Version 2.26.29

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Post by X

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Reports (Study Screen) / Content Management > Report Assignment Form
    • Optimized image file saving process
Content Management > Insect-Eaten Note Creation Form
    • Optimized image file saving process
Manage Grades > My Grades / List > Other Filtering
    • [Changed so that completed grades are not included in the "grades in progress" displayed when "Show only not yet studied and in progress" is selected.
      • Before: Show unlearned grades and all grades being studied
      • After change (status: Unlearned): Show unlearned grades
      • After change (status in study): only the grades that correspond to the best grades are displayed
Send history > Send start date and time
    • Adjusted processing to determine if the transmission start date/time is the current time when saving edits.
Site Customizer > Basic Settings > Integrating with External Systems > Using LDAP
    • Modified to record synchronization operations with LDAP server in the operation log

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Grade Details > Score Correction / Evaluation by Tag / Grading
    • Regarding the display of scores on quizzes/tests with small percentages of partial points, scores are displayed as 0 even if they are actually different.
Badge Management > Other Settings > Default Badge Image
    • After uploading a file, deleting it and uploading the same file is not reflected.
Add new members
    • Checking multiple checkbox items does not save properly
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