
155 articles

How to create SCORM-compliant e-learning materials

This article provides examples of creating teaching materials for learningBOX using SCORM 1.2. Please note that some of the examples may not work outside of learningBOX (in such cases, a cautionary statement will be included). Also, please note that this article has been verified with learningBOX 2.16.14, and older versions or versions to be released in the future may not give identical results. What are SCORM materials in learningBOX? LearningBOX allows you to upload and use SCORM 1.2 compliant educational materials. (*As of learningBOX 2.16.14, uploading SCORM archives (ZIP files) consisting of multiple SCOs is not supported. Also, please note that SCORM versions other than 1.2, such as SCORM 2004, are not supported.) Back to Table of Contents Minimum SCORM Materials [File Structure In learningBOX, if the startup file is index.html, the manifest file (imsmanifest.xml: a file showing the structure in the ZIP file) is not necessary. Therefore, if only the index.html file is zipped, it can be used as SCORM material (however, the imsmanifest.xml file is required in almost all LMSs; QuizGenerator, CardGenerator, etc. require the imsmanifest.xml file for compatibility). QuizGenerator, CardGenerator, etc. output imsmanifest.xml for compatibility). Notes on creating a ZIP file When compressing educational materials into a ZIP file, please select and compress files as shown below. As in the bad example, selecting and compressing folders may create an extra folder hierarchy and cause problems. Also, in the case of Mac, if you use the OS standard ZIP archive function, extra files will be saved, so unnecessary files will be mixed in the problem! Please compress with reference to "Be careful when compressing zip on Mac" etc. API Exploration When the startup file (e.g. index.html) is loaded, the SCORM API is searched. In learningBOX 2.16 and later, the API is also provided in the preview screen of the teaching material, but the preview screen does not save the grades. Code Example The API is searched for with onload and made accessible via a variable named API in the teaching material, displaying API Found on the console if the API is found, or API not Found if it is not found. (Referred to) gist's URL: https://gist.github.com/ynishi2014/8d1d951966d12d49c1eee898b4bacc17 Execution example When mounted on learningBOX, the API for SCORM can be found, so the API is displayed as API found. If you run it on a local drive, for example, the API cannot be found, so the API not found is displayed. LMSInitialize and LMSFinish Once the API is discovered, LMSInitialize is executed. LMSFinish is executed when learning is completed. Please note that grades cannot be sent before or after LMSInitialize is executed. Code Example (Referred to) gist's URL: https://gist.github.com/ynishi2014/d44930df2eddaa2f4140aab078e5e86f Execution example When executed on learningBOX, the following is displayed. However, since the learning status (cmi.core.lesson_status) is not updated, it appears that no grades remain in learningBOX. This is because the grades with cmi.core.lesson_status browsed are treated as invalid grades in the learningBOX. SCORM materials only to be passed In LMSSetValue, set cmi.core.lesson_status to passed. Code Example (Referred to) gist's URL: https://gist.github.com/ynishi2014/4eb9a00dff3ff867d51192548471a919 Transmittable Status The values that can be sent to cmi.core.lesson_status as grades include incomplete: learning in progress completed: already learned passed: Passed failed: Failed browsed: not displayed. Behavior when not sent If you do not send grades, the following will occur Initial study: will be BROWSED (will not be displayed) Second and subsequent studies: The results from the previous study are carried over. Therefore, you need to be careful about the behavior when you close the material before the grade is determined, etc. In QuizGenerator, cmi.core.lesson_status is set to "browsed" at the beginning, so if you close the material before starting the answer, "browsed" will be recorded, It will appear that no grades are left. To check operation It is best to check with the LMS you plan to use, but since learningBOX is available free of charge and indefinitely for up to 10 users, it may be easy to use it as an environment for developing SCORM teaching materials and checking its operation. Visualize API calls Visualizing API calls can improve development efficiency. Due to the size of the article, we will summarize this in a separate article. Back to Table of Contents Information that can be sent within the SCORM 1.2 specification In addition to the status (cmi.core.lesson_status) mentioned earlier, the following grades can be sent. By sending these, you can get detailed information on how learning is progressing, which can lead to analysis of the learning situation, appropriate feedback to the learner, and improvement of the teaching materials. Score (cmi.core.score.raw) Score, in SCORM 1.2 it can be an integer from 0 to 100 in "string" format. Example API.LMSSetValue("cmi.core.score.raw", "100");API. .score.raw", score.toFixed(0)); proprietary In learningBOX, scores over 100 are allowed. For example, 105 and 400 are accepted as valid scores. However, please note that negative numbers and decimals are not accepted. Also, in LMSs other than learningBOX, scores exceeding 100 will result in an error. Time (cmi.core.session_time) This is the learning time, which in the case of learningBOX is automatically measured when LMSInitialize and LMSFinish are executed. If you want to measure more accurate learning time than the time between opening and closing the material, measure it in the material and send it to us; for QuizGenerator, only the time between starting to solve a problem and the result display screen, and for video material, only the time the video is playing is sent. The following will give you 1 hour, 2 minutes, and 3 seconds. Example API.LMSSetValue("cmi.core.session_time", "01:02:03"); Information per question A child of cmi.interactions.n. n must be specified in order from 0. Usage such as starting from 1, skipping numbers, or going back to a smaller number is prohibited. ID (cmi.interactions.n.id) ID. The grade detail screen will show the ID as shown in the red box in the screenshot below. Please note, however, that negative numbers and decimals are not allowed; if you plan to download and use grades via CSV or retrieve and use grades via API, you will need to specify the appropriate ID. latency (cmi.interactions.n.latency) The time required. The following information is displayed in the grade details screen. correct_responses (cmi.interactions.n.correct_responses.m.pattern) Example of correct responses. More than one can be specified, but only one seems to be set in most cases. objectives (cmi.interactions.n.objectives.m.id) The objective of each question, i.e., the goal or objective to be achieved. s:xxx is used for section tags, and q:xxx for question tags, which are reflected in the medical record. student_response (cmi.interactions.n.student_response) The student's response. It sends the input string, choice numbers, etc. time (cmi.interactions.n.time) Study time. The time spent on the question is sent. result (cmi.interactions.n.result) Sends a correct or wrong result. Neutral and score can also be sent. Back to Table of Contents unique extensions to learningBOX Normally, cmi.interactions.n.student_response cannot send HTML. Sending Answers in HTML Of course you can send HTML tags, but the results screen will display the HTML tags you send as is. If you specify html in cmi.interactions.n.student_response_format, cmi.interactions.n. student_response will be interpreted and displayed as HTML. However, JavaScript is restricted so that it cannot be executed. Relaxation of Character Limit Start time / End time (to be supported in 2.18 or later) This function is used to record the start and end time of the study, and will be available in learningBOX 2.18 or later. (Scheduled for release in June 2022) Back to Table of Contents Anti-pattern [Excessive LMSCommit When LMSCommit is executed, the value set in LMSSetValue is saved. In many LMSs, data is not sent to the server at LMSSetValue, but is sent to the server at the timing of LMSCommit. This is because the process of sending data to the server takes a relatively long time, and if communication were to take place each time LMSSetValue is executed, processing would be time-consuming. For example, if the number of questions is 100, the number of LMSSetValues per question is 6, and the communication delay is 10 ms, then 100 x 6 x 10 = 6000 ms, which means that it takes 6 seconds to send results. If you are using the system from overseas, the communication delay can be 10 times or more, so LMSCommit should not be executed excessively. When LMSCommit should be executed It should be executed after sending cmi.core.lesson_status or after LMSSetValue of all grades is finished. By sending "complete" to cmi.core.lesson_status and executing LMSCommit when learning has started, the grades seen by others (teachers, administrators, etc.) will change to "learning". After the LMSSetValue of all grades has been completed, LMSCommit and LMSFinish should be executed in that order. (*In learnngBOX, even if LMSCommit is not executed before LMSFinish, the process of sending grades is still executed, so LMSFinish alone is acceptable.) Do not do LMSFinish Always perform an LMSFinish at the end of the process; since the SCORM specification requires that an LMSFinish be performed, there is no guarantee of behavior if an LMSFinish is not performed. LMSSetValue without checking the implementation Not all SCORM 1.2 compliant LMSs implement all of the SCORM 1.2 specifications; the SCORM 1.2 specifications (APIs) contain a mixture of items that must be implemented and items that are allowed without implementation. Therefore, before executing LMSSetValue, you should check whether the element you are trying to send is implemented. Back to Table of Contents If you have any questions about how to use the system, please feel free to contact our support. If you have any problems or questions about how to use learningBOX, please feel free to contact us at any time. We also recommend this page! I want to read it in conjunction with Back to Table of Contents
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Started offering free information security educational materials

As part of our 10th anniversary of incorporation, we are launching "learningBOX ON," learningBOX's first service to release free learning materials, in April 2022. The first series of "Harassment Materials," the second series of "Business Manner Materials," and the third series of "Compliance Materials" were made available to the public. Now, we are pleased to announce the release of the fourth series, "Information Security Materials". Background of Free Publication The revised Personal Information Protection Law went into effect in April 2022. The revised law strengthens the protection of the rights of individuals and adds additional responsibilities for business establishments. As a result, further efforts to protect personal information are required. In light of the above background, we are pleased to announce the free release of "Information Security Teaching Materials" on learningBOX for the purpose of contributing to the promotion of information security education in companies. Back to Table of Contents Learning Content Features In this training course, you will learn what information security is and what actions to take to protect confidential information through explanatory videos and confirmation tests. Contents Information Security Protecting Confidential Information What you can do yourself to manage your information Subject Users of learningBOX [Shared Server] (including Free Plan) How to use New Customers STEP1: Please register through the free trial. STEP2: After completing the free trial registration, you will receive an email from us confirming your registration. Customers already using learningBOX STEP1: Log in to learningBOX and open Content Management. STEP2: Select the "+" icon > "learningBOX ON" > "10th Anniversary Free Content" > "Information Security". Back to Table of Contents Take advantage of learningBOX ON! It is possible to create original training programs by combining the training content available on learningBOX ON with content created in-house. We encourage you to use learningBOX ON for in-house training as an environment for continuous learning without being restricted by schedule or location. ≫ Click here for a free trial ▼Here's another recommendation! Also read Back to Table of Contents
Newcomer Training - Compliance

Compliance materials are now available free of charge.

As part of our 10th anniversary project, we have launched "learningBOX ON" to express our gratitude to our customers. learningBOX ON is learningBOX's first service to publish free learning content. service that makes free learning content available to the public. Background of Free Publication Recently, news stories about corporate fraud and employee misconduct are frequently in the news. Compliance-impaired behavior quickly becomes public knowledge and not only has a major impact on a company's image, but can also result in loss of public trust and, in the worst case scenario, bankruptcy. Against this backdrop, we are pleased to announce the free release of "Compliance Materials" on learningBOX, with the aim of contributing to the spread of compliance education in companies. Back to Table of Contents Learning Content Features In this training course, you will learn "what compliance is" and "laws and rules that must be followed" through explanatory videos and confirmation tests. Contents What is Compliance? Laws that must be followed for each type of business Work rules and industry rules Comprehension test Ignorance of the Law Regarding copyright, portrait, privacy, trademark, and honor rights Check your understanding of rights Subject Users of learningBOX [Shared Server] (including Free Plan) How to use New Customers STEP1: Please register from the free trial. STEP2: After completing the free trial registration, you will receive an email from us confirming your registration. Customers already using learningBOX STEP1: Log in to learningBOX and open the contents management. STEP2: Select the "+" icon > "learningBOX ON" > "10th Anniversary Free Content" > "Compliance". Back to Table of Contents Take advantage of learningBOX ON! It is possible to create original training programs by combining the training content available on learningBOX ON with content created in-house. We encourage you to use learningBOX ON for in-house training as an environment for continuous learning without being restricted by schedule or location. ≫ Click here for a free trial ▼Here's another recommendation! Also read Back to Table of Contents

Changing education with the power of EdTech! Introducing Tatsuno Information System's LMS and in-house facilities!

Changing education with the power of EdTech! Introducing Tatsuno Information System's LMS and in-house facilities! My name is Nishimura, I am a developer. Tatsuno Information System, Inc. is a system development company headquartered in Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture. We provide LMS (Learning Management System), the backbone of e-learning, in addition to smartphone applications and web system development. LMS development requires technical elements such as aws, VSCode, yarn, composer, and virtualization technology, but this alone is not a comfortable development environment. An atmosphere in which employees can work comfortably and internal facilities are also very important for good work. In this article, we will introduce the features of our core business, LMS, as well as the atmosphere of our office and internal facilities, which are not usually introduced in our blog. Click here to see the table of contents Tatsuno Information System's LMS supports human resource education with the power of EdTech 2. an introduction to Tatsuno Information System's office space! 3. summary Tatsuno Information System's LMS supports human resource education with the power of EdTech Our LMS is an e-learning system that focuses on price and ease of use. learningBOX has all the functions necessary for e-learning, such as "question and test creation, member and group management, grading and grade management," and is an LMS that "anyone can easily build a web learning environment. What exactly is an LMS? Some of you may have never heard of an LMS before. Here is a brief explanation of LMS functions and features. An LMS (Learning Management System) is a system that creates, registers, and distributes learning materials necessary for implementing e-learning, and manages learners' learning progress and grades. It is a system that distributes learning materials and manages grades via the Internet. The learning materials are placed on a server on the Internet, and learners study using PCs, tablets, smartphones, etc. The learning status and grades are stored on the server. Learning status and grades are centrally managed on the server. In many cases, both the learning materials and the LMS are developed according to the SCORM specification, and materials from different companies can be installed as long as they are SCORM compliant. Features of e-Learning with LMS With LMS-based e-learning, the learning status is managed on the server, so the learning status can be checked in real time. learningBOX allows you to check who has answered which questions and how on the management screen, and you can even download the answers in CSV format. learningBOX is used in a variety of situations, including training, examinations, and correspondence courses! learningBOX can be configured in detail according to the user, such as course settings for teaching materials, group management of learners, and the ability to distribute teaching materials to different groups. Our LMS is used in a wide variety of industries for internal training, certification exams, learning content sales, and more. E-learning system introduced for training of new employees to ensure that knowledge is firmly established before they join the company. Nippon Kotsu Co. Purpose of use: In-house training/training for new recruits We have recently introduced an e-learning system for pre-employment training for new graduate hires. I was a soccer coach in my previous job, and e-learning has been introduced in the soccer world for more than 10 years. The way it was introduced was that we would study e-learning in advance when coaching soccer, and then we would have a group training session for everyone, after which we would actually coach the players. When we first introduced the system, it took some staff members a while to get used to it, partly because of differences in computer literacy, but now it has become a commonplace system. ... Click here to read the rest of the article. LearningBOX is introduced as a "box" for creating e-learning content, providing educational materials loved by men and women of all ages. Wants Japan Co. Purpose of use: Content sales / Sales of educational materials We participated in the "Education IT Solution EXPO" held at Tokyo Big Sight and spoke with about 5 companies dealing with e-learning. There were actually companies other than Tatsuno Information System that I thought would be good here... (laugh), but when I actually used the system on a trial basis, I was concerned about the UI of the basic screen, such as the small letters and old design. It was when I was thinking that way that I came across learningBOX. I was immediately issued an ID for the free plan, and when I actually tried creating content, I thought, "This is better by several orders of magnitude! (laugh). ... Click here to continue. e-Learning was introduced for training exams at directly managed stores, significantly shortening the time required to pass the exams. Motivation Switch Group Inc. Purpose of use: Internal training/training exams Three years ago, when we decided to introduce learningBOX, we were operating the licensing system in a different way than we do today. We had a written test for knowledge and an exam for practical skills. The written exam was paper-based, but it was time-consuming and subject to scoring errors. Otherwise, there would be a blurring of scores. The man-hours are concentrated on a specific member of the team. Also, the exam was held once a month, but there were a lot of people taking the exam, and it was difficult to pass. ... Click here to continue. LearningBOX is developing systems to accompany companies' human resource training and business growth. please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about e-learning implementation. Online meetings for introduction support are also available. Please contact us if you are not sure how to use learningBOX, consider a plan, or discuss design customization! We will help you with introduction at the web meeting. ➡Reserve a WEB meeting Introducing our in-house office! As mentioned briefly at the beginning of this article, good work requires, first of all, good physical and mental health. Secondly, it is also very important to have an internal environment where employees can work comfortably and relax. We have our own office! The office space is open and spacious, allowing employees to stretch out and use the space as they please. In the common space, there is a ping-pong table, darts, and training machines, which can be used freely during breaks. Ping-pong and darts are very popular within the company, and many members get together during breaks and after work to play and improve their skills. Heated matches take place every day! Ping-pong table A ping-pong table is an essential part of any IT company! We also have a ping-pong table in our office. During lunch breaks, heated matches are held daily, transcending departmental boundaries. We have experienced ping-pong players, beginners, and members who have rapidly improved their skills since joining the company, all of whom have different skills, but we always have fun playing. Why don't you join us for a game of ping-pong after work or just to get some exercise? Very popular with the development team! Darts machine installed this year We are probably the only IT company in Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture, that has an in-house darts machine. Let's have fun with darts during lunch break. As with ping-pong, there are differences in skill and ability among the members, but it is always a lively and friendly atmosphere. Recently, members of the development team have become especially skilled and are dominating the top ranks! A place where you can work and play darts! Isn't it attractive? In-house facilities at a glance! Hanging Health Apparatus For those who want to work out after work, we recommend the Hanging Health Apparatus. This is for stiff shoulders! Let's beat up your body that has been napped by sedentary work. The young men on our development team do pull-ups every morning to get in shape! Vending Machine The price is a little cheaper than the average vending machine. Be careful not to drink too much! Comfortable restrooms There are two each for men and women. They are clean and comfortable since they were installed only a year ago. There are plenty of them, so there is no waiting time! Even in case of emergency, you can make a speedy pit stop. Large Screen Monitor This is a large screen monitor for training purposes, enhanced from 50 inches to 75 inches. Study sessions will be facilitated. Table in the common space People gather at lunch time with their lunch boxes. Aeon The office is about a 10-minute walk from Hontatsuno Station. There are many members who go out for lunch since the office is close to AEON and restaurants. And since it's a three-minute walk to Aeon, we can always replenish what we're missing! Conclusion In this article, we introduced the features of our core business, LMS, as well as the atmosphere of our office and internal facilities, which are not usually introduced in our blog. learningBOX is developed in a spacious and roomy office. If you are interested in participating in development, working in sales or customer support, or marketing, please apply from the employment page.

Visualize learners' "weak points," analyze their progress.
Let's enhance effective e-learning.

Visualization of Weaknesses: e-Learning System to Graph Learners' "Weaknesses" and Analyze Their Grades to Enhance Learning Effectiveness Using the quiz function and gradebook of our e-learning system, it is possible to output "score distribution and item analysis" from learners' answer data to grade results. In this article, we will introduce "learner answer analysis" using learningBOX's quiz function [tagging function] and gradebook. The administrator can check the learner's level of understanding, overcome weak points, and grasp the scores for each subject and overall trends at a glance. If you have a need to "examine and aggregate" learners' answer tendencies and score distribution, please refer to this report to find out more! Please try the quiz function and gradebook of learningBOX by referring to this article. Click here for the table of contents Easy Creation of Exam Questions on the Web Visualize answer data at a glance with grade management Radar chart analysis of grade reports is recommended for score analysis Summary Easy creation of exam questions on the web The quiz feature of learningBOX makes it easy for anyone to create tests. Even if you are not confident in your computer or IT skills, you can create a test in a few minutes using the question creation form. Tests can be created in a combination of 13 different question types, including multiple-choice, multiple-answer, and fill-in-the-blank questions. You can also set up clear conditions to limit the number of students who can move on to the next practice question. Setting Tags as Questions Using the "tagging" feature within the quiz function, you can set tags to questions you have created. When you study a question with a tag, you can tabulate and analyze the number of correct answers, number of incorrect answers, and percentage of correct answers for each tag using the chart function of the score management system. This feature can be used for self-analysis and discovery of weak areas of the learner. Tags can be set for each section of [Quiz/Test] or for questions in the same category. How to use the tagging function Tagging is set when creating a quiz/test from the content management screen. Step 1: Open the content management screen. Click "Contents Management" on the TOP page or the side menu. Step 2. Create a quiz/test This time, we will create a quiz/test using the question creation form. Click on the "+" icon in the upper left corner of the screen > "Educational Materials" > "Quiz/Test" > "Create Quiz" or "Create Test". *Make sure to create a course on the TOP screen of Content Management, and create the quiz/test within that course. Step 3. Set tags Click "Edit Tab" under the question. For section tags, click "+Add Section" and then click "Edit Tags" under the section. *To set up a section, set "Mode" to "Normal Mode" in the option values. Answer data is visualized at a glance in the grade management. Learners' grades can be checked using the "Grade Control" and "Medical Record" functions. The "Gradebook" can be used for "overall grade management", while the "Chart" can be used for "grade management and analysis of each learner". How to use the tagging and chart functions When a learner takes a quiz/test that has been tagged, the results for each tag will be displayed on the chart screen. By using the chart, you can visualize how much students study each day, what kind of problems they are good at or bad at, and so on, based on graphs and grade data. The grade data can also be downloaded in CSV format. About the display of grades in the medical record This page introduces the procedure for checking the details of grades in the medical record. Step 1: Open the chart screen. Click "Grading and Analysis" > "Medical Record Function" in the side menu. Step 2: Select the target learner Click "Details" to the right of the learner in the list of learners. Step 3: Display grade information by tag Click on the "Tags" tab. Here, you can check the number of correct/incorrect answers, total number of answers, time required, and percentage of correct answers for each tag. The list of tags can also be narrowed down by content, time period, or search filter. *If you wish to view only specific content, please select the target content in the "Study Progress" column at the bottom of the "Basic Information" tab screen. Step 4: Displaying only section tags Clicking on "Section Tag Only" will allow you to view only the grade information for the section tag. Radar chart analysis of grades is recommended for score analysis. Using the gradebook in learningBOX, the scores and scoring percentages for multiple items can be graphed together, allowing you to grasp at a glance the learner's areas of strength and weakness. Here are some of the features of the gradebook 1. The balance of scores/percentage of points for each item can be checked. 2. to know which areas are your weak points. For more detailed information on how to use this feature, please refer to this report card. (1) To check the balance of scores/percentage of points for each item. 2. to know which areas are your weak points. Conclusion In this article, we have introduced "learner answer analysis" utilizing the quiz function [tagging function] and gradebook of learningBOX. The administrator can check the learner's level of understanding, overcome weak points, and grasp the scores for each subject and overall trends at a glance. Our e-learning system [learningBOX] is available free of charge to everyone from individuals to companies. If you are considering implementing an e-learning system, please give our learningBOX a try. ⇒Please try our e-learning system for free.

Started offering free business manner teaching materials

(Head office: Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture; President: Yoichiro Nishimura), an e-learning system developer, has launched "learningBOX ON" as part of its 10th anniversary project to express its gratitude to its customers. LearningBOX ON is the first service to make free learning content available on learningBOX. Background of Free Publication Tatsuno Information System is pleased to announce the free release of "business manner teaching materials for companies" on learningBOX, with the aim of contributing to the training of new employees and strengthening risk management in companies. Business manners are the basics that one should acquire as a member of society. If you do not have good business manners, even if you have great skills, you may not be able to do your job well. Recently, have you ever felt uncomfortable with the way young people use language and behave? Business manners are to be considerate, considerate, and respectful of others, even at work. Back to Table of Contents Learning Content Features learningBOX ON is a service that makes it easy to add company-required training content to learningBOX, a learning management system. You can easily design your own original learning courses by combining them with your company's in-house content. Contents Importance of Business Manners Five Key Elements About honorifics Honorifics List NG Honorifics Honorifics Memory Card Check your level of honorifics! Online Manners "The 5 Key Points" Subject Users of learningBOX [Shared Server] (including Free Plan) How to apply New Customers STEP1: Please register through the free trial. STEP2: After completing the free trial registration, you will receive an email from us confirming your registration. Customers already using learningBOX STEP1: Log in to learningBOX and open the contents management. STEP2: Select the "+" icon > "learningBOX ON" > "10th Anniversary Free Contents" > "Business Manners". Back to Table of Contents Take advantage of learningBOX ON! It is possible to create original training programs by combining the training content available on learningBOX ON with content created in-house. We encourage you to use learningBOX ON for in-house training as an environment for continuous learning without being restricted by schedule or location. ≫ Click here for a free trial ▼ We also recommend this one! Also read Back to Table of Contents

Harassment educational materials are now available free of charge.

(Head office: Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture; President: Yoichiro Nishimura), an e-learning system developer, will begin offering "learningBOX ON" as part of its 10th anniversary project to express its gratitude to its customers. learningBOX ON" is learningBOX's first service to make free learning content available to the public. Background of Free Publication The Comprehensive Labor Policy Promotion Law (Power Harassment Prevention Law) has been revised, making it mandatory for large companies to take measures against power harassment in the workplace starting June 1, 2020. The Act on the Prevention of Power Harassment has also become mandatory for small and medium-sized enterprises as of April 1, 2022. In light of this background, Tatsuno Information System is pleased to announce the free release of "Harassment Educational Materials for Small and Medium Enterprises" on learningBOX, with the aim of contributing to the strengthening of risk management in small and medium enterprises. Back to Table of Contents Learning Content Features learningBOX ON is a service that makes it easy to add company-required training content to learningBOX, an e-learning creation and management system. You can easily design your own original learning courses by combining them with your company's in-house content. Contents For Managers Power Harassment Checklist Definition of Power Harassment Gray zone determination of guidance The Meaning of Eliminating Harassment From anti-harassment measures to management measures What you can do to eliminate "harassment Sexual Harassment Checklist Sexual Harassment Awareness Definition of Sexual Harassment Types of sexual harassment Common misconceptions of the perpetrator For new employees and general employees Typical Harassment Actions to be taken Report Assignment If you were harassed, what would you do? If you feel you are being harassed Subject Users of learningBOX [Shared Server] (including Free Plan) How to use New Customers STEP1: Please register from the free trial. STEP2: After completing the free trial registration, you will receive an email from us confirming your registration. Customers already using learningBOX STEP1: Log in to learningBOX and open the contents management. STEP2: Select the "+" icon > "learningBOX ON" > "10th Anniversary Free Content" > "Harassment". Back to Table of Contents Take advantage of learningBOX ON! It is possible to create original training programs by combining the training content available on learningBOX ON with content created in-house. We encourage you to use learningBOX ON for in-house training as an environment for continuous learning without being restricted by schedule or location. ≫ Click here for a free trial ▼Here's another recommendation! Also read Back to Table of Contents

learningBOX upgraded to Ver. 2.17

About this Version Upgrade Thank you for your continued use of learningBOX. Today, learningBOX has been upgraded from Ver. 2.16 to Ver. 2.17. In this article, we will provide details about Ver. 2.17.13 (released on March 9, 2022), to which various new features have been added. Click here for a list of new features and functional improvements. New Features Functional Improvements 1. expansion of course functionality 13. expansion of functionality for checking compatible devices Expansion of two-factor authentication 3. Selective content settings 15. Expansion of test mode settings 4. Gradebook 16. Permission to view group management and grade management 5. page designer 17. group batch registration and download function Breadcrumbs are added to the display. 7. Display of question answers/corrections 19. Display of detailed course descriptions 8. Message Box Management Authority 20. Video Basic Settings 9. Video time display function 21. Immediate availability of design customization 10. Automatic video playback function 22. Addition of authentication failure information to access log 11. Curriculum/course description 12. Welcome page redisplay function In this version update, the "Course Function" has been revamped, which significantly changes the way the study screen looks. Many other features have also been added, including improvements to existing functions and expansion of functions that can be linked via API. We will now introduce the 2.17 series version update in detail. Expanded course functionality The TOP of all study screens are now unified with the course materials, making them easier to customize as well as simpler looking. Headings/Clearance Conditions The existing learning control function has been completely redesigned and is now a clear condition. More complex conditions can be set than before. Selective Content Setting This function allows the learner to select only one of multiple learning materials. Gradebook Original gradebooks can now be created and distributed as content within a course. Page Designer You can now more easily change the design of pages that can be created in the Site Customizer. Media Management Videos and teaching materials can now be registered in learningBOX and used via CDN without having to upload media files for each content. Function for displaying answers to questions/corrections Answers to specific questions and corrections can be displayed. Message Box Management Authority Authorized users can send messages to groups and other users. Video Duration Display Function Video content times are now displayed on the "Find Curriculum" and "Select Course" screens. Automatic Video Continuous Playback When there are multiple video contents, they are now automatically played in succession. Curriculum/Course Descriptions Explanatory text can be displayed on the "Find Curriculum" and "Select Course" screens. Re-display of Welcome Page The welcome page can be redisplayed. Expanded functionality for checking compatible devices A [Back] button has been added to the list of compatible devices screen, as well as to automatically read the recommended environment for learningBOX. Expansion of two-factor authentication functionality Two-factor authentication can now be set for specific groups. Expansion of Test Mode Settings Test mode settings can now be configured to display more detailed results. Group Management/Grades Management Viewing Authority Member management and grade management permissions can now be allowed for viewing only. Group Batch Registration and Download Function The group CSV batch registration format has been changed to a clearer display. Breadcrumbs are now displayed in the "General Public Courses," "Select Course," and "Course Details" screens. Breadcrumbs are now displayed on the "Public Courses," "Select Course," and "Course Details" screens. Switching the display of detailed course descriptions The course and folder descriptions displayed at the top of the "Learn" screen can now be toggled on and off. Basic Video Settings Basic settings related to videos, such as the range of video double speed settings and shadows, can now be configured. This function is available for video content with MOVIE Player version 2.1.0 or higher. Design customization is now available on the same day. Design customization is now available for same-day use when ordered from the order screen. Authentication Failure Information Added to Access Log Information on authentication failures is now displayed in the access log. Miscellaneous Please contact our CS sales team if you have any questions or need more information. Inquiry Form We will continue to listen to our customers and improve the functionality of the system to make it even more comfortable to use. The new features and functional improvements added to learningBOX Ver. 2.17 are described in detail in this release note. We look forward to your continued support of learningBOX/QuizGenerator.
National Nursing Examination - eLearning Learning

I passed the national nursing exam in one go! How to prepare for the national exam using e-learning learning

Pass the National Nursing Examination in one shot! What is the national exam preparation using e-learning study! This is Kitaoka 🍎, our marketing manager. It's almost time for the national exam! In this article, we would like to introduce a study method using our e-learning system (learningBOX) to help you prepare for the National Nursing Examination. The nursing license is one of the most popular and in-demand national qualifications in the medical field! For those in charge of education at universities and vocational schools that are focusing on training nurses, and for teachers who are worried about the passing rate of the national exam, our learningBOX allows you to study outside of class time, as well as in your spare time, to "effectively and efficiently" prepare for the national exam. You can use our learningBOX not only outside of class time, but also in your spare time. We also offer learning tools specialized for memorization and quiz creation tools that can be used as repetitive learning to understand and consolidate what you have learned. The question creation tool allows you to easily create and publish questions for the web-based exam. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Click here for the Table of Contents 1. difficulty level and trends of the national nursing examination 2. challenges and concerns in preparing for the national exam 3. how to prepare for the national exam using the learningBOX content features 4. summary The difficulty level and trend of the National Nursing Examination ▼ Click here for the passing status of the 108th National Nursing Examination. The 108th National Nursing Examination was held on Sunday, February 17, 2019, with 64,153 applicants, 63,603 examinees, and 56,767 successful applicants, for a pass rate of 89.3% (91.0% last year). Of these, 58,622 new graduates applied, 58,308 took the exam, and 55,216 passed, for a pass rate of 94.7% (compared to 96.3% last year). ▼ Click here for 2019 pass rates. Here is a chart showing the National Nursing Examination and the pass rate for the past 10 years. In this way, it looks like a relatively low difficulty exam, passing in around 90%. ....... In fact, there is a secret to this pass rate. ☑POINT If you look at the breakdown of those who passed, the pass rate for new graduates is 94.71 TP2T, while the pass rate for graduates is 29.31 TP2T! Yes, the pass rate appears to be high because new graduates account for more than 90% of the applicants. *The pass rate alone gives the illusion that the exam is easy to get through in terms of difficulty, but once you fail the national exam, the probability of passing the next national exam becomes even lower. Therefore, it is very important to have a learning method and a learning environment that will allow you to get a passing grade the first time! Issues and concerns in preparing for the national exam We have already discussed that the pass rate is higher for new graduates who take the national exam immediately after learning specialized content at school. So, what is the actual study period for new graduates? Let's check the annual schedule of nursing students. ▼ Nursing students' annual, schedule In the third year, clinical training is the main focus. Students spend more than half a year at the hospital or facility where they are practicing, learning communication skills through practical skills instruction, chart writing, and patient care assistance. Even after the practical training is over, students will continue to be busy with case reports, nursing research, graduation exams, and other activities even after the practical training visits are over. Students are usually able to concentrate on studying for the national examinations from December onward, and it is a common practice for students to prepare for the national examinations with a packed schedule. The study curriculum schedule is inevitably a short-term battle. The scope of the National Examination and passing criteria are here. The scope of the examination consists of three types of questions: "compulsory questions," "general questions," and "situational questions. The detailed contents are as follows. Passing Criteria The National Nursing Examination consists of 240 questions with a maximum score of 300 points. In order to pass, the following two conditions must be met ☑ Answer correctly at least 80% of the "required questions ☑Fulfill the year's criteria for "General Questions + Situational Questions". The compulsory questions are allotted 50 points out of 300 points, which is 1 point per question. Since 80% of the total number of points is for the compulsory questions, if you do not score more than 40 points (answer more than 40 questions correctly), you will fail the exam at that point, even if you got a perfect score for the General and Situational Setting questions. The situational questions are worth 2 points per question, and the passing standard for these questions fluctuates each year. This is because the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare adjusts the number of successful applicants based on the supply-demand ratio of nurses. As you can see, it is necessary to prepare well for the exam in order to pass. However, neither teachers nor learners can easily spend all their time preparing for the exam. Let's take a look at their respective concerns. ▼ Issues and problems faced by teachers in preparing for the national examinations In recent years, exam questions have been changing to reflect more clinical situations. Behind this trend, we can see the intention of the examiners to have those who have an essential understanding of what they have learned and who truly have aptitude as nurses pass the exam, rather than those who are just trying to learn a few tricks. It is a red herring to think, "Let's just get by by rote memorization." The study required to pass the upcoming national nursing examination is as close as possible to the study required to become a nurse who can work in the field. So what can we do? How can you prepare for the exam efficiently and effectively with limited time? The solution to this problem is "e-learning" and the learningBOX! Here are some of the ways to prepare for the national examinations using the content features of learningBOX! Click here to see how to prepare for the national exam using the memorization cards. ▼This is a very useful learning tool for contents, keywords, and memorized materials that are frequently asked in the national examinations. We have made a sample of memorization cards that could be used to prepare for the national exam. Please use them for your reference only. Click on the following items to activate the player and see how it works. Memorization cards about hormones Memorization cards for swallowing Memorization cards for muscles and nerves Memorization cards related to pediatrics Memorization cards can be created as text files. Once created, they can be easily converted to a web-based memorization card application. You can also check which words you have memorized and how much you have accomplished. You can also insert images into the memory cards. You can find more information on how to create a memorization card on the CardGenerator website. ▼ The quiz function is useful for repetitive learning of past questions! ⇒Try the quiz! You can solve it from here. You can create your own quizzes and publish them on the web in 12 different formats. You can also embed images, videos, and explanations. Links can also be set up so that users can be redirected to a specific location (page). Other detailed settings such as time limits, passing scores, and shuffling of quiz choices can also be configured to suit each application. Please refer to the optional items list page for a wide variety of optional functions. Clicking on the following items will activate the player and allow you to check the web questions. Required Question Basic Nursing Adult Nursing Geriatric Nursing Pediatric Nursing Psychiatric Nursing ▼ The quiz function allows learners to train their application skills by dividing the study by year or by subject, or by changing the format of the questions. Another key point is that students can easily study at their own pace outside of school study time. Repetition with e-learning study is effective for memory retention, correct answer rate on quizzes, and review of comprehension aspects! Quizzes can be created in one of three ways: question creation form, text file, or Excel. Quizzes can be embedded in a website, and when linked to the e-learning system (learningBOX), quizzes can be saved and edited, and members' grades can be managed in detail and in detail. The quiz creation process is described in detail on the "How to Create a Quiz" page of QuizGenerator. Summary With ▼learningBOX, you can manage all your memorization cards and quizzes! In this article, we have introduced the national exam preparation using the content function of learningBOX. With our e-learning system, you can conduct your national exam preparation on the web in addition to your study time at school. In this article, we mainly told you about the memorization card and quiz functions. Both of these functions can be used to create and publish teaching materials by simply reading and copying a few manuals. Created teaching materials can be imported directly into our e-learning system (learningBOX) and managed. learningBOX is an e-learning system that even first-time users can use with confidence. No computer knowledge required! Even if you are not familiar with the system, you can easily learn how to set it up by touching it. Please try the free plan to see how easy it is to use. Please visit the learningBOX service introduction site to learn more about how to use learningBOX and its content features. Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Thank you very much for your time. Also read "Easy-to-use system visibly improves grades!

[Recommended for video training! What is learningBOX's video delivery system?

Recommended for video training! What is learningBOX's video delivery system? Nice to meet you. My name is Okuda, PM (Project Manager) of the Development Department. In this article, I would like to introduce the video delivery system of learningBOX. Our e-learning system is an LMS that allows anyone to easily create teaching materials and upload video content. The delivery specifications are based on the "streaming method," which is also commonly used by delivery sites around the world. There are several methods available for learningBOX, including streaming, so we will introduce them here. Click here for the table of contents. 1. What video on demand (VOD) services are recommended for e-learning 2. Characteristics of Streaming Distribution and Download Distribution 3. Streaming technology used by LearningBox 4. Premium plan is recommended to view videos in high quality! 5. Summary What is the recommended video on demand (VOD) service for e-learning? VOD stands for "video on demand." It is a service that allows you to watch movies and dramas at a fixed price over the Internet. This service allows you to watch movies on PCs, smartphones, tablets, game consoles, and various other devices in your home via the Internet or mobile communication lines. There are various types of VOD services, from those that specialize in movies to those that distribute mostly domestic dramas. Youtube, for example, is a free video streaming service. Video distribution on the Internet Currently, video distribution over the Internet allows users to enjoy movies and dramas through subscription video services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. There are also many other types of video distribution services that allow users to participate and post their own videos, such as YouTube and Tik Tok, live streaming services such as Instalive, and webinars (webinars), which have a variety of audience sizes. The devices on which videos can be viewed also vary widely, with most of them supporting viewing on PCs, tablets, and smartphones as standard. Characteristics of Streaming Distribution and Download Distribution There are two major types of on-demand delivery: streaming delivery and download delivery. *On-demand delivery is a method in which content that has been created in advance and uploaded to a server is viewed at the timing requested by the viewer. What is Streaming Delivery? Streaming is a technology for comfortably viewing large files such as videos through communication lines. Since large data on the server is loaded little by little and played back sequentially, the viewer can watch without worrying about the time required for downloading or the HD capacity of the device. What is download distribution? Downloading is a method in which all data is downloaded to the terminal before playback begins. Before the spread of streaming, downloading was a common video delivery method. In this method, the video or other data is downloaded from the distributor to the user's terminal and then played back. Transition from downloading to streaming Just as the U.S. music market shifted from downloading to streaming around 2015, streaming has become the mainstream trend in video distribution. In the past, video data was downloaded completely to the device side, and the video file was played separately. In the past, video data was downloaded completely to the terminal side, and video files were played back separately. In addition, some systems limit the playback player or use a system linked to DRM (Digital Rights Management) to playback the data. However, with the spread of 4G and 5G lines and broadband, transmission speeds have improved year by year, and with the appearance of new streaming standards, there has been a shift to streaming distribution from the perspective of copyright protection by preventing content redistribution, as well as preventing storage pressure on terminals. Of course, downloading has not disappeared, and there are still services that offer downloadable distribution. In particular, in response to the needs for offline viewing, such as "I want to watch on my tablet or smartphone even when I am out of the house and cannot connect to the Internet," some subscription-based distribution services from various companies have prepared dedicated applications that allow downloading in a way that takes content protection into consideration. Streaming technology used by learningBOX Here we introduce the delivery method used by learningBOX. In learningBOX, there are two versions of the Movie Player, version 1 and version 2, with different delivery formats. Version 1 uses the "progressive download method" and version 2 uses the "HLS streaming method. Let's take a look at the features of each. Progressive Download Method Progressive download, also called "pseudo-streaming," is a method in which content is actually temporarily stored in the cache of a PC or smartphone for playback. Even in poor communication environments, once the data is imported, it can be played back smoothly. On the other hand, since the content remains temporarily on the device, there are concerns about copyright protection and hard disk space consumption. HLS Streaming Method Unlike the progressive download method described above, the "streaming method" only transfers the video being played to the user and does not leave data on the terminal. Basically, as long as the Internet environment has sufficient transmission speed, smooth playback is possible, and the hard disk is not overwhelmed even during long playback times. The HLS (=HTTP Live Streaming) format is a streaming transmission protocol developed by Apple Inc. It is the most widely used streaming standard today. You can check which version of learningBOX is currently specified in the "Learning Preferences" and you can change the version. Please use it according to your environment. Premium plans are recommended for viewing videos in high quality! The quality of video playback varies depending on the learningBOX plan you use. The higher the plan you subscribe to, the higher quality videos you can upload. No matter how high the quality of the video data you have at hand, the quality may appear inferior if the plan you have subscribed to does not apply to your plan. When using video materials, choose a plan that fits your environment so that learners can learn without stress. For more information on pricing plans, please refer to the learningBOX pricing plan here. Click here for recommended articles on ▼Video Conclusion In this article, we introduced learningBOX's video delivery system. Our e-learning system is an LMS that allows anyone to easily create teaching materials and upload video content. Even those with no programming knowledge can easily start e-learning, and free trials are available. We also recommend this one! Also read "[The Forefront of Education] Conducting Effective Newcomer Training with Video and E-Learning"
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