Version 2.20.32

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functional improvement

Entire Site
1. Revisions to the Telecommunications Business Law have been addressed.
1. The browser tab name has been changed to "Dashboard" to unify it with the screen name.
Learning screen
1. In the [Course Preferences] screen, when "Automatic video playback toggle: On" is set and the content placed next to the video material created with Generator Version: [MOVIE-1 series] is a folder, the content in the folder will be automatically expanded in the course navigation after the video is viewed. The content in the folder will be automatically expanded in the course navigation after the video is viewed.
2. the "←/→" buttons in the course navigation/header are no longer displayed when opening a public issue while logged in.
Manage contents
1. In the [Quiz/Test Creation Form] screen, the "Label" of the "Correct Answer" item in the "Multiple Entries" field of the "Question Format: [Multiple Entries]" screen has been changed so that a one-byte period ". in the "Label" field of the "Correct Answer" item in the [Quiz and Test Creation Form] screen.
Score chart
1. In the "Question List Panel" when a quiz/test is selected in the "Content Selection", and the question type is set to "Report/Survey" and the scoring method is set to "Graded by administrator", if an attachment file is uploaded during the scoring, the "Attachment" item will be displayed in the [Score Details] modal. The "Attachment" item is now displayed in the [Score Details] modal when an attachment is uploaded during grading.
Manage Exemption
1. Faster processing when specifying exemptions in CSV file upload.
Site Customizer > Menu Management > Edit Side Menu
1. Added "Settings Page Access Authority" to the default settings for the "Display Settings" item in the "Mail Sending Log".

Bug Fixes

1. Fixed a bug in the course list panel that course shortcuts were not displayed when the "Display Criteria" item was set to "Study Order" in the "Edit Panel" modal.
Select a course
1. Fixed a bug in which the learning rate of a course displayed in the [Select Course/Course Details] screen did not change even if content in the course was studied when content in a folder within the course was specified in the [Set Clear Conditions] modal's [Target Content].
Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug that prevented operation of the [Web Page Creation Form / Notebook Creation Form] screen when large images, etc. were inserted.
2. Fixed a bug in which the "Create" button could be clicked when only full-width spaces were entered in the "Group Name" field of the [Distribute Course] modal.
Batch import of courses and folders
1. Fixed a bug that "Re-upload" was not displayed in the Edit menu of the corresponding content when uploading a zip folder containing Excel files with the "Content Type" of the quiz/test shortcut content changed from "shortcut" to "quizgenerator". Fixed a problem in which "Re-upload" did not appear in the Edit menu of the relevant content.
Grade Management > By Material
1. Fixed a bug in the [Force Grading] modal when the browser tab was closed while the quiz study start screen was displayed with [Option: [Suspend/Resume Function (suspendable)] set to [On/Continue Only] and [Operation Test], a grade that could not be forced was displayed. Fixed.
1. Fixed a bug that the time displayed in the "Creation Date and Time" was not displayed correctly when a time zone with a daylight saving time system was set in the "Time Zone" of the "User Management / Change Profile" screen.
2. Fixed a bug in which CSV output was not output in the character code specified in the "CSV Output Settings" in the "Settings" screen during group download/format download.
Site Customizer > Basic Settings > Integrate with External Systems > Use of Proprietary SSO Key
1. Fixed a problem in which an unavailable SSO key was set when upgrading to learningBOX version [2.20] or higher with "Use own SSO key" turned off in learningBOX version [2.19] or earlier.
purchase history
1. Fixed a bug in which the "Save" button was not displayed in the [Assign User] modal when a product was purchased by proxy.

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