Version 2.20.37

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functional improvement

Manage contents
1. Modified so that courses/folders/contents with a data volume of 1GB or more can be duplicated.
2. Modified so that a timeout does not occur when "duplicating" a course/folder/content with large data volume (teaching materials are shortcut).
3. Generator Version: Faster processing when duplicating videos created with [MOVIE-2 series] or higher.
4. In the [Embedded Video] modal, the time required is now automatically entered when using embedding codes that did not automatically enter the time required prior to learningBOX version [2.20.35].
5. When editing an existing embedded video in the "Embedded Video" modal, the time required can now be changed and saved.
1. In the [List > Subscribe to e-mail notifications based on current filtering criteria] modal, if the start date and time of distribution is set to "4:00 a.m. to 5:29 a.m." and the registration is made, the e-mail will be sent after 5:30 a.m. for the purpose of system maintenance.
2. In the [Report > Report Scoring Request Notification Registration] modal, when the distribution start time is set to "4:00 am/4:30 am/5:00 am", due to system maintenance, the e-mail will be sent after 5:30 am.
3. In the [Report] tab, when the [Excel] button is clicked, even if the data contains corrupted contents, the process will be output to Excel without interruption.
Medical Records/Personal Medical Records
1. In the breadcrumb list of the "Study Progress" item, the icons for shortcut courses/folders have been modified to display the same icons as the shortcut courses/folders displayed in the "Content Management" screen.
User Information Settings Management > Registration Screen URL
1. Modified to display only in the subdomain owner environment.
1. In the [Add Option] screen, the "Order Summary" display has been adjusted so that it does not overlap the footer area.
Product/Seminar/Curriculum/Training Management
1. In the [Send e-mail to administrators and related parties] modal, if the "Send" button is clicked between 4:00 am and 5:29 am, the e-mail will be sent after 5:30 am due to system maintenance.
Products/Seminars/Curriculum/Training Registration/Renewal
1. If you set the start time and date of publication as "4:00 a.m. to 5:29 a.m." and check the "Product/Seminar/Curriculum/Training Release Notification" checkbox and save the file, we have changed it so that the release notification e-mail will be sent after 5:30 a.m. due to the convenience of system maintenance.
EC function basic settings / Curriculum function basic settings / Training function basic settings
1. Regarding the "List Initial Value > Sort Order / Ascending/Descending" item, it has been modified so that only "Descending Order" can be selected when "Recommended Order" is selected.
Account Billing Management > Billing Plans
1. The "Member Rank" pull-down in the [Add/Renew Plan] modal has been adjusted so that it wraps around when the member rank name is long.

Bug Fixes

Learning screen
1. Fixed a bug that unnecessary line breaks were displayed in the "Wrong Answer (Correct Answer)" / "Correct Answer" display in the answer column when an incorrect answer was given for questions in the "Fill-in-the-blanks" section of the quiz/test content.
Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug in which an error occurred when duplicating a course/folder with a large data volume for which a heading/clear condition was set and all contents could not be duplicated.
2. Fixed a bug that "IP Address Restrictions" was displayed in the Edit Content menu for users with content management authority (edit)/setting page access authority, even if they do not have content assignment authority.
3. Fixed a bug in the [Set Selective Content] modal that error messages displayed for items with incomplete input, etc., continued to be displayed for items where the incompleteness was resolved.
User Information Settings Management > Login Settings
1. Fixed a bug in which the order in which terms and conditions were displayed changed when 11 or more terms and conditions were created and the "Save" button was clicked.
2. Fixed so that the input contents are retained even if the Enter key is pressed with the cursor in the "convention name" input field.
1. Fixed a bug in the [Dashboard Settings > Select Panel to Add/Edit Panel] modal that the button panel was not displayed to users with EC function access privileges even if "EC Function Access Privileges" was set in the "Select Privileges" field when editing the "Button Panel".
Site Customizer > Basic Settings > Integrate with External Systems > Use of Proprietary SSO Key
1. In the [Register/Edit New SSO Key] modal, when the owner ID was changed in the "Site Customizer > Basic Information > Subdomain Settings" item, the settings associated with the changed owner ID were not updated.

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