ICT education

5 articles

Five benefits of ICT in Education

The wave of digitization is spreading in various places, and its influence is gradually penetrating into the field of education. In today's school education, how to utilize IT is a very important key to improve learning efficiency and reduce the burden on the educational field. In this article, we will explain the basics of ICT education, the benefits of introducing ICT education, issues, and case studies. If you are unsure of how to introduce ICT education, or if you want to learn more about the benefits and challenges before considering the introduction of ICT education, please refer to this article. What is ICT Education? ICT stands for "Information and Communication Technology." ICT education refers to efforts to utilize information and communication technology in educational settings. Specifically, the following teaching methods are used. Use of digital textbooks and digital blackboards Gathering information on the Internet using tablet devices Explanations using videos and animations In conventional educational settings, paper textbooks, analog blackboards, writing materials, and notebooks were used. The introduction of ICT is expected to open up a variety of possibilities, such as expanding the use of ICT as teaching materials and improving the efficiency of classes. First, we will introduce the necessity of ICT education and the background of the attention it is receiving. Necessity of ICT Education and Background of Attention Promotion of DX One of the reasons why ICT education is attracting attention is society's promotion of DX, which stands for Digital Transformation, with a single letter "X" for "crossing" because "Trans" means "crossing. DX refers to the use of digital technology to innovate products, services, organizations, and business models. In the recent business scene, numerous companies are in the process of starting DX promotion initiatives. DX perspectives are essential to help organizations solve their problems and gain an edge over their peers in the marketplace. The same is true in the education sector. ICT education is expected to improve the quality of education through high-quality digital teaching materials and individual optimization of learning content. Such ICT education measures are considered effective from the perspective of DX promotion and are expected to contribute to the reform of Japan's education scene. Realization of the GIGA School Concept The GIGA School concept is an initiative proposed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in 2019 to provide each elementary and junior high school student with one learning terminal and a high-speed network environment at school, etc. GIGA stands for "Global and Innovation Gateway for All. GIGA stands for "Global and Innovation Gateway for All. The goal of the GIGA School Initiative is to create an environment where children have a fair opportunity to learn through the use of ICT, and where teachers can make the most of their abilities while reducing the burden on teachers involved in the development of children. It is expected to deepen and transform learning and improve classroom teaching. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has positioned ICT education as "no longer at the stage of discussing whether the introduction of ICT in schools is effective for learning, but has become an indispensable part of the educational environment, just like stationery such as pencils and notebooks. ICT will continue to spread in many schools, and learning environments will be increasingly improved. Reference] "Toward the Realization of the GIGA School Concept" (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) Source: "Measures to Promote the Use of Advanced Technology to Support Learning in the New Era (Final Summary)" (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) Impact of new coronavirus infection Since 2020, the educational field has been greatly affected by the new coronavirus infection. As a result of the spread of the infection, elementary, junior high, and high schools across Japan have been closed simultaneously, making it difficult to conduct face-to-face classes in classrooms at times. In preparation for these changes in the environment, the importance and necessity of introducing ICT education to improve the environment is increasing. Infectious diseases are not the only subject for which educational sites should be prepared. It is also possible that they may be exposed to unknown risks such as large-scale natural disasters or changes in social conditions. These unpredictable times are known as "VUCA" and are characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. The ability to constantly absorb new knowledge, utilize technology, and adapt flexibly is critical to survival in these unpredictable times. It is believed that adaptability will be required in the field of education in the future. Back to Table of Contents Advantages and Benefits of ICT Education ICT education is not simply a method of education that responds to changes in society, but also offers various advantages and benefits that solve problems in the educational field. For teachers, it can be used to reduce workload and share information among teachers, and for students, it can provide an environment where they can easily concentrate on their lessons and become more interested in learning. Here we will introduce some of the specific benefits and effects of ICT education. <Advantages and Benefits of ICT Education Benefits and Objectives Specific Examples Improvement of learning efficiency By using terminals, students can reduce the burden of writing on the board by transcribing into notebooks. Students will be able to concentrate on the class more easily because they do not have to write on the board. Students who do not like to be the center of attention can easily express their opinions and questions through the system. Teachers can use the terminals to quickly obtain information, which is expected to improve the quality of classes. Reduction of teacher workload Less time is required for teachers to print materials for class and write on the board. Reuse of materials and content on the board can reduce the burden of preparation and work. Simplified information sharing Sharing class content among teachers makes it easier to stabilize the quality of classes. Visualization of class progress makes it easier for teachers to cooperate with each other. Improvement of student motivation It will be easier to conduct classes in a proactive and cooperative manner, rather than passively. Increase students' interest and enthusiasm through the use of images and videos. The fun and freshness of using digital devices can easily motivate students to learn. Improvement of IT literacy of students Students can acquire knowledge and skills of IT devices such as operating PCs and tablet terminals. Students will be able to acquire knowledge and skills of IT devices such as operating PCs and tablets. Improved learning efficiency ICT education improves students' learning efficiency. For example, in the past, students would take notes of what the teacher had written on the blackboard, and then reread the notes to consolidate their memory. With ICT education, however, students no longer need to move their hands because of the use of tablets and other devices, and they will be able to concentrate more on the class. ICT can also make it easier for students to express their opinions, even if they are not comfortable with raising their hands or being the center of attention during class. Reduce the burden on teachers In addition to teaching and preparing for classes, teachers have a variety of other duties, such as dealing with parents and advising club activities. This burden on teachers is seen as a problem in the field, and the challenge is how to reduce the workload. The introduction of ICT education reduces the burden on teachers in terms of printing out materials for classes, writing on the board, and other details. The time freed up by the introduction of ICT education can be used to solidify class content and perform miscellaneous tasks, which is expected to result in an improvement in the quality of education. Simplification of information sharing Another major advantage of using ICT for education is the ability to easily share class data and teaching materials used in class among teachers and students. By organizing class materials on PCs and tablet terminals, the time required to distribute materials can be reduced, and classes can proceed more efficiently and smoothly. Sharing information among teachers also provides an opportunity to learn about good teaching materials and teaching methods, which in turn raises the quality of education. Increased Student Motivation Increasing student motivation to learn is another benefit of ICT education, as ICT education is not yet very common, and many students may find classes using digital tools refreshing. Learning with tablets and electronic blackboards can be expected to increase students' interest in the class itself. When implementing ICT education, it is a good idea to create questions and animations from the perspective of whether or not students will be interested in them. Of course, the content of the class is important, but it is also important to have a system that allows students to be interested in the class. Improvement of students' IT literacy As ICT education advances, not only teachers who support learning but also students will be able to acquire knowledge and skills of IT devices. literacy will help students to select and use necessary information and to develop the ability to think for themselves. In recent years, lack of IT literacy has often led to unexpected accidents. For example, corporate security incidents and problems related to social networking accounts are recognized as IT literacy issues. Information provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) can be used as a reference when developing and improving class content based on the benefits and effectiveness of ICT education. Please check the following points when considering the introduction or enhancement of ICT education in the future. Source: "Report (Interim Summary) of the Advisory Council for the Promotion of ICT-based Education" (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) Back to Table of Contents Disadvantages and Problems of ICT Introduction While ICT education has many advantages, there are several issues related to its cost and stability of the environment, as it assumes the use of digital devices and an Internet environment. Before proceeding with the introduction of ICT education, it is important to have a clear understanding of what the issues are. Here are three issues to consider when introducing ICT education. Incurring introduction costs It is inevitable that certain costs will be incurred in order to introduce ICT education. This is probably the biggest challenge in ICT education. In terms of hardware, it is essential to purchase PCs, tablet terminals, electronic blackboards, etc., and in terms of software, it is essential to prepare software for ICT education in advance. The larger the number of students, the larger the quantity to be prepared, so the introduction project must be planned well in advance. It will also be necessary to proceed with the preparation of the Internet environment. In order to facilitate ICT education, it is inevitable that a certain amount of expense will be incurred during operation as well. Impact of Communication Trouble Occurrence ICT education, by its very nature, is only effective in an online environment. However, it is important to understand that communication problems are bound to occur when operating in an online environment. In the unlikely event of communication problems, there are cases in which the classes themselves may not be able to continue as planned. Earthquakes and communication disasters that could cause trouble occur frequently in Japan, and depending on the situation, it may not be possible to guarantee a minimum level of education. Therefore, it will be necessary to prepare alternative plans to ensure the smooth continuation of classes even if the Internet connection is lost. Disparities between regions and between private and public schools One of the challenges is that the hurdles to ICT implementation vary greatly depending on whether it is urban or rural, private or public. In many cases, private schools have ample budgets, so the hurdles to purchase PCs and tablet terminals are relatively low. Public schools, however, have limited budgets, so the hurdles to adoption are likely to be higher. There is concern that this situation will continue over the years, widening the education gap in Japan as a whole. The key to the future will be how to introduce ICT education in a flat manner and provide uniform education. Back to Table of Contents ICT Education Case Studies ICT education is currently being introduced in many educational settings, but what is actually being done about it? For those who are considering the introduction of ICT education and would like to refer to actual cases, we will introduce some examples of elementary schools that have introduced e-learning systems. Doshisha Elementary School The following is a case study of Doshisha Elementary School. The school had been closed for a prolonged period of time due to the spread of the new coronavirus, and was faced with the challenge of creating a learning environment for students at home. The school urgently needed to create e-learning content that was simple and easy to understand for both elementary school students and parents unfamiliar with digital technology. To address this issue, the school introduced "learningBOX" to create an environment that allows students to study at home even when the school is closed, such as during online classes. After the school closure period, the school continues to make use of the system by uploading videos to check assignments at home and uploading class schedules and class newsletters. It has also been useful in improving the quality of classes by sharing videos of classes with other teachers and exchanging opinions. Back to Table of Contents Adopt ICT Education to Keep Up with Digitization In today's society, it is extremely important to adapt to digitalization and make the most of digital systems. The same can be said for the field of education. After comparing the advantages and challenges, it is recommended that ICT education be introduced little by little. If you are interested in introducing ICT education in the future, please consider learningBOX. learningBOX, an e-learning system, has all the functions for creating and distributing teaching materials, managing grades, and managing students. We recommend that anyone can easily build a web-based learning environment. We also offer a free plan, so you can easily try out the system to see what kind of effect it will have on your students. If you are interested in improving the quality of education through digitization while reducing the burden on teachers, please try the free plan first. ▼Here's another recommendation! Also read Back to Table of Contents

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Tablets PC as ICT Tools

In today's society, digitalization is required in all aspects of life. Education is no exception. In 2021, also known as the "First Year of ICT," full-fledged learning has begun with the GIGA School concept. One of the main features of the school is that one information terminal is distributed to each child. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of introducing information terminals to ICT education? Let's check them out along with some points to keep in mind when introducing them to the educational field. What is the GIGA School Concept? The GIGA School Concept is an initiative by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to provide elementary and junior high school students with one learning terminal per student and a high-speed network environment at school. GIGA stands for "Global and Innovation Gateway for All," meaning "an innovative gateway to the world for all students. The goal of this initiative is to provide each diverse child with an education that is individually optimized and fosters creativity. Originally planned to be developed gradually over a five-year period beginning in FY 2019, the GIGA Schools Initiative has been accelerated significantly and rapidly in response to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. Back to Table of Contents 3 Reasons Why Tablets Are Used in Education Tablets are the main devices used by students in ICT education. There are three reasons for this. Reason 1: They can be carried around without burden. Since it is expected to be used both at school and at home, it is necessary to carry the device with them. Compared to PCs, tablets are lightweight and relatively small, so even lower elementary school students can carry them around without any burden. Reason #2: Intuitive operation Tablet devices can be operated by touching the screen without using a keyboard. Students today are accustomed to using smartphones on a daily basis and are accustomed to operating panels. With tablets, there is no need to teach them how to operate the device from scratch, and they can operate it intuitively. Reason #3: Easy to obtain learning effects Tablet devices can be used for learning materials with colored graphics and animations. This makes it possible to hold the children's interest and provide them with easy-to-understand lessons. Back to Table of Contents Advantages of Incorporating Tablets into ICT Education What are the advantages of introducing tablet devices to ICT education? Let's check from two perspectives: the students' side and the teachers' side. Student's side (1) Expanding the range of classes The use of tablets will enable unprecedented lessons using video and audio, greatly expanding the range of classes. The use of projectors and electronic blackboards will further increase opportunities to use teaching materials other than textbooks. (2) Increased motivation for learning There is a possibility that students will be able to deepen their understanding of the content that they could not understand just by reading the text in textbooks. Using a tablet device, students can obtain composite information from both visual and auditory sources, which increases their understanding as well as their motivation. (3) Become more proactive One of the advantages of using a tablet device is that students can deepen their knowledge by conducting their own research on the content they are interested in. Students can focus their research on what they are interested in, allowing them to take the initiative in their own learning. Teachers (1) Efficient teaching By changing the distribution of handouts in class to PDF distribution and the board to an electronic blackboard, it is possible to reduce the time and effort required to prepare for class. (2) Easier information sharing among teachers If the teaching materials are for tablet devices, information can be easily shared among teachers using the cloud. (3) Easy to utilize as data Class content and student progress can be easily handled as data. By accumulating this data, it can also be used as a clue when considering future policies. Back to Table of Contents Disadvantages of Incorporating Tablets into ICT Education Of course, ICT education is not all about benefits; there are also concerns about the introduction of ICT education. On the student side May not be able to concentrate Less likely to write on paper eyesight gets worse The use of tablet devices, which provide access to so much information one after the other, may cause some students to lose focus. If students no longer need to write on the board in their notebooks and have fewer opportunities to write, this may have some long-term effects. Another concern is dry eyes and poor eyesight caused by looking at the device for long periods of time. [On the faculty side If the tablet device malfunctions, it will be difficult to continue teaching. There is a risk of class content and student grades being leaked to outside parties. If you rely too heavily on tablet devices, it will be difficult to continue teaching if a device malfunctions. It is necessary to decide in advance what to do in the event of a problem. There is also an undeniable risk that class content and students' personal information may be leaked from the Internet. It is necessary to take all possible security measures. Back to Table of Contents Points to Consider When Introducing Tablet Terminals While tablet-based instruction can be engaging and effective for students, care must be taken when introducing it. The most important thing to keep in mind is that security management must be thorough. Particular attention must be paid to personal information, and an environment must be created where information cannot be leaked. Let's build an optimal and safe setting environment. It is also recommended to set age-appropriate rules for usage for children. For lower elementary school students, this should be a good opportunity to gradually increase their Internet literacy, starting with how to handle the Internet. In doing so, parents and guardians should also be informed of the rules. Back to Table of Contents Examples of ICT Education Shinagawa Shoei Elementary School Each student is lent an iPad, and "Information Programming Education," in which students can learn everything from simple operations to programming, is conducted once a week. The iPads are also used effectively in a variety of subjects to encourage independent and inquiry-based learning. [Reference] https://www.shinagawa-shouei.ac.jp/primaryschool/feature/intelligence/ Nihon University Fujisawa Elementary School Our goal is not only to use computers and information networks in the classroom, but also to enable each student to use computers as tools and to properly utilize information networks in order to live in the global society of the future. Reference] http://fujisawa.es.nihon-u.ac.jp/education/ict/ Back to Table of Contents SUMMARY The trend toward ICT in education will not stop and will continue to accelerate. However, please note that ICT education is not unconditionally good. Without a clear vision of what to do, it will be difficult to realize effective ICT education for both students and teachers. It is also important that teachers are properly prepared for this purpose. If you are considering e-learning as part of your ICT education, we recommend our e-learning system, learningBOX. It is intuitive and easy to use, and even elementary school students can easily utilize it. In addition, the simultaneous distribution of teaching materials and grade management can be done all at once, leading to increased work efficiency. Please try the free plan first to see how easy it is to use. ▼ We also recommend this one! Also read. Back to Table of Contents

The Impact of ICT in Schools

The increasing digitization of all environments has led to a growing interest in ICT education in the field of education. In this context, some school and cram school managers and educators may have the idea of "promoting efficiency through the use of IT. This article will provide an overview of ICT education, examples of its use, and its merits. If you are interested in promoting IT on campus, please continue reading to the end. What is ICT Education? ICT is a term meaning "Information and Communication Technology. In other words, ICT education refers to educational methods that incorporate information and communication technology. Specifically, ICT education is realized through the use of hardware such as PCs and tablets, and software such as e-learning and video content. Back to Table of Contents Background of the Attention to ICT Education Why is ICT education spreading and what is the purpose of ICT education? Some of you may be wondering about these terms that you have been hearing in recent years. Here we will explain why ICT education is attracting so much attention. Promotion of DX One of the reasons why ICT education is attracting attention is the accelerated promotion of DX in Japan. DX aims to enrich social life by advancing information technology. As DX attracts attention, there is a growing awareness of the need to utilize IT technology in education as well. Moreover, digitization is a more pressing issue, against the backdrop of restrictions on face-to-face teaching due to the spread of the new coronavirus beginning in 2020. Reduce the burden that teachers have to carry In the field of education, the burden placed on teachers, who are burdened with a diverse range of duties, has become an issue. Not only do they have to prepare for classes and lessons, but they also have to deal with parents, serve as advisors for club activities, and respond to questionnaires from the government and the Board of Education, among other duties. In the face of these challenges, there is a movement to reduce the burden on teachers by introducing ICT education. ICT education is expected to have the potential to reduce the burden on teachers by providing one computer per teacher, incorporating video content into classes, and so on. Nurturing Children for a Digital Society In today's increasingly digitalized society, the ability to utilize information technology is becoming an essential part of a child's upbringing. In particular, the ability to utilize information is extremely important, as we are now inundated with a large amount of information and how to select and discard information is a key question. In order for children to acquire basic knowledge in the information society, ICT education is required to be enhanced in the field of education. Back to Table of Contents Examples of ICT Education Applications ICT education has been used in many educational settings since its introduction. In elementary schools, ICT has been introduced to all subjects, including Japanese, arithmetic, social studies, and science. For those who would like to learn more about ICT education and put it into practice, this section introduces some of the grades and subjects from the "Practical Examples of ICT in Education" published by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Second grade elementary school, Japanese In a Japanese class for 2nd grade elementary school students, tablet PCs were used to make the images of the story easier for children to understand. By watching videos of the creatures that appear in the story, it became easier for the students to imagine the experiences and feelings of the characters. This has resulted in a deeper understanding of the story and improved reading comprehension. As a specific response, one student said, "The moment I watched the video, I heard cheers from the children, and I felt their interest and interest increase. Fifth grade elementary school student, English Fifth grade elementary school English classes use English teaching materials and digital English content to increase interest. By using electronic blackboards and incorporating games and songs into the lessons, more active and motivating classes have become possible. This has resulted in effects such as motivating students to participate in activities. As a specific response, one student said, "The use of flash materials and the digital version of the English notebook enabled the language activities to develop at a high tempo, and the students were more motivated to engage in the learning activities. Sixth grade elementary school, home economics In a home economics class for sixth-grade students, students are encouraged to deepen their awareness and learning by writing menu items on enlarged images as they think about them. This has had the effect of encouraging students to think about things from a variety of perspectives by visually confirming information. One specific response was that "the students were able to deepen their thinking about the nutritionally balanced menu for one meal by sharing their opinions with each other while writing on the images on the electronic blackboard. Reference: Japan Audio Visual Education Church, "Practical Examples of ICT in Education" (Japanese only) Back to Table of Contents Benefits of ICT Education ICT education is being introduced in various places. In this context, many people may want to know the specific benefits of introducing ICT education. The major advantage of introducing ICT education is that it can improve efficiency in various situations. The following is a more detailed introduction of the advantages of introducing ICT education in four areas. Classes become easier to understand ICT content such as video, audio, and websites can be used to make classes easier to understand. If students' interest is captured by a variety of teaching materials, not just textbooks and reference books, it will be even more effective. For example, when studying history in social studies, it is necessary to understand in detail the roles played by many people. By using video content, students can smoothly understand the correlations between the figures and the historical background. The ability to realize images that have been completed only in one's mind through video and audio will be a great advantage in the study process. Improvement of learning efficiency by students The introduction of ICT education greatly enhances the effectiveness of student learning. In conventional classes, students mainly transcribe what is written on the blackboard into their notebooks. However, by sharing class content between the teacher and students via tablet devices, the time spent on notebooks can be used for other learning. Streamlining of practical work by teachers Although teachers are busy with a variety of tasks, they can expect to improve their work efficiency by adopting ICT education. For example, by using tablets to grade papers, or by replacing class content with ICT educational content, teachers will be able to spend more time on other tasks. By utilizing ICT, you can improve the quality of your classes while increasing your operational efficiency. The ability to spend more time with students is a major benefit. Easier sharing of information among teachers Tablets and smartphones make it easy for instructors to share materials used in class. Not only does this facilitate information sharing, but there is also no need to worry about loss of materials due to the elimination of paper-based media. By sharing many best practices, the quality of classes will be enhanced. Back to Table of Contents Disadvantages of ICT Education While there are many advantages to implementing ICT education, there are also disadvantages. It is important to understand which points may be obstacles. Here are four disadvantages of introducing ICT education. Certain introduction costs are required In order to introduce ICT education, both hardware and software environments must be in place. Certain costs will be incurred for electronic content to facilitate classes and the development of a communication environment. In schools with a large number of students, careful planning and budgeting are necessary. Repair and replacement costs will also arise depending on the situation. The ongoing cost of maintaining the environment may be a disadvantage. High hurdles to introduction ICT education is highly effective for student learning, but for teachers who are not good at IT operation or who feel uneasy, the introduction itself can be a high hurdle. They have to learn how to operate various devices, such as operating tablets and using learning software. Furthermore, they are also faced with the need to take appropriate action in the event of a problem, such as a sudden stop in operation, depending on the situation. In addition, the equipment must be managed on a regular basis, which may increase the burden on teachers in some cases. Learning depends on the communication environment. ICT education is basically a form of learning that takes place in an online environment. Therefore, students must always be aware of the possibility that communication problems may occur for some reason. It is also necessary to consider in advance how to respond in the event that classes are interrupted. Another issue that needs to be considered when conducting online classes is how to provide a communication environment for students. In order to establish a system in which all students can take classes, various measures, such as thorough prior notification, must be taken. Possibility of Reducing Children's Imagination It has been pointed out by some that creating an environment in which children can freely acquire information via the Internet, even for the purpose of learning, may diminish their imagination. It will be necessary to thoroughly instruct children to develop the habit of thinking for themselves first, rather than immediately looking up what they do not understand. It is also feared that by using computers and tablet terminals as the main means of communication, there will be fewer opportunities for children to write kanji characters and other characters by hand. Back to Table of Contents Consider how you will incorporate ICT education Attention to ICT education is increasing year by year, driven by the wave of IT everywhere. Let's take a moment to consider how to incorporate ICT education, taking into account the background of this growing attention and its advantages and disadvantages. If you are interested in focusing on ICT education in the future, please consider our learning management system "learningBOX". Not only can you easily register teaching materials, but you can also use the system to manage groups of students, grades, and other applications. If you are looking to improve the quality of learning while increasing operational efficiency, please contact us first for a free information request. ▼ We also recommend this one! Also read. Back to Table of Contents
What are the benefits of introducing ICT education for students, teachers and schools?

What are the advantages of ICT in education?

New forms of education, such as "inquiry learning" and "ICT education," are being promoted in modern educational settings. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of ICT education. For those in charge of education who are considering the introduction of ICT education, it is important to understand in advance the benefits that students, teachers, and schools can gain from its introduction. Please refer to this article to deepen your understanding of ICT education! What is ICT education? ICT education refers to the use of IT technology, such as tablets and PCs, in educational settings. The introduction of tablets and electronic blackboards are familiar examples of ICT education, which makes it possible to conduct "classes that are easy to understand visually for both students and teachers through the use of digital devices. Reasons why ICT education is attracting attention One of the main reasons why ICT education is attracting attention is the promotion of the "GIGA School Concept. The "GIGA School Concept" is a plan to provide each student in elementary and junior high schools with a PC for learning and a network environment. If a "one student, one terminal" environment can be established, it is expected that teachers and students will be able to conduct interactive classes, and that education will be tailored to individual learning conditions. The ICT environment in schools varies from region to region. In addition, in the 2018 PISA (Programme for International Assessment of Student Achievement), Japan ranked last among OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) member countries in the amount of time spent using digital devices at school. Source: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, "Toward the Realization of the GIGA School Concept." ICT education has a significant role to play in realizing the GIGA School concept. Back to Table of Contents Advantages of ICT Education ICT education has many benefits for both students and teachers. Here are four examples of benefits. Student Benefit 1: Increased Motivation One of the benefits of ICT education from the students' perspective is increased motivation. It is difficult to motivate students in a class where they simply copy what is written on the blackboard into their notebooks. However, by using digital devices such as tablets and PCs, students can take classes with a fresh perspective. One example is a class in which students can talk with students from other countries using the video call feature provided on tablets and PCs. With the current emphasis on English and other foreign languages, tablets and PCs can be used to create stimulating lessons for students. Student Benefit 2: Learning while having fun Another advantage of ICT education is that it can convey information to others visually and audibly. For example, in mathematics, graphics can be displayed in three dimensions, and in English, students can hear the pronunciation of words spoken aloud. In classes where students only read from textbooks, it is difficult to generate discussion among students, and the teacher tends to give one-sided lessons. ICT education, however, allows for interactive lessons between teacher and students, or between students. If we can create a situation in which students can enjoy learning, it will lead to increased class satisfaction. Advantage 1 for teachers: Improved work efficiency ICT education also has the advantage of improving work efficiency for teachers. By using digital devices to conduct classes, teachers do not have to order and print textbooks. Grading assignments and other tasks can also be done online, eliminating the need to store and prepare materials. In this day and age when the burden on teachers at schools is becoming increasingly heavy, ICT education is expected to play an active role in reducing this burden. Advantage 2 for teachers: Easier information sharing One of the advantages of ICT education is that it makes it easier for teachers to share information with each other. If materials are created using software that can create documents and spreadsheets, there is no need to print documents on paper, and materials can be easily shared. In addition, visualizing the progress of classes makes it easier to collaborate with other teachers. Back to Table of Contents Disadvantages of ICT Education While ICT education has many advantages, it also has a small number of disadvantages. Two typical disadvantages are as follows Costly to introduce. Tablets and PCs are not inexpensive to purchase, and a certain cost is involved. A disadvantage of ICT education is that when digital devices are prepared for all students and teachers, a large sum of money is required at the time of introduction. In addition, it is not uncommon for digital equipment to break down. When they break down, it is necessary to have them repaired or purchase new ones. Post-installation costs must also be considered, and may be higher than anticipated. Classes will be interrupted when a problem occurs. Since an Internet environment is essential for the use of digital devices, classes must be interrupted when problems occur in the communication environment. If the Internet environment is not restored, the disadvantage is that classes cannot proceed as expected. To avoid affecting the progress of the class, you should consider what to do when the digital equipment becomes unavailable. Back to Table of Contents What is Needed to Facilitate ICT Education Although ICT education has various advantages, in many cases, if it is not fully utilized, the effects may not be realized. Clarify the purpose of implementing ICT education. It is important to implement ICT education "for the benefit of the students. Although there are aspects that may lead to a workload for teachers, it is important to clarify the purpose of implementation. Before implementing ICT education, it is necessary to consider what skills you want students to acquire and how you want them to grow through ICT education. Utilize external human resources When promoting ICT education, consider using outside resources, as the level of ICT skills varies from person to person, and teachers may not always be able to use digital devices well even if they are available. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) is currently implementing the "ICT Education Advisor Dispatch Program," in which advisors provide advice on planning the ICT environment and effective teaching methods. By utilizing advisors who are already familiar with ICT education, it is expected that ICT education will proceed smoothly. Source: "ICT Education Advisor Project," Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Back to Table of Contents Examples of ICT Education ICT education is practiced in many schools and there are many examples. Here are two examples of ICT education. Example 1: Rikkyo Jogakuin Elementary School Rikkyo Jogakuin Elementary School in Tokyo is promoting ICT education under the title of "Well Learning Project. This project is based on the following three ideas A place of learning where children truly want to learn An environment where parents can feel that they want their children to study at Rikkyo Jogakuin Elementary School A place where teachers are motivated to teach children with all their heart and soul In addition to opportunities to experience nature, such as growing vegetables and planting rice, students can also learn to operate a PC. In addition, students have frequent opportunities to use digital devices, such as iPads, to present what they have learned through their studies. Source: Rikkyo Jogakuin Elementary School "Well Learning Project Example 2: N Middle School At the N Middle School, where students can study anywhere as long as they have an Internet connection, "programming study" is part of the curriculum. The purpose of programming is not just to acquire programming skills. The objective is to develop problem-solving and logical thinking skills while utilizing knowledge of programming languages. The first step is to acquire basic ICT skills such as how to use a PC. After that, students choose what they want to create (websites, games, etc.) and create it on their own. Source: "Programming Learning" at N Junior High School Back to Table of Contents SUMMARY In this issue, we have focused on the benefits of ICT education, as well as what is necessary to facilitate ICT education and examples of ICT education. ICT education has advantages for both students and teachers, and can be expected to have great effects if it is used well. However, teachers should not introduce it to make their work easier, but rather devise ways to make it more effective for their students. ▼Here's another recommendation! Also read. Back to Table of Contents

ICT in Education

ICT in Education What is ICT? ICT is a term that can be translated as "Information and Communication Technology" or "Information and Communication Technology". It is a term that is increasingly replacing Information Technology (IT). ICT is a word that is attracting a lot of attention. Some of you may not be familiar with it. However, if you look around the world, ICT is widely spread and it is common to use the word "ICT" instead of "IT. Let's learn together about "ICT in Education," which is attracting attention not only in the educational field but also in the IT industry. Click here for Table of Contents 1. What is ICT education? Advantages of ICT Education 3. Disadvantages of ICT Education 4. Necessity and Prospects of ICT Education 1. What is ICT education? ICT education refers to educational methods that utilize the Internet and other information and communication technologies, such as PCs, smartphones, and tablet terminals, etc. The history of ICT education began in 2005, when the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology developed it as a teaching method to realize "easy-to-understand classes" for students. This ICT education aims to improve children's independent and collaborative learning and academic skills through the effective use of ICT in educational instruction. In fact, many schools that have adopted this teaching method have reported improvements in students' motivation to learn and academic performance. Why ICT Education? So why do we need ITC education?" The reason has to do with the rapid development of information and communication technology. In order to cope with the rapidly changing modern society, "the ability to utilize information" is becoming more and more important. The demand for "ICT education" has been attracting attention in recent years for the purpose of equipping children with "basic knowledge" so that they can independently select, utilize, and manage information and its means. Today, the Internet has become widespread and information is easily accessible. As technology advances in the future, it will become more important to know how to gather information efficiently, rather than to have knowledge as was done in conventional education. 2. Advantages of ICT Education ICT education is attracting attention because of its many advantages for both the children who receive education and the teachers.➡Easy-to-understand lessons➡Digital tools make it possible to conduct easy-to-understand classes that utilize images and videos for questions and explanations, which increases students' interest and motivation for learning.➡It also increases students' motivation to learn by allowing them to use tablets for independent and cooperative teaching, rather than one-way teaching from the teacher. Students are more likely to actively participate in class.➡For students, being able to use tablets is fun in itself.➡It is possible to appeal to the visual and auditory senses using ICT to convey information that is difficult to convey using textual information alone, making it possible to promote efficient learning while having fun. Even students who are reluctant to raise their hands and speak up can easily participate actively in collaborative editing using a PC.➡Teachers can conduct classes efficiently.➡Using PCs and tablets is expected to reduce the time spent on writing on the board and the time required to prepare printouts.➡Because they will be dealing with electronic data instead of paper, they will be able to use information more easily, and by using the Internet, they will be able to purchase information faster, which will lead to time savings in their work. Since the data is electronic, it will be easier for faculty members to share information such as materials they have used. Become familiar with digital devices➡Digital devices have become indispensable in business today. Students will be able to use digital devices necessary for society at an early stage. 3. Disadvantages of ICT education While ICT equipment is convenient, it must also be managed and breakdowns must be handled. In addition, care must be taken to prevent information leaks, etc. These factors increase the burden on teachers. It is feared that these factors will increase the burden on teachers. Burden of purchasing terminals➡When introducing ICT education, it is necessary to purchase specialized equipment. If the equipment is purchased privately, it will be the responsibility of the parents. In addition, costs are also incurred for possible problems with the equipment during use, repairs in the event of breakdowns, and the purchase of replacement equipment. This can be a burden for teachers who are not familiar with electronic devices.➡Some teachers have a dislike of ICT equipment. It is anticipated that teachers will be uncomfortable with electronic devices and will not know how to use them well. There is also concern that students' thinking and creativity will decline.➡While using ICT devices improves learning efficiency, students develop a habit of using the Internet to quickly look up anything, which may lead to a decline in students' thinking and imagination. These are typical disadvantages of ICT education. 4. Necessity and Prospects of ICT Education ICT education has many advantages, but it also has hidden disadvantages. However, as mentioned above, ICT can be expected to be an effective learning tool in terms of improving class comprehension and motivating students to engage in class. So, in what situations will the introduction of ICT be useful for children in the future? As times change and technology advances, ICT will be indispensable in most jobs by the time today's children enter the workforce. Therefore, it is very important to provide opportunities to think about ICT by creating an educational environment that uses ICT. Only by growing up in an educational environment that is adapted to the times will they be able to use the knowledge they acquire. The introduction of ICT is considered necessary to create an environment in which children will be happy to have received a Japanese education in the future. In the future, parents themselves will need to be flexible and adaptable to the changes of the times, rethinking the nature of education and the way they raise their children. The goal of ICT is not to digitize education, but to create an educational environment that utilizes digital technology. Finally, about ICT in education Digitalization and the Internet are expected to advance rapidly in the future. One of the objectives of education is to "foster creativity," and if this were the goal, ICT in education utilizing IT and the Internet might not be essential. However, it is very important to acquire knowledge and gain various experiences through the use of IT and the Internet, and if the power of the Internet is maximized, the creativity of each student will be further enhanced. As the Internet will become commonplace in the information society of the future, I believe that the use of ICT as a tool is one of the skills that we would like students to learn during their school education. Conclusion ICT in education means sharing information and knowledge between "people and people" and "people and things" respectively, utilizing "information transfer technology" and "information communication technology. While education offers unprecedented possibilities and efficiency in learning, it also presents many challenges. With the change from analog to digital technology, our daily life and learning environment are constantly changing into something new and more advanced and convenient. In order to survive in the coming era, the term "ICT" will become more familiar to us and will penetrate deeper into our lives. ICT in education can be thought of as "the maintenance, development, and operation of digital educational environments," rather than "the digitalization of education.
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