Version 2.15.21
functional improvement
Manage Members
1.Speeded up the time until the group list display is completed.
Bug Fixes
Learn Contents
1. Fixed a bug that the status was not displayed as "Awaiting Grading" even if the report material was resubmitted.
2. Fixed a bug in which the badge would appear when entering a course even if the badge was set for the course and not displayed on the study screen.
public issue
1.Fixed a bug that the file selection function did not work correctly in the quiz/test creation form in
Check socres
1.learningBOX2.15.13 or later, when creating CSV files from the "Question" tab, there was a problem that the item names containing HTML special characters were displayed as symbols.
2. When a linked folder was created from a folder, and then a linked folder was created from a lower level folder, "An unexpected error has occurred" was displayed when "Show only unlearned" or "Show only unlearned and learning" was selected. When "Show only unlearned" or "Show only unlearned and learning" is selected, "An unexpected error has occurred.
Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug that images with two choices transfer in one file name would disappear when quiz/test materials which include choices transfer function are re-edited with form.
Badge list
1.Fixed a bug that the original badge image was not displayed depending on the browsing timing.
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