Version 2.22.38

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Post by X

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Entire Site
    • Due to the change of the learningBOX URL, the URL of the email signature was changed to the new domain [.learningbox.onlineChange to ].
Study in progress screen / Select a course / Favorites list
    • Disabled clicking on tooltips when adding/deleting favorites
Manage contents
    • Modified to record in operation log when [PUSH notification when badge is acquired] is set.
    • Modified the operation log to record the operations of creating/editing and saving transcripts
User Management > User Editing / OneRoster / API integration
    • Owner's Email address cannot be deleted
Grade Management > Report Grade Request Notification
    • Modified to record in operation log when registering/editing
Mail Sending History
    • Modified the screen transition by browser back on the screen of "Sent / To be sent".
Security settings
    • [Log out when window is closed]item names, etc., were changed as follows to match the behavior at the time of setting
        • [Do not leave the login state in the browser when exiting the browser].
        • Note: If the setting is enabled, cookie information is deleted when the browser is closed.
Operation Log
    • Modified to record in the operation log when outputting CSV
Site Customizer > Design > Edit Template
    • Support for image files with capital letter extensions
PUSH Notification Settings > Notification List / Trigger List
    • Modified to record in operation log when adding/updating/deleting settings
Account Billing Management > Contract Plans / Billing Plans
      • Modified the radio button in the Delete Plan modal so that it cannot be selected
      • Changed the upper limit of [Price] in the Add Plan/Edit Plan modal to [¥3,000,000].
Kaonavi Link > User Synchronization
      • Add input validation for the following fields
        • country of residence
        • area
        • Language
        • time zone
        • date format
        • time format
Receipt Setup / Purchase History > Receipts
      •  Add the following to the receipt (details)
        • Total amount of consideration (excluding or including tax) and applicable tax rate, broken down by tax rate
        • receipt (document) number
Coupon Management
      • When a payment using a coupon is canceled, the coupon can be accepted again.
      • Added [Payment Status] to the Issue History column

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Log in
    • greater (of equal court ranks)There are cases where the user is not able to move to the screen after logging in properly.
    • Switching the period in the study graph panel does not update the scale.
Content Management > Diagnostic Test Creation Form / Grade Details (Diagnostic Test)
    • Images are not displayed when half-width symbols are used in file names
Grade Control > By Content
    • Items with uppercase letters in field keys are not output to answer detail preview and CSV data
User Management > Edit User
    • When the date/time format field is set to not use and language is selected, the field at the end of the field is disabled.
User Information Settings Management > Registration Screen URL
    • The number of items displayed in the lower left corner of the screen is not updated when narrowing down the search by using search filters.
Email Settings
    • Setting items may not be displayed
Grade List API / Grade Detail API
    • Unable to obtain group affiliation under certain conditions
LTI Integration
    • Unknown error occurs when entering search filters/sorting tool names in a row
Site Customizer > Design > Edit Template
    • [On clicking "Back without editing," I get an error message "Incorrect data was submitted." and an error message appears.
    • Unnecessary [;] at bottom of file page edit window
Kaonavi Collaboration > Group Synchronization
    • Unable to retrieve related information of users belonging to synchronized groups
Register / Update
    • Pressing the Enter key while the cursor is on the name updates the screen.
Seminar / Training Registration / Renewal > Pricing and Duration / Modal Addition of Duration
    • Eliminated mouse hover display of 0-filled items
List of Tickets (For Interested Parties) / Screen for Printing
    • Ticket number does not show prefix/suffix
    • Ticket number does not reflect 0-fill setting
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Post by X
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