Version 2.13.19

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new features

Manage contents
1. The ability to insert links to related content in the quiz/test creation form has been added. This feature is available in QUIZ-5.10.3 and later versions.
2. Added a new feature that allows you to set the character limit for written questions in the quiz/test creation form. #fill_in_maxlength:1 allows only 1 character, #fill_in_maxlength:auto allows only up to the same number of characters as the correct answer. This function is available in QUIZ-5.10.3 and later versions.
3. Question id can now be set for each question in the quiz/test creation form. This feature is available in QUIZ-5.10.3 and later versions.
4. An input mode "English Input" has been added in the typing material creation form. It is possible to enter sentences with mixed half-width spaces, capital/lower case letters, etc. This feature is available in TYPING-2.3.1 and later versions.
Learn Contents
1. "Memorized" button for memorized card study is placed at the top of the screen. This function is available in CARD-3.2.2 or later version.
2.When viewing memorized card materials in learningBOX with non-Japanese browsers, the start button, memorized button, and "Show all" and "Only memorized" text are now displayed in English. This feature is available in CARD-3.2.2 and later versions.
3. HLS (HTTP Live Stream) is now supported for video teaching materials. This feature is available in versions of MOVIE-2.0.0 and later.
1. "Suppress Password Autofill" feature has been added to the login authentication settings, if set to On, Google Chrome will disable the password autofill feature when logging in. This feature is only available for subdomain owners.
Email Settings
1.Added login/profile change/resignation notice/resignation notice to administrator in the setting item of the mail which is delivered by the operation of the member side.
Manage Members
1. The "Login Settings" tab has been newly added in the Gear menu > Input Field Settings.
1. Free (0 yen) payment can now be set when creating a product.
Third party app
1. APIs for getting list/getting details/adding/updating/assigning members to groups and getting list/adding/updating/deleting groups have been added.

functional improvement

Manage notifications
1. Modified to allow each owner to set "Show Notification Bar". The notification bar created by the owner is displayed in green, and the one created by the operator is displayed in light blue as before.
2.The number of groups that can be specified as the notification destination has been improved from 1000 to unlimited.
3. Modified to allow multiple links to be set.
Check socres
1. Modified so that email notification can be done in the narrowed state by name/login ID/display name.
2. Modified to narrow down the list by "Show only unlearned and learning".
3.When grading a report in a quiz, if you select the correct/incorrect answer, the score will be automatically entered.
4. When selecting partial points in the quiz report scoring, only whole numbers can be entered.
5. Changed the link to the latest help page for the "How to use" button (link to the help page) on the Report Grading Management screen.
6. The answer detail screen displayed when you select a material from the question tab and click in the ranking has been modified so that the score at the time of obtaining the highest score in the ranking is displayed instead of the latest score.
7. Modified so that the "Grade" button is not displayed for suspended grades.
Manage contents
1. Changed the upper limit of the time limit (in seconds) to 99999 seconds in the quiz/test creation form.
2.The information display of the contents has been modified to show the version of learningBOX at the time of the last save. learningBOX 2.12 or earlier does not show anything.
3. Changed the wording of "Public Settings" in the gear menu to "Public Restrictions".
EC Product Management
1. Products that have been saved with the start date and time of publication cannot be deleted, but products that have not yet been published can be deleted.
Manage Members
1. Modified so that "Date" can be specified as the input format when adding a field in the Input Field Settings tab.
2. "Country of residence" and "Language" have been added to the default fields in the Input Field Settings tab.
3.In the input field setting tab, it has been modified so that the setting of each item is saved at any time when it is changed.
My Page
1. Modified the display order of notifications so that they are displayed in descending order of the date and time they started.
2. Added a tab for switching the display language in the header. This feature is displayed when Member Management > Input Field Settings > Language Field Settings is set to "Use".
Email Settings
1. Modified the footer template name so that existing mail labels and some special characters cannot be used.
2. The "Subject" and "Email Template Name" set at the time of reservation are now displayed in the email notification list, even if there are no targets at the time of sending.
3. Changed the wording of "Common Footer" to "Common Items".
4. The default templates for invitation emails, grade notification emails, and common items have been modified to be more user-friendly.
5.Member registration function email template settings > within the member non-approval confirmation notice, modified to allow the addition of {login_url}.
6. Changed the wording of "Email Notification List" to "Grade Management Notification History".
7. Changed the link to the latest help page for the "How to" button (link to the help page) on the Edit Email Invitation screen.
1.The entrance screen has been modified to be displayed. At the same time, it has been modified so that only options can be added and only licenses can be changed during the contract period, and the number of users and licenses can be upgraded simultaneously.
2. Modified the upgrade button to be displayed in red when the expiration date of the paid plan has passed.
3. Added the indication of the due date of bank transfer in the email sent when ordering by bank transfer.
Entire Site
1. Modified to display the title name of the screen in the browser tab.
Learn Contents
1.The questionnaire will now automatically scroll to the error message if a required field is not entered. This feature is available in ENQUETE-3.0.10 and Theme: Standard.
2. Improved the display of Web pages and bug-eating notes so that they will be wrapped within the display area when a series of half-width characters are displayed.
1. "Security Settings", which was in the member management screen, has been moved to the Settings menu. Now, this function is available to the owner and the members who have access to the setting page.
2. When logging in after setting the password expiration date in the security settings, the password change screen is now displayed even if it is the first time logging in.
Log in
1. Modified so that the Japanese keyboard is not displayed when entering login ID on Android devices.
Medical record function / Personal medical record
1.The display of items in the study progress has been modified so that they are collapsed when the width is too narrow.
Changing your password after it expires
1. Changed so that the same password as the current string cannot be set as the new password.

Bug Fixes

Check socres
1. There was a bug that the score ratio was not displayed correctly in the CSV that can be created in the grade details screen and the CSV of the answer details and the CSV of the answer total in the question tab.
2. Fixed a bug in which a CSV file containing the item "Score/Capture Ratio (only numerical values)" would display numerical values even if the material was set to "Private".
3. There was a bug that CSV was displayed with HTML special characters when CSV was created by selecting a quiz with symbols in the questions from the Questions tab.
4. Fixed a bug that the certificate containing "&" in the title of the material could not be saved as PDF/Image.
Manage Members
1.Fixed a problem that the error message of the character limit is displayed and cannot be registered in the same way as the individual edit, because there was a problem that the error of the character limit does not work correctly and can be registered when registering and updating a batch of members.
2.There was a bug in the batch registration and update of members that if there were many members to be updated, it took a long time to process and the registration could not be completed correctly.
Learn Contents
1. Fixed a bug that only the question type name of "Report / Questionnaire description" was not displayed in the quiz / test tabulation board.
2. While studying a quiz with the Resume Interruption function set with a maximum number of interruptions, if the same question is accessed after closing the tab on iOS/Android devices, the number of interruptions displayed was different from the actual number. This fix can be checked in QUIZ-5.10.3 or later.
3. When submitting a report assignment by file upload, there was a problem that a file that was deleted once could not be attached again.
Manage contents
1. In the survey design form, there was a bug that when the Enter key was pressed while the cursor was on the section name, the screen transitioned to My Page.
2. Fixed a bug in the memorized card creation form that thumbnails were not displayed immediately after images were inserted.
3. Fixed a problem in which HTML special characters were displayed as symbols after being confirmed when entered in the free input area in the certificate template creation form.
4. Fixed a bug that images could not be inserted correctly if they were selected immediately after renaming when inserting images in each creation form of Quiz/Test/Web Page/Mothballed Note/Report Assignment.
5.When inserting an image in the upper area of the memorized card creation form, there was a problem that the image size was not reflected correctly in the study screen. This fix is available in CARD-3.2.2 or later.
6. When creating a certificate template, there was a problem that the position of the item inserted later could not be changed if the same item was inserted more than once.

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