Version 2.22.31

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functional improvement

Manage contents
1. Modified so that a timeout does not occur when duplicating a course/folder/content with a large data volume (teaching materials are shortcut).
2. Modified so that score modification settings are inherited when duplicating courses/folders/contents.
1. In the [By Contents > Operation Log] screen, search and CSV creation processes have been speeded up.
2. In the [Report] tab, when the [Excel] button is clicked, even if the data contains corrupted contents, the process will be output to Excel without interruption.
Grade Control / Grade Detail Screen / Access Log / Logged-in Accounts
1. Changed to show Chrome browser version as OS version for ChromeOS.
User Information Settings Management > Registration Screen URL
1. Modified to display only in the subdomain owner environment.
Quotation issuance/payment procedures > Invoice payment
1. Speeded up the mail address format determination process.

Bug Fixes

Entire Site
1. Fixed a bug that "Underline (double line)" of TinyMCE could not be set in Safari browser on macOS.
2. Fixed a bug that prevented uploading files one by one from "Insert/Edit Image, Insert/Edit Media" in TinyMCE in Firefox browser on Windows/macOS.
Learning screen
1. Fixed a bug in the Safari browser on iOS 16.6 or later that prevented some content from being displayed when scrolling after moving pages when studying a web page/mushroom note.
1. Fixed a bug in the "Course being studied" panel where the corresponding course was not displayed if the grade was only in the content in the shortcut folder from another course.
Manage contents
1. Fixed a bug that the shortcut course/folder edit menu did not appear for users with content management authority (edit)/content assignment authority.
Content Management > Quiz/Test Creation Form
1. Fixed a bug that "|-" was automatically added to the commentary when re-editing a quiz/test and clicking the "Preview" button in the lower left corner of the screen while the commentary of the question type: [Fill-in-the-blanks] had content.
2. Fixed a bug in which the preview could not be displayed in the [Upload/Select Image] modal after uploading image files, etc. from [Insert/Edit Image, Insert/Edit Media] in TinyMCE.
Grade Control > By Content > Answer Details/Operation Log
1. Fixed a bug that prevented searching by tags in the answer details/operation log for quizzes and tests with only some of the question tags/section tags set.
List of Certificates
1. Fixed a bug in which some certificates were not displayed even if the status was passed.
Grade Analysis > Tally Board
1. Fixed a bug that HTML tags were displayed in the answer content displayed when hovering the mouse over a pie/bar chart.
Grade Control Notification History / Email Sending History
1. Fixed a bug in the [Grade Control > List/Report] screen that the display period was not displayed in the [Filtering Condition for Grade Control Notification Emails] modal / [Email Sending History] screen when an email notification was registered with the display period set to "All Periods".
User Information Settings Management > Login Settings
1. Fixed so that input contents are retained even if the Enter key is pressed with the cursor in the "convention name" input field.
Basic Course Settings
1. Fixed a bug in which settings for the "General Public Course Settings > OGP Image" item in the [Basic Course Settings] screen in the subdomain environment were not reflected.
Access Log
1. Fixed a bug in which CSV files could not be output with the selected contents when clicking the "CSV Output" button after narrowing down the access date and time in the "Date Format/Time Format" of the [Edit User Profile] screen when a format other than the default setting was set.
Site Customizer > Basic Settings > Integrate with External Systems > Use of Proprietary SSO Key
1. In the [Register/Edit New SSO Key] modal, when the owner ID was changed in the "Site Customizer > Basic Information > Subdomain Settings" item, the settings associated with the changed owner ID were not updated.

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