The Evolving Edtech Services of the United States [eLearning in the World]

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The Evolving Edtech Services of the United States [eLearning in the World]

Hi there. I'm Motoki, the marketing manager of the breakfast group.
This is the fifth in our [World e-Learning] series.

Previously.The Impact of Adaptive Learning on School EducationWe are pleased to introduce you to the
In this article, I'd like to discuss the impact of edtech on companies in the United States and what's happening there.


  • 1.The spread and evolution of e-learning and edtech in the United States
  • 2. Examples of Edtech services in the business sector
  • 3. the emergence and spread of e-portfolios
  • 4. summary

The proliferation and evolution of e-learning and edtech in the United States

The United States.The country is large, and many companies are expanding not only domestically but also globally, which limits the scope of employee education and human resource development through group training, and this will inevitably lead to the spread of e-learning and Edtech services.There was a
As a result, along with the widespread use of the Internet, the proliferation of e-learning and the evolution of edtech services as a means of corporate human resource development has progressed.

And these days, e-learning and edtech services are being used more and more often as part of employee benefits programs for the purpose of talent acquisition as well as corporate human resource development.

Examples of Edtech services in the business sector

So let's take a look at some of the most popular edtech services for business.

First of all, a social network for business people."LinkedIn., will be one of the solutions for employees both at home and abroad.

This LinkedIn is a service for online company has acquired the

This acquisition will allowA mix of social networking services and online learning history information as well.became.

LinkedIn allows users to share their business profile, including their employer, job title, industry, skills and education.
Add to this'sBy publishing a mix of learning information (learning history and certificates that users have taken), users' talents (abilities) and skill aspirations can now be found through social networking sites. 

This has made it one of the major decisions that can be made when utilizing talent within a company, as well as when recruiting and collaborating with others. This is a service unique to the U.S., where the mobility of human resources is high.

The Emergence and Diffusion of ePortfolio

I'd like to go into a little bit of the learning history information I mentioned on LinkedIn.
In the United States.The IT-based storage and accumulation of learning history is increasingly being used in the so-called "e-portfolio" for employment and higher education.It seems.

For exampleThe content and results of students' research are compiled into e-portfolios, which are used by university students to promote their work to companies for job-hunting purposes, which in turn are used by companies for internships and to recruit personnel.Movement.

One of the platform services for e-portfolio"Portfolium., will be one of the solutions for employees both at home and abroad.

This one is being used in universities and is helping students to improve their skill level.
IT is likely to change the way people find jobs, change jobs, and go on to higher education, as more specific information, such as learning history, is converted to data, rather than formal information such as resumes and academic records.


Due to the large size of the United States and the presence of many global companies, e-learning and edtech services are evolving and expanding.

In addition, the base of edtech services is also expanding, with existing IT services such as social networking sites connecting online education and its learning history to existing IT services, and the emergence of platform services that focus on learning history management.
We have found that the impact of edtech services is significant, not just in learning, but in changing the way people go on to higher education and employment.

In the next article, I hope to touch on some of the most advanced technologies in e-learning and edtech, such as VR. Thank you for reading to the end!

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