Version 2.22.33

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Post by X

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Free Plan Registration
    • Adjusted display of country of residence pulldown when window size is changed
Manage contents
    • Changed to not allow saving when [publish condition>study status] is not set in the linked content setting modal.
Gradebook > Lists / Reports
    • Group names in the Group column are now displayed in the order of the groups set in the user management screen when a user belongs to multiple groups.
Grade Control / Certificate List > Grade Details
    • If the owner/user has grade management rights to the certificate, the certificate image can be viewed even if the owner/user who accessed the certificate has not been assigned any content.
Grade Control > Reports
    • Changed so that if the submitted content exceeds 32767 characters, the content after 32767 characters is not output to Excel.
User Management > Edit User
    • When a user updates the content of the "Options" field in the User Information Settings > Input Field Settings screen for a field with a "Radio Button" input format, if the user has already selected the updated content, the field is now returned to the "Unselected" state.
Email Settings > Account Billing Features
    • Adjusted the text position of the plan details field in the body of email templates related to account billing.
Manage notifications
    • Adjustment of the design of the list display when the side menu is opened and closed.
Operation Log
    • Modified to record in the operation log when a learning category setting operation is performed in the learning category modal of the content management screen.
address administration
    • When each item in the address is a series of single-byte alphanumeric characters and has a large number of characters, the display is adjusted to fit within the address frame.

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Learning screen
    • When a user sets the language to [English] and clicks on [Go to quizzes are not completed][Try again] when studying Mushikae notes, the message is displayed in Japanese.
      • Can be checked by creating a new/editing/converting to a specified version of the worm-eaten note.
Manage contents
    • [In the "Set Image" modal, you can click "Save" even if the uploaded image file size exceeds 5 MB.
    • Embedded video/iframe study completion date/time is not recorded correctly
    • Public Question Results are displayed in the CSV output by users even when "Show Public Question Results" is turned off in the Public Question Settings modal.
Grade Control > Reports
    • Regarding the report scoring request notification, if there are many recipients, the same email with the same content is sent every 30 minutes.
User Management > Batch Operation (CSV) > User Download
    • [Receive Notification Email" does not appear in the download section.
Batch User Registration/Update
    • When the [Add Group Affiliation] column in the CSV file is to the right of the [Group Affiliation] column and the content is blank, the affiliation is not reflected in the group specified in the [Group Affiliation] column when CSV is uploaded in a hierarchy other than [All Users].
Receipt Setup
    • When I upload an image file to [Company Seal] and check the preview screen before saving, the uploaded image is not displayed.
Account Billing Management > Billing Plans
    • When adding a new plan from [Add Plan] while there are two or more pages of billing plans, the contents of the list are not displayed on the last page.
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