Version 2.26.20

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Post by X

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Entire Site
    • Optimize group acquisition process
Content Management > Quiz & Test > Select File to Download
    • Optimized download process
Content Management > Diagnostic Test Creation Form > Add Question
    • Adjusted behavior when entering numerical values for characteristic tags
User Information Settings Management > Registration Settings > Delete Personal Photo
    • Changed to also delete the photo of the applicant during the application process.
Products / Seminars / Curriculum / Search Training
    • Optimize the process of acquiring purchase/selection/reserved status
Products / Seminars / Curriculum / Training Registration / Update
    • Faster saving process when the number of groups is large

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Manage contents
    • Unable to move content larger than the remaining storage capacity
Notification Management > Subscribe / Edit Modal
    • Sometimes the + button on a link is not clickable.
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Post by X
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