Version 2.24.61

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Post by X

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Entire Site
    • Due to the change of the learningBOX URL, the URL of the email signature was changed to the new domain [.learningbox.onlineChange to ].
Study in progress screen / Select a course / Favorites list
    • Disabled clicking on tooltips when adding/deleting favorites
Content Management > Gradebook Settings
    • Modified the operation log to record the operations of creating/editing and saving transcripts
Sales Management>By Order>Create CSV
      • Custom field input values with a large number of digits are now converted and not output

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Log in
    • May not be able to transition to the screen after logging in correctly
    • Switching the period in the study graph panel does not update the scale.
User Information Settings Management > Registration Screen URL
    • The number of items displayed in the lower left corner of the screen is not updated when narrowing down the search by using search filters.
Email Settings
    • Setting items may not be displayed
Grades Detail Retrieval API
    • If the time to answer a question is more than 24 hours, the time to answer a question cannot be retrieved correctly.
Grade List API / Grade Detail API
    • Unable to obtain group affiliation under certain conditions
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Post by X
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