Release note

functional improvement

List of Certificates
1. Modified so that members whose status is invalid can be displayed.
Learn Contents
1. Changed the explanation of the Tally Board button to "You can view it when the grading is completed" when the status is "Waiting for Grading", and "You can view it when the status is "Pass" or "Fail" or "Answer Complete" when the status is "Studying".
1. The period during which additional requests for design customization cannot be made has been changed from "less than one month from the end of the contract" to "one month or less from the end of the contract".
2.Regarding the start date of design customization, it has been changed to allow users to select the date and time after 1 month for shared servers and after 2 months for dedicated servers.
1.Contents of contract > Option" has been changed to "Standard smartphone application".
Manage contents
1.The group name displayed when you hover the mouse after assigning materials has been modified so that only the group name of the upper level is displayed if all the lower levels are assigned.
Check socres
1.In the pull-down display when narrowing down the members, it has been modified to display the nickname if the member does not have a name registered, and to display the login ID if the member does not have a nickname registered.
EC Store
1. Changed the error message when a coupon cannot be used.

Bug Fixes

Manage contents
1.When deleting a certificate template with a name that contains HTML special characters from the certificate template management screen, the certificate template was displayed with symbols.
2. When the language setting is set to English and the Issue date or Expiry date is used in the certificate template, the date and time were not displayed in the preview or study screen.
 Progress record
1. Fixed a bug that shortcuts were not colored even when learning was completed.
EC Product Registration
1.Fixed a bug that the tag name was not displayed on the tag selection screen when there was a tag name that used HTML or other tags.

functional improvement

Operation Log
1. Changed the wording of "Operation Log List" to "Operation Log".
Access Log
1. Deleted the words "Access Log List".
Check socres
1. Modified so that invalid members are not displayed in the tabs by issue.
Manage Members
1. Only the owner account has been modified to require the name and display name regardless of the input field settings.
2. Modified to display an animation (indicator) during upload execution on the group batch registration/update screen.
3. Modified to display the name of the item that has been set as a required item in the CSV format sample download of the member batch registration/update screen.
whole system
1. When using the "Name" and "Nickname" fields in the email template, the nickname will be used if the member has not registered a name, and the login ID will be used in the email if the member has not registered a nickname.
Manage contents
1.Course Restrictions > When setting the course interval limit (time), only "Integer greater than or equal to 0" can be entered.

Bug Fixes

Manage Members
1. Fixed a bug in which saving a file with a blank name did not save the file correctly.

new features

1.Mail Sending Log is newly added. Only owner can see it.

functional improvement

Learn Contents
1. The word "unlearned" in the report materials has been changed to "not submitted".
1.The calculation method for customers who have a contract for design customization and place an order for an additional number of people without extending the term has been modified from "pro-rated by the monthly unit price" to "pro-rated by the annual unit price".
Manage Members
1. The date and time of "Registration Date" in the member operation log was displayed as the date and time when the invitation email was sent, and the date and time of member creation retrieved via API was displayed as the date and time when the data was registered.

Bug Fixes

Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug in which multiple release periods could not be set for language=English.
2. Fixed a bug that the description was not saved when inserting an image in the quiz/test creation form.
Manage Members
1.In the environment where the owner was registered before learningBOX2.12, there was a problem that "Could not resend invitation mail" was displayed when "Resend invitation mail" was performed after selecting multiple people, and it could not be sent.

functional improvement

Learn Contents
1. The circle symbol displayed in the typing material has been modified to be displayed as a backslash. This modification can be confirmed in TYPING-2.3.3 or later.
Third party app
1. Modified to get the member creation date and time when getting the member list and member details.
1. For additional contracts with extended periods, the method of calculating the billing amount has been changed from a subtraction type to an addition type. This change will not result in a higher billing amount than before.

functional improvement

New Owner Registration
1. Changed the wording of "country" to "country of residence".
List of grade management notification history and email destinations
1. Modified to display the help button when the language setting is set to English.
Check socres
1.When grading quiz and test materials from the List tab, the images in the questions are now displayed.
2. When viewing grades from the "Question" tab, just opening the material was counted as a respondent. However, it is now not counted as a respondent if there are no grades in the material.

Bug Fixes

Access Log
1.There was a problem that the search result was not outputted even if CSV output was done after narrowing down the search string with + included in the middle of the string.

functional improvement

Manage contents
1. Modified the quiz test creation form so that the indicator will not be canceled before returning to the content list after clicking the save button.
Check socres
1. On the grade details screen of quiz and test materials, when time runs out or "I don't know" is selected, the "Commentary set at the end of quiz/test creation" was displayed as the commentary, but it is no longer displayed.

Bug Fixes

Learn Contents
1. In quiz and test materials that require grading by the administrator, there was a bug that the status did not change to Pass even if a Pass grade was received after a Fail grade, so the status has been changed to Pass.
2. Fixed a bug in iOS-Safari that it failed to download the attached file of report materials if the file name was too long.
3. When submitting a report via web, there was a bug that only single-byte spaces could be submitted.
Check socres
1. Fixed a bug in Member Management > Input Field Settings where the results list was not displayed when HTML or other tags were present in the item name.
2. Fixed a bug in iOS-Safari that it failed to download the attached file displayed in the grade details screen of the report material if the file name was too long.
3. Fixed a problem in which the display of equations was broken when displaying questions containing equations from the Question tab.
List of submitted reports
1.Fixed a bug in iOS-Safari that it failed to download the attached file displayed in the teaching material preview screen if the file name was too long.
Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug that images could not be inserted in the programming materials.

functional improvement

Manage contents
1.Changed the background color of SCORM materials from light gray to white.
password control
1.The error message when the password is not entered has been unified with the error message in the profile change screen.
Email Settings
1. Changed the wording of "Course Content Format" to "{scos} display format settings" in the grade management notification email edit screen.
Log in
1. Modified so that the password is not set when registering an account via single sign-on.

Bug Fixes

Email Settings
1. There was a problem that multiple notification emails with the same content were sent to students.
1. Fixed a problem in which the screen would go blank when the display language was switched on the procedure completion screen.
2. There was a bug that the amount displayed after selecting a plan that was displayed in dollars when the user was not logged in and registering as an owner was different from the actual amount. Therefore, the amount was fixed to be displayed in yen when the user was not logged in, and the correct amount was displayed after the owner registered.
Manage Members
1. There was a bug that the login settings were applied to members who belonged to groups lower than the target group specified in the login settings, so the settings are now applied only to members who belong to the same group as specified.
Third party app
1. Fixed a bug in the API for getting the list of results that it could not get all the results even if limit:0 was specified.

Bug Fixes

Check socres
1. When grading report materials from the List tab, there was a bug that the file could not be downloaded if the question attachment name and submission attachment name contained symbols.
2. When viewing report materials from the grade details screen, if the question attachment name or submission attachment name contained a symbol, the file could not be downloaded.
List of submitted reports
1. When previewing materials, there was a bug that submissions could not be downloaded if the file name contained a symbol.
EC Product Settings
1. There was a bug that if you changed the assignment of the content set in a product from the content management screen, the setting of the teaching materials would be automatically removed from the product as well.
Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug where the same string as the folder description was automatically set when uploading content in a folder with a description already set.
Learn Contents
1. Fixed a bug that when learning report materials, if the attached file name contained a symbol, it could not be downloaded.

functional improvement

Manage Members
1. Modified the tooltip to indicate that "Required to use" cannot be turned off on the edit screen of "Email" in the input field settings when using the "Register" or "Sell" function.
2. When "Country of residence" and "Language" are optional items in the member registration/editing modal, the values will not be displayed in the pull-down.
Check socres
1.The pagination was displayed for a moment regardless of the number of grades when moving from other screens to the grade details screen.
2. When grading quiz materials, if a partial score is selected in the "Enter correct/incorrect" section and the full score is entered, the "Enter correct/incorrect" section will automatically change to the correct answer.
3.The help button has been installed on the grade management notification history screen and the mail recipient list screen. It is not displayed when the language is set to English. Thank you for your understanding.
4. Changed the wording of "Subject" in the Grade Management Notification History screen to "Subject of Email Template".
5. When CSV output is performed on the "Grade Details" screen, the line breaks used in the explanations are not<br>The display was shown with "*", but it has been modified to show it with line feeds.
6. When there are too many results to be processed on the Grade List screen, the message "Too many results could not be processed. Please refine your search by material, group, period, etc.". when the number of results cannot be processed.
Email Settings
1. When To/Cc/Bcc is added to the designated course material course notification email template and "Send to grade administrator as well" is specified, To/Cc/Bcc is added to both the owner and the grade administrator, but To/Cc/Bcc is only added to the owner and sent. To/Cc/Bcc to the owner only.
Add new members
1. Changed the wording of the country/language option to be consistent with the wording displayed on the profile change screen and member add/edit screen.
Operation Log
1.Modified to display the operation of saving the security settings in the operation log.
1. The wording of the page title "Upgrade" on the Thanks screen after the procedure has been completed has been changed to "Procedure Completed".

Bug Fixes

Check socres
1. When grading quiz materials whose question IDs contain tags such as HTML from the List tab, there was a bug that the tags were recognized as HTML and processing was executed.
2. Fixed a bug that quizzes with symbols in the commentary were displayed with HTML special characters when scored from the List tab.
3. In report and questionnaire style quizzes, there was a bug that after entering text in the feedback field and grading the quiz, the text entered in the feedback field was not displayed in the CSV output from the grade details screen.
4. When grading report materials from the List tab, there was a bug that the file could not be downloaded if the question attachment name and submission attachment name contained symbols.
5. When viewing report materials from the grade details screen, if the question attachment name and submission attachment name contained symbols, the file could not be downloaded.
List of submitted reports
1. When previewing materials, there was a bug that submissions could not be downloaded if the file name contained a symbol.
Manage Members
1.learningBOX2.13.19 or later, there was a bug that an error message was displayed on the Bulk Invite Member List screen stating that the email address and display name were duplicated when the login ID column did not exist in the CSV uploaded during bulk member registration. It has been corrected so that the wrong error will not be displayed.
Grading Writing Report
1. When grading, if the question attachment name and the submission attachment name contained symbols, there was a bug that the file could not be downloaded.
Log in
1.There was a bug that the screen was not displayed without reloading when logging in with SNS authentication, it has been fixed so that My Page is displayed without reloading.
Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug where the same string as the folder description was automatically set when uploading content in a folder with a description already set.
2. When previewing report materials, there was a bug that the file could not be downloaded if the attached file name contained a symbol.
Learn Contents
1. Fixed a bug that when learning report materials, if the attached file name contained a symbol, it could not be downloaded.
EC Product Settings
1. There was a bug that if you changed the assignment of the content set in a product from the content management screen, the setting of the teaching materials would be automatically removed from the product as well.
Manage notifications
1.Fixed a bug that "Fixed." displayed when you re-edit the registered contents and save. which is displayed when the registered content is re-edited and saved, was not displayed.
Entire Site
1. We have reduced the load of the server failure that had been occurring since around 17:00 on February 8.

functional improvement

Manage notifications
1. Changed the link destination of the "How to use" button (link to the help page) to the latest help page.
1. Changed the link to the latest page about the notation based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions.
Manage contents
1. Modified the quiz/test creation form to display a new line for each error message when there are multiple error messages displayed after clicking save.
Email Settings
1. Removed the "How to use" button (link to the help page) on the common item new creation/edit screen.

Bug Fixes

1.When opening and closing the "Try using various options" on a PC terminal, the order summary on the right side of the screen was displayed on the left side of the screen.
2.When the number of users/license is increased in the middle of the term while the standard app is under contract, there was a problem with the amount calculation.

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