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About this update

Thank you for using learningBOX, our e-learning creation system.
Today,learningBOX upgraded from Ver. 2.15 to 2.16 is now available.

This article details Ver. 2.16.7 (released November 17, 2021), which adds various new features.

Click here for a list of new and improved features.

new features functional improvement
1. fanfare function 11. group-specific e-mail template function
2. linked content setting function Section ID (question number) function
3. function to check compatible terminals before taking the test 13. assignment function for teaching materials alone
4. individual e-mail notification settings 14. survey ID/tag and choice number settings
5. content code setting function 15. access source IP restriction function
6. breadcrumb function 16. media data look-ahead function
7. option number function 17. basic course setup
8. group code setting function 18. expansion of badge functionality
9. argument scoring function 19. custom dashboard functionality
10. setting the publication period for each group

In this version upgrade, a new "fanfare function" has been developed, which has been requested for some time.
Many other features have been added, including improvements to existing functions and API integration.
Let me now introduce the 2.16 series version upgrade in detail.

Fanfare function

The ability to display a fanfare when a badge is acquired has been added.
You can choose from three patterns: rich/simple/no animation.

 Interlocking content

learningBOX - Linked content setting function
It is possible to have hidden content appear only when a particular folder or material is passed/failed.

enabled device settings

learningBOX - Confirmation of compatible terminals before taking examinations
Before administering the test, checks can be made regarding download speed, login terminal, and audio playback.
Please note that this feature is available in Quiz-5.13.5 or higher.

Individual Notificaion Settings

earningBOX - Individual e-mail notification receipt settings
This function allows each user to set whether or not to send notification e-mails.
Users can set their preferences so that they do not receive unimportant notification e-mails.
In addition, the administrator can set "important or unimportant" when sending notifications.

Content code setting function

You can now set the "Content Code" when creating/editing teaching materials.
You can optionally set a code in the content to tie it to the API linkage.

Breadcrumbs function

It is a feature that visually shows where the user is on the web page.
The breadcrumb contains a link to the page you came through.

function whose graph has symmetry about the number of choices

After the learner completes the quiz, he or she can see which option was chosen.

Group code setting function

Group Code" can now be set in Member Management.

Essay scoring system

You can be notified by email of report scoring requests and import the scoring results in Excel.

Setting the publication period for each group

You can set the publication period of content for each group.

Group-specific e-mail template function

The permission to edit mail templates can be set on a per-group basis.
The only groups that can be specified in the email template are invitation email notifications and grade management notifications.

Section ID (question number) function

When downloading grade data in CSV, grade information can be obtained for each major question.

Assignment function for individual teaching materials

Learning materials can be distributed by groups or as individual materials.

Set survey ID, tag, and option number

You can check the ID, tag, and option number from the survey details.

Access source IP address restriction

This function restricts access to content from specific IP addresses.

Media data read ahead function

Even if the network is disconnected during "exam/study", the 【Audio File】, 【Video File】, and 【Image File】of the quiz created by Content Management will be played/displayed in an offline state.

Basic Course Settings

You can configure the entire course.
You can also make course information available to members before they log in.

Expansion of badge functions

You can change the default badge image, reorder the list view of badges you have created, and manage badge categories.

Custom dashboard features

This function allows you to set the panels to be displayed on the dashboard and the contents of each panel.
This function can only be set by the administrator and members with access rights to the settings page.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

 Contact us

We will continue to listen to our customers and improve the functionality of the site to make it even more comfortable to use.
For the newly added functions and functional modifications in learningBOX Ver. 2.16, please click here.Release noteIt is also described in detail in
Thank you for your continued support of learningBOX/QuizGenerator.

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