Version 2.26.12

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new features

The following functions/screens have been added

Select a course
    • Added control of simultaneous study of the same content (reports / certificates are not covered)
      • When the same user learns the same content on multiple OS/browsers at the same time, the content that started learning first is forcibly terminated after a certain period of time has elapsed.
In-Study Screen / Content Management
    • Added the following features to prevent fraud during quiz/test study
      • Facial recognition function that verifies whether the learner is the same person as the photo registered before learning.
      • Ability to monitor whether a browser tab other than the one being studied is being displayed
      • Ability to take pictures during the test
Content Management > Quiz & Test Creation Form / Upload Quiz & Test
    • Added "Use the number of words as a criterion for the score" to "Scoring Method: Score points for each description" in the "Questionnaire Format: Report and Questionnaire Writing" section.
      • When [Score Criteria] is set, partial points can be given based on the number of letters in the answer.
Content Management > Convert to Specified Version
    • Added asynchronous execution processing functionality
Grade List / Grade Details / Batch Grade Details API
    • Added date/time acquisition forced by simultaneous learning control of content
Manage Grades > My Grades / List
    • Added [Remarks] to Grade Display Settings
      • Display history of forced termination by simultaneous learning control of the same content
Grade Control > Fraud Monitoring Log
    • Fraud monitoring log screen added
      • Logs of fraud judgments/warnings and cautions can be viewed.
Grade Management > Grade Details
    • Fraud determination change added to other operations.
    • Added test monitoring log screen to check quiz/test taking status with anti-fraud settings
    • Alerts when forced termination occurs due to simultaneous content learning control
    • Added a screen to approve or disapprove identity photo requests (Standard plan and above)
    • [Add "Photo tab" in user details (Standard plan and above) to allow uploading of photos.
User Information Settings Management > Registration Settings
    • Additional settings for use of personal photo (Standard Plan and above)
User Information Settings Management > Login Settings
    • Added terms and conditions management screen
      • Added version control functionality for terms and conditions
        • After updating the contents of the agreement, it is possible to have the user reagree to the latest contents of the agreement.
        • Up to 1000 target groups can be set
      • Ability to view user information that agrees to the terms and conditions.
      • With the 2.26 version upgrade, the draft state conventions are taken over as follows
        • If both [convention name] and [convention content] are blank, they are not taken over.
        • If only [Terms Name] is blank, it is automatically corrected to the string [Terms 0] or [Terms 0].
        • If only the [Terms and Conditions] field is blank, the text is automatically corrected to the [Draft] or [Draft] string.
Dashboard / Dashboard Settings
    • [Added "Contents List / Incomplete Contents" panel
      • Display contents in order of closest to the end of the publication date / response/submission deadline.
    • [Added seminar/training display in the Schedule panel
Edit your Profile
    • Add a "Photo of the person" tab for taking/uploading photos (Standard plan and above).
Background processing
    • Added background processing screen
      • View/search the history of background processing of content, check execution targets/status, etc.
Site Customizer > System Language Settings
    •  Multilingual support
    • Revamped screen design
API for obtaining a list of training reservation status
    • Capable of acquiring data on training appointments
Search Seminars / Training
    • Added a function to control reservations for seminars/training sessions with overlapping dates and times.
Seminar / Training Management > Registration / Update
    • Added [Open to buyers/reservation holders] item to [Course].
      • Selectable course / content publication periods
    • Added [Administrator] section to training
      • Added the ability to designate a user belonging to a specified group as an administrator
      • Administrators can book/attend training sessions
    • [Added toggle "Limit duplicate purchases/reservations in the same time zone
      • Allows for control of reservations for seminars/training sessions with overlapping dates/times
Training Management > Training Batch Registration/Update
    • Added the ability to register and update training programs in batches using CSV files
Products / Seminars / Curriculum / Training Management > Registration / Update
    • Added [all unacquired / some unacquired] as a condition for the purchase / selection / reservation limit function by badge.
    • [Added "Content Details" item to "Courses
Reservation management (for related parties) > Screen for printing / Basic settings for training functions
    • Added items to be displayed on screen for printing ticket list
Sales / Reservation Management (For Parties Concerned) > Ticket List
    • Added [Attendance Status] status to seminars/training
      • Attendance status / notes can be changed
    • Added QR code reading function for attendance
Purchase History / Training Reservation History > Tickets
    • Add QR for attendance to be presented to manager

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Entire Site
    • Redesigned toggle buttons (except for some)
Agree to terms and conditions at login
    • Revamped screen design
Learning screen
    • Icon for partial point assignment changed from incorrect icon to partial point icon
Badge list
    • Added the ability to narrow search by category / acquisition status
    • Eliminated the ability to move to the study screen by clicking on a badge.
User Information Settings Management > Login Settings
    • Delete [No affiliation] from [Target Group].
    • learningBOX-2.25 or earlier: If [No Affiliation] was selected
      • When learningBOX-2.26 version is upgraded: Updated to apply to all users.
    • learningBOX-2.25 and earlier: [no affiliation] and specific group selected
      • When learningBOX-2.26 is upgraded: Update to only apply to specific groups
Manage contents
    • Apply the same allocation to the lower level folders in the Content Allocation modal]. Add description to
Content Management > Quiz and Test Creation Form
    • Question Format: [Text Input Settings] changed to [Input Character Limit] in Report and Survey Writing.
    • Optional: changed so that the minimum score cannot be entered and saved as a number higher than the passing score
    • Changed default text for [Start Screen Message] in [Create Test] / Optional Template [Test A
Content Management > Memorization Card Creation Form
    • Folded display of option setting section is supported.
Manage contents > Gradebook Form
    • Add tag-specific evaluation panel
Content Management > Evaluation by Tag
    • Add the following to ratings by tag
      • Ability to specify fractional scoring rate
      • Changed the display of score percentage digits for evaluation criteria
      • Installation of a button to remove all evaluation criteria together by tag.
      • Sorting and display function for the number of applications
Badge Management > Other Settings
    • Revamped screen design
    • File size limit for uploadable badge images changed to 5MB
    • [Added "Show Acquired Badges" item.
Search Seminars / Training
    • Added a note to the purchase/reservation confirmation modal after the event
Seminar / Training Management > Registration / Update
    • The date and time of the event has been changed so that it is automatically entered when the registration screen is displayed.
    • Added restriction to edit [date and time] for seminars/trainings that users have already purchased/reserved.
      • [Restrict duplicate purchases/reservations at the same time" toggle: When On, users cannot set dates that conflict with other seminars/trainings they have already purchased/reserved for.
    • Changed so that the following date and time can only be set before [date and time of event].
      • [Reservation start / end date and time]
      • [Open start/end date]
    • Changed so that the following date and time can only be set after [Date and time of event].
      • [Duration > Due Date]
Reservation management (for related parties) > Reservation management by training > Batch reservation registration
    • Added [Show users who cannot register for reservations] checkbox.
    • Modified to indicate that reservations are not possible if the date/time overlaps with a training/seminar that has already been reserved.
Third Party Apps / PUSH Notification Settings / Site Customizer > Basic Settings > Integrate with External Systems > Use Your Own SSO Key
    • API Specification Content Update

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Quiz and Test Creation Form (before login)
    • Footer menu may not be displayed
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