What is SCORM?
What is SCORM?
Alright, ramblings aside, let's get to the point! !!!! as you gather information on e-learning learning and studying and all this, you'll see me!SCORMI'm sure you've all come across this term a few times while researching it! This "SCORM" is an unknown quantity! It's definitely a concept and outline that is deeply related to e-learning, but the content is difficult to understand and it's hard to imagine.
Let's study and learn about these "squomes" together!
- 1. Overview
- 2.SCORM Background
- 3. How SCORM works
- 4. Advantages of Standardization
- 5.Summary
1. Overview
SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is an eLearning-related document developed by the Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative (ADL) of the U.S. Department of Defense.global standardThis refers to a properly evaluated by international standards and"A testament to quality and trust.is a standardized reference standard.
Adhering to this standard makes it possible for learning to take place in a variety of LMSs, regardless of the manufacturer who developed the content. What is SCORM?Standard for Commonality in E-LearningYou can think of it as In Japan, the e-learning consortium is taking the lead in promoting it.
Let's think of SCORM as a game console.
When you buy a new console, you may be perplexed by the differences in usability, controls and button positions between the controller and the one you used to use on your console. After you've gotten used to it, it can be a bit stressful to re-learn how to operate it or to get it to work the way you want it to. But what if the controller has a standardized system? If the controller is the same as the previous consoles, you will be able to work smoothly without any confusion. SCORM is the standard here.
2.SCORM Background
SCORM was established with the aim of ensuring that teaching and learning materials can be used interchangeably between different learning management systems, and to prevent confusion of standards. However, due to the complexity of the specification of SCORM itselfIt is difficult for laymen to create SCORM-compliant teaching and learning materials.Since its first release in 1997, SCORM has been revised several times, and the Japanese version of SCORM has been released by the Japan e-Learning Consortium (eLC) in Japan.
3. Configuration of SCORM
Now, let's look at the SCORM structure.
These are the key words to explain SCORM in simple terms.
To make it possible to study e-learning content without major modifications in case of system or software upgrades, to make it possible to search for learning materials when needed on various operating systems or through web browsers, and to make it possible to easily reuse existing content to create new content (reusability). standards.
e-Learning generally takes the form of using educational material content on a LMS (Learning Management System), and SCORM defines common specifications for the parts that connect the two.
4. Advantages of Standardization
▼What is standardization?
What is standardization to begin with?The unification of specifications, structure, and format between multiple elements.It is defined as. Product standardization is done in many areas. Here are some of the general benefits
The same ease of use means that you don't have to learn new things to operate it.
The number of problems such as errors and bugs will be reduced because of the stability of product specifications.
The cost and price will be reduced by economies of scale for the same specifications.
▼Benefits of SCORM Standardization
When you use a new product, including software, it takes some time to get used to it. However, if the ease of use is standardized, the amount of time and effort required to learn something new will be reduced. Currently, e-Learning is distributed separately as an LMS and content, but if this linkage is standardized, it will be possible to use any content on any LMS. This applies to eLearning as well, which will lead to better products being made available to users at a lower cost.
In this article, I would like to talk about "SCORM", which is an international standard for proper evaluation.Standardized standards for the "hallmark of quality and trustIt is a standard for commonality in e-Learning. It is a global standard that does not require major modifications such as system or software upgrades, and makes it possible to search for learning materials when needed on a variety of operating systems and web browsers, and to easily reuse existing content to create new content.
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