Version 2.22.27

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functional improvement

Manage contents
1. Changed the link to the usage page that is accessed when clicking the "? button next to the "Content Management" screen title, the link to the usage page has been changed.
2. When editing an existing embedded video in the "Embedded Video" modal, the time required can now be changed and saved.
1. For contents other than the gradebook, the "Study Completion Date" is displayed when the status of "Study Completed/Response Completed/Pass/Fail" is reached, and for some contents, the "Study Completion Date" is updated and displayed when the "X" button in the upper right corner of the study screen is clicked.
2. In the [By Material/Report/Personal Record] tab, the icons for shortcut courses/folders have been modified to display the same icons as the shortcut courses/folders displayed in the [Content Management] screen.
3. The "Teaching Materials" item on the "Report" tab has been modified to display an icon next to the name of the teaching material in the pull-down menu.
4. Changed the text color of the modal name in the [Progress] tab [Grade Display Settings/Public Question Settings/View Your Results Settings].
Medical Records/Personal Medical Records
1. Adjusted the mouse hover position on the graph for tooltips such as the number of studies displayed in the graph in the "Study Trends" panel.
1. Changed the message displayed when a user is deleted by clicking the "Trash" button in "Operation" to "User deleted. changed to "The user has been deleted.
1. In the [Add Option] screen, the "Order Summary" display has been adjusted so that it does not overlap the footer area.
EC function basic settings / Curriculum function basic settings / Training function basic settings
1. Regarding the "List Initial Value > Sort Order / Ascending/Descending" item, it has been modified so that only "Descending Order" can be selected when "Recommended Order" is selected.
Account Billing Management > Billing Plans
1. The "Member Rank" pull-down in the [Add/Renew Plan] modal has been adjusted so that it wraps around when the member rank name is long.

Bug Fixes

Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug that clear conditions were not duplicated correctly when "duplicating" a course/folder with a clear condition that specified the target content in the course/folder (teaching materials were shortcuts).
2. Fixed a bug that "IP Address Restrictions" was displayed in the Edit Content menu for users with content management authority (edit)/setting page access authority, even if they do not have content assignment authority.
1. Fixed a bug that an error message "An unknown error has occurred. and an error message was displayed when the screen display size was changed.
1. Fixed a bug in the [Dashboard Settings > Select Panel to Add/Edit Panel] modal that the button panel was not displayed to users with EC function access privileges even if "EC Function Access Privileges" was set in the "Select Privileges" field when editing the "Button Panel".

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