Ver. 2.27

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We are very excited to announce that learningBOX has upgraded
to Ver. 2.27 adding 7 items and 13 functional improvements to improve user experiences.
Now, let's try the new features on your learningBOX.

New Features


You can take notes and highlight with a marker on questions.
This will help learners visualize their thinking process while solving problems.
*For more information, refer to Note-Taking.

Contents List

This feature allows you to check and edit settings of each content in one place.
*For more information, refer to Contents List.


New Functions & Functional Improvements

The following new features and functional improvements were added.

Shared Server

▼Select a course

・ Note-taking
・ Bookmark

▼Manage grades

・ Display settings before starting content
・ Forcible submission of questionnaires

▼ Manage content

・ Contents list
・ OS restriction settings
・ Quiz/exam

▼Manage users

・ Batch user registration/update
・ Login settings

▼ Message

Message box


▼ Training

・ Manage training
・ Manage reservations (for stakeholders)


▼ Payment processing



For more information, refer to the release notes.

Release note


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

 Contact us

We will continnue to improve our service as a customer-centric company.
Thank you for being part of us.

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