The Best 15 Memorization Techniques

What methods do you use to memorize things? Not only students, but even working adults are sometimes required to have memorization skills for certification exams, promotion exams, and so on. Since memorization is something you will be dealing with throughout your life, it is a good idea to know how to memorize more effectively for yourself.
In this issue, we would like to pick up 15 recommended memorization methods and introduce in detail the mechanism of memorizing and tips for efficient memorization. If you are planning to start memorizing something, please take a look at them.
15 recommended memorization methods

Here are 15 recommended memorization methods. Learn about the characteristics of each and choose the memorization method that suits you best.
Memorization Method 1] Writing
Writing first makes it easier to remember. This is because moving your hands stimulates your nerves and activates your brain.
English vocabulary and ancient vocabulary, in particular, are more vividly remembered by writing. The written memorization method is more effective than following words with the eyes.
Memorization Method 2] Read aloud
Reading aloud actually out loud is also recommended. You will get not only visual information but also auditory information, which will help you remember more easily.
It is more effective than silent reading, so when studying at home, actively try to memorize the material out loud. However, if you are in an environment where it is difficult to speak out loud, even whispering is effective enough.
Memorization Method 3] Physical Exercise
It is also recommended to memorize through physical exercise such as squats and stretching. Exercise will help you relax and activate your brain.
Memorizing in a chair is effective, but if you find that you don't remember much, go outside once and do some light physical exercise.
Memorization Method 4] Tell others.
When you tell others what you have learned, you will be able to memorize it easily. This is because explaining in your own words helps you to organize your mind.
Also, by talking to a third party, you will be able to grasp your own level of understanding and know how much you have retained in your memory.
Memorization Method 5: Memorize by association
One of the most effective ways to memorize ancient texts, English, etc., is to memorize them by association. Try to memorize words and sets of words that are related to each other.
For example, if you learn "round-trip", you can learn its synonym "one-way" together. This is more efficient than memorizing a single word and helps to consolidate memory.
Memorization Method 6] Use colored pens.
Using colored pens makes memorization easier. By using red for words you want to remember and yellow for important sentences, you will be able to memorize them more easily.
However, be careful not to use too many different types of colored pens directly on the text, as this can make it difficult to tell which sections are important.
Memorization Method 7] Using Red Sheets
The use of a memorizing pen and red sheets that can hide letters is also effective in memorization. You can memorize important words and phrases while hiding the part you want to memorize.
Memorization Method 8] Use diagrams, illustrations, and videos.
Memorization using diagrams, illustrations, and videos as well as text is also recommended. Especially in science and social studies (history), studying together with video images makes it easier to visualize and memorize terms.
Nowadays, there are channels on YouTube that explain the process in an easy-to-understand manner. Combine viewing memorization with written memorization.
Memorization Method 9] Use Sticky Notes
We also recommend using sticky notes as a method of memorization. First, write the word on the front, write the answer on the back, and post it in places where you can see it in your daily life, such as the bathroom or refrigerator.
The key is to always put up around 10 sheets, keeping the ones with the wrong answers to the words and meanings and peeling off the ones with the correct answers. Repeating this process will help your memory to stick.
Memorization Method 10] Create a word list.
Word searches are an effective means of memorization. It can be used to memorize historical timelines and mathematical formulas while stimulating the brain.
In addition to the standard "Ii-no-Kuni (1192) Sakurou Kamakura Shogunate" and "Fill up (1851) Te Taihei-Tengoku", you may also make up your own words for terms that you find difficult to memorize.
[Memorization Method 11] Reflective Answers
If you can get a third party to help you, ask them to answer a question in a question-and-answer format and answer it reflectively. Answering immediately will make it easier to retain the answers in your memory.
If you are doing this alone, practice using sticky notes or check sheets for quick answers.
Memorization Method 12] Use the Squat Study Method
The "squat study method," in which students study over and over again, is also helpful for memorization. The memorization procedure is as follows
(i) Cover the page of words you want to memorize with a check sheet or large piece of paper, and answer each word in turn.
If you make a mistake, start over from the beginning after understanding the meaning.
(3) If you can remember everything without making mistakes, proceed to the next page.
Repeating the above steps (1) through (3) will help consolidate memory. The squatting study method is an effective method of memorization, as it is a method of destroying one by one the "I thought I memorized it" that is common in memorization.
[Memorization Method 13] Use the mille crepe study method.
The mille crepe study method is recommended for use with the squat study method. The name comes from the fact that the study is done in layers, like mille crepe.
For example, if you want to learn 30 words in 2 days, you would take the following steps
(1) Memorize 30 words a day
On the second day, learn 30 new ones.
(iii) Review the 30 words learned on Day 1.
Repeat steps (1) through (3) until the target word count is reached. When you think you have memorized all the words, start over again from day 1 to week 2.
[Memorization Method 14] Using the Memory Palace Memory Technique
There is a way to memorize with Memory Palace Mnemonics. In Memory Palace, you place the objects you want to memorize in a building.
Order the streets and buildings you see in your daily life and associate the places with what you want to remember.
For example, let's say you leave the house in the morning and set the front door as 1 and the street in front of the house as 2. You then set the words you want to remember for each location.
The key is to include a story that weaves strong imagery and emotion into each position. Tying it to an unrealistic story will leave an impact on the memory.
Memorization Method 15] Using Apps
Now there is also a way to memorize them using a smart phone application. The advantage of the app is that you can memorize using a little time you have on your commute to school or work. Also, they do not require bulky luggage like reference books and notebooks.
More and more applications allow users to record and mark the results of their studies, so choose the one that best suits your purpose.
Back to ContentsSubject-specific memorization recommendations

Memorization methods vary depending on the subject matter covered. Next, let's look at the recommended memorization methods for each subject.
national language
In Japanese, in addition to writing, there is memorization of kanji characters. When memorizing kanji, it is important to first read the kanji aloud. Writing the kanji after reading it aloud will make it more effective.
Also, simply reading books and familiarizing yourself with kanji characters will help your memory to stick. If you are not good at Japanese, choose a book of your favorite genre and read it once.
Arithmetic & Math
In the case of arithmetic and mathematics, rather than memorizing, you must learn how to use the formulas and be able to apply them.
Being able to explain to a third party how you solved a problem using a formula will help your memory to stick.
classical literature
It is important to memorize words and phrases and word rules repeatedly for ancient texts. It is effective to increase the amount of words you memorize, so it works well with the squatting study method and the mille crepe study method, which allow you to memorize many words at once.
In addition, ancient texts have unique rhythms and phrases. As with kanji, memorizing them aloud will help you remember them.
For science, we recommend the memorization method with diagrams, illustrations, and videos. There are many aspects of science that can only be understood or experienced visually, such as diagrams and experiments.
It is often difficult to understand a word just by memorizing it, and understanding the underlying "why it is so" is necessary for memory retention.
Society (History)
In social studies, try to memorize not only one matter, but also the content associated with it while relating it. For history, you can memorize the chronology of the year by using a word list. While using reference books, seek a method that is easy for you to remember.
Also, watching movies, dramas, documentaries, etc., allows for natural memorization while maintaining interest. If you are interested in something, it is easier to grasp the cause-and-effect relationships and timelines before and after.
English vocabulary is what needs to be memorized in English. Instead of memorizing only one English word, you can memorize related synonyms and opposites by relating them to each other.
Also, try to memorize them with example sentences. If you know how the word is actually used, it will be easier to visualize and retain the word in your memory.
Back to ContentsMemorization Mechanism

Memorization is largely related to brain memoryThe brain has two types of memory: short-term memory, which stores information temporarily, and long-term memory, which fixes information for a long time. In memorization, it is said that it is important to change this short-term memory into long-term memory as much as possible. By inserting information repeatedly during a certain period of time, the brain makes the mistake of thinking that the information is something to be remembered with priority.
According to an experiment conducted by the 19th century German psychologist Hermann Emlinghaus, people forget 66% of what they have learned after one day. (Ebbinghaus' Forgetting Curve) Therefore, it is important to repeat and memorize through repetition using the squat study method, the mille crepe study method, etc.
Back to ContentsTips on how to learn efficiently

We have introduced specific memorization methods. Next, let's look at tips on how to memorize them efficiently.
Stimulate the senses
Stimulating the five senses activates the brain and increases memorization. Those who have trouble remembering may just be following the text with their eyes and not using auditory information.
You will be able to memorize them more efficiently by saying them out loud and by moving your body.
Memorize repeatedly
The brain has a "hippocampus," where information is imprinted as long-term memory by repeating it over and over. Therefore, try to memorize the same words and terms over and over again.
Even if you think you have memorized a word or term, it becomes difficult to recall it after a few days.
Don't try to memorize it all at once.
It is not effective to try to memorize all the information at once and cram it into your head. This is because there is a limit to how much a person can memorize in a day.
Know that you will not be able to memorize everything immediately, so repeat it a little each day to consolidate it in your memory.
get a good night's sleep
Memorization should be done with a good night's sleep. This is because lack of sleep will greatly reduce your concentration and memory, and you will not be able to fully benefit from the program.
In addition, the human brain works to organize and consolidate what it remembers during sleep. The best time to consolidate memories is immediately after waking up in the morning when the brain is at its freshest, or at night before bedtime.
Eat a brain-healthy diet
For efficient memorization, eat a brain-healthy diet.
Blue fish, in particular, contains docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which activates the brain and helps with memorization. Other recommended foods include fruits that contain vitamin C and soybeans, which help with memory and concentration.
Combining memorization methods
Let's combine the memorization methods introduced in this article. If you use only one memorization method, it tends to become monotonous and you will get bored.
The point is to combine the use of various senses. Choose memorization methods such as writing, recitation, and physical exercise.
have an interest
As much as possible, be interested in the genre you are memorizing. If you are interested, you will stay motivated and memorize.
For example, foreign dramas and foreign films for English, and museums and instructional videos for science.
If it is a genre you have difficulty with, you can turn to a friend, acquaintance, or teacher and ask them how they memorize it.
Take advantage of golden hours
It is said that there are other golden hours besides the morning when the brain can easily input information, which are before meals and before going to bed.
Memorized content on an empty stomach is more likely to be input by the brain as life-threatening information. It is also effective to memorize before bedtime because the brain organizes information during sleep. It is important to be conscious of the time you memorize.
Back to ContentsSummary
We introduced 15 recommended memorization methods and tips for efficient learning. It is important to memorize by reading aloud and using various useful tools, not just by following the words with your eyes. Recommended memorization methods differ for each subject, so be sure to choose the most effective one based on the genre you wish to memorize.
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