Learning Management System (LMS)

2 articles

Benefits of LMS for Schools and Enterprises

LMS (Learning Management System), also called a learning management system, is a system for facilitating learning through e-learning. It is also used in the same sense as "e-learning system," "e-learning platform," "education management system," and other similar terms. In recent years, with advances in information technology, convenient learning management systems that can be used as long as there is an Internet environment have appeared, and many companies are introducing these systems for human resource development. By utilizing an LMS equipped with management functions useful for online learning, you can effectively manage learners and enhance learning effectiveness even in a remote work system. This article explains the basics of LMSs and the benefits of using them. If you are considering using an LMS in the future, please refer to this article. What is LMS (Learning Management System)? First, let's take a look at the background of LMS attention, the functions of LMS and their respective features, and the scenes in which they are utilized. Background of LMS Attention LMS is indispensable for e-learning LMS is a system that helps facilitate and manage learning through e-learning. In conventional e-learning, textbooks, CDs, DVDs, and other learning materials are distributed to learners, who then study the materials on their own. However, after the materials are distributed, the progress and level of understanding of the class cannot be monitored, and depending on how the materials are used, there are many problems that prevent effective learning. An LMS makes it possible to check data such as course history and level of understanding, making it easier to manage e-learning. After implementation, the learning status of each student can be monitored, and detailed management of test results and other data is also possible. What the LMS enables Learners can study on their smartphones and tablets, making it effective for online employee education and DX promotion. since the LMS manages learning content online, instructors can easily create, store, update, and distribute learning materials. The variety of learning materials can be enhanced, including video materials and live streaming. In addition, when an LMS improves the operational structure of training, it increases the productivity of in-house educators and managers. Even detailed learning content, such as each employee's grades and areas of strength and weakness, can be managed on the system. Since cloud services are an online system provided by a vendor, costs for maintenance and operation can be reduced. In this way, an LMS meets the needs of learners, instructors, and administrators alike, and is equipped with basic functions to facilitate learning. Main Functions and Roles of LMS The LMS has three main supporting roles: "progress management," "management of teaching materials," and "communication. Let's take a look at how these functions are used to support learning. Progress Management The progress management function of the LMS allows you to manage learning content, learning history, and grades. The system is equipped with a function that automatically sends out e-mails according to the progress of the learner, and it is also possible to approach the learner according to his/her learning progress. Since data for the entire organization can be analyzed, it is also effective for evaluating the subject. It is also suitable for discovering issues based on the analyzed data and taking remedial measures at an early stage. Educational Material Management You can manage learning content and curriculum on the LMS system. If a matching system is used, it is also possible to assign the right material to the right learner. Other benefits include the ability to manage teaching materials, such as the delivery of new teaching materials at specific dates and times, thus reducing man-hours for both learners and administrators. Communication Through the LMS, communication between learners and instructors can also be made more efficient. One of the roles of the LMS is to build an environment in which students can easily discuss and ask questions about their learning content in real time, leading to solutions. In addition, by encouraging students to encourage each other, the LMS can be used to increase motivation and improve skills. Scenes of LMS Application LMS can be used for in-house e-learning training. For example, it can be used for company-wide training, training for new employees, training for managers, and training by job classification or job level. Some LMSs can also be used to administer tests and examinations to check the degree of learning and utilization. LMSs are suitable for in-house training in a wide range of fields. Training content can vary from compliance, information security, business manners, etc. Some tools allow you to sell learning content created by your company, so we encourage you to create and customize your own. Back to Table of Contents Advantages of Implementing an LMS (Learning Management System) The use of an LMS provides benefits to each of the learner, instructor, and administrator. Let's look at some specific points in the following comparison chart. <Benefits of Implementing an LMS Learners Visualization of learning progress helps to motivate students and give them a sense of accomplishment. Instant access to progress and grades makes it easier to set goals and make plans. Communication functionality makes it easy to ask questions to the instructor. Instructors Learning progress and grades can be displayed and extracted at a glance, making it easy to assign additional tasks, revise teaching materials, and provide individualized instruction. Accumulated data can also be used for human resource management and management. Administrators Reduce the cost and effort of printing and distributing paper documents No need to build a new system in-house (in the case of cloud computing) Data can be centrally managed, making it easier to operate and maintain. Learner Benefits Learners are given clear instructions on which material to start working on and when, making it easier for them to set goals and make plans without getting lost in the learning process. The learning status is visualized, making it easy for learners to grasp their progress and areas of strength and weakness, leading to a sense of accomplishment and increased motivation. You can easily ask questions to the instructor and enhance communication while improving learning efficiency. Advantages for Instructors The LMS will make it easier to output and check learner progress and grade data in a list. Instructors will be able to easily set appropriate goals and provide guidance to each student according to individual performance. Another way to use the data accumulated on the system is to utilize it for human resource management and management. Advantages for Managers Administrators can save the time and effort of printing and distributing training materials and other materials when conducting in-house training. A cloud-based LMS can be operated without initial costs and time-consuming installation, and is less burdensome than building your own e-learning system. Many services are secure enough in terms of security, and operation and maintenance are also easy. Back to Table of Contents LMS (Learning Management System) Case Studies The following are examples of initiatives by companies that have successfully solved issues by introducing an LMS for employee training. Please refer to other companies' LMS utilization and introduction methods in preparation for future introduction. PayPay Bank, Inc. This is a case study of PayPay Bank, Ltd. PayPay Bank (formerly Japan Net Bank), which was established as an Internet specialized bank, had been implementing and operating an LMS for more than 10 years, but was considering replacing it as the system had become outdated. The company uses the LMS for knowledge verification tests in the customer center and mortgage center, company-wide compliance tests, and training for the human resources department. Switching to an intuitive LMS made it easier for both trainees and administrators to use, and the ability to set detailed permissions enabled each department to create their own questions, leading to more efficient operations. UUUM Corporation This is a case study of UUUM Corporation. The company faced barriers in accomplishing its important mission of ensuring compliance. First, due to the spread of the new coronavirus, it was no longer possible to conduct compliance training in a group format. At the same time, the cost of training venues for several hundred people and the cost of transportation for participants were also a problem. The company therefore decided to introduce an LMS. By moving critical compliance training online, the company realized both cost savings and the lack of face-to-face interaction. The training staff created educational content through a combination of videos and tests to enhance the content. The company's LMS is intuitive and smooth to use, so it was easy to use without discouraging participants. Suzuka University of Medical Science We would like to introduce a case study of Suzuka University of Medical Science. The university was concerned about improving the academic ability of its students, and was considering measures to reduce the number of students who stayed in school, took a leave of absence, or dropped out. The university decided to introduce an LMS to provide e-learning contents that would contribute to the improvement of students' motivation to learn. As a result of using the LMS to create university-specific content, it became possible to reinforce input through repetitive learning. In the first department where the system was introduced, it was found to be effective in reducing the number of students who stumbled on retests, and its ease of use was also well received by the faculty. The system continues to be used in conjunction with face-to-face classes. Back to Table of Contents Optimize Employee Training with an LMS An LMS is an essential platform for e-learning. The advantage is that it facilitates the creation of teaching materials and grade management without cost and time. The SCORM standard has made it possible to standardize LMSs and maintain compatibility. The e-learning system "learningBOX" provides all functions for creating and distributing teaching materials, managing grades, and managing students. We recommend that anyone can easily build a web-based learning environment. 10 accounts can be registered for free, so please feel free to try our free plan first. ▼ We also recommend this one. Also read Back to Table of Contents

Is a free LMS practical? Explaining how to install and what to look out for

An LMS is a system that allows in-house training and learning to be completed entirely online, and more and more companies are adopting such systems in recent years. Among them, many managers and educators would like to adopt a free LMS in order to reduce costs. In this article, we will explain the advantages of adopting an LMS, how to adopt a free LMS, and points to note; if you are interested in enhancing your educational system with an LMS, please continue reading to the end. Table of Contents 01What is LMS? 02Merits of Implementing an LMS in a Company Management Educators Trainees' side 03How to implement a free LMS Choose a free system or service Develop your LMS system in-house Develop using open source 04Points to keep in mind when implementing a free LMS Check the number of users Check the period of use Check the functions 05Try the free version of LMS as a test! What is LMS? LMS is an abbreviation for "Learning Management System. In Japanese, it is called a learning management system. It has a role as a portal site where contents such as textbooks and videos for students to study are managed, and is useful for managing learning of a large number of students. LMS is provided as an online service using a browser or a dedicated application. A single LMS has many functions, and the variety of functions available varies from system to system. Back to Table of Contents Advantages for Companies to Implement an LMS LMSs are being introduced in a variety of fields and offer many advantages, such as the ability to learn at any time and place and cost savings. Many people may want to know other specific advantages of implementing an LMS. Here, we will introduce the advantages of LMS implementation by user, i.e., management, educators, and students. Management The major advantage for management is the possibility of reducing various costs related to learning. In particular, training costs incurred by gathering a large number of trainees, such as the cost of the venue, rewards for lecturers, and transportation and lodging for trainees, can be substantial, but with an LMS, all of these costs can be eliminated because the training can be completed online. For educators The advantage for educators involved in the actual operation of the LMS is that it facilitates the management of student learning progress. Since various student data is stored in the cloud, information can be managed centrally and learning history and course status can be monitored in detail. The ability to take individualized action according to the progress of each student is a major advantage. Specifically, the system will be able to provide pinpoint advice on each student's weak areas, allowing them to focus on those areas for improvement. The precise feedback according to the situation will also lead to increased motivation for the trainees. On the participant's side The advantage for students is that they can study at their own discretion at any time. If the content is not being delivered live, they can use the LMS to study according to their own schedule. Using a smartphone or tablet, students can use their spare time to study while commuting to and from work. Another major advantage is that the quality of the content is always consistent, regardless of the instructor's ability. The appeal of an LMS is that not only is there no difference in the content, but you can also select the materials according to your own level and brush up on what you have learned. Back to Table of Contents How to Implement an LMS for Free Many business owners are thinking, "I want to use an LMS, but I want to keep costs as low as possible." Here we will explain how to implement an LMS for free. Choose a free system or service Now that LMS and e-learning content are available, a variety of systems and services have been released by various companies. Most of the services are fee-based, but there are some services that allow you to use some of the content for free, which can be an effective way to take advantage of them. In such cases, the number of people, time period, and available content may be limited, so advance research is recommended. Developing an LMS system in-house Another way to eliminate external costs is to develop your own LMS. By allocating your own resources to develop an LMS, you can freely build a system that meets your objectives and uses. However, it is necessary to launch a somewhat large project to define requirements, formulate specifications, develop, and operate the system. It should also be noted that the system is not completely free, as development costs must also be taken into consideration. Development using open source If you want to make the operation cost free by developing the software in-house without using other companies' services, development using open source is also recommended. Since the base platform is already available, even if you lack technical skills, you can develop with a certain level of skill. In this case, choose a highly secure platform based on the characteristics of open source software, which can be freely edited and shared by anyone. This is a very important item from the viewpoint of preventing damage caused by malware. Back to Table of Contents What to Consider When Implementing a Free LMS Although many partially free LMSs have been released, you may face unexpected problems if you do not understand the precautions to take when introducing a free LMS. To ensure smooth operation, please review the following precautions before introducing a free LMS. Confirm the number of people who can use the system Most free LMSs have a limit to the number of people who can use the system. The number of users varies from service to service, but most do not support a large number of users (10 or more), so they are not suitable for use by companies of a certain size. It is advisable to check in advance how many people the system can accommodate. Check the period of use. When using a free LMS, it is also important to check the usage period. Some LMSs are only free for one month, so if you fail to check, you may end up paying a monthly fee after you sign the contract and find out that there is a fee. Make sure to check in advance how long you can use the service for free. Check the functions When introducing a free LMS, make sure that it has functions that match your company's objectives and uses. Select the LMS that best suits your company's needs. Also, which devices, such as PCs, tablets, and smartphones, are supported by the system will also vary. We recommend that you also consider the learning environment for your students before selecting a system. Back to Table of Contents Try a Free Version of the LMS as a Test Many companies are using LMSs to facilitate student learning. Although there are some limitations in terms of functionality and duration, why not try a free LMS first as a test? After you determine that it is practical, you can proceed to consider whether or not you should spend the money. With our LMS "learningBOX", almost all functions can be used indefinitely and free of charge for up to 10 accounts. Anyone can use it easily, so please feel free to start with a free trial. We also recommend this! Also read Back to Table of Contents
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