What is the progress management method that makes learning effective?

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In situations where training is conducted, such as employee training, it is important to maximize the effectiveness of the learning process. If learning is not effectively implemented, it can lead to wasted time.

However, as an education provider, there may be situations where you may be concerned about whether your learners are engaged in learning well. If you want to improve the effectiveness of learning, we recommend that you work on progress management.

This article explains the need to manage learning progress and how to manage progress. If you are in a position to implement education, please refer to this article.


Need to manage learning progress


In the first place, progress management is to implement a predetermined plan and then check whether there is any discrepancy between the plan and the current status. No matter how perfect the plan is, it is not uncommon for things to go wrong. Even in such cases, solid progress management can enhance the effectiveness of learning.

The need to manage learning progress is as follows

To promote education efficiently

It is important for those who provide education to set up an education schedule that is reasonable for the learner. If education is conducted blindly without a plan, there may not be enough time for the learner to master the content.
Progress management is important for efficient education, with the primary focus on retention of the content learned.

To implement course corrections as necessary

It is not uncommon for some learners to take a long time to master what they are learning. When learners feel that they are behind others, their motivation may suffer.
Implement progress management to ensure that all learners master the educational content, and then work to correct the course from time to time.

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Three ways to manage learning progress


In order to implement learning progress management, it is necessary for learners to keep a record of their study time and review their study records.
The following methods will help you manage your progress smoothly.


Today, there are many free smartphone apps suitable for managing study progress. By using an app to visualize which items have been studied and for how long, learners can easily check their progress.

While apps are an easy way to check progress, they have the disadvantage of requiring learners to keep records, which is difficult for those conducting the education to check.

daily report

Another effective way to manage progress is to employ daily reports. For example, you can ask students to write a daily report after the end of their training time and keep a daily record of their progress. Daily reports can be handwritten or recorded digitally using Excel, etc. There are many different ways to record the information.

Daily reports, while useful for tracking progress, can also be burdensome for learners. It is essential to devise a system that encourages learners to fill in the blanks, so that they do not "just write to fill in the blanks.

Gantt chart

Gantt charts are often used to schedule appointments. It is also an effective way to manage learning progress because it provides a bird's-eye view of the entire situation.

While it has the advantage of providing a bird's-eye view of the entire process, the disadvantage is that Gantt charts are difficult to revise. The more detailed it is, the greater the burden when revisions occur.

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What is an effective "LMS" for learning progress management?


The method of progress management using applications and daily reports can be burdensome and difficult in some situations. If you want to implement more effective learning progress management, we recommend the use of an "LMS.

LMS stands for "Learning Management System," and in Japanese it is called a "learning management system." It is the basic system for implementing e-learning, and is used in situations where centralized management of in-house education is desired.

Before the Internet, CDs and DVDs were used for learning. However, this method made it impossible for educators to grasp the extent to which learners were engaged in learning. Later, with the development of the Internet, e-learning became widespread, and the need for an LMS increased.

The LMS allows learners to register their information and track their progress. The LMS is ideal for learning progress management, as it allows for more detailed analysis, such as which areas learners find difficult.

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Benefits of LMS for Schools and Enterprises

LMS (Learning Management System), also called a learning management system, is a system for facilitating learning through e-learning. In this issue, we introduce the basics of LMS and the advantages of using it.

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Benefits of using an LMS for learning progress management


Utilizing an LMS in learning progress management is not only beneficial to the company, but also to the learner. When considering the introduction of an LMS, it is important to understand the advantages of each.

Corporate Benefits

There are two advantages for companies using an LMS for learning progress management

Advantages (1) Learners' learning status becomes easier to manage.

With an LMS, educators can track learners' progress in real time. Knowing what learners are studying and what they are not studying makes it easier to communicate with them about educational content.

Advantage 2: Individualized follow-up is possible.

The LMS makes it possible to identify each learner's strengths and weaknesses. If a learner has difficulty in a particular area, it is easier to provide individualized follow-up, such as concentrated training in that area.

Benefits for learners

There are two advantages for learners who utilize the LMS for learning progress management

Advantage 1: Increased learning effectiveness

The LMS allows learners to check the results of tests and other tests prepared by the education provider. This makes it possible for learners to know what they are struggling with and what they need to study more intensively. As a result, it becomes easier to maintain goals and increase the effectiveness of learning.

Advantage 2: Easier learning outlook

Learning management in an LMS allows learners to know where to start learning. Also, if the learning destination is clear, such as how far they need to go to finish the course, it will be easier for them to keep an eye on their learning.

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Flow of implementing an LMS


When implementing an LMS, it is important to first clarify the purpose of the implementation: there are many types of LMSs, so unless you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, you will not be able to select an LMS that fits your company. For example, "I want my employees to efficiently acquire the knowledge necessary for their work.

Once the objectives have been decided, the operational structure must be set up. It is important to determine who within the company will be in charge of what, so that operations will proceed smoothly after implementation.

Finally, select a vendor. When selecting a vendor, check for ease of use and support.

In addition, there are two types of LMS: "cloud-based" and "on-premise. The cloud-based LMS has the advantage that the LMS can be used in a virtual environment on the cloud and can be operated for a fixed fee only. On-premise LMSs, on the other hand, are developed and operated in-house and offer superior customizability, but require more time and money for implementation and operation.
Each has different advantages and disadvantages, but considering ease of implementation and cost, we recommend choosing a cloud-based system.

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In this issue, we explained how to manage progress to make learning more effective, as well as an overview of the LMS and the benefits of using it.

An LMS is often used to manage learning progress, and you should understand the process and benefits of implementing an LMS before deciding whether to use it.

There are many types of LMS, but our "learningBOX" is one of them. It not only creates and distributes questions, but also provides a full range of management functions such as member management and grade management. First of all, you can use our free Free Plan and you can try it to see how it works.

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