human resources development

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Boost Employee Engagement Through In-house Training

Boost Employee Engagement Through In-house Training

In order to maintain your company's superiority in the marketplace, you need to effectively promote human resource development through in-house training. Some managers and human resource managers may be thinking, "I want to gather information on how to conduct in-house training," or "I want to know how to conduct training so that the content will take root among the participants. In this article, we will explain the purpose and types of in-house training. We will also introduce specific procedures and tips, so if you are looking for information on in-house training, please continue reading to the end of this article. What is the purpose of conducting in-house training? The ultimate goal of providing in-house training to employees is to improve the company's bottom line by increasing sales, expanding services, and so on. Necessary elements to achieve this include improving employee skills and cohesiveness. In order to promote internal training more effectively, it is important to clarify the purpose of the training. Below is a description of the typical objectives of conducting in-house training. Improvement of employee skills One of the objectives of in-house training is to improve the skills of employees. Improving the skills of each employee leads to higher productivity for the company as a whole. The higher the quality of employees and the more highly skilled they are in their respective departments, the more profitable the company will be in the future. In-house training can develop diverse skills such as presentation skills, logical thinking skills, and management skills. In addition, we can also provide support for the acquisition of difficult qualifications that can be applied to individual jobs. When considering how to implement in-house training, if it is difficult to handle in-house for reasons such as "the volume of information to be conveyed" or "the content is specialized," one option is to request outside instructors. Improvement of company cohesion The implementation of in-house training can also be expected to improve the cohesiveness of the entire company. By instilling the company's direction, management philosophy, and corporate philosophy, employees will understand management's thinking and create a climate in which they can work toward the same goals. Once the necessity of each and every task that employees were obligated to perform becomes clear, it will be an opportunity to encourage employees to take independent action to achieve higher results. When communicating management and corporate philosophies, it is even more effective to explain why the philosophy was established and the benefits and significance of adhering to the philosophy. To gain the company's trust Another purpose of in-house training is to enhance the company's credibility. As a member of society, it is a matter of course that one should be familiar with general common sense and business manners. If you do not have the common sense and manners, your business partners may wonder if it is safe to do business with this company, which may lead to poor performance by the company. If you do not have good common sense and manners, your business partners may wonder if it is safe to do business with your company, which may lead to poor business performance of your company. In order to gain trust externally, employees should be provided with opportunities to learn about general common sense and business manners. In particular, efforts to provide education for new employees are very important. Make sure that basic knowledge is conveyed to them before they enter into specific business activities. Avoiding Management Risks In-house training can also help avoid some management risks. While there are a variety of management risks, in-house training is particularly effective as a way to avoid human risks. Take the opportunity to teach employees what they should not do as a member of the company, such as information leakage and various types of harassment. It is effective to show actual cases of information leakage and harassment, and what kind of risks can be incurred. By giving employees a more concrete image of the possible dangers, it will raise each employee's awareness of risk management. Back to Table of Contents Major Types of In-House Training Since there are multiple means of internal training, it is important to select the most appropriate method based on the level and target audience of the participants. Whether you want participants to acquire practical content for their work or to gain knowledge of business etiquette, there are a wide range of objectives. In order to provide effective training, it is important to have a thorough knowledge of training methods. Below we describe three in-house training methods, including on-the-job training and group training. OJT" learning through practice OJT (On the Job Training) is an in-house training method for new employees and those with no experience in the industry, in which they gain experience by actually engaging in practical work under a supervisor or senior staff member. Starting with simple tasks, the employee is gradually taught more complex and time-consuming tasks, thereby promoting growth. OJT is an education method used by many companies and is a method that is expected to make employees immediately effective, but the speed of growth may vary depending on the department to which they are assigned and the person in charge of education. However, the speed of growth may vary depending on the department and the trainer assigned to the employee. Group training" is an effective way to acquire manners and skills. Group training is an effective way to learn manners and skills, as employees gather in a conference room to receive training all at once. Because employees receive training at the same time in a single venue, they are more likely to be influenced by the atmosphere of their surroundings and become more motivated. In companies with multiple locations, employees assigned to other locations may also interact with each other. On the other hand, the time and cost involved are disadvantages. Group training can be further divided into two types: in-house training and external training. In-house training is conducted by executives and supervisors. In-house training is effective in communicating corporate and management philosophies, as it is directly conducted by a person from within the company. The use of in-house facilities eliminates the need for travel and the cost of hiring outside instructors, but there are also disadvantages, such as the tendency for training to become entrenched in the company's internal philosophy. External training is a method of training by requesting outside instructors. It is particularly effective for improving business manners, acquiring qualifications, and enhancing skills. Since the training is conducted by inviting outside instructors, new opinions and ideas that are not bound by the existing corporate culture can be incorporated. Self-study," in which materials are distributed for educational purposes Self-study, in which reference books and other materials are given to employees to encourage their own study, is another useful educational method. The content can range from acquiring qualifications and skills to understanding management philosophy. The person in charge of training must select, prepare, and distribute the materials, so be sure to have them well prepared in advance. Since self-study is a learning process that depends on the motivation of each individual, the fact that the level of understanding may vary is a disadvantage. Back to Table of Contents How to proceed with in-house training When providing in-house training, we must not just provide learning opportunities, but must proceed in a systematic manner so that concrete results can be obtained. Before selecting an implementation method, it is important to determine the purpose of the internal training and the schedule for its implementation. The following is a step-by-step guide on how to proceed with in-house training for those who are considering the specifics of implementing in-house training. (1) Set current issues and post-education goals When promoting in-house training, first establish the current issues and post-education goals. By clarifying the reasons for training and the issues to be resolved, a training policy will emerge. It is important to understand what is lacking in the participants from a comprehensive perspective, not only from the educator's point of view, but also by listening to the participants themselves and their supervisors and subordinates. After identifying the issues, clarify what state you would like the participants to be in after the training. This will give you a concrete image of the timing and content of the education to be provided. (2) Decide on the timing and period of implementation After clarifying the issues and goals, decide on the timing and period of implementation. The timing will be determined by taking into account the internal preparation period, the schedule of external lecturers, and the level of proficiency of the participants. It should be noted that depending on the content of the training, there may be cases where learning cannot be completed in a single opportunity. For example, OJT is based on the premise of mid- to long-term training. Depending on the content of the education, scheduling should be flexible. (3) Decide how to implement in-house education. After the schedule is set, decide on the specific method of implementing in-house training. There are various types of implementation methods, such as on-the-job training, training, and self-study. After comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each, select the most appropriate training method for the situation within the company. Combining multiple methods is also effective, such as first learning theory through group training and then practicing through on-the-job training. Back to Table of Contents In-House Training is Important for Follow-Up Due to the structure of the brain, it is difficult to retain what you have learned once you have heard a story. As pointed out in the "Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve" proposed by German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus, memory fades over time. For this reason, once education has been provided, it is important to periodically check to see if the content of the education has been properly retained. The following sections describe specific follow-up methods. Repeat the Feedback Cycle To make your educational content stick, repeat the feedback cycle. The feedback cycle is a term that refers to the process of receiving feedback and working toward improvement. Specifically, the process is to repeat the flow of "receive feedback on what you have learned, discover issues for yourself, think about what you need to change to solve the issues, and then actually take action on what you have thought about. By repeating the cycle over and over again, the educational content will be more reliably established. Create an action plan sheet Creating an action plan sheet is another effective follow-up. An action plan sheet is a sheet that describes the actions required to achieve the subject's goals and plans, and whether the goals were achieved after a certain period of time. The advantage of this method is that employees themselves take the initiative, so the content they have learned is easily retained, and they can confirm for themselves whether or not their actions have definitely changed. On the other hand, the disadvantage is that it increases the burden on supervisors and trainers to check the content. Questionnaires and confirmation tests are also effective Questionnaires and confirmation tests are also effective follow-up measures, as they enable quantification of participant satisfaction and understanding. If you want to make use of participants' feedback in the future, you can conduct a questionnaire, and if you want to check the degree of knowledge retention, you can conduct a confirmation test. Back to Table of Contents Tips for Meaningful In-House Training In order to provide meaningful in-house training, it is necessary not only to select appropriate methods, but also to consider the mindset of the participants. Attention to details such as raising awareness by explaining the necessity of the training and establishing a system that encourages active participation will improve the effectiveness of the training. Below are three tips for conducting meaningful employee training. Properly explain the need for the training to participants. In order to provide meaningful in-house training, it is important to work on communicating the need for and importance of the training to participants in advance. Rather than simply informing them of the outline of the training, try to motivate the participants by informing them of the reasons for the training, the benefits they will receive from the training, and how you hope they will contribute to the company after receiving the training. When conducting training, it is important to give participants a sense of purpose for themselves. By making every learning experience personal, it will become clearer how to apply it to their daily work. Creating an environment that encourages spontaneous participation When implementing in-house training, be mindful of creating an environment that encourages participants to participate spontaneously. New employees, in particular, tend to be cautious about their surroundings, making it difficult for them to express their opinions or ask questions. It is important to create an atmosphere in which everyone, including new employees, can easily participate, rather than one in which the instructor or some participants keep talking. When conducting group work or other activities, the leader or facilitator will be required to skillfully turn the place around. Introducing an e-learning system Introducing an e-learning system that uses smartphones and PCs is also effective for in-house training. The system is characterized by the ability to study at any time, from any location, and to look back on the content repeatedly. It is also ideal for reviewing content during breaks in the workday. Depending on the system, tests can also be administered to check the level of understanding of the training content. Because they are effective for follow-up, we recommend incorporating them as part of training and other programs. When introducing a system, compare and consider the services offered, and choose the content that best suits your objectives and budget. Back to Table of Contents e-Learning for Effective In-House Training Many companies are concerned about how to promote internal training. It is important to create a system to provide effective in-house training to employees for the company's growth. The introduction of e-learning is an effective way to establish knowledge and follow-up through in-house training. LearningBOX" is an e-learning system equipped with all the functions essential for in-house education. In addition to the creation of teaching materials and grade management, courses can be designed in accordance with the content of in-house education, and tests can be easily conducted to check employee proficiency levels. We have prepared detailed information on learningBOX and how it can be used, so if you are interested in introducing e-learning or are concerned about in-house training methods, please contact us first with a free information request. ▼ We also recommend this one! Also read. Back to Table of Contents
5 Steps for Creating Effective Instructional Videos

5 Steps for Creating Effective Instructional Videos

Make a video of your manual for better viewer comprehension! Explanation of creation procedures and tips Every year, more and more companies are creating manual videos to efficiently provide training and explanations to their employees. However, even if you want to create a manual video, you may have questions such as "I don't know how to make a manual video," or "What are the advantages of creating a manual video? This article introduces the usage scenarios of manual videos, advantages and disadvantages, creation procedures, and points to note. Please refer to this article if you are considering the introduction of manual videos or are researching how to create them. Click here for the Table of Contents. Situations in which manual videos can be used Advantages of Creating Manual Videos Disadvantages of Creating Manual Videos Basic Steps for Creating a Manual Video Things to Consider When Creating a Manual Video Improving Comprehension with a Well-Organized Manual Video Situations where manual videos can be used Manual videos can be used in a wide range of situations, such as explaining work procedures and internal training. Unlike paper-based media, videos can show actual operations, making them suitable for employee training and job descriptions. Below are some specific situations in which manual videos can be used. Explanation of work procedures Preparing manual videos of work procedures has various advantages. Conventional explanations of work procedures require an instructor to go to the work site to show actual work, which requires time for scheduling, travel to the work site, and response to questions received at a later date. However, with manual videos of work procedures, it is possible to show actual operations on video, making it possible to provide some explanations without having to go to the site. In particular, explanations given to new employees when they join a company tend to be the same every time, so manual videos that can be created once and used over and over again are very useful. When giving supplementary explanations in person, you can proceed on the assumption that the employee has seen the manual video, which greatly reduces the burden of instruction. Another advantage is that if there is a change in work procedures, a manual video can be created for each employee, eliminating the need to verbally explain the changes to everyone. In addition, even if the person in charge is not available when an emergency trouble such as a machine breakdown occurs, a manual video that allows the recovery procedure to be confirmed with video can be used to a certain extent only onsite. Introduction of sales know-how Manual videos can also be used to share sales know-how within the sales department, from visiting the customer to closing the deal. By using videos to explain the skills of employees who have achieved excellent results, it is possible to improve the abilities of not only those who are struggling to grow, but also the entire sales department. Preparing videos for different lengths of service and sales levels will help improve skills from career-based training, leading to increased sales for the entire company. New employee training and employee training By preparing manual videos tailored to target employees, they can be used for a variety of in-house training programs, such as training for new recruits and skill improvement training. Manual videos for new employee training can be used flexibly depending on the target audience and purpose, for example, covering basic content such as morals, company rules, business manners, and exchanging business cards for new employees, and instructional methods for younger employees for mid-career employees. For example, a company that operates a chain of stores can efficiently conduct training for store managers by creating videos of store operation manuals. It can be said that there is a wide range of uses for manual videos in training. Product Instruction Manuals Depending on the product, some instruction manuals may be easier for customers to understand if they are animated. For example, videos of instruction manuals for assembled products can make it easier for customers to visualize the detailed procedures. Another advantage is that with a paper instruction manual, it is easy to miss small notes, but with a video, they can be included as part of a sequence of operations. However, when creating a video of an instruction manual, care must be taken with the shooting environment and angles so that the work at hand can be clearly seen. Benefits of Creating Manual Videos There are four advantages to creating manual videos (1) Reduction of training costs (2) Reduce the burden on customer support staff (iii) Improved understanding by the viewer (4) Can be viewed at any location and at any time The more training sessions are reduced, the more costs can be reduced, making the introduction of manual videos highly worthwhile. Manual videos that can be viewed on a smartphone or PC can be viewed at any location and at any time, so you don't have to stop working for long periods of time. In addition, videos can be archived for repeated viewing, so they can be watched over and over again to improve the understanding of the target audience. Advantage 1: Reduction of training costs By producing training videos, training costs and administrative tasks can be reduced. Training costs include fees for lecturers, venue, printing of materials, and transportation costs for lecturers and employees to and from the venue. In addition, training using manual videos eliminates the need to print and bind materials and coordinate schedules with instructors, thereby reducing the burden on training staff. Videos can be produced once and viewed repeatedly, making them cost-effective. Merit 2: Reduced burden on customer support staff The use of videos in instruction manuals will lead to a reduction in customer inquiries. Explanations that were difficult to understand in paper-based instruction manuals can be conveyed more easily through video. By reducing the number of inquiries from customers, the time and effort required for the person in charge to explain the details of the inquiry can be reduced. This will reduce the burden on employees in charge of customer support, and will be effective in improving work efficiency. Advantage 3: Improved viewer understanding Compared to paper-based media, manual videos can increase the viewer's level of understanding. This is because the use of video images can provide a more concrete image of what was difficult to explain in paper-based media. Since it is no longer necessary to visualize work procedures from textual information, viewers can deepen their understanding of what is being explained while reducing misunderstandings and misconceptions. Advantage 4: Can be viewed at any place and at any time Another advantage of manual videos is that they can be viewed at any place and at any time. By producing manual videos in advance, there is no need to clear one's schedule or travel to a venue for training. If the manual videos are uploaded to an internal cloud server, they can be viewed from a smartphone or computer during breaks in the workday, so supervisors and senior employees do not have to stop working every time a question is asked. The advantage is that the videos can be viewed as many times as necessary if there is a point that is unclear or bothersome, making it easier to retain the content of the explanation. Disadvantages of creating manual videos While there are many advantages to creating manual videos, the following disadvantages also exist (i) Cost is high when creating a video (2) Cannot be easily modified once completed (iii) Not suitable for complex explanations (4) Depends on the motivation of each viewer Although the production of manual videos is costly, in the long run, it will provide sufficient returns through reduced costs related to training. However, it is important to shoot and edit carefully, keeping in mind that reshoots and re-editing will require additional costs and cannot be easily corrected. In addition, since the motivation for viewing manual videos differs from person to person, it is necessary to devise ways to maintain motivation so that viewers' understanding does not vary. Demerit (1): Costly when creating videos Manual videos are effective in reducing training costs, but the production of videos requires planning, shooting, and editing costs. Video production requires the use of filming equipment and editing software, so the initial cost of preparing the tools is necessary. In addition, it is difficult to engage in normal business operations while shooting and editing the video, and human resources are reduced for a certain period of time. When video production is outsourced, production costs of several tens of thousands to several hundred thousand yen per video must be paid. Thus, whether in-house or outsourced, the disadvantage is that video production requires a certain cost. Demerit 2) Once completed, it cannot be easily revised. Another disadvantage is that it is difficult to respond immediately to revisions to manual videos, as they must be edited again using editing software. While paper-based manuals can be revised by rewriting or adding text, videos require reshooting and re-editing using software. Re-shooting requires time and effort, as it requires hiring personnel and setting up the location again from the beginning. Even if the video can be edited, it is time-consuming if the editing software is not available, so if there is no one in-house who can use the editing software, you will have to outsource the work, which will require additional outsourcing costs. Disadvantage 3) Not suitable for complex explanations Manual videos with complex explanations are not suitable for visualization because they tend to take a long time to watch and it is difficult to keep the viewer's concentration. This is because the more complex the explanation, the more content to be included in the manual. Even if detailed explanations are provided, there is a possibility that viewers will lose their concentration halfway through, give up on understanding, or not watch the video to the end. One countermeasure is to create multiple short videos that focus on the subject matter being explained, but the drawback is that this increases production costs. Demerit 4: Depends on the motivation of each individual viewer Manual videos are often viewed by individuals, and whether or not they take the videos seriously depends on the motivation of each individual viewer. Because manual videos can be viewed at any time and any place, it is impossible for the administrator to know whether the target audience has watched the video properly. In some cases, the videos may not be played or may be skipped because "they won't be discovered anyway. Even if a system that allows managers to track viewing status is implemented, some people may not be motivated and simply skip over the videos for now. If the system continues to rely on the motivation of each individual, there is a possibility that there will be a difference in the level of understanding and proficiency between viewers who are serious about watching the videos and those who are not. It is important to establish a management system, such as a test to check the content of the videos to ensure uniform levels of understanding. Basic steps to create a manual video Creating a manual video involves the following five steps (1) Create a draft of the content and structure of the manual (2) Gather materials and information (iii) Prepare a script (4) Shoot video and record narration (5) Edit the video It is not enough to simply shoot a video, but it is necessary to make thorough preparations in order to create a video that properly conveys what you want to say. First, clarify the purpose of the video and gather the necessary information. Next, a script is created based on the information gathered, and the video is generally created through the process of shooting and editing. Each step is explained in detail below. Step 1: Create a draft of the content and structure of the manual First, consider the purpose of creating the manual video, decide on the matters to be explained, and create a draft composition. At the stage of creating a composition plan, it is important to clarify what you want to convey and what you want to communicate. Considering who the video is aimed at and the level of knowledge and experience of the audience will make it easier to envision the content and explanations to be included. At this time, it is important to extract the parts that most people tend to stumble upon and the matters that you think need explanation. Once you have decided on the content, estimate how long the video will be and calculate the approximate viewing time, which should be 5-10 minutes. Step 2: Gather materials and information Once the proposed structure is finalized, gather the materials and information necessary to create the video. You will be able to gather them efficiently by making a list in advance. If you have a concrete image of what information is needed according to the proposed structure, it will be easier to make a list, and you will be less likely to omit anything. If it is difficult to visualize what information is necessary even after looking at the proposed structure, go back to step (1) again to flesh out the proposed structure. If the image of the completed manual video is still vague, the amount of materials and information to be gathered may become too large, and it may take time to sort through the information, or you may end up with a video that does not capture the main points. Step 3: Creating a script The script has a significant impact on the quality of the video, so be sure to create one. As you create the script, the image of the shoot will become clearer, and you will be able to notice any missing content or materials before the shoot. If you realize something is missing after the shooting has begun, it could result in a waste of time for those involved in the video production. To avoid the time and expense of additional reshoots and re-editing if you notice omissions after filming, prepare the script as text or storyboards. Ideally, the script should include the lines of narration and information on materials and images to be inserted, so that the viewer can visualize the finished video as long as he or she sees the script. A script that clearly describes the lines and progression of the video will ensure that nothing is left out and that filming will go smoothly. It is important to have other members of the team read the completed script to check that the content can be conveyed objectively and easily. Step 4: Shooting the video and recording the narration Once the filming is ready, the actual shooting of the video and recording of the narration are done. The schedules of the people involved in the filming should be coordinated in advance, and the date of the filming should be decided. Once the shooting date is set, it is important to hand over the script to the narrator as soon as possible. The narrator is responsible for explaining and facilitating the video, so he or she must not only understand the content of the script, but must also be able to read the lines smoothly. Make it a priority to give them the script when it is completed so that they can practice to ensure that the content is understood by the viewers before the day of the shoot. When shooting, make sure that the background does not show anything unnecessary and set the lighting in a position where shadows will not interfere. If shooting indoors, although there is indoor lighting, it is recommended to prepare lighting equipment and reflectors to make the reflection as good as possible. When shooting, take pictures from as many angles as possible so that you can select the shots that are easier to see later. In particular, when photographing the hand, it is recommended to take both a close-up of the hand and a pull-back shot that shows the entire image. Also, to avoid having to reshoot from the beginning due to problems during shooting, try to keep the cuts short. When recording audio, it is also necessary to take a trial shot beforehand to check how much ambient noise will be included. In some cases, especially when shooting in a factory or outdoors, it may be necessary to take separate shots of the audio because loud noises may be included. Step 5: Edit the video After filming is complete, it is time to edit the video. First, cut unnecessary scenes. The cut material may be used later, so do not delete it immediately but keep it. Once you have extracted only the necessary portions, insert subtitles and tickers into the video. Once the video has been edited in one step, check to see if it is a video that can be watched without getting bored until the end. When editing the video, have someone other than the person in charge of editing watch the video several times to prevent major revisions after completion. An objective view from multiple people will make it easier to find areas for improvement that could not be noticed by one person. The most important thing to keep in mind when creating a manual video is to make it easy for the viewer to understand. To create videos that are more easily understood, it is important to prepare videos for each theme, focus on key points and emphasize them with tickers, and otherwise try to edit the videos in a way that helps viewers understand them. Things to keep in mind when creating manual videos When creating a manual video, it is important to put the viewer first and make the content easy to understand. To create videos that are easier to understand, it is necessary to organize information in an easy-to-understand manner, such as by preparing videos by theme or focusing on key points and highlighting them with a ticker. Focus on one theme per manual video. To avoid confusing the viewer, be conscious of dealing with one theme per manual video. If you deal with multiple topics at once, viewers will switch from one topic to another without fully understanding the content of the video, which may result in an overall decline in understanding of the matter being explained. Also, even if you want to check the parts you do not fully understand during your work, you may have a hard time finding the part you want to watch if the video is long enough to include multiple topics. If there are multiple topics to be covered, creating a short video for each topic will make it easier for viewers to understand what is being explained and to quickly find the topic they want to see. Add a ticker or animation When editing your video, use tickers and animations at important points to convey to the viewers at least the points you want them to understand. The trick is to keep the text large and the number of words small. The more the number of messages, the more words will be buried and the less emphasis will be placed on the message. Don't use all the narrator's commentary as a ticker, but rather narrow down the lines. If you insert a lot of text, the viewer will struggle to read the text and will not be able to concentrate on the video. Another good idea is to incorporate animation to draw the viewer's attention to the parts of the video that you want them to pay attention to. Adding animation effects as needed will help prevent the viewer from missing some important but unnoticeable parts of the video. Consider using paper documents in conjunction if necessary. When explaining the overall picture of a job or work procedures that are difficult to convey in a video, it is a good idea to use paper documents in conjunction with the video. While videos can increase understanding visually through images, paper documents are a highly comprehensive medium that allows multiple items to be viewed at a glance. If you show which part of the paper document corresponds to the part you are explaining in the video, it will be easier to get a concrete image. Also, a list such as "list of tools to be used" may make you want to stop the video and take notes. By preparing the list as a paper document, you will be able to concentrate on watching the video because you will not have to stop the video once and take notes. Improved comprehension with information-organized manual videos Creating manual videos has many advantages, especially in reducing training costs and improving learning efficiency. The key to creating manual videos is to clarify what you want to convey and organize the information in a way that is easy to understand. By preparing separate videos for each theme or unit, or by using tickers to emphasize the information, you can increase the viewer's understanding. One disadvantage of manual videos is that it is difficult for the administrator to check the viewer's level of understanding. LearningBOX, which makes it easy to introduce e-learning, makes it possible to easily create questions to check the issues explained in the manual videos, making it possible to grasp the level of understanding of the target audience. The plan is available for free for up to 10 accounts and for 33,000 yen for up to 100 accounts, allowing you to create a wide variety of content, including manual videos. If you are interested in using manual videos to efficiently conduct training, please try the free plan first.  

How to Create Effective Surveys|How to Increase Response Rates and Make Them Useful for Analysis

How to Create Effective Surveys|How to Increase Response Rates and Make Them Useful for Analysis Many companies and organizations would like to create questionnaires to analyze customer satisfaction and feedback from internal training programs to find areas for improvement and to make use of the results in future activities. However, there are probably many people who are thinking about creating a survey but are not sure how to create one or what kind of questions to ask. In this article, we will explain the basic process of creating a survey, points to increase the response rate, and points to keep in mind. It also introduces some useful tools for creating surveys. Click here for the Table of Contents The overall process of conducting a survey How to create a survey that will increase response rates Doing this will prevent us from collecting accurate data! Points to keep in mind when creating a survey 5 Tools to Create a Full-Scale Survey in a Short Amount of Time Let's create a survey efficiently with a tool! Overall flow of conducting a survey The survey process begins with clarifying the objectives, determining the questions to be asked, tabulating the results, and analyzing them. By clarifying the objectives before the survey, you will be better prepared to obtain the necessary information. It is important to set up the questionnaire content with questions that are easy to answer according to the survey target audience. However, the survey does not end when the survey is answered by the target respondents. It is only after the survey has been completed and analyzed that the information becomes useful. Below is an explanation of the overall process of conducting a survey. Clarify the purpose of the survey When creating a survey, it is best to start by clarifying the purpose of the survey. Without a clear purpose, questions to obtain necessary information may be omitted, or unnecessary questions may be set. By clarifying the purpose of the survey, the information to be obtained becomes clear, and questions can be properly incorporated to obtain the information you want to collect. It is important to share the purpose of the survey with the team to prevent the questions from straying from the original purpose. Once you have clarified the purpose of the survey, set the target audience for the survey. Narrow down the target audience, from classifications such as age, gender, and occupation, to the number of people to be surveyed. Determine the content of the survey. Decide on the medium of the survey, such as paper or web, and the format of the questions, such as multiple choice or descriptive. Choose the medium of the survey, paper or web, based on whether it is easier for the target audience to answer the questions. Paper-based surveys can be used for a wide range of age groups, but the disadvantages are the cost of paper and printing, and the time and effort required for collection and analysis. On the other hand, while web-based media is easy to collect and analyze, some may feel that the hurdles are somewhat higher in terms of operation. Thus, it is important to select a survey medium that comprehensively considers the target audience, cost, and effort involved. Question types can be divided into two types: selective and descriptive, and the selective type can be further subdivided into the following four types. (1) Radio buttons Radio buttons are used to select one of the options, such as "Please select one of the following options that best fits your personality. (2) Check box A check box refers to a pattern in which multiple choices are selected from a list of options, for example, "Please select all of the following options that apply to your personality. (3) 5-point scale The 5-point scale is a 5-point scale, for example, "Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the most applicable and 1 being the least applicable to your personality. 4) Matrix Matrix is a multiple-item rating system with a 3-5 or 10-point scale, e.g., "Please rate each of the following items on a scale of 5 (5 being most applicable and 1 being not applicable at all). If a descriptive question such as "Please write freely about how you felt after receiving this training," a wide range of answers can be expected. On the other hand, it should be noted that there are some disadvantages, such as making it seem time-consuming to answer or obtaining only abstract answers. Select a question format that is easy to answer and easy to obtain the necessary information from among the various types of question formats. Survey tabulation and analysis To achieve the objectives of the survey, it is important to tabulate and analyze the data after the survey has been administered. Tabulation and analysis will give you an overall picture of the survey results and allow you to dig deeper into the information, thus obtaining more information. In recent years, there are a variety of tools that can be used to tabulate and analyze survey results. When tabulating the results, it is best to use graphs so that the results can be easily grasped visually. Automatic graph generation tools can create pie charts for easy breakdown of survey results, bar graphs for ranking the number of responses, and line graphs that are effective for understanding trends. The main tabulation methods include simple tabulation, which provides an overall picture, and cross tabulation, which facilitates understanding of the characteristics of each attribute. Analysis methods include logistic regression analysis, which is useful for predicting the probability of things occurring, and association analysis, which extracts relevant information. Recently, AI is sometimes used for analysis, and even more highly accurate analysis can be expected. If you want to grasp information efficiently and accurately, it is also recommended to introduce a tool for collecting and analyzing survey results. How to Create a Questionnaire that Increases Response Rates The key to creating a survey with a high response rate is to lower the hurdles to response and to increase the motivation to respond. The hurdles to response are specifically the time and effort it takes to answer the questionnaire. To prevent respondents from not responding due to the time and effort required, it is effective to give respondents the impression that the survey is "quick" and "easy. Incentives, such as offering a gift for completing the survey, may also contribute to the response rate. Ask questions that are easy to answer. To increase the response rate, it is important to ask questions that are easy to answer. For example, the first question should be multiple choice rather than descriptive, which will lower the hurdle to answer. The length of the questions is also important. By keeping the sentences as short and concise as possible, it will be easier for the respondent to understand the question and continue to answer smoothly. On the other hand, if the sentences are long and difficult to understand, respondents may stop answering the survey halfway through. Be conscious of the style of writing and choice of words to suit the age group. Don't make respondents feel like it will take too long. Another trick to increase response rates is to avoid making respondents feel that the survey will take a long time. For example, it is effective to state the estimated time at the beginning of the survey, such as 3 or 5 minutes, so that respondents have a clear picture of the time required to complete the survey, and this will lower the barrier to response. In addition, excessive use of kanji (Chinese characters) and technical terms that are difficult to recognize visually can lead to respondents leaving the survey mid-response. Another key to increasing the response rate is to make sure that the questions do not make respondents think that the survey is too difficult to answer. Offer a reward for completing the survey. A reward, such as a prize, for completing the survey will increase the response rate. The reward could be a food item, gift certificate, or company-branded product that is appropriate for the survey respondents. If you use a lottery system for the rewards, it will be easier to get people to fill out personal information such as their names and addresses. However, responses that give a negative impression may be avoided, so be sure to collect the most accurate survey results possible by clearly stating, "Responses will not affect the raffle. Doing this will prevent us from collecting accurate data! Points to keep in mind when creating your survey Questionnaires must be created with the following points in mind to ensure that accurate information is obtained. Avoid questions that lead to a response. Do not ask more than one question per statement. Do not ask more than one question per statement. The key to creating an effective questionnaire is to avoid giving preconceived ideas and to use a question-and-answer format. Also, be sure to clearly state the handling of personal information, as more and more people are sensitive to the handling of personal information. Question text that leads respondents to answer Question wording that gives respondents preconceived notions can lead to biased responses. For example, if the question includes information such as "well-sold" or "reputed to be tasty," respondents may subconsciously have a positive impression of the product, which may bias their answers in the right direction. If the responses are biased, the effectiveness of the survey will be diminished, so care should be taken to avoid using questions that lead respondents to answer. Asking more than one question in a single question Multiple questions in a single question may confuse respondents and prevent them from getting accurate answers. For example, "How did you like the usability and scent of this air freshener?" the respondent may be confused as to whether he or she is asking about the usability or the fragrance. How was the air freshener? How was the scent of this air freshener? In other words, limit yourself to one question per statement, such as "How did you like the scent of this air freshener? Failure to clearly state how personal information will be handled Failure to clearly state how personal information will be handled may cause respondents to feel uneasy or distrustful of the survey itself. Especially nowadays, more and more people are reluctant to disclose their personal information, and some may suspect that they may be visited at home by a sales person or that their information may be passed on to other vendors. In order to dispel any resistance to answering the survey, it is necessary to clearly state how personal information will be handled. 5 tools to create full-scale surveys in a short time Creating a survey requires a certain amount of time and effort. If you are working in parallel with your regular work, or if you are short on manpower, we recommend using a tool. Below we introduce five tools that allow you to create a full-scale survey in a short time. Google Forms [ See: ] Google Forms is a free, easy-to-use tool for conducting surveys that requires only a Google account, making it easy to use and already being used by many companies as a survey tool. Not only can you freely create your own surveys, but you can also create surveys more efficiently by using the appropriate format for each survey target audience, such as participants or customers. The ability to insert images and videos into questions is also included, making it easy to accurately convey information that would be difficult to convey using text alone. Another advantage is that there is no limit to the number of questions. On the other hand, the disadvantage is that responses from the same person cannot be excluded, so there is a possibility that the same person may respond to a survey multiple times, resulting in biased survey results. formrun [ See: ] formrun is a tool that allows you to create a wide variety of survey forms. It includes templates that allow you to easily create a survey by simply typing in the questions. The created survey can be freely embedded in websites using iframes, HTML, and CSS. In addition to email, there is also a convenient feature that allows you to send survey notifications to chat services such as Chatwork and Slack for sharing. There are two plans, free and paid. With the free plan, you cannot use spreadsheet integration or CSV export, and you can create only one form, but there is no limit to the number of questions. It is recommended for creating a simple survey or for a trial implementation. SuguForm [ Reference: ] SuguForm is a free survey design tool that allows users to create an unlimited number of forms and questions. The survey creation screen is simple and easy to use, even for first-time survey creators. You can create a survey by simply registering questions, and you can also rearrange the items, change the colors, and adjust the design. The free plan displays advertisements, but if you sign up for a paid plan, you can hide them, which is expected to improve response rates. NTT Com Research [ See: ] NTT Com Research is a service that requires both an initial fee and a monthly fee. The advantage of this service is that you can not only create surveys, but also receive full support from our professional staff. In particular, we offer a service to set up items to collect the information you want to gather on your behalf, making it easier for you to get results from your surveys. You can create an unlimited number of survey forms and questions, and you can also distribute them via SMS or apps to get more people to respond. The survey aggregation feature and the ability to create semi-anonymous surveys with personally identifiable survey URLs make it highly practical. learningBOX [ See: ] Our learningBOX is a service for in-house training and education. With the ability to survey participants, LearningBOX is ideal for companies and organizations that are considering the introduction of e-learning, as it is easy to survey participants for each e-learning content to check their level of understanding and to use as a reference for future content creation. The free plan allows up to 10 accounts to create up to 30 MB of e-learning content; for more than 10 accounts, we recommend the paid plan, which starts at 33,000 yen per year with no initial cost for up to 100 accounts. This service is easy to introduce even for relatively large companies. Create your survey efficiently with tools! The most important point in creating a survey is to clarify the purpose. If the objectives are not clear, questions that are necessary to elicit the necessary information may be omitted. The most important point to remember in order to get the correct information from a survey is to avoid describing information in a way that gives preconceived notions. If an image is unconsciously established, responses will be biased and accurate data will not be collected. After collecting the questionnaires, it is important to properly tabulate and analyze them to sublimate them into data that can be utilized in the future. Since it takes a lot of effort and time to create, tabulate, and analyze a survey on your own, you should proactively utilize a survey design tool.  

What is an aptitude test? Check the benefits and examples.

Aptitude tests, which have been introduced into the hiring and selection process at many companies, are used as a means to efficiently assess an applicant's personality and suitability for the job, which cannot be fully grasped through documents and interviews. However, there are many people who are considering the introduction of such aptitude tests, but are not sure how to utilize them since there are so many different types. In this article, we will explain in detail the types of aptitude tests, the merits of introducing them, and the example questions they pose. We will also introduce aptitude tests used by many companies, so please use this as a reference when comparing and considering the introduction of aptitude tests. What is an aptitude test? An aptitude test is a test to fairly identify human resources. It is used to ascertain an applicant's abilities and personality, which are difficult to see in interviews and documents. It is often used as a criterion to determine whether a company is hiring the right person for the job, based on the ability values the company is looking for, and the corporate philosophy and culture. However, it is not necessarily true that a person is not apt for the job just because the results of an aptitude test are not good. Recently, an increasing number of companies are using the test for evaluation of existing employees, stress tolerance, and mental health checks. Back to Table of Contents Advantages of Conducting Aptitude Tests Aptitude tests, which have been introduced into employment examinations by many companies, have the advantage of efficiently and fairly assessing an applicant's personality and abilities. What are the other advantages of aptitude tests? Here we will introduce the advantages of aptitude tests in three categories. Allows for objective evaluation of applicants An aptitude test will give you an objective view of an applicant's qualities and personality, as well as their suitability for your company, which is difficult to discern from a resume or an interview. In the employment examination, it is necessary to make objective judgments that are not limited by academic background or appearance. However, many applicants, especially mid-career hires, are used to being interviewed, so it is often difficult to determine whether they are the right person for your company. By using aptitude tests, it is possible to eliminate the variation in evaluations among hiring managers, and thus screen applicants with a higher degree of accuracy. Can be used to reflect on the selection process. The results of the aptitude test can not only be used in the recruitment selection process, but can also be effectively utilized in the overall recruitment process. For example, the results of the aptitude test can be used to determine what kind of people tend to be selected by the company, and if the company is not attracting the people it wants, it can take countermeasures such as changing the company's recruitment PR. In addition, if you choose an aptitude test that provides results that can be used as a reference for evaluation, staffing, and training after hiring, you will be able to utilize the data even after the employee is hired. Increase opportunities for contact with applicants The use of aptitude tests with services that provide feedback of results to examinees can be used to attract applicants. Many internship and job hunting students tend to want to know what kind of job or company they are suited for. Therefore, aim to attract customers by drawing their attention to your "feedback on results" appeal during the internship period or during the new graduate hiring period. From the participants' point of view, this will lead to an opportunity to know their abilities objectively, so if you can acquire their needs such as "free testing of your abilities" and "knowing your compatibility with the company," you can increase contact opportunities. In this case, be sure to make sure that the feedback sheet is easy to understand and follow. Back to Table of Contents Aptitude Test Administration Methods Aptitude tests are conducted in two main ways: web-based and paper-based. The method of taking the aptitude test varies depending on the test site and the company that operates the test. The following is a detailed explanation of the aptitude test implementation methods. Each method has its own merits and demerits, so please compare and select the method best suited to your company. Mark-sensing method In the mark-sensing method, the applicant fills in the appropriate section of a question with a pencil on a designated paper sheet. In most cases, companies that provide aptitude tests handle the preparation of questions and forms, as well as the scoring. When using the mark-sensing method, most of the questions are to be answered with numbers and symbols, so it is necessary to take measures to prepare questions in a proper way. Also, keep in mind that it may take time and effort to obtain the results of the analysis if the scoring is done in-house. In-house Method The in-house method is a method in which the company prepares its own venue and computers to conduct the test. The examinee takes the aptitude test on a computer provided at the venue. Although the venue and computer must be prepared by the company, the appeal of this method is that the time and effort required to obtain the results can be reduced, as the results can be viewed immediately after the test and used in the selection process. Test Center Method In the test center method, aptitude test providers set up sites throughout Japan where test takers can take the test. Test takers enter their answers on a computer provided at the venue. The advantages of this method are that there is no risk of fraud by the supervisor, and the administration of the test can be outsourced, which reduces the amount of time and effort required. The disadvantage is that the cost of outsourcing is high. Web Method In the Web-based method, examinees take the aptitude test at home, etc. The period during which the aptitude test is taken can be specified by the company. The attractive point of this method is that examinees can take the test at their own time, which lowers the hurdle for taking the test. Companies can also expect to save time and costs since they do not need to prepare a venue, computers, and personnel. Although it is easy to analyze and compile test results, companies need to be aware of the possibility of fraudulent test results, such as substitute testing. Back to Table of Contents Aptitude Test Measurements and Sample Questions Measurement items are broadly divided into two types: ability tests and personality tests. Ability tests are designed to measure basic academic skills such as Japanese and mathematical abilities, as well as general common sense and basic abilities required in the workplace. The questions are presented in the form of an academic achievement test, but the difficulty level itself is not high, and the questions are divided into verbal and non-verbal fields. Personality tests, as the name suggests, measure an individual's personality, values, and thinking. It is used to determine whether you can communicate smoothly and whether you have ambition after joining a company, and to prevent mismatches between you and the company. Ability test (language field) The Language section will test your Japanese language skills. Relationship between two words This is a question to decipher the relationship between two paired words. Choose from the options the word or words that are in the same relationship as the word or words in the question. Meaning of the word or phrase This question is to select a word or phrase from a list of choices that has the same content as the question text. Frequently appearing words and phrases tend to be the same, so it is necessary to understand the exact meaning of the word or phrase. Word usage These are questions in which the examinee selects from a list of options a word or phrase that has the same usage as the word or phrase presented as a question. For example, you will be asked to identify homonyms, figurative words and phrases with the same grammatical usage. Sentence reordering This question is about rearranging disjointed sentences into the correct order. The connection of the whole sentence is inferred from the choices. Fill in the blanks In this question, you are required to fit the appropriate words or sentences into the blanks in the question passage. You must guess from the sentences before and after the blanks and choose the option that gives the correct meaning. Ability Test (Non-Verbal) Questions in the non-verbal field test computational ability. Tsurugame calculation The crane has two legs and the tortoise has four legs, and the question is "If the number of cranes and tortoises together is 0 and the number of legs is 0, how many cranes and tortoises are there? This is a well-known problem that frequently appears in arithmetic problems. Payment of the price These are problems related to the settlement of payments, discounts, installment payments, and installment payments. Many of the questions tend to ask for averages or percentages of the payment. Set This is a problem to derive the number of people or quantity from a group that matches the conditions asked in the problem. Drawing a Venn diagram to visualize the answer will make it easier to derive the answer. Probability These are problems in which the probability of a certain event occurring is derived by calculation. For example, a question might be like "If a coin is tossed twice, find the probability that it will come up face down only once. Reading Tables and Materials This is a problem to read necessary information from tables, graphs, sentences, and other materials presented as a problem, select and discard the necessary information, and calculate. Number of cases Calculate and find out how many patterns there are for various matters, such as the number of times a dice is rolled. Inference Inference is a question in which the examinee reads the information given in the question passage and selects a matter that can be inferred to be "necessarily true. Reasoning is an area of particular importance among the "logic questions" in the non-verbal area of the aptitude test. Speed Math This is the problem of finding speed, time, and distance using formulas. Traveler's arithmetic" is sometimes used as an application of speed arithmetic. Profit-and-loss arithmetic This is a problem to determine the list price, profit, and selling price of a product. It is important to understand the relationship between cost, list price, and selling price. Personality Test Personality tests have answers that are considered favorable but do not have correct answers. There are three trends in the questions that are frequently asked. Personality Traits The atmosphere within a company varies widely from company to company. Questions will be asked to gauge whether the examinee's personality is suited to the company's corporate culture. Adaptability to the organization Not only differences in industry and job type, but also differences in the way work is done and corporate culture vary from company to company. The way of thinking in personnel evaluation also tends to differ from company to company. In this context, we check for adaptability to the organization and confirm that the human nature and way of thinking are suited to the corporate culture. Adaptability to the job There are many different types of jobs within a company, such as sales and technical positions. We use this information to determine what type of job you would be a good match for. Back to Table of Contents Main Types of Aptitude Tests It is important to clarify the purpose of using aptitude tests before considering which test to employ. There are a wide range of aptitude tests, but the following is an introduction to the main aptitude tests used by many companies. Compare the features of each and adopt the one that best suits your company. SPI3 [See:] SPI is an aptitude test so mainstream that it is said to be used by more than 10,000 companies in Japan. It measures "personality aptitude" and "intellectual ability" to determine what kind of work an applicant is suited for and what kind of organization he or she would fit into easily. The cost is 4,400 yen for a web-based test and 6,050 yen for a test center-based test. Tamatebako [See:] After the SPI, the Tamatebako aptitude test is the second most popular aptitude test used by companies. It is marketed as an aptitude test for companies by HR consulting firm Japan S.H.L. Inc. In addition to basic skills and personality, the Tamatebako I Ver. 2 can output predicted values of stress tolerance and work motivation as abilities to perform tasks smoothly, as well as checkpoints that can be used during interviews. The test is a web-based test that takes only 11 minutes to complete, so it can be administered without any burden on the examinee. The introduction cost is 1,320,000 yen, but there is no limit to the number of examinees. CUBIC [See:] CUBIC is an aptitude test marketed by e-Human Resources Co. The company's motto is "low fees, speedy diagnosis, and friendly and courteous service." After the test, you can send the answer sheet by fax or e-mail, and the results will be delivered to your registered e-mail address in as little as 30 minutes. The convenience of being able to use the service on the same day that you complete the registration procedure is also attractive. Another feature of the test is that it can be conducted in a short time: 20 minutes for the employment aptitude test and 5 minutes for the ability test. The fee for the employment aptitude test is 1,870 yen/person and the ability test is 550 yen/subject, making it relatively inexpensive compared to other company-provided aptitude tests. We also offer pay-as-you-go and flat-rate plans, where the more people use the test, the lower the unit price. GAB [See:] The GAB is a test developed for the purpose of recruiting new graduates marketed by Japan S.H.L. Inc. Measuring parts related to verbal and numerical intelligence, as well as personal aspects, it can predict nine characteristics related to "vitality" and "teamwork" that should be confirmed before entering the company, management and administrative skills that can be expected after entering the company, and the job for which the examinee is suited. The web-based test takes 80 minutes to complete, while the mark-sensing method takes 90 minutes. The cost is 660 yen for the question booklet and 3,850 yen for the scoring process. Uchida Kraepelin Test [See:] Compared to a test in which the examinee answers from a list of choices presented as "yes" or "no," the test is considered more valid and reliable because it is more difficult for the examinee to intentionally produce an answer that is considered desirable. The administration time is 50 minutes, and the individual diagnostic judgment for each person costs 2,420 yen, but the price varies depending on the judgment format. learningBOX [See:] learningBOX has a diagnostic test creation function that allows the administrator to determine the characteristics and knowledge level of the examinee. This function allows examinees to answer various questions prepared by the administrator and see the results according to their answers. If the test is an aptitude test for employment selection, questions can be prepared to measure the skills and abilities required for the position sought. Based on the results of the analysis, you will be able to take appropriate actions according to the aptitudes and abilities of the examinees. In addition to creating diagnostic tests, you can also manage test administration and results. Since the questions can be edited flexibly, we recommend learningBOX's diagnostic test creation function when conducting aptitude tests. Back to Table of Contents Aptitude tests are recommended to be managed by "learningBOX". Aptitude tests are useful not only in employment examinations, but also in post-employment department assignments and training. There are various types of aptitude tests, and when introducing an aptitude test, it is advisable to compare the features of each test and confirm whether it is suitable for your company before proceeding with the study. With our "learningBOX", you can use the diagnostic test creation function to create aptitude test content for web testing. You can use up to 10 accounts for free for an unlimited period of time, so please feel free to start with a free trial. ▼ We also recommend this one! Also read. Back to Table of Contents
Specific ways in which companies can reduce human resource development costs while maintaining quality.

Strategies to Reduce HR Costs While Retaining the Human Capital Quality

Employee training is an important part of a company's growth. In fact, many companies are making efforts to train their employees, but the effort and cost involved in training may be a bottleneck for many companies. This article will provide an idea of the cost of human resource development, as well as some pointers on how to keep costs down without compromising the quality of the training itself. We will also introduce recommended systems that can cut labor and costs for training management and human resource development. Table of Contents 01Guideline for the cost of human resource development for companies 02Should Companies Reduce the Cost of Human Resource Development? 03Costs that should and should not be reduced Costs that should be reduced Costs that should not be reduced 04How to improve quality while reducing the cost of human resource development Outsource the creation and implementation of training Set goals and conduct review Utilize IT systems 05An Example of Success in Reducing Human Resource Development Costs While Maintaining and Improving Quality Example of a major convenience store chain Case study of a major tutoring school 06Recommended e-learning to reduce costs and labor for human resource development Estimated cost of human resource development for companies According to the "FY2021 Survey of Education and Training Expenses" by the AIST, education and training expenses are "24,841 yen per employee. This figure does not differ greatly between large and small companies. A simple calculation shows that, for example, a company with 100 employees spends approximately 2.48 million yen per year on education and training. From this, it can be understood that many companies spend not inexpensively on human resource development. In fact, according to data released by the Cabinet Office, a 1% increase in investment in human resources can lead to a 0.6% increase in labor productivity. In addition, due to the impact of the new coronavirus, many companies are considering reducing their budgets for education and training expenses. According to a FY2020 survey by the AIST, education and training expenses totaled 35,628 yen, a decrease of approximately 11,000 yen from the FY2021 survey. Although this is believed to be a temporary effect of the spread of infection, many companies are still affected, and it will be difficult to increase education and training expenditures. Back to Table of Contents Should Companies Reduce the Cost of Human Resource Development? The higher the cost of employee training, the better, but it is a mistake to take measures that lower the quality of human resource development at the cost of lowering costs. Since cost and quality are not a trade-off in education, it is important to raise the quality of the human resource development process while keeping costs down. Human resources are one of the "four major management resources" indispensable for corporate management, and in addition to people (human resources), there are goods, money, and information. Without any of these four resources, it is impossible for a company to maintain and survive. If human resources are regarded as assets and the cost of human resource development as an investment, the cost of human resource development is, at a minimum, indispensable. However, while more and more companies are focusing on human resource development every year, statistics from the Cabinet Office indicate that the number of employees changing jobs within a short period of time is on a gradual upward trend. From this result, it can be inferred that the possibility of ineffectiveness of human resource development increases as the number of employees who leave the company increases, even if the company spends money on human resource development. Since it is meaningless to spend money on human resource development only to have people retire, it is necessary to carefully consider the budget for human resource training expenses. Back to Table of Contents Costs to Cut and Costs not to Cut No matter how essential human resource development is to the growth of a company, it is always desirable to reduce costs as much as possible. There are two types of human resource development costs: those that can be reduced and those that should not be reduced. To distinguish between reductions in training costs, let's focus on the point of whether or not the quality of training will be reduced. Expenses that should be reduced in cost Costs for items not related to the quality of training, such as transportation, accommodation, and venue costs, can be reduced with some ingenuity. For example, in the case of training that requires overnight stays, using a hotel that specializes in training often includes lodging, venue rental, catering, and meals, so the overall cost can be reduced. Other ways to reduce costs include using a rental conference room as a venue that is as close to the workplace as possible, utilizing e-learning, or conducting training remotely. In this way, it is recommended to reduce costs for items that do not affect the quality of the training. However, it is advisable to avoid cost reductions that create a burden on employees, such as using buses instead of bullet trains to reduce transportation costs. Such cost-cutting measures may affect the employees' ability to concentrate and may not fulfill the original purpose of the training. Costs that should not be reduced Costs that affect the quality of training should not be reduced because they are the core of human resource development. For example, the cost of hiring an instructor should be paid for an instructor who can provide the content you want your employees to learn. Although the quality of instructors does not necessarily increase in proportion to the cost, compromising on cost and hiring an instructor whose content does not meet your needs is not in line with the original purpose of the training. It can be said that the areas directly related to training should be invested in for the survival and growth of the company, even if it costs a little more. Other system and equipment costs that would be difficult to do without may be more cost-effective in the immediate future, but may lead to reduced labor costs and time. Since the costs involved in the human resource development process are also linked to employee motivation, it is recommended to refrain from cutting costs. Back to Table of Contents How to Improve Quality While Reducing the Cost of Human Resource Development It is not the case that the more you spend, the better the quality of your training. There are ways to improve the quality of training while reducing costs. In order to cut the cost and effort of training while maintaining the quality of training, it is important to clarify the purpose of the training and to consider the total cost of the training. Even if it seems costly in the short run, in the long run, it is often the case that both costs and labor could be reduced. Outsourcing training-related work or introducing an IT system can be effective ways to reduce human resource development costs with an awareness of cost-effectiveness. Each of these methods is explained in detail below. Outsourcing the creation and implementation of training Outsourcing the creation and implementation of training programs has the advantage of both improving the quality of human resource development training and reducing costs. In some cases, outsourcing human resource development training can greatly reduce the effort required for personnel training preparation and recruitment, as well as the burden on instructors. In addition, the contractors for outsourced training are generally companies that specialize in human resource development. Therefore, the ability to acquire know-how that is not available in-house, as well as knowledge and leadership skills related to human resource development, can be considered a major attraction. However, they also need to select training programs that match the company's needs as much as possible from among those available, and there is a risk that some training programs may not meet the company's needs. In this regard, freelance instructors may be able to create training content tailored to your company's needs, so it is important to select a training company with a firm grasp of the services offered by each company, regardless of the size of your company. Set goals and conduct a review. One way to ensure that the content of the training is applied efficiently and practically is to set goals and conduct a review each time so that the content of the training becomes firmly rooted in the participants' minds. In personnel evaluations, if you create evaluation items based on "how the training content is being applied in the field," this will also lead to evaluation of the training itself. If there are employee awards or incentives based on the achievement rate of the evaluation, employees will be more motivated to participate in training, which may have the merit of reducing the resignation rate as a result. Utilize IT systems One of the least risky and most likely ways to reduce costs while maintaining quality is to use an IT system. For example, by eliminating group training and using online or e-learning, costs for transportation, lodging, and venue can be reduced. When using IT systems for human resource development, training content can be reviewed as many times as needed, regardless of time or location, as long as there is an Internet environment. Employees can learn at their own pace, making it easier for them to understand the training content. In addition, once you have filmed and edited the training content, you can cut down on the time required for planning and filming training sessions in subsequent years. The ability to customize the training content to fit your company's needs and to make repeated improvements is also an attractive feature. Back to Table of Contents A Case Study of Success in Reducing Human Resource Development Costs While Maintaining and Improving Quality There are various ways to reduce human resource development costs, depending on the type of company. By clarifying your company's issues and objectives in human resource development, you will be able to cut costs without compromising the quality of the training itself. Below are two examples of companies that have successfully reduced costs. Example of a major convenience store chain Previously, the company had to gather employees from each store for each training session, which required time and effort to coordinate shifts and provide information about the training program. The cost of venue, transportation, and accommodation was also significant. To solve this problem, the company introduced e-learning and online training, and succeeded in reducing the frequency of group training to two-thirds of what it had been before. As a result, the company succeeded in reducing the frequency of group training by two-thirds. The company was able to reduce the labor and costs associated with group training. By using e-learning, it is possible to provide training tailored to the attributes of each employee, making the human resource development process more efficient. The ability to check each employee's training progress and test results helps ensure skill development. Example of a major tutoring school Securing training time is essential for tutoring schools due to the nature of their business. However, since most of the instructors are university or graduate students, securing initial training time of 10 hours or more was a heavy burden on both the instructor and student sides. Therefore, by introducing e-learning and reducing the number of group training sessions, we succeeded in reducing training costs by 25%. By reducing the amount of effort spent on training preparation, instructors were able to focus on other tasks and work more efficiently. E-learning allows learners to learn at their convenience and according to their level of understanding, regardless of time or location. It has shortened the time it takes to train workers onsite, allowing for an efficient increase in the number of human resources with the ability to work immediately. Back to Table of Contents E-learning is recommended to reduce costs and labor for human resource development Our e-learning system, "learningBOX," is a tool that provides all the functions necessary for human resource development training, including the creation and distribution of teaching materials, grade management, and participant management. With features such as "assignment of materials to each group" and "automatic saving of grades," learningBOX allows you to create training materials tailored to your company's needs. Once e-learning materials are created and shared, they can be used repeatedly, reducing the amount of labor required for training preparation. The time you save can be used for other tasks, allowing you to focus on running your business. You will not have to gather for every training session, and you will also be able to cut costs for printing materials, venue, transportation, accommodation, etc. We also offer a free plan that allows you to use each function for 10 accounts for free and indefinitely, so please feel free to start with the free trial. Even if you upgrade to a paid plan, the environment created with the free plan will be inherited. Please consider upgrading to a paid plan as it will allow for a smooth system migration. We also recommend this plan! I also want to read Back to Table of Contents

How to Build a Successful Human Resource Strategies

In order for a company to grow and develop, people, goods, money, and information are important resources. While all of these are important elements, it is extremely important to focus on "people" for the long-term growth of the company. In this context, for those who want to know "how to proceed with internal human resource development" and "effective human resource development methods," this article will explain tips for human resource development that will not fail, case studies, etc. If you are serious about human resource development methods, please continue reading to the end. First, let's identify the purpose of conducting human resource development. When conducting human resource development, it is important to first clarify the objective. Without a goal to aim for, any attempt at human resource development will end in half-hearted results. Here, we will introduce some of the objectives of human resource development, so that you can use them as a reference for your own company's efforts. Improvement of on-site productivity The purpose of human resource development is to raise the awareness and skills of employees. By developing human resources who are not only able to follow manuals and perform their duties in a casual manner, but who are also able to work actively on their own, the entire company's productivity will be improved. In addition, with the declining birthrate and aging society, the working population is expected to continue to decline in the future. Companies are also facing a labor shortage, but by improving the quality of each individual human resource, productivity can be maintained. Improvement of the company's business performance Human resource development can be expected to improve your company's business performance. By providing employees with the necessary training, you will gradually change the way they approach their work and their behavior in the workplace. As their thinking and behavior change, the way they approach their day-to-day work will also change. The accumulation of these changes will lead to higher productivity in the workplace, which in turn will lead to higher business performance for the company. Achievement of Management Strategies The ultimate goal of human resource development is to achieve management strategy. As we develop our management strategy, we will identify the skills and operations that are currently lacking. In order to make up for these shortcomings, we will continue and systematically promote human resource development and nurture employees who can contribute to the achievement of our management strategy. However, the series of flows, such as "training → employee retention → reflection in business performance → achievement of management strategy," will take a considerable amount of time to complete. Let's take a long-term perspective while promoting efforts at the earliest possible time. Back to Table of Contents Tips for Training New and Young Employees When looking at long-term management, the key is how to nurture the future leaders of the company. From this perspective, it is important to establish know-how on how to train new and young employees. Below are four tips for training new and young employees. Don't stop at just having them learn the work. When training new and young employees, do not just have them learn the tasks in front of them, but train them to see the whole picture and to be able to carry out their work. In order to train them to become competitive human resources, it is important to assume that they will be with the company for a number of years and teach them to understand the entire flow of work from the time they join the company. Since new and young employees lack knowledge and experience, it is difficult for them to understand the significance of the work they are currently performing. This may cause them to lose motivation for their work. In order to improve their work ethic, it is important to explain to them from the beginning what the significance of the work they are doing every day is. Assigning the right supervisor to each person When training an employee, you need to provide the right guidance for each of them. The content, of course, but also the outcome will depend on who is providing the guidance. The instructor and the coachee are compatible and have different values and ways of thinking. In the case of coaching new hires and young employees, there may be instances in which "Boss B seems to grow faster than Boss A because they are more compatible with each other. The rate of growth can be greatly affected by selecting an instructor who is suited to the individual's qualities. It is important to select the right person for the job, as personality mismatches with the supervisor can be a cause of employee turnover. Talk about success stories in moderation. It is very important to share stories and real-life experiences with new and young employees, such as how you have been successful and how you have grown through your work. When new employees are new to the company, the experiences of their seniors and supervisors are the most important information. However, it is not advisable to convey their successful experiences in an intrusive manner. Social conditions, industry trends, and internal initiatives change over the years. In many cases, the current situation is different from when you were successful, so it may not be helpful at all. In some cases, it may be perceived as mere boasting. When talking about your success stories, try to be as abstract as possible and make it easy to apply them to various situations. Remind them that no one can do it right the first time. It is important for those in a position of leadership to recognize the fact that no employee can do everything from the start. In most cases, new graduates and inexperienced young employees, in particular, do not have the knowledge and skills to be immediately effective. Avoid assuming that they have no experience at all and demanding the same work and the same quality as employees who have been with the company for years. It is important to take a long-term perspective and work to develop them gradually. Back to Table of Contents Points to Consider When Training Mid-Career Employees In parallel with efforts to develop new and young employees by giving them experience, it is also important to approach mid-career employees. By providing a solid education to the middle level within the company, the company's foundation will be more solid. Below are three key points for training mid-career employees. Assign direct junior staff and subordinates. When placing a mid-career employee in a certain position, try to assign a direct junior colleague or subordinate to the same department with whom you have already developed a relationship. There are various methods for training mid-career employees, but by teaming them up with members with whom they already have a relationship, you can expect to see an effect on their ability to communicate things straightforwardly and to learn how to lead according to the situation. On the other hand, by teaming up with people with whom you have had no previous relationship, you can expect to gain the ability to create things from scratch and improve your communication skills. What both sides have in common is that they will be in a position to provide direction. Let them gain experience in achieving business goals in an organized manner, taking into consideration the future growth of the company. Job Rotation. An effective method for developing mid-career employees is job rotation. Job rotation refers to the reassignment of employees to new positions with the aim of developing new skills. This reassignment is carried out based on a predetermined human resource development plan, and is expected to have the effect of providing an overall picture of the company through a variety of tasks, and of bringing about new changes through skill development. This can be done in a variety of ways, from a short span of three to six months to a long span of three to five years, but it allows the employee to grasp the entire business and thus the entire flow of the company. Because mid-career employees have more experience than newer employees, job rotation is a mechanism that allows them to discover new details. In addition, it is also effective in building personal networks with other departments. When you work in a team in the future, you will not have to build relationships from scratch. Allow them to experience positions of responsibility. One of the most effective methods for developing mid-career employees is to work on giving them experience in positions of responsibility. There are various ways to do this, such as giving them operational responsibility for a new store or starting a new business from scratch. By experiencing positions of responsibility, employees are expected to improve their management skills, on-site coordination skills, and communication skills with superiors, subordinates, and business partners. It is also important to interview the candidate about his/her potential and hopes for the future, in anticipation of the possibility that the business you entrust him or her with will take off and he/she will be busy for a long period of time. It is important to grasp how the individual wishes to grow and to prepare the foundation to encourage that growth. For female employees, ask about their wishes regarding childbirth and childcare, and make efforts to create an environment that allows them to balance their work and personal lives. Back to Table of Contents Be Conscious to Avoid Failure in Human Resource Development Incorrect methods of human resource development can lead to cases where personnel are not developed as expected or are not suited to the corporate culture. Therefore, it is important to understand in advance how to avoid human resource development failures. The following is an explanation of the three points to be aware of when training employees. Management clearly states the goals to be achieved by the company as a whole An important initiative to avoid human resource development failures is for management to clarify what the company as a whole is striving to achieve. Without a clear goal for achievement that the company as a whole should aim for, it will be difficult for the field level to know what specific steps to take. Even if each individual sets his or her own goals and proceeds with the work, it will be difficult to achieve high results for the company as a whole. Also, even if human resource development is not progressing well, it will be easier to find areas for improvement if the goals to be achieved are clear. Always explore what numbers and skills are needed to accomplish your goals, and how they should grow in order to achieve those numbers and acquire those skills. In turn, this approach will help unify employee awareness. Set objectives and goals Along with overall company goals, it is also important to have each employee set specific objectives and goals. By setting individual goals, you will have a clear indicator of how you should approach your work and grow on a daily basis. By setting goals, you will be able to take the knowledge you gain as your own, not only in your regular work, but also when you attend internal and external training sessions. Conversely, if objectives and goals are not set, there may be cases where some employees will "just listen to the talk" and not remember the content. Conduct periodic evaluations. In order for human resource development to be effective, regular evaluations must be conducted in the correct manner. Without correct evaluation, motivation will not be maintained, and it will be difficult to see what one is working for. When conducting evaluations, establish a system whereby supervisors regularly check with their subordinates, or senior staff with junior staff, to see if they are achieving their human resource development goals. It is also important to provide feedback and advice on job performance as needed. Back to Table of Contents Five Means of Developing Human Resources to be an Asset to the Company's Strengths There are several means to develop human resources who will be an asset to the company and improve its performance. Since the method of development differs depending on the condition and growth level of the employee, multiple means of development should be used effectively. Below we will explain five human resource development methods, including OJT and Off-JT. 1) On the Job Training (OJT) OJT (On the Job Training) is a training method in which new employees or those with no work experience are engaged in practical work while developing skills and knowledge related to their work. OJT has been introduced in a variety of companies and is expected to have the effect of making employees immediately effective by engaging them in practical work. When introducing this program, it is important to prepare a systematic program that allows new employees to easily get involved in work while at the same time allowing them to grow gradually. On-the-job training is a method often used in human resource development, but in some workplaces, there are cases where people in training are left unattended or specialize in menial tasks. It is important to plan efforts in advance, as there is no point in implementing the program if the trainees do not properly learn the practical work of the workplace. Off-JT (Off the Job Training) Off-JT (Off the Job Training) refers to group training in which participants gather at a single venue to attend lectures and group work together. Off-JT is often used to acquire knowledge and practical skills in a uniform manner, as it is conducted for a large number of people rather than individually. The unique advantage of this method is that the quality of the learning is assured by a predetermined program, and the necessary skills are conveyed all at once. There are many things that need to be decided before the program is implemented, such as the schedule, location, and instructors. It is also effective if the training is conducted in tandem, for example, by applying what is learned in the Off-JT program to the OJT program. 3) Self-development Self-development is a development method that encourages employees to learn on their own initiative, along with OJT and Off-JT, but the decisive difference is that employees are not forced to learn by the company, but rather they are encouraged to do so on their own. What the company should do is to support employees to deepen their learning through self-development. Effective ways to encourage employees' self-development include inviting them to seminars and introducing them to books they should read. It would be better if the company provides financial and time support to employees to promote self-development. 4) MBO (Management by Objectives) MBO (Management by Objectives) is a system in which each employee sets his or her own goals and is evaluated based on how well he or she achieves those goals. Since the goals are set by the employees themselves, they are expected to make independent efforts and use their own ingenuity to achieve the goals. When introducing this system, it is recommended that the company establish a support system to help employees achieve the goals they set. It is also important that supervisors and managers provide dedicated training to confirm the appropriateness of these goals. In addition to simply setting goals, it is also a good idea to look at how well individual goals can be linked to the company's overall goals and departmental goals. 5) E-Learning E-learning is a training method that aims at efficient knowledge acquisition through content that is learned using smartphones and computers. Various services are offered by various companies, and the number of companies and organizations introducing these services is on the rise. The major advantage of online content is that participants can learn from anywhere and at any time. There is no need for group training, so there is no need to gather all employees at once. When introducing this service, select the one that best suits your company's objectives and budget after picking out several companies that offer the service. Back to Table of Contents Examples of Human Resource Development with e-Learning Systems More and more companies are adopting learningBOX as a useful e-learning system for human resource development. Below, we will explain the issues that companies had before introducing learningBOX and how learningBOX has solved them. Ventuno Inc. Ventuno Co., Ltd. has the philosophy of "living beautifully together" and sells health foods and cosmetics that utilize the slimy ingredients found in mozuku (Cladosiphon okamuranus) and kelp. The company has two locations, its head office and a call center, but the company was facing a time-consuming and costly problem in conducting training together. However, by introducing learningBOX, the company has succeeded in building a system that promotes employee learning by reducing travel time and costs. The introduction of the system before the spread of the new coronavirus made it possible to prepare in advance a system that can smoothly provide employee training even in the event of a coronavirus disaster. The Japan LD Society The Japan LD Society is an academic research organization that studies LD (Learning Disabilities), ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), etc. and promotes support using its content. The society had been facing issues such as increasing the number of trainees and users unfamiliar with IT, but with the introduction of learningBOX, a system for conducting training regardless of location has been established. The number of participants in the training sessions and the number of people acquiring professional licenses are increasing. Urunes Corporation URNES Inc. is a company that supports the condominium management industry in strengthening management capabilities and human resource development. To support the industry, we are promoting initiatives to improve the level of human resources by utilizing our proprietary system. The company was faced with the challenge of introducing e-learning that could be used by the elderly and creating content that would motivate them to learn. With the introduction of learningBOX, even the elderly can now learn smoothly using their smartphones. The company has also been able to provide uniform learning opportunities to deputies in all regions of Japan. Furthermore, the company has incorporated learningBOX into a web application to provide an e-learning system that enables management staff training regardless of time and location. Back to Table of Contents Use e-Learning to Develop Your Employees' Skills In order to increase the value of your company, it is important to systematically develop the human resources who will be responsible for the company's future. There are a variety of methods for human resource development, and you should select the best training method for your company's objectives. If you would like to introduce e-learning, which is highly effective for knowledge acquisition, please consider our e-learning system "learningBOX". Not only does this system have a wide range of functions, but it also provides easy management of students, ensuring a smooth system implementation. If you would like to systematically enhance the skills of your employees, please try our free plan, which is available free of charge. ▼ We also recommend this one! Also read. Back to Table of Contents

Visualization of progress management will make our organization more vibrant!

Checking progress is important for smooth operations. Many of you may be using various tools such as Gantt charts to manage the progress of your tasks and goals. When a project is carried out by multiple people instead of individuals, managing the progress is one of the tasks. So, what are the benefits of managing progress? In this article, we will explain the benefits of visualizing progress management and what to keep in mind when introducing the system. If you are interested in making your project run more smoothly, please take a look at this article. Table of Contents 01What is progress management in the first place? What is its purpose? 02Merits of Visualization of Progress Management Early detection of problems Improves operational efficiency Deadlines can be met Cooperation within the team is created. 03Cautions for visualization of progress management Only progress is checked. There is a gap in the recognition of progress rate Few opportunities to share with the team Relationship of trust has not been established. 04The Importance of Progress Management in Employee Training Benefits for the Company Benefits for Employees 05Summary What is progress management in the first place? What is its purpose? Progress" refers to the "progress of a task or work," and "progress management" refers to "checking the progress of work and understanding any deviations from the plan. It also includes understanding problems and issues that arise during the work and taking measures to resolve them. The purpose of progress management is "to ensure that deadlines are met. Progress management makes it easy to determine how far along the process we are and how much is left to do. No matter how detailed the schedule is, projects rarely progress on schedule. The main purpose of progress management is to eliminate discrepancies between the schedule and actual progress and to meet deadlines. Failure to meet deadlines can lead to a loss of trust in the company and a decline in business performance. Progress management, which even holds the fate of a project in its hands, is now the cornerstone of project management. Simply managing progress is not enough. What is required for team projects is the introduction of "visualized" progress management that can be shared among members. Back to Table of Contents Benefits of Visualization of Progress Management Visualization of progress management is essential for a smooth project. So what are the specific benefits? Early detection of problems With visualized progress management, you can quickly detect abnormalities as they occur. Issues facing the project, such as causes of schedule delays, problems faced by each team member, and operational errors, can be clarified and addressed at an early stage. Delays in delivery and project failures can be minimized. Improved operational efficiency Visualization of progress management makes it easy for all team members to grasp the workflow of the entire project and clarify the priorities of the work. By being clearly aware of "what needs to be done now" and being able to concentrate on the necessary tasks, work can proceed efficiently and work efficiency can be improved. Meeting deadlines When progress management is visualized, each member is aware of the overall project schedule and sets his or her own schedule working backwards from it. By being aware of deadlines, each individual will be able to manage their own tasks more closely, and major delays will be eliminated. This will also make it possible to meet deadlines throughout the entire project without major delays. Cooperation within the team is created. By making progress management visible, you can easily grasp the status of your team members. Since you can see your own status and the status of others, you can cooperate with each other by accepting or delegating tasks according to each other's workloads. This also leads to the equalization of work. Back to Table of Contents Notes on Visualization of Progress Management Visualization of progress management" improves the motivation of members and the productivity of the company, but sometimes it is not as effective as expected. For individuals, using a to-do list or Gantt chart is effective, but if you have a large number of members, please note the following points. If you know of any of the following in your company, please improve them as soon as possible. Checking progress only. Without a clear understanding of the purpose of progress management, project goals will not be achieved even if progress is being managed. There is no point in managing progress with a stance of "just keeping up appearances for the time being. There is a discrepancy in the understanding of the progress rate. The progress rate is "the degree to which work is progressing. The progress rate varies greatly depending on whether it is reported subjectively by the person in charge or calculated from the number of man-hours. It is important to clarify in advance what standards are used for reporting the progress rate within the team. By unifying the reporting standards, it is possible to avoid omissions in reporting. Few opportunities to share with the team If progress is not shared among team members, they will not be able to understand each other's current status, and the overall progress of the project will be unclear. This makes it difficult to improve the productivity of the team as a whole. The easiest way to share progress is to use a whiteboard. The easiest way to share progress is to use a whiteboard, where everyone can see it and update their individual progress daily. Trust is not built. No matter how careful you are in your work, mistakes and delays will occur. Without a solid relationship of trust, such reports are difficult to bring up. It is important to create an atmosphere of mutual support within the team, where even negative things can be reported. Back to Table of Contents Importance of Progress Management in Employee Training Progress management is not only important for business operations. It is also important for internal training programs. Progress management is important not only for business operations, but also for internal training programs. Progress management in training is beneficial to both the company and the employee. Advantages for the company Track employee learning progress. Follow up with employees who are behind in their progress. Brush up the training content based on the level of understanding. By monitoring learning progress, it is possible to know the suitability of each employee. You will be able to give accurate advice to employees who are behind in their progress or who have difficulty in certain areas, thereby enhancing the relationship of trust between you and your employees. In addition, you can brush up the training content to make it more practical and appropriate after checking the level of understanding of the entire workforce. By managing the progress of training, you will be able to develop employees with practical skills in the shortest possible time. Benefits for Employees Visibility of the learning progress rate helps maintain motivation. Know your strengths and weaknesses Receive accurate advice. You will be able to monitor your own learning progress so that you can see the goals you should be aiming for, and this will increase your motivation. By keeping track of your learning progress, you can see which areas you are strong in and which areas you are weak in, allowing you to make your own study plans, such as focusing on areas you are weak in. The company can also track your weak areas, so they can give you accurate advice at the right time. Back to Table of Contents Conclusion The purpose of progress management is to meet deadlines, but the benefits do not stop there. Visualization of progress management can also improve company performance and employee motivation. Find the best progress management tool for your company. Visualization of progress management is also a great help not only for work but also for training. Our "learningBOX", which allows you to manage the progress of training, has all the functions necessary for training management, and allows you to monitor each learner's learning status and level of understanding on an individual basis. Of course, learners can also view their own performance, which can help motivate them. We also offer a free trial plan, so please feel free to try our free trial first. We also recommend this one! Also read Back to Table of Contents

What is the background to the widespread digitization of manuals? Advantages and procedures are also explained.

Due in part to various social conditions, the wave of digitization is spreading throughout Japan. In this context, many managers and staff members may be interested in digitizing the manuals they operate within their companies. In this article, we will explain the background behind the spread of digitization of manuals and the benefits of digitization. We will also introduce the procedures for digitization, so please continue reading to the end of this article if you are interested in renewing your manual operation system. Background of the increasing digitization of manuals The spread of the new coronavirus that began in 2020 has brought attention to the widespread use of remote work and DXing within companies in Japan. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the rate of telework adoption by the private sector rose from 17.6% to 56.4% during the first emergency declaration and again to 38.4% during the second emergency declaration. Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications This is because there is a growing trend to replace conventionally operated paper manuals with electronic manuals when introducing teleworking. With the spread of telework, companies are required to create an environment where manuals can be accessed from multiple locations. The realization of digitization will make business operations more efficient. Back to Table of Contents Advantages of Digitizing Manuals As the trend toward digitization is accelerating in all areas, so too is the digitization of manuals. In this context, many of you may want to know what advantages can be gained by digitizing manuals. Here are three advantages of digitizing manuals. Increased operational efficiency By digitizing manuals, paper manuals can be organized, classified, and stored systematically. This will improve work efficiency by making it easier to search for information, even if the manuals are voluminous. Another major advantage is that information can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Enables joint management Manuals must be created, stored, and updated in order to be maintained. While updating paper-based manuals is not a frequent task in terms of printing and storage, digitization makes it easy for anyone to update them. In addition, since electronic manuals can be managed collaboratively, the various tasks involved in updating can be carried out simultaneously. It can be said that electronic manuals are better suited for practical operations. Eliminates the need to carry them around Digitizing manuals eliminates the hassle of carrying them around. In the past, manuals had to be pulled out of paper media before use, but with electronic manuals, this process is no longer necessary. The ability to quickly retrieve necessary information at any time is a major advantage. The restrictions on location and time are eliminated, and work can proceed smoothly even when you are away from home, as you only need to carry your PC or smartphone. Back to Table of Contents Disadvantages of Digitizing Manuals While there are many advantages to digitizing manuals, there are also disadvantages. It is important to understand the differences from the paper-based media that have been in operation up to now. Here are two disadvantages of digitizing manuals. Cannot check multiple pages at the same time Unlike paper media, electronic media cannot reference multiple pages or multiple booklets at once. If you have been following business procedures by spreading out multiple manuals, digitizing your manuals may adversely affect your efficiency. Depending on the situation, it may be necessary to prepare two terminals or to make the electronic manuals compatible with split screens. Difficulties in transitioning to electronic manuals in some cases It is not easy to convert a large number of manuals to electronic format at once. Let's move from paper to electronic media little by little, depending on the situation. It is also necessary to make adjustments for those who prefer to use paper media or are accustomed to paper media operation. While communicating the benefits of digitization, it may be necessary to consider simultaneous operation with paper media in cases where this is inevitably unacceptable. Back to Table of Contents Procedures for Digitizing Manuals The procedure for digitizing manuals can be divided into the following four steps STEP1: Decide on the manuals to be digitized STEP2: Prepare the tools to be used for digitization STEP3: Reconfirm the table of contents and overall structure STEP4: Start digitization using various tools Understand what needs to be done at each step, and proceed smoothly with the digitization of your manuals. Decide which manuals to digitize The first step is to decide which manuals are to be digitized and determine the purpose. Based on the benefits to be gained by digitizing manuals, select which manuals will be digitized first, such as those for new employees, sales employees, and field workers. Prepare the tools to be used for digitization Once the target manuals are determined, determine which tools will be used to digitize them. First, decide whether you will use free tools or paid tools. Typical free tools include Google Drive, Google Docs, and Google Spreadsheets. In addition, a variety of paid tools have been released by various companies. Check the details of each service and choose the one that best suits your purpose. Reconfirm the table of contents and overall structure Once the tool to be digitized has been decided, review the existing contents, including the scope of work, advance preparation, procedures, and the level of detail required, and reconfirm the table of contents and overall structure. If there have been any problems in the past with paper-based media, correct them here. When revising the manual, it is important to reexamine what you want to convey in the manual, and then systematically restructure it. Final checks should be made for digitization, including additions and deletions. Start digitization using various tools Once the content has been finalized, it is time to begin digitization. Depending on the tool you use, you may need to input the information into a template or import existing files while digitizing. After the manual is completed and distributed, it is important to make improvements as you use it. Since digitization makes it easier to update the manual, make revisions as necessary to make the manual more complete. Back to Table of Contents Let's move forward with IT in our company! The number of companies that are working on the computerization of manuals is gradually increasing, encouraged by the recent social situation. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages, and how we should tackle the issue before proceeding. When digitizing, it is also important to scrutinize the work procedures. If you would like to review your in-house training methods in conjunction with the computerization of manuals, please consider our learning management system "learningBOX". With its complete set of functions, including the creation and distribution of teaching materials, grade management, and participant management, it is the perfect IT solution for in-house training systems. 10 accounts can be used free of charge for an unlimited period, so please feel free to try it out for a free trial. ▼Here's another recommendation! Also read. Back to Table of Contents

9 Keys to Successful HR Development

Introducing 9 effective human resource development methods! Explanation of key points of implementation and how to proceed. In order to increase a company's strength, human resource development must be conducted effectively and efficiently. Some managers and human resource managers may have questions such as, "I want to know how to improve the skills of my employees," or "I want to know how to decide on a training policy based on the level of employees. In this article, we will explain the methods and implementation points of human resource development. If you are interested in reviewing your training methods in accordance with your company's actual situation, please continue reading to the end of this article. Click here for Table of Contents What is the importance of human resource development? 9 Typical Human Resource Development Methods Key Points for Smooth Implementation of Human Resource Development Procedures for promoting human resources development Supporting Human Resource Development through e-Learning What is the importance of human resource development? People, goods, money, and information are important as resources that increase the value of a company. All of these are very important items in corporate management, but people are said to be the most important resource among them. The growth of human resources is directly related to the growth of a company, and failure to develop human resources can lead to a loss of market competitiveness. In addition, we are approaching an era in which globalization demands the development of human resources who can be active not only domestically but also internationally. Developing high-level human resources who can be active in all situations, both domestically and internationally, will lead to the growth of the company itself. Nine typical human resource development methods There are various methods of human resource development, and they should be used according to the situation. Since new hires and mid-career employees have different levels of experience and skills, the training methods to be taken may differ. The following is an explanation of nine human resource development methods, including on-the-job training for new employees. On-the-Job Training (OJT) OJT is a method of acquiring necessary knowledge and skills through on-the-job training. OJT has been introduced by many companies and is highly popular as a means of efficiently promoting immediate job skills. Since senior employees are nearby to help you with your practical work, you can expect to acquire skills quickly. While on-the-job training programs for new employees tend to be well established, many companies have yet to develop programs for mid-career employees. Off-JT (Off-the-Job Training) Off-JT refers to group training in which lectures and group work are conducted in a single location. Since trainees gather in the same place to receive training, it is characterized by the ability to train a large number of people at one time. Because it is a human resource development method that targets multiple people, the quality of the training is less likely to be blurred and a certain level of quality can be maintained. Another feature of this method is that it enables participants to prepare for actual work through role-playing and other methods in order to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned. By acquiring knowledge in advance, you will be able to work with peace of mind. E-learning E-learning is a training method in which knowledge is acquired by digesting online content using a smartphone or computer. In recent years, many services have been released and an increasing number of companies are adopting them. Group training requires the arrangement of a venue and the request of an instructor, but none of these costs are required. Another key point is that the system allows you to learn regardless of location, so you can make effective use of your free time while commuting to work. On the other hand, the depth of learning varies depending on the motivation of the student, which is an issue. Mentoring System The mentor system is a training method in which senior employees (mentors) provide guidance and support on a one-on-one basis, mainly to new employees. This system covers a wide range of areas from accumulation of work experience to mental care. By having a senior employee, rather than a supervisor, provide guidance, the system solves problems that new employees tend to have, such as "I don't have a senior employee I can talk to anytime about my work or private life problems," and creates an environment in which it is easier to ask for help. An increasing number of companies are introducing mentoring programs with the aim of revitalizing the company and reducing turnover. Job Rotation Job rotation is a method of training employees by reassigning them to different positions with the aim of developing their skills. Unlike regular personnel transfers, job rotation is strategically implemented based on a clear human resource development plan to promote long-term growth. The main objectives are to place the right person in the right position, to gain an overall picture of the company through various tasks, and to bring about new innovations through skill development. In many cases, the program tends to target future executive candidates. Various methods are used, ranging from assignments to multiple departments over a short period of time, such as three to six months, to assignments to a single department over a long period of time, such as three to five years. Management by Objectives (MBO) The Management by Objectives (MBO) system is a system in which each employee is asked to set goals and is evaluated based on the degree of achievement of those goals. It is a method of training employees to become more proactive, expecting them to work with their own ingenuity and effort in order to achieve the goals they set. When setting goals, relate them to the goals of the company as a whole and to the goals of the department. This is to foster an awareness of the need to contribute not only to one's own growth, but also to the company itself. In addition, it is necessary to have your supervisor or the person in charge check the appropriateness of the content of the goals you set. Coaching Coaching is a training method in which the supervisor helps the trainee achieve his or her goals through advice and questions. Coaching has been introduced by many companies as a method to motivate employees while promoting their autonomy. Supervisors with a wealth of knowledge and experience are required to implement this method. Training for the coachee is also necessary, as the key is how to guide the coachee toward his or her goals. Teaching Teaching is a training method in which a supervisor or senior employee passes on information and skills to the trainee. The main purpose is to convey basic knowledge and basic rules for starting work. While the subject of coaching is the "trainee," the subject of teaching is the "supervisor/senior employee. Teaching is intended to provide necessary information in a one-way manner and does not place emphasis on mutual communication. Stretch Assignment Stretch assignment is a training method in which trainees are assigned tasks that are more difficult than their current abilities, with the aim of acquiring skills that they have never had before. By placing the trainee in a challenging environment, rapid growth is encouraged. The assignment requires a good understanding of the subject because it is necessary to set tasks that can be achieved through hard work, rather than assigning tasks that are unnecessarily difficult. This program is used with younger employees and is also used to develop a list of future executive candidates. Key Points for Smooth Implementation of Human Resource Development The following are points for those who are considering or reviewing new human resource development measures to ensure smooth implementation of training. Since it is extremely important to know how to set up an internal system, please refer to this section if you are involved in human resource development. Allow time for human resource development In order to promote human resource development smoothly, you must focus on creating an environment that secures time for training. Many HR managers, senior employees, and supervisors have a variety of tasks to perform alongside their training. In some cases, it may be difficult to parallel normal work duties, so it will be necessary to build a system that allows for adjustment of workloads and other measures to ensure that human resource development can be handled as well. Enhance the skills of personnel in charge of human resource development Improving the skills of those who are actually involved in human resource development is also an essential point in creating an environment for human resource development. Without an understanding of the appropriate training methods, the people to be trained will not be nurtured, so it will be necessary to acquire the appropriate skills and knowledge as a leader. Therefore, training and development for supervisors and personnel in charge must also be undertaken in a planned manner. Training for those in charge and rope training should be conducted to improve quality and equip them with the skills for teaching. Establish an evaluation system for human resource development. To facilitate human resource development, it is important to establish an evaluation system for personnel in charge. Unlike sales, where sales figures are directly generated, or marketing, where overall strategies are assembled, human resource development tends not to be evaluated by numbers. However, work related to human resources is an important task that can be said to be the foundation of a company. However, it is also a job that is very difficult to evaluate because results are not immediately apparent. It is important to create a clear evaluation system because it may lead to a decrease in motivation if the personnel manager feels that he or she is not getting an appropriate evaluation based on the burden. Procedures for advancing human resource development The following is an explanation of the procedures for promoting human resource development. Blindly passing on skills and knowledge without a clear objective will not develop human resources. Let's follow the appropriate flow and proceed effectively. If you are unsure of how to proceed with human resource development, please refer to this section. Analysis of Current Situation and Identification of Issues Before proceeding with human resource development, it is important to analyze the current situation and identify issues. It is important to properly understand the current productivity and efficiency of the personnel to be trained. To this end, it is necessary to conduct interviews with supervisors and department personnel to identify the issues facing the target employees. Clarify the skills and character required of the target person. After completing the analysis of the current situation and understanding of the issues, it is time to solidify the specific skills and personality profile required of the target persons to be trained. To this end, it is effective to create a skill map. A skill map is a list of the skills required for the career of each trainee, organized in a step-by-step manner, so that goals such as "acquire these skills in XX years" can be clearly defined. By clarifying not only practical skills, but also human qualities and other aspects of the person's life, it will be easier to determine what needs to be done in the next 5 to 10 years to achieve these goals. Select the appropriate training method for the target person Once the skills and personality profile of the person to be trained have been established, select the most appropriate training method from among various methods such as job rotation, mentoring, and target management systems. In doing so, it is also important to measure the on-site burden and costs associated with the training, and then distribute the burden across the entire organization so that no specific department is burdened. It is also necessary to regularly measure the effectiveness of human resource development to determine whether or not it is progressing according to the plan. It is important to check whether skills are actually being acquired and whether they are developing into the human resources required by the company, and to correct course if there are any delays. Supporting Human Resource Development through e-Learning Every company has the desire to strengthen its foundation by focusing on internal human resource development and to increase its market competitiveness over the medium to long term. We will select the appropriate training method according to the actual situation of your company. If you are considering an e-learning training plan, please consider our "learningBOX". We have all the functions necessary for e-learning, from content management to learner management, so please contact us first with a request for information.  

What should you invest in online learning?

In contrast to face-to-face learning, where the instructor and student meet at a specific location, online learning, where the learning is conducted on the web, is gaining recognition and adoption year after year. Some managers and educators may want to know how to compare online learning services. In this article, we will provide an overview of online learning, its types, and points of comparison. If you are interested in enhancing your company's internal education system, please continue reading to the end. What is Online Learning? Online learning is a learning method in which learning is conducted over a network using devices such as PCs, tablets and smartphones. There are several forms, such as on-demand delivery and real-time live delivery, which can be used according to the purpose. In the past, the instructor and students had to gather at a predetermined time and place to study. In recent years, however, online learning has become increasingly popular, allowing students to learn from anywhere in the world as long as they have an Internet environment and a device. The appeal of online learning is that it is not limited to companies; services for elementary school students and junior and senior high school students are also expanding, allowing students to choose the content that best fits their needs. Back to Table of Contents Types of Online Learning Online learning can be divided into two main types: on-demand delivery and live delivery. Other types of learning are characterized by communication between students. Let us now explain the different types of online learning. Learning through video content (on-demand delivery) Learning by video content (on-demand delivery) is a learning method that uses pre-made video content. On-demand delivery offers the convenience of being able to study at any time of the day, as long as it is convenient for the student. In addition, students can watch and review the content as many times as they like to deepen their learning. On-demand delivery can be used for a variety of purposes, such as "reviewing content already studied online," "preparing for in-depth study in the main class by studying online in advance," and "making up for missed classes. Online real-time learning (live streaming) Online real-time learning (live streaming) is a real-time learning method using services such as Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet. The appeal of this method is that it allows students to learn in a way that is similar to an actual lecture or class, so they can deepen their learning while experiencing a more live learning experience. The main uses of live streaming are "to take a class at school at home" and "to learn English from an instructor living overseas. Another advantage is that there is no editing work required for on-demand delivery. Group Learning Online learning is also used for group learning using tools such as Zoom. There are several types of group learning, such as "multiple people discussing a single topic," "creating a deliverable," etc., and they are characterized by the fact that they aim to utilize knowledge, understand diversity, and promote communication. Back to Table of Contents Comparison Points for Choosing Online Learning For those who are considering implementing an online learning service, here are some points to compare when selecting a service. The key points include how extensive the content is for both the learner and the administrator. If you are not sure how to choose the right service, or if you want to know the selection criteria, please refer to the following information. Degree of learning content When introducing an online learning service, make sure that the content is appropriate for the learning objectives. New employee training for new recruits should provide systematic and comprehensive learning of the skills required for working adults, while training for managers should concentrate on management knowledge, and so on. It is important to check whether or not learning contents are prepared in line with the individual objectives. Quality of the management system The quality of the management system is also an important point of comparison. The content of the management system will greatly affect the smoothness of feedback to students, grade management, and so on. It is important to choose a service that meets your objectives after checking the functions of the system, such as whether it has course management functions such as reminding students who have not taken classes, and whether it has functions for conducting tests and questionnaires. Cost-effectiveness When implementing an online learning service, it is essential to calculate the cost-effectiveness of the service. When a company provides learning to its employees, the underlying desire is to improve employee performance. In other words, the main purpose of online learning services is not learning itself, but to contribute to the company through the acquisition of knowledge and skills. When selecting a service, it is important to calculate the frequency of use and the expected benefits of learning, and to verify whether these results are balanced with the cost. Select a service that offers excellent support. When comparing online learning services, it is important to choose one that offers a full range of services. Many online learning services are packaged, but if they offer a variety of options outside of the package, they will be easier to customize and use on a case-by-case basis. Even if the packaged content is excellent, there may be areas that do not fit within your objectives or company structure. In such cases, choosing a service that has a system in place to suggest improvement measures will make the operation smoother. Back to Table of Contents Points to Consider When Comparing Online Learning Since the introduction of online learning requires a certain cost, it is not easy to change the plan once it is introduced. Here we will explain some points to keep in mind when comparing online learning plans, such as clarifying the purpose of introduction and checking the contents of the plan. Clarify the purpose of introducing online learning The first point to note is to clarify the purpose of implementation before making a selection. Clarifying the axis of what online learning will be used for will highlight the type of service that should be introduced. In doing so, it is important to consider the extent to which cost, content, quality, and other factors are required. By imagining in detail the learning you want to achieve, you can choose the best system for both the student and the administrator. Check plan contents and prices Most online learning services offer several plans, depending on the content and number of people they support. Check the extent to which each plan covers the needs of your students so that you can provide them with appropriate and continuous learning. In some cases, prices can vary greatly, so we recommend that you consider plans while fully understanding their cost-effectiveness. Select a system that keeps students motivated. No matter how high the quality of the content is, it is meaningless to introduce a system if it fails to keep students motivated and their learning ends halfway through. Therefore, it is important to check whether the system includes a feedback function, a questionnaire function, a test function, and other functions that can arouse motivation. If the system does not have these functions, it is also important to consider how to cover them internally. Back to Table of Contents Choose Online Learning for Your Purpose! As remote work becomes increasingly popular, the use of online learning to facilitate learning is spreading to many companies. After clarifying what kind of content you are looking for, select a service by comparing its merits and demerits. If you are not sure which service to choose, how about our "learningBOX"? learningBOX is an e-learning system that can be easily introduced to anyone and has all the necessary functions such as creating teaching materials and managing grades. 10 accounts can be used for free for an unlimited period. Please feel free to start with a free trial. ▼Here's another recommendation! Also read Back to Table of Contents
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