".
 Site customizer
1. Modified the "Download" button to fill the frame while displaying the Design > Edit Template tab in panel format.

Bug Fixes

Learn Contents
1.After the download speed/audio test is conducted on a quiz/test with limited number of times/compatible device settings, if the study screen is closed at the start screen of the quiz/test, it will be counted as the number of times taken.
Manage Members
1. Fixed a bug that prevented members who had administrative privileges for only some groups from sending re-invite mails.
Manage contents
1. Fixed a problem in which the group list was not displayed when a member who had the authority to assign materials to a group on the third or later level set the assignment of materials.
2. When quizzes and tests created with QUIZ-5.12.5 to 5.12.9 were edited with QUIZ-5.13.5 or later versions, there was a bug that section IDs were displayed duplicated and could not be saved.
Email Settings
1. Fixed a bug that prevented members with the permission to edit the mail template of some groups from sending a test message.
Supported devices setting templates
1. Fixed a bug that m4a format could not be uploaded when uploading audio data using Firefox browser.
1. Fixed a bug in which the copywrite hiding was not grayed out when design customization was selected or not purchased.
Badge list
1. Fixed a bug where two identical materials were displayed in the modal that navigates to content when a badge is set for a publicly available material.
Check socres
1. There was a bug that the CSV file could not be created correctly when opening a material with no answer history from the "Question" tab.

functional improvement

Select a course
1. Improved the keyword search on PC terminals so that users can search by pressing the Enter key after entering text.
Manage contents
1. Modified the quiz language setting option to be "en" (written in English) when the quiz/test creation form is accessed with the language set to "English".
Supported devices setting templates
1.The wma format is no longer available for the original audio that is played during voice tests.
Choose a Course / Choose a Curriculum
1. Modified to display the category search button to the left of the keyword search box when setting the content category.
1. While subscribing to the EC plan, the spot contract button was displayed, so it was hidden.
2. "For details, please refer to the quotation" is now displayed below the invoice amount on each order screen. below the invoice amount on each order screen.
Check socres
1. When viewing on a mobile device, the display period and learning status input boxes were displayed outside of the frame, so they have been modified to fit within the screen.

Bug Fixes

Report Scoring Request Notification
1.There was a bug that emails were not sent to members who had grade permissions only for some groups, so the problem has been corrected so that emails are sent correctly.
2.There was a bug that you could not click save when registering email notifications in Safari browser, so it has been fixed to register correctly.
1. There was a bug that the copyright was not hidden even if you ordered to hide the copyright in the invoice payment, so it has been fixed to hide the copyright.
2.When issuing a quotation or an invoice, there was a problem that the quotation or invoice could not be created correctly if there were tags such as HTML in the company name, so it has been fixed so that it cannot be created with such character strings included.
3. Plan-related notification emails were being sent to unsubscribed owners, so we fixed the problem so that they would not be sent.
Manage Members
1.There was a bug that members with group privileges in some groups could not send the re-invite email even if they clicked the Send button, so it has been fixed so that it can be sent.
2. When you clicked the Assign Teaching Materials button, the "Contents directly under the document that has been opened to the public" that cannot be assigned originally was displayed.
3. Fixed a bug that prevented the yellow text "Account Locked" from being displayed in the member edit modal when the account was locked.
1. Fixed a bug where quiz and test materials were not displayed, so they will now open correctly.
2. Fixed a bug where grades were not saved after learning.
purchase history
1. During the free trial period after the account is billed, the free trial period was duplicated in the "Subscription Period" section of the subscription plan tab.

new features

Custom Dashboards
1. You can now create a custom dashboard where you can freely arrange panels. This feature is available only if you have subscribed to Design Customization or above, and does not work with Internet Explorer 11.
Manage badges
1. Content categories can now be set.
2.The other setting tab was newly established. You can delete a batch of badge images and set an image as the initial data of a badge.
Manage contents
1. Content categories can now be set.
2. Content codes can now be specified in environments where third-party apps are used.
3.You can now set the compatible terminals for the teaching materials. You can check the download speed before taking the test, check the login terminal, and check the audio playback.
4. Section ID/choice number can now be set in the quiz/test creation form. This feature is available in Quiz-5.13.5 and above.
5. Section ID/Section Tag/Question ID/Question Tag/Option Number can now be set within the survey design form. This feature is available in ENQUETE-3.1.1 and above.
6. You can now set linked contents. It is possible to display hidden contents only when a specific folder or material is passed or failed.
7. You can now set a deadline for responses and submissions.
8. Assignments can now be made in units of teaching materials.
9. The publication period can now be set for each group.
Select a course
1. A new "Choose a Course" screen has been added. You can search for courses by content category or by entering keywords. You can set the display settings for this function from "Course Basic Settings", and if you have subscribed to Design Customize or higher, it can be displayed before you log in.
Manage Members
1. In the bottom of the email address field of the Member Add/Edit/Profile Change screen, a new feature has been added that allows you to set the sending of email notifications On/Off for each account. Important information will be notified by email even if it is set to Off.
2. Group codes can now be set for each group.
3. Email template authority is now independent from administrator authority, and only limited templates can be managed for invitation emails and grade notification emails.
Check socres
1. Quizzes, tests, and report materials that are waiting to be graded can now be graded in bulk using Excel.
 Site customizer
1. Breadcrumbs setting has been added. When this setting is On, a breadcrumb list will be displayed when you view the course list screen or product/seminar/curriculum related pages.
Learn Contents
1. Added the ability to display a fanfare when you get a badge. You can choose from Rich, Simple, or No Animation from the Fanfare Preferences.
IP Restriction Management
1. IP restrictions can now be set for teaching materials. Members with setting page access permission and content management permission can access.
API Integration
1.The API to get the grade details in bulk has been newly added.

functional improvement

Badge list
1. Modified to display the acquisition badge for each content category.
Manage badges
1.Modified the badge list so that it can be sorted.
Manage contents
1.SCORM API was added to the preview screen of the teaching material in the content management function. As a result, even SCORM materials created by other companies can be previewed.
2. Modified the indicator to be displayed between the click of the search button and the display of the list of teaching materials.
3. Changed the default value of "Display badge on the screen to learn" from Off to On when setting the badge.
 Site customizer
1. The password expiration notification email and the email when the link with KhaoNavi fails have been modified to be sent from the email address that has been changed in the From email setting.
2. Modified to allow IP restrictions when accessing the site.
Manage notifications
1.Modified to display the editor.
single sign-on
1.modified to allow multiple add_groups.
2. Group codes and content codes are now supported.
3. Modified to allow registration and update by including custom field values as parameters during single sign-on.
 Progress record
1.The display of the group list has been unified with the member management.
Manage Members
1. Modified the format of the effective date to be separated by a slash when uploading a batch of members using CSV.
2.The password was displayed when uploading a batch of members using CSV, but for security reasons, it has been modified to be displayed in a masked state, such as ****.
3. When adding or updating a group, if there are double-byte spaces at the beginning or end of the input area for the group name and the number of accounts that can be registered, they will be removed and saved.
4. The maximum number of characters in the login ID has been changed from 30 to 50.
Account Registration Management
1.The URL of the group name that is not in the group list of member management is not displayed because the group name that was deleted before was still displayed in the URL tab of the registration screen.
Third party app
1. Modified the setting page so that only members with access privileges can access it.
Product/Seminar Details
1. Modified so that the quantity input field is not displayed when the sales period is over.
Curriculum Details
1. Changed from screen transition to modal display after clicking "Select".
Overall Curriculum Function
1.JSON-LD is now supported.
Check socres
1.When viewing the grade details of a teaching material with a table inserted, the display has been modified to fit within the screen.
1. Changed the color of the learning graph.
Learn Contents
1. Modified to display the indicator between the click of the search button and the display of the teaching materials list.
1. The annual fee for the "Hide copyright" option has been changed from a yearly fee to a one-time purchase.
API Integration
1.The content codes are now supported for the API for obtaining the contents list and the API for assigning teaching materials to groups.
2. The group codes are now supported for the Get Results List API, Get Member List API, Get Member Details API, Group Assignment API, Get Group List API, Add Group API, Update Group API, and Delete Group API.
3. Added support for section numbers and choice numbers in the API for getting grade details.

functional improvement

Curriculum List
1. Modified so that you can't preview materials outside of the release period.
Content management/learning
1.Added support for the English notation of "Ruby" in the menu of the function (tinyMCE) that can be displayed when entering text and can decorate text.
Manage contents
1.When uploading a video, the save button cannot be clicked if the video is too large.
2. Modified so that linked folders cannot be created for folders that are set to "Course" in Products/Seminars/Curriculum.
3. Modified so that linked folders can only be created from the top level folder or course.
4.It was modified not to be able to change the hierarchy about the link folder of the folder distribution destination and the folder of the distribution source.
Product/Seminar/Curriculum Management
1. The source folder of the link folder has been modified so that it cannot be set to "Course" in Products/Seminars/Curriculum.

Bug Fixes

Personal Medical Record / Medical Record Function
1.There was a problem that the folder name of the distribution source was displayed when the full period button was clicked while the link folder that changed the name was being viewed in the medical record, so it was corrected to display it with the folder name after the change.
2. There was a bug in which link folders distributed from other environments were not displayed in the learning progress even if they were assigned, so it has been corrected to display them correctly.
Product/Seminar/Curriculum Details
1. Fixed a bug that prevented users from reviewing even if they allowed pre-login review.
Check socres
1. Fixed a problem in which handwritten images were not displayed when clicking the "Previous Answers" or "New Answers" button while viewing the grades of report materials that were submitted by hand.
Third party app
1.When using the API for retrieving payment history (by order), there was a bug that the value could not be retrieved even if the method value was specified correctly.
Learn Contents
1. Fixed a problem in which the course description was not displayed in the environment of the distribution destination when the distribution source of the link folder was a course.

functional improvement

Manage Members
1. Speeded up the time to complete deleting a large number of groups.
Learn Contents
1.Improved the display of badge names with consecutive single-byte characters so that the badge name would not wrap within the display area when displayed by mouse hover.

Bug Fixes

Check socres
1. There was a bug that a member who was granted the permission to manage grades only for a linked folder could not see the grades of the corresponding linked folder in the grade management by question view.
2. When a linked folder of a folder which does not have the permission to manage grades is placed in a folder which has the permission to manage grades, there was a problem that grades could not be referred to in the display by question of the grade management.
Learn Contents
1. Fixed a bug that the destination of the move between teaching materials () displayed in the header part could not be moved even if it was clicked, so that it could be moved to the inside of the link folder.
Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug that prevented the user from clicking "Discard and Return" when an error occurred when saving the report assignment form.
Learn / View Results
1. Fixed a problem in which the sequential numbering function did not work correctly when displaying the grade details of a certificate in a linked folder from another owner environment.

functional improvement

Manage Members
1.Speeded up the time until the group list display is completed.

Bug Fixes

Learn Contents
1. Fixed a bug that the status was not displayed as "Awaiting Grading" even if the report material was resubmitted.
2. Fixed a bug in which the badge would appear when entering a course even if the badge was set for the course and not displayed on the study screen.
public issue
1.Fixed a bug that the file selection function did not work correctly in the quiz/test creation form in
Check socres
1.learningBOX2.15.13 or later, when creating CSV files from the "Question" tab, there was a problem that the item names containing HTML special characters were displayed as symbols.
2. When a linked folder was created from a folder, and then a linked folder was created from a lower level folder, "An unexpected error has occurred" was displayed when "Show only unlearned" or "Show only unlearned and learning" was selected. When "Show only unlearned" or "Show only unlearned and learning" is selected, "An unexpected error has occurred.
Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug that images with two choices transfer in one file name would disappear when quiz/test materials which include choices transfer function are re-edited with form.
Badge list
1.Fixed a bug that the original badge image was not displayed depending on the browsing timing.

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