

How to Create an Effective Survey Questionnaire

If you work for a company, you probably have the opportunity to create or answer questionnaires within your company. If you know what is going on in your workplace, you can improve employee satisfaction and identify problems. Furthermore, the results may lead to a reduction in employee turnover. They are also useful for conducting customer satisfaction and service surveys. Surveys are essential for both internal and external use, but it is important to know the points to keep in mind when creating them. In this article, we would like to introduce in detail the points to keep in mind when creating a survey within your company. If you are creating a survey within your company or are planning to do so in the future, please take a look at this article for reference. Table of Contents 01How to Create a Questionnaire to Understand the Current State of Your Company STEP1: Set the purpose of the survey STEP2: Set the questions to be asked STEP3: Set the types of questions STEP4: Set up the order of the questions STEP5: Create the text of the questions STEP6: Prepare the options STEP7: Final confirmation 02Example of Questionnaire (Template) ①Employee satisfaction questionnaire 2) 360-degree evaluation Stress check 03Points to consider when creating an internal questionnaire Be sure to include items related to basic information. Provide "Other" as an option. Do not mix similar choices. Be aware of the two-factor theory when creating employee satisfaction questionnaires. Explain the meaning of the questionnaire to employees. 04【Reference】Request text for internal questionnaires Example 1 Example Sentence 2 05【Reference】The use of the Web is recommended for in-house surveys. Increased collection rate Resulting in cost reduction 06Summary How to create a questionnaire to understand the current situation in your company It is important to create a questionnaire that will help you understand the current situation in your company and lead to improvements in the work environment. The following is a seven-step process for creating a specific questionnaire. STEP1: Set the purpose of the survey As a prerequisite, establish the purpose of why the survey is being conducted. Are the employees familiar with the management policies? Are there any dissatisfaction with the current working style? Are human relations with superiors and subordinates good? By taking a survey, you can obtain a variety of information as described above. Setting objectives is the most important factor in understanding the current situation in the company and resolving issues. STEP2: Set the questions to be asked Based on the set objectives, consider the questions to be asked. After creating the general framework of the survey, such as whether to use a choice or descriptive format, it is easier to think about the actual questions to be asked. Try to keep the questions as small as possible, so that they can be answered in about five minutes, which will make it easier for the employees to get the content in their heads and not overload them. After the survey is completed, the data will need to be analyzed, so the questions should be designed to be easy for the creator to analyze. STEP3: Set the question types Set the type of question to be asked. The following types of questions are mainly used in in-house surveys. Radio button type Check box type Matrix type Scale Type Text Box Create your survey using a combination of types as needed. Radio Button Type Radio buttons are the most popular type of survey. It is a circular button with the middle cut out, and is used when you want respondents to answer only one question. How do you commute to the office? Walking 0 Bicycle 0 Train 0 Bus 0 Other Check box type The checkbox type is used when you want to receive multiple responses. Use the square button with the middle out to indicate "multiple responses allowed. Please tell us what stresses you out (multiple answers allowed). □ Job description □ Relationships □ Commute time □ Overtime work □ Other Scale Type The scale is a type of scale that is used when you want to check the degree of satisfaction of an employee. It is often used to find out the level of satisfaction and feedback from employees. For example, "Are you satisfied with your current salary? 5-point scale Satisfied 0 Somewhat satisfied 0 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0 Somewhat dissatisfied 0 Dissatisfied Matrix Type The matrix type is used when multiple items are asked to be answered with the same choices. It is often used when you want to ask the same question all at once. What is important to you in your work? 5 steps Applies to Somewhat applicable Can't say either way Does not apply to me very much Does not apply to me Outcome 0 Zero Zero Zero Zero human relations 0 Zeros Zero 0 0 Welfare 0 Zero 0 0 0 Text Box Type A textbox is an open-ended type. They may be placed at the end of the survey if you want to ask a previous question in more detail, or to get free opinions. Please tell us why you answered the question as shown in Q0. STEP 4: Align the order Align your internal survey in an order that makes it easy to answer. Respondents will feel uncomfortable if they have to think carefully or if difficult questions are asked first. Therefore, questions that are difficult to answer should be placed last. Also, placing questions out of order can cause a "carryover effect," where the earlier questions affect the answers to the later questions, which can reduce the accuracy of the analysis. It is important to consider the order of the questions so that they are easy for respondents to answer and for the creator to analyze. STEP5: Create question text Create the question text according to the question type. It should be written in simple, neutral language, avoiding words that are unfamiliar to the respondent and wordy phrases. The key is to keep the questions brief and easy to understand, with only one or two lines. STEP6: Prepare options Prepare appropriate options. Generally speaking, it is advisable to prepare at least 5 questions and at most 15 questions, depending on the content of the question. Try to prepare as many options as possible, since similar options make it difficult for the respondent to answer the question. STEP7: Final confirmation After completing Steps 1 through 6, be sure to do a final check. We will check for typographical errors and omissions, and that the text is easy to understand. Especially for internal questionnaires, be careful not to create a poor quality questionnaire, as this can lead to a loss of trust among employees. Back to Table of Contents Sample Questionnaire (Template) Let's take a look at some sample templates to see what kind of questionnaires are actually used in companies. In this section, we will introduce three templates that are often used for internal questionnaires: "Employee Satisfaction Questionnaire," "360-degree evaluation," and "Stress Check. Employee Satisfaction Questionnaire 1. what is your gender? 2. What is your age? 3. 3. what department do you belong to? 4. how long have you been with us? How many years have you been with the company? 5. How challenging is your current job? 6. How satisfied are you with the relationships in your current job? 7. How satisfied are you with your current job? 8. How much would you recommend your current job to a friend? 9. How much do the following items apply to you? (e.g., "freedom and discretion," "results and cooperation," etc.) 10. 10. would you like to continue working at your current place of employment? 11. if you have any problems or requests regarding your current workplace, please feel free to write them down (free answer). (Free description) The Employee Satisfaction Questionnaire provides information on job satisfaction and ease of working. By analyzing the results, it is possible to improve the workplace environment and prevent a decline in the retention rate. (2) 360-degree evaluation 1. what is your gender? 2. what is your age? 3. what department do you belong to? 4. how long have you been with us? 4. how many years have you been with the company? (5) What is your position in relation to Mr. 00? (6) How does the following apply to Mr. 00? (6) How much do the following apply to you? (e.g., honesty, responsibility, creativity, cooperativeness, etc.) 7. Finally, please feel free to write your opinion about Mr. 00. (Free description) A 360-degree evaluation is conducted on employees with whom you have a working relationship and is a method of evaluating a specific subject. By having the subject of the evaluation viewed from the perspective of someone in a different position, information about the subject's abilities and skills can be gathered. The questionnaire also has the advantage of providing an objective evaluation and allowing the employee to notice areas for improvement. Stress Check Please put a "0" in the most applicable item. 4. A. I would like to ask you about your job. (applies Somewhat applies Somewhat does not apply Not applicable)   I have a lot of work 2. it requires constant concentration 3. I can work at my own pace 4. 3. I can work at my own pace 4. the work suits me, etc. B. We would like to ask you about your condition. (Always Often Sometimes Almost never) 1.   1. energetic 2. irritable 3. always anxious 4. lack of appetite, etc. C. Please tell us about your relationships. (Very much Quite a lot Somewhat or not at all) 1.   1. have you ever asked your boss for advice about work?  2. have you ever talked to your coworkers about work?  Have you ever consulted with a friend about work? 4.  Have you ever talked to your family about work? etc. D. We would like to ask you about your level of satisfaction. (Satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Dissatisfied) Stress checks are now mandatory in workplaces with 50 or more employees as a result of revisions to the Occupational Health and Safety Law. By conducting the questionnaire on a regular basis, we can learn about employees' mental health problems and aim to create a safe and secure work environment. Back to Table of Contents Points to Consider When Creating an Internal Questionnaire Here are five key points to look for when creating an internal questionnaire. Be sure to include items related to basic information. Include "other" as an option. Do not mix similar choices. Utilize the two-factor theory in employee satisfaction questionnaires Explain the meaning of the survey to employees. Be sure to include items related to basic information In the first half of the survey, be sure to include items related to basic information. This is because it will allow for detailed categorization of attributes and analysis of individual trends. In the case of an internal survey, this would include gender, job title, department, length of service, etc. Include "Other" in the options. The "Other" option should be included in the choices. If there is no "Other," respondents may not be able to answer any of the questions. However, if there are only a few options, most respondents will choose "Other. The key is to set an appropriate number of items and then provide an "Other" option. Do not mix similar choices. Do not include answers with similar content in the choices. For example, "friend" and "acquaintance," which can be interpreted differently by different people. Putting them in the same option may cause respondents to make different choices and reduce the accuracy of the survey. If you want to include both types of responses in the survey, it is important to use a check box type question rather than a radio button type question. Be aware of the two-factor theory in employee satisfaction surveys. When creating an internal survey, be aware of the two axes proposed by clinical psychologist Frederick Herzberg: the motivational factor and the hygiene factor. Motivational Factors Motivational factors are those that bring satisfaction at work. Motivation to work, such as achievement, recognition, and promotion, fall under motivational factors. By incorporating these factors into your survey, you will be able to find ways to improve employee motivation. Hygiene Factors Hygiene factors are those that bring about a sense of dissatisfaction at work. Salary, relationships, and work environment fall under the category of hygiene factors. By incorporating these factors into your survey, you will be able to clarify "where employees are dissatisfied," and if you take action, you will be able to prevent a decline in turnover. Explain the meaning of the survey to employees. Explain the meaning and purpose of conducting the survey in advance of the in-house survey. If the company's purpose is clear, employees will be more willing to cooperate with the survey. In order to get the true feelings of the employees, be sure to provide information on whether the survey will identify individuals and whether it will affect their personnel evaluation. This will increase the response rate to the survey. Back to Table of Contents Reference] Internal survey request letter Before implementing an internal survey, a preliminary request letter is necessary. A well-crafted request letter will increase the survey response rate. In this section, we will introduce an example of an internal survey request letter sent via e-mail. Example 1 Subject: [Deadline: Monday, February 12, 1:00 p.m.] Request for questionnaire To whom it may concern Thank you for your cooperation. This is 00 from the Human Resources Department. The Human Resources Department would like to request a stress check questionnaire for all employees. The questionnaire form will be sent to you via internal mail, so please take a few minutes out of your busy schedule to respond by e-mail by 1:00 p.m. on Monday, February 12, 2012. Please allow about 20 minutes for a response. Thank you for your cooperation. Example 2 Subject: Request for an internal questionnaire Dear Mr. 00 Request for cooperation in new product questionnaire The Planning Department is currently developing a new product 00. Therefore, we would like to ask you for your impression and image of the appearance of the product in 00. The questionnaire will be sent to you in the attached file, so please reply to it by internal e-mail by 4:00 p.m. on December 10 (Fri.). Please note that the questionnaire is anonymous, and your answers will not be disclosed to any third party. We appreciate your cooperation. The key points to remember when sending an internal survey are to include a closing date and the time it will take to respond. Also, as in the second example, if you include a statement regarding the handling of personal information, respondents will feel more comfortable and will be more likely to answer honestly. Since respondents will be taking time out of their busy schedules to cooperate with your survey, try to make sure that all the details are available in a single email message. Back to Table of Contents Reference] We recommend the use of the Web for in-house surveys. We recommend using the Web for in-house surveys rather than paper surveys (survey forms). In addition to making it easier to tabulate the results, the Web is more suitable for analyzing the results and identifying issues. In addition, the use of a system makes it easier to manage the progress of responses and tabulate results. Other advantages include the following Reduction of typographical errors and omissions Increased response rates resulting in cost savings There are now a variety of free web-based survey services available. Increased collection rate Web-based surveys increase the response rate. Web-based surveys are easier on respondents because they no longer have to print out a survey form and handwrite it, and busy employees can answer on their computers or smartphones while traveling or taking a break, increasing the response rate. Resulting in cost reductions Web-based surveys can lead to significant cost savings. Not only do you save on the cost of printing out the survey forms, but you also save on time since the survey can be distributed simultaneously via email address. Back to Table of Contents Conclusion We have introduced some points to keep in mind while introducing a template on how to create an internal questionnaire. The point of the survey is not only to understand the current situation in the company, but also to provide content that will lead to the resolution of current problems and issues. If you know how to create them, you can use them in a variety of situations, including customer satisfaction surveys, as well as within your company. Web-based internal questionnaires have more advantages than written ones, and are now becoming mainstream. Our e-learning system "learningBOX" also includes a questionnaire function, which is easy to use and low-cost. If you are considering creating an in-house questionnaire including e-learning, please feel free to try our free service. We also recommend this service! Also read Back to Table of Contents

The Impact of ICT in Schools

The increasing digitization of all environments has led to a growing interest in ICT education in the field of education. In this context, some school and cram school managers and educators may have the idea of "promoting efficiency through the use of IT. This article will provide an overview of ICT education, examples of its use, and its merits. If you are interested in promoting IT on campus, please continue reading to the end. What is ICT Education? ICT is a term meaning "Information and Communication Technology. In other words, ICT education refers to educational methods that incorporate information and communication technology. Specifically, ICT education is realized through the use of hardware such as PCs and tablets, and software such as e-learning and video content. Back to Table of Contents Background of the Attention to ICT Education Why is ICT education spreading and what is the purpose of ICT education? Some of you may be wondering about these terms that you have been hearing in recent years. Here we will explain why ICT education is attracting so much attention. Promotion of DX One of the reasons why ICT education is attracting attention is the accelerated promotion of DX in Japan. DX aims to enrich social life by advancing information technology. As DX attracts attention, there is a growing awareness of the need to utilize IT technology in education as well. Moreover, digitization is a more pressing issue, against the backdrop of restrictions on face-to-face teaching due to the spread of the new coronavirus beginning in 2020. Reduce the burden that teachers have to carry In the field of education, the burden placed on teachers, who are burdened with a diverse range of duties, has become an issue. Not only do they have to prepare for classes and lessons, but they also have to deal with parents, serve as advisors for club activities, and respond to questionnaires from the government and the Board of Education, among other duties. In the face of these challenges, there is a movement to reduce the burden on teachers by introducing ICT education. ICT education is expected to have the potential to reduce the burden on teachers by providing one computer per teacher, incorporating video content into classes, and so on. Nurturing Children for a Digital Society In today's increasingly digitalized society, the ability to utilize information technology is becoming an essential part of a child's upbringing. In particular, the ability to utilize information is extremely important, as we are now inundated with a large amount of information and how to select and discard information is a key question. In order for children to acquire basic knowledge in the information society, ICT education is required to be enhanced in the field of education. Back to Table of Contents Examples of ICT Education Applications ICT education has been used in many educational settings since its introduction. In elementary schools, ICT has been introduced to all subjects, including Japanese, arithmetic, social studies, and science. For those who would like to learn more about ICT education and put it into practice, this section introduces some of the grades and subjects from the "Practical Examples of ICT in Education" published by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Second grade elementary school, Japanese In a Japanese class for 2nd grade elementary school students, tablet PCs were used to make the images of the story easier for children to understand. By watching videos of the creatures that appear in the story, it became easier for the students to imagine the experiences and feelings of the characters. This has resulted in a deeper understanding of the story and improved reading comprehension. As a specific response, one student said, "The moment I watched the video, I heard cheers from the children, and I felt their interest and interest increase. Fifth grade elementary school student, English Fifth grade elementary school English classes use English teaching materials and digital English content to increase interest. By using electronic blackboards and incorporating games and songs into the lessons, more active and motivating classes have become possible. This has resulted in effects such as motivating students to participate in activities. As a specific response, one student said, "The use of flash materials and the digital version of the English notebook enabled the language activities to develop at a high tempo, and the students were more motivated to engage in the learning activities. Sixth grade elementary school, home economics In a home economics class for sixth-grade students, students are encouraged to deepen their awareness and learning by writing menu items on enlarged images as they think about them. This has had the effect of encouraging students to think about things from a variety of perspectives by visually confirming information. One specific response was that "the students were able to deepen their thinking about the nutritionally balanced menu for one meal by sharing their opinions with each other while writing on the images on the electronic blackboard. Reference: Japan Audio Visual Education Church, "Practical Examples of ICT in Education" (Japanese only) Back to Table of Contents Benefits of ICT Education ICT education is being introduced in various places. In this context, many people may want to know the specific benefits of introducing ICT education. The major advantage of introducing ICT education is that it can improve efficiency in various situations. The following is a more detailed introduction of the advantages of introducing ICT education in four areas. Classes become easier to understand ICT content such as video, audio, and websites can be used to make classes easier to understand. If students' interest is captured by a variety of teaching materials, not just textbooks and reference books, it will be even more effective. For example, when studying history in social studies, it is necessary to understand in detail the roles played by many people. By using video content, students can smoothly understand the correlations between the figures and the historical background. The ability to realize images that have been completed only in one's mind through video and audio will be a great advantage in the study process. Improvement of learning efficiency by students The introduction of ICT education greatly enhances the effectiveness of student learning. In conventional classes, students mainly transcribe what is written on the blackboard into their notebooks. However, by sharing class content between the teacher and students via tablet devices, the time spent on notebooks can be used for other learning. Streamlining of practical work by teachers Although teachers are busy with a variety of tasks, they can expect to improve their work efficiency by adopting ICT education. For example, by using tablets to grade papers, or by replacing class content with ICT educational content, teachers will be able to spend more time on other tasks. By utilizing ICT, you can improve the quality of your classes while increasing your operational efficiency. The ability to spend more time with students is a major benefit. Easier sharing of information among teachers Tablets and smartphones make it easy for instructors to share materials used in class. Not only does this facilitate information sharing, but there is also no need to worry about loss of materials due to the elimination of paper-based media. By sharing many best practices, the quality of classes will be enhanced. Back to Table of Contents Disadvantages of ICT Education While there are many advantages to implementing ICT education, there are also disadvantages. It is important to understand which points may be obstacles. Here are four disadvantages of introducing ICT education. Certain introduction costs are required In order to introduce ICT education, both hardware and software environments must be in place. Certain costs will be incurred for electronic content to facilitate classes and the development of a communication environment. In schools with a large number of students, careful planning and budgeting are necessary. Repair and replacement costs will also arise depending on the situation. The ongoing cost of maintaining the environment may be a disadvantage. High hurdles to introduction ICT education is highly effective for student learning, but for teachers who are not good at IT operation or who feel uneasy, the introduction itself can be a high hurdle. They have to learn how to operate various devices, such as operating tablets and using learning software. Furthermore, they are also faced with the need to take appropriate action in the event of a problem, such as a sudden stop in operation, depending on the situation. In addition, the equipment must be managed on a regular basis, which may increase the burden on teachers in some cases. Learning depends on the communication environment. ICT education is basically a form of learning that takes place in an online environment. Therefore, students must always be aware of the possibility that communication problems may occur for some reason. It is also necessary to consider in advance how to respond in the event that classes are interrupted. Another issue that needs to be considered when conducting online classes is how to provide a communication environment for students. In order to establish a system in which all students can take classes, various measures, such as thorough prior notification, must be taken. Possibility of Reducing Children's Imagination It has been pointed out by some that creating an environment in which children can freely acquire information via the Internet, even for the purpose of learning, may diminish their imagination. It will be necessary to thoroughly instruct children to develop the habit of thinking for themselves first, rather than immediately looking up what they do not understand. It is also feared that by using computers and tablet terminals as the main means of communication, there will be fewer opportunities for children to write kanji characters and other characters by hand. Back to Table of Contents Consider how you will incorporate ICT education Attention to ICT education is increasing year by year, driven by the wave of IT everywhere. Let's take a moment to consider how to incorporate ICT education, taking into account the background of this growing attention and its advantages and disadvantages. If you are interested in focusing on ICT education in the future, please consider our learning management system "learningBOX". Not only can you easily register teaching materials, but you can also use the system to manage groups of students, grades, and other applications. If you are looking to improve the quality of learning while increasing operational efficiency, please contact us first for a free information request. ▼ We also recommend this one! Also read. Back to Table of Contents
How do you implement e-learning?

How do you implement e-learning? An explanation of the process and what you need to consider

With corporate competitiveness increasing in all industries and business categories, some managers and human resource managers may be thinking, "I want to put more effort into employee training than ever before. Human resource development, which bears the future of the company, must be pursued from a medium- to long-term perspective. This article provides an overview of e-learning, points to consider when introducing e-learning, and its merits, etc. If you are thinking of introducing e-learning and preparing an internal training system, please continue reading to the end. What is e-Learning? E-learning is an educational method that utilizes electronic devices and the Internet, and has been widely introduced by various companies since the 2000s. It is mainly conducted via PCs and smartphones, with video being the most common method of learning. The services and learning methods using e-Learning have been evolving year by year, and the number of companies introducing e-Learning has been increasing. Back to Table of Contents What to Consider When Implementing E-Learning With the accelerating trend toward online learning in various fields, more and more companies are introducing e-learning. Many of you may want to know what points to keep in mind when considering the introduction of e-learning. Here are three points that companies should consider when introducing e-learning. Clarify the purpose of implementation Before introducing e-learning, it is important to clarify the purpose of the introduction. If this point is unclear and you do not clarify the purpose of the introduction, you may end up "just introducing it and that's it. To avoid wasting time and money, clarify what you are implementing it for, what you want to do with it, and how it will help you achieve your objectives. Identify the target audience. When introducing e-learning, it is also important to define the target audience in advance. After selecting the target audience, such as "all employees," "new employees," or "people in specific departments," it is important to formulate what kind of learning is required for each target audience. Consider how the service or system will be used. Decide which learning management system (LMS) you will use. A variety of services and systems have been released, including those that require in-house preparation of course materials and those that come with pre-prepared materials. Therefore, you will need to carefully select a system that meets your company's training objectives. It is important to select a system that allows you to visualize what you will gain by introducing the system so that participants can learn more effectively. Back to Table of Contents e-Learning Implementation Flow From here, we will explain the specific implementation flow for those who are interested in adopting e-learning. Let's take a look at each of the necessary points from service selection to operation. If you are not sure how to proceed, or if you would like to know the step-by-step flow, please refer to this section. Service Selection First of all, it is important to clarify what the purpose of e-Learning is and how it can be used to achieve the objectives. If you do not clarify the purpose and objectives in advance, you may end up with a situation in which e-learning is only a formality, or the cost-effectiveness of e-learning is not worth it. Once you have defined your purpose and objectives, select a service while gathering information on products, implementation track record, support details, costs, and so on. We recommend that you compare not just one company, but multiple companies. Conclusion of Contract Once you have decided on the service to be introduced, contact the service provider to conclude a contract. At this point, it is important to determine the number of users, which plan to choose, and which options to add. It is necessary to coordinate with the relevant departments within the company to finalize details such as information security considerations and how the cloud service will be operated. When outsourcing, it is also advisable to work with the legal department to complete a legal check of the contract. Environment Construction Once the contract is signed, we will set up the operational environment after discussing with the service provider. When using a cloud service, there is no need to create an in-house environment on your own. However, in some cases, it may take several months to build an environment for e-learning on the company's own servers. At this point, it is important to decide whether to use only the package provided by the service provider, or to add options and other customization options. Preparation for Operation Once the environment is ready, proceed with preparations for actual operation, such as inputting user information into the system. After completing the necessary preparations, conduct an operational test. We will use the system under the assumption of actual operation and check the operation flow, while at the same time confirming that there are no deficiencies in the contents of the educational materials. Start of Operation After preparation and testing are complete, send the information and manuals to the participants and begin operation. Various problems may be found during actual use. It is important to make improvements each time and update the system to make it easier to use. Also, if you encounter an error that cannot be resolved internally, contact the service provider. It is necessary to clarify in advance whether the contact person for emergencies is the help desk or the person in charge, and to establish a system that can solve problems smoothly. Back to Table of Contents Advantages of e-Learning When considering the implementation of e-learning, we must be sure to look at the benefits gained. e-learning creates a foundation for stable and deep learning. There are many other benefits to implementing e-Learning, which we will discuss in the following three sections. Learning without being restricted by time or place One of the major advantages of e-learning is that students can learn regardless of time and place, as long as they have a system and an Internet environment. Mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones can be used for learning in any situation, such as during short periods of time while commuting. By creating an environment where students can learn anytime, anywhere, we can expect students to develop a learning habit. Unevenness in learning by instructors Because e-learning always provides the same content, learning is not affected by the instructor's level. Since there is no variation in the quality of learning and the content of instruction is homogenized, there are no learning omissions as long as the content is digested thoroughly. In addition, it is easy to change the course material according to the level and progress of the students. Students can learn higher level content step by step, for example, by deepening the content when they reach a certain standard. Progress checks and feedback are easy E-learning makes it easier to check progress and provide feedback. Students' learning status can be managed in the form of data, allowing for accurate feedback, such as advice on areas of weakness, based on test results. In addition, it is easier to check "how far students have completed their studies" from the management screen. Progress can be easily checked by both the administrator and the student, making it easier to make future study plans, etc. Back to Table of Contents Disadvantages of Implementing E-Learning While there are many advantages to implementing e-learning, there are also disadvantages, such as the need to develop the environment and learning that cannot be covered online. Before introducing e-learning, it is important to understand what points to keep in mind. Here are three disadvantages of introducing e-learning. It is necessary to build an environment on the student side When introducing e-learning, it is necessary to prepare not only the administration side, but also the students' environment by preparing tablets, PCs, and an Internet environment. Since each individual's environment is different, it is essential to prepare the environment for the students when introducing e-learning. Student motivation needs to be managed. One of the major advantages of e-learning is that students can learn at any time. However, in some cases, if students are not motivated to learn, it may be difficult for them to continue learning. Even if a deadline is set by the management, it is difficult to enforce it completely. As a result, there may be differences in progress and understanding among participants. It is very important to work out how to keep the motivation of all students at a constant level. Practical learning is difficult. Because e-learning is an online learning experience, it is not suitable for learning practical content. It is difficult to gain hands-on experience or to learn how to make something in cooperation with other participants. To compensate for this disadvantage, "blended learning," which combines online and offline learning, is becoming increasingly popular. Back to Table of Contents Raise the Level of In-House Education with e-Learning An increasing number of companies are looking to focus more on internal training through the introduction of e-learning. The main attraction of an online system is that it makes it easier to manage the progress of students. It is important to carefully consider services that meet your company's objectives. If you are interested in implementing e-learning, please consider our "learningBOX" system, which has all the functions necessary for e-learning and allows anyone to easily build a learning environment. If you are interested in raising the level of your employees by providing them with appropriate training, please contact us first by requesting our brochure. ▼ We also recommend this one! Also read. Back to Table of Contents
E-learning - free

Advance notice] Specification changes with the release of learningBOX 2.17

Advance Notice] Specification Changes for the release of learningBOX 2.17 Thank you for your continued patronage of our services. We are planning to change the specifications of some functions in the release of learningBOX Ver. 2.17, scheduled for early March 2022. This is an advance notice in connection with the specification changes. Additional information: March 15, 2022] Specification changes to page settings immediately after logging in Specification Change in Page Setup Immediately after Login If you have selected "Study" in learningBOX [Ver. 2.16], the page transition destination will be automatically changed to "Select Course" in Ver. 2.17 and later. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we appreciate your understanding. Content Management Course Functions Folders located directly under documents (top directory) in Content Management are automatically converted to courses. The learner screen 【Learn】 is also displayed in the same way, with the folder automatically converted to a course. Folders set in the [Folder shortcut function] will not be converted to courses. Course batch conversion function Once you click the Convert button from this batch conversion function, you will not be able to undo the contents. Please be careful. Do not include in constraints Starting from Ver. 2.17, "Do not include in constraints" (clip marks) will be abolished and changed to specifying what to include in constraints. The following effects will occur for materials with clip marks. The progress rate of the chart function will change. Clip marks will not be displayed. When clip-marked materials are not used with the limit bar, the clip-mark will be automatically removed. Insert function of restriction condition and title bar Constraints are renamed 【Clear Condition】and Title Bar is renamed 【Heading】, and their functions are also changed. From Ver. 2.17 or later, when setting a clear condition, the target content can be specified. More detailed clear conditions can be set than in Ver. 2.16 or earlier. The title bar is renamed to "Set Heading". From Ver. 2.17 or later, you can freely set the text color and background color of headings. Headings will also be placed on the learner screen as shown below. Please refer to the "New Feature List" page to be released after Ver. 2.17 is released for more detailed information on how to use this feature. Member Management Group batch registration/update The CSV format for group batch registration has changed. The new format allows registration with a specified hierarchical structure. For details, please refer to the "New Function List Page" to be released after Ver. 2.17 is released. Terms of Use Management Terms of Use Management Function For owners who have not set their language, a modal will be displayed to ask them to set their language. After Ver. 2.17 is released, the system will display the terms and conditions for the specified language and prompt the user to agree to the terms and conditions. Sign up for a paid plan Notice of Immediate Use of Design Customization Customers who have signed up for design customization or higher will be able to place orders on the same day from the upgrade screen of the learningBOX. Prior to Ver. 2.16, it took about one month from application to start of operation for design customization. Also, with the Site Customizer, you had to contact us and wait for the side menu settings to be completed. After the release of Ver. 2.17, you can order from the upgrade page of learningBOX and start using the software immediately. Free API Linkage After the Ver2.17 release, API integration is available free of charge with design customization or a dedicated server subscription. Prior to Ver. 2.16, API integration was charged only for the Starter Plan, but with this specification change, it is now available free of charge for all license plans. Previously, API integration was available only for Starter Plan licensees, but now it is available free of charge for all license plans. (The Standard Plan, Premium Plan, and EC Function Plan were available for free.) ) To encourage more customers to sign up for API integration and make use of learningBOX, we have made the API integration fee free of charge for all license agreements. (*Except for the free plan. Please take advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of the API integration.

How can companies reduce costs and increase efficiency?

How can companies reduce costs and increase efficiency? For companies, cost reduction is an indispensable element to maximize profits. However, since there are many different types of costs, it is not uncommon for companies to wonder which costs should be reduced and how to achieve cost reduction. This article will discuss specific ways in which companies can reduce costs and increase efficiency. The flow of implementing cost reductions and case studies will also be introduced, so those in charge of companies wishing to reduce costs are encouraged to refer to this article. Click here for Table of Contents Overview of Cost Reduction Flow of Implementing Cost Reduction Three ways to reduce costs Two examples of cost reduction Summary Cost Reduction Overview Cost reduction is the process of reducing wasteful expenses and costs incurred by a company in the course of its operations. Although the types of costs incurred vary from industry to industry, the following items are basically incurred as costs. Personnel costs Recruitment costs Office costs IT equipment costs Among costs, labor costs are particularly difficult to reduce. Personnel costs can be broken down into several categories, including transportation and training costs. It is not uncommon for managers to be concerned about reducing labor costs, as it is the most costly item, but also an essential part of corporate operations. Benefits of Cost Reduction There are a variety of benefits that can be realized if cost reductions can be achieved. Typical examples of benefits include ...can increase profits. Cost reduction is necessary to increase a company's profit. A company's profit is sales minus costs, and the more costs are reduced, the more profit is earned. ... leads to increased operational efficiency. Cost reductions not only increase profits, but also improve operational efficiency. Cost reduction efforts may result in the elimination of wasteful operations as a result of reviewing the way business is conducted. Increased corporate value. Costs saved by cost reduction can be allocated to new business development. If innovation can be realized, corporate value will be enhanced. Flow of Implementing Cost Reductions Cost reductions are generally implemented in the following flow. Assess the current situation and set goals Determination of plan and dissemination of goals Implementation and analysis of the plan Improvement of the plan Each of these steps is explained in detail in this section. Let's make cost reduction a reality by understanding the key points of cost reduction. STEP1: Grasp the current situation and set goals When working on cost reduction, it is important to understand what costs are currently being incurred. Without clarifying what and how much costs are being incurred, it is impossible to determine the types of costs that need to be reduced. It is important to understand the types and amounts of all costs being incurred. It is also essential to set cost reduction goals. If you proceed with cost reduction without setting goals, employees may not know how far they should go and this may lead to a loss of motivation. STEP2: Decide on a plan and communicate the goals After deciding which costs are to be reduced, a cost reduction plan is created. When creating a plan, it is important to make projections to ensure that cost reductions will not cause any disadvantages to the company. If you do not make a forecast, you may end up reducing costs that do not need to be reduced, which may in turn have a negative impact on your company. Employees should be informed of the plan. Cost reductions can sometimes cause inconvenience to employees. Communicating the reasons for and goals of the cost reductions will help employees understand and cooperate. STEP3: Implement and analyze the plan This step is to implement the plan and analyze its effectiveness. Cost reduction efforts do not always produce immediate results. Be sure to check regularly to see what results have been achieved by your efforts. It is important that the analysis of the plan be conducted in a concrete manner. Simply stating that "we did not reach the expected goals" does not clarify the next action to be taken. Make it easy for everyone to check, for example, by expressing the percentage of achievement in figures. STEP4: Improve the plan If cost reductions are not producing the desired results, efforts must be made to improve the plan. First, think of improvement plans and choose the ones that are easy to implement. When considering improvement plans, soliciting ideas from as many employees as possible may generate innovative ideas. It is also important to ask for the cooperation of employees again in situations where improvement ideas are to be implemented. Without the cooperation of each and every employee, it will be difficult to make improvements. Three ways to reduce costs There are three main ways to reduce costs. Each is detailed below. Manualize your operations If you want to proceed with cost reduction, make your operations manual. The first burden for employees is to learn their work. If the work is not manualized, the content of training may vary from trainer to trainer. As a result, employees may have questions about the content of the training, and extra time may be required to resolve them. If the work is manualized and a separate manual for training is prepared, training can be implemented relatively smoothly. Going paperless Another way to reduce expenses is to promote a paperless work environment. Costs can be reduced if IT-based business processes can be implemented, such as using chat tools and sending documents in PDF format instead of paper. However, promoting a paperless workflow tends to take time. Let's start with something easy to start with, such as proactively using lined paper. Use e-learning One way is to use e-learning so that employees can study on their own. With e-learning, learners can use digital devices such as smartphones and tablets to study when and where they want. There are many advantages, such as no need to gather employees for training and development, and no costs incurred in preparing materials. Company personnel who want to reduce training and development costs should consider using e-learning. Two Cost Reduction Case Studies When working to reduce costs, it is important to review case studies ahead of time. Here are two examples of successful cost reductions. Case 1: Big A Co. Big A Co., Ltd. is a company that operates a number of hard discount stores nationwide. The company had previously faced the problem of spending too much time on training. The company changed from paper manuals to manuals that allow users to check the contents with images and videos using smartphones, thereby reducing the amount of training time. Case 2: EarlyCross Tax Corporation EarlyCross, a licensed tax accounting firm, hired inexperienced staff and had to train them on the same content each time they were hired. Therefore, the company introduced a system that makes it easy to create manuals, and as a result, succeeded in reducing the time required for human resource development. If you want to create manuals that are easy for your employees to understand and highly effective in educating them, you can use learningBOX. learningBOX has many effective features for manual creation, including the ability to grasp the learner's learning status at a glance and the use of a quiz format to increase the learner's level of understanding. The quiz format can be used to increase learner comprehension. SUMMARY In addition to the methods and processes for reducing training and development costs, this article has also introduced the benefits of cost reduction and case studies. Cost reduction is important for companies. Cost reduction has a variety of benefits, such as increased profits and operational efficiency, so let's work on it as much as we can. Due to the impact of the new coronavirus, online education is now the mainstream. If you want to work on online education, we recommend learningBOX, which can achieve effective development and training even online! First, try our free plan, which is available for up to 10 users, including the administrator, free of charge.  

How to Create a Manual for Work

Manuals are important to standardize the quality of work regardless of the level of employees. Manuals are also indispensable for efficient work execution and employee skill improvement. However, there are many managers and executives who understand the need for manuals but do not have the knowledge to create them. This article will explain the procedures, tips, and essential tools for creating an effective manual. If you are thinking of creating a manual or refreshing its contents, please continue reading to the end. What is a Manual? A manual is a document that summarizes in a single document the procedures and points to be followed in performing a certain task. It is used to prevent mistakes while ensuring that everyone involved in the work achieves the same results, and is essential for standardizing and systematizing the work. The manual enables new employees and transferred employees to perform their duties quickly and accurately while maintaining the quality of their work. Difference from a procedure manual Although the term "procedure manual" refers to a meaning similar to that of a manual, the fundamental nature of the two is different. The following table confirms this. Manuals procedure manual Roles Provide an overview, background, and reasons for the work in addition to the procedures Explain the procedure in detail Contents A document that comprehensively outlines the procedures for the smooth execution of the entire business. It provides a wide range of information such as flow, know-how, and rules for the entire operation. A document that shows specific work procedures. It describes work procedures in detail and summarizes processes and work procedures. Scope of entry Entire operations Specific work broken down into operations The key point is that manuals are summarized for the entire operation, whereas the scope of a procedure manual is a specific task that breaks down the operation. Why do we need manuals? So, why are manuals necessary for business execution? There are four main reasons Improvement of work efficiency Time and effort spent on work errors and rework during operations are reduced, leading to increased operational efficiency. Improvement of work quality Since the work flow is clarified, work omissions and quality variations are reduced, and stabilization and improvement of work quality can be expected. Prevention of specialization The manuals will help to prevent the creation of a workforce by clearly stating work procedures, tricks, and rules. Manuals will help standardize work procedures because they are shared. Improved efficiency of human resource development By quickly communicating necessary information, newly assigned personnel can acquire skills and adapt to the organization more efficiently, enabling them to begin work at an earlier stage. Back to Table of Contents Manual Preparation Procedure The following is a description of the actual manual creation process. The process is divided into the following five steps STEP 1: Clarify the purpose and users, and determine the scope of coverage. The first step in creating a manual is to clarify "what is the purpose of the manual and who will use it? Clarifying these two points is the key to correctly selecting the necessary information for the manual and creating a manual with content appropriate to the user's level. Once the purpose and users have been clarified, the next step is to determine the scope of the manual. By clarifying the target scope in line with the purpose of the operation, such as "training for new employees" or "materials for newly assigned staff," it will be easier to ensure that the manual is fully effective. STEP2: Set a schedule for completion Once you have decided on the manual to be created, set a schedule for its completion. First, calculate backward from the date you want to release the manual to determine the required time and man-hours, and set deadlines for each process. By determining the schedule while taking into consideration the amount of time that can be spent on manual creation out of the overall workload, you can proceed with the work without difficulty. For example, if the manual is for a new employee who will join the company in April, it should be completed by February or March. STEP3: Organize and summarize job descriptions and work procedures Organize the tasks and work procedures to be described in the manual. By grouping related tasks and procedures and clarifying the relationship between them, you can check for omissions and duplication, and select and discard information. STEP4: Create a draft structure and finalize the table of contents To make the overall picture of the manual easier to understand, determine the overall structure that will serve as the framework of the manual. The trick is to identify everything you want to convey in the manual, and then systematically create a draft structure. Once the table of contents is prepared and the overall structure is decided, you will be able to see where the information you organized in STEP 3 will be applied in the manual. Also, by confirming with those involved and responsible for creating the manual when the structure is finalized, rework after the main text is created will be reduced and work can proceed more efficiently. STEP5: Creating the body of the manual Once the structure and table of contents have been completed, it is time to finalize the contents of the manual, describing specific tasks and instructions based on the structure of STEP 4. By effectively incorporating not only text, but also diagrams and tables, the content will be easy for the reader to understand. Back to Table of Contents Key Points for Manual Preparation and Operation An important aspect of creating a manual is to make sure that the content is easy for the reader to understand. If the content is too difficult to understand, it will be difficult to gain the necessary skills effectively. Here are six points to consider when creating an easy-to-understand manual. Be aware of the 5W1H When creating a manual, be aware of the 5W1H: "When: When," "Where: Where," "Who: Who," "What: What," "Why: Why," and "How: How." If you create a manual with these six points in mind, the content will be easy to convey to others. The actual readers of the manual will be beginners in the relevant business. Aim for content that even someone unfamiliar with the work can understand how to proceed with the work just by reading the manual. Adapt the style and content to the reader's level When creating a manual, it is also very important to match the style and content to the level of the reader. For example, if the reader is a new employee, it will be difficult for him/her to accurately understand technical terms and industry-specific rules that only a seasoned industry expert would understand. To avoid such concerns, it is important to keep in mind that the content should be "easy to understand by anyone. Clarify important points Manuals tend to be voluminous because of the nature of the information that must be covered. The more information a manual contains, the harder it is for the reader to see the important points and understand them. Therefore, it is important to emphasize important points by bolding, redacting, or increasing the size of the text. Bullet points and numbering are also effective. Describe the purpose for which the manual was created. In order for the reader to accurately understand the contents of the manual and to make use of it in practice, it is necessary for the reader to understand "the purpose for which the manual was created. When creating a manual, be sure to include the purpose of the manual. Without a reason as to why the manual should be followed, the reader may unconsciously disregard the contents of the manual. It is important to include reasons such as, "We have made many mistakes in the past without a manual," to effectively convey the intent of the manual. Use diagrams and illustrations. When creating a manual, try to make the content visually easy to understand by inserting diagrams and illustrations as much as possible. When conveying complicated procedures or detailed content, information may not be immediately accessible using text alone. Using diagrams and illustrations as appropriate will make the manual easier to read and understand. Operating and Improving the Manual After the manual is completed and distributed to those involved in actual operations, improvements should be made while using the manual. When the first completed manual is actually put into operation, there is a possibility that omissions in the content or situations that were not envisioned when the manual was created may appear. It is necessary to make improvements as appropriate and update the manual to a higher degree of completeness. Back to Table of Contents Platforms are efficient for centralized management from manual creation to operation Proper operation of the manual after its creation and publication is very important. By using a platform, you can improve accessibility to your manuals, and users will be able to view them immediately when they need them. Let's take a look at the benefits that arise from the implementation of a platform. Time and cost savings Compared to operations with traditional paper or electronic manuals, the platform simplifies the sharing, updating, and management of information and provides a user-friendly environment for administrators and users. Printing, which is mandatory for paper manuals, can also be replaced by digital, which saves costs. Smooth updating and modification of manuals Not only does this make it easy for anyone to update or change manuals, it also streamlines and optimizes operations by automatically notifying users of updates and changes and collecting improvements to manuals through feedback functions. Depending on the platform you choose, there may be a function that allows you to create the manual itself, so choosing such a system is convenient because you can centrally manage everything from creation to operation. Introduction to learningBOX learningBOX is a learning management system that provides all the functions necessary for training, including the creation and distribution of teaching materials, grading, and learner management. learningBOX is used not only as an LMS, but also as a platform for manual creation and operation. 5 advantages of using learningBOX for manual creation and operation Easy creation of manuals in a wide variety of teaching material formats, including video and PDF Manuals scattered throughout the company can be consolidated in the learningBOX for efficient, centralized management The learning management function can be used to monitor the level of understanding and proficiency of employees' manuals. Create tests based on manuals and use them for employee training Can be used on multiple devices (PCs, smartphones, tablets), allowing manuals to be checked and updated from any location LearningBOX Application Examples Here are two examples of how learningBOX is being used to create and operate business manuals. No.1 Corporation No.1 Corporation, which provides total support for the office environment, business efficiency, and management environment surrounding small and medium-sized businesses throughout Japan, uses learningBOX for a wide range of purposes, including manual creation, in-house training, and preparation for certification exams. Previously, manuals could only be viewed on paper when outside the office, but with the introduction of learningBOX, manuals can now be viewed on smartphones even when outside the office, leading to improved operational efficiency. NAC Corporation NAC Corporation, which provides Kuricla, a home-delivered water that is popular at private homes and businesses, has introduced learningBOX to improve and standardize the service level of its delivery staff. The company has created a test based on the manual and has delivery staff nationwide take the test to deepen their knowledge of the business by going back to the manual. Through continuous testing, the test has spread throughout the company, and staff members feel that they are now able to engage in a more positive approach to their work. Back to Table of Contents SUMMARY In this issue, we explained how to make a manual, the procedures and key points. Manuals not only facilitate various operations, but also help to prevent the creation of a workforce by sharing work procedures, tips, and rules. In addition, the introduction of a tool is recommended for efficient manual creation and operation. LearningBOX" is a platform that anyone can easily use to reduce the "effort" and "cost" of manual creation. With the free plan, up to 10 accounts, including administrators, can use almost all functions for free and indefinitely. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to try it out. We also recommend you to read this page! I want to read it in conjunction with Back to Table of Contents
learningBOX-Satisfaction Survey

[e-Learning System Satisfaction Survey] The results of a survey of 1,011 training staff are now available!

e-Learning System Satisfaction Survey: Results of Survey of 1,011 Training Managers Revealed! This is the learningBOX implementation support team. We recently conducted a "Corporate e-Learning System Satisfaction Survey" targeting training managers of companies that have implemented e-learning systems. In recent years, an increasing number of companies have begun to use e-learning for training, and many companies and persons in charge of training are considering introducing e-learning for new training programs. In this satisfaction survey, we report on the results of a survey of 1,011 people in charge of training. Click here for Table of Contents 1. Which e-learning system are you using? Find out the purpose of your e-learning system! 2. how did you find out about the e-learning system and what were the deciding factors? 3. e-Learning System Satisfaction Ranking 4. what improvements you would like to see in your e-learning system 5. summary What e-learning system are you using? We know the purpose of introducing this system! First, we would like to ask you about which e-learning system you are using. When we asked, "What is the name of the e-learning system you actually use?" the most common answer was "[Multiverse] NetLearning Corporation (20.3%)," followed by "[learningBOX] Tatsuno Information System Corporation (15.2%)," "[KnowledgeDeliver] Digital Knowledge Inc. (15.2%)" and "Digital Knowledge Corporation (14.0%)" followed. Next, when asked "Please tell us the purpose of your e-learning system (multiple answers allowed)," the most common answer was "Because it is suitable for basic education of employees (46.8%)," followed by "Because the same education can be provided remotely in remote areas (43.6%)," and "Because it can train many employees at the same time (40.0%). (43.6%)" and "Because I can train many employees at the same time (40.3%)" followed. Nearly half of the companies use e-learning systems for basic education. In addition, because e-learning allows many employees to take courses remotely at the same time, it reduces the cost of venue and travel expenses that are required for group training, and eliminates the need to prepare for group training, leading to greater operational efficiency on the part of the management team. The e-learning system is useful because it is located in the Corona Disaster and can be used without any contact between the instructor and the trainees. The system can be used over and over again, allowing participants to view the content they do not understand repeatedly. How did you learn about the e-learning system? Many respondents felt that e-learning systems are effective in providing basic education to employees, and that they can provide the same quality of education to a large number of employees at the same time, regardless of location. So, how did you hear about the e-learning system you are currently using? When we asked, "How did you learn about your current e-learning system?", the most common answer was "Introduction from another company (30.9%)", followed by "Website or advertisement (20.1%)" and "Sales call (13.2%)", indicating that more than 30% of respondents started using the system because of an introduction. We found that more than 30% of the respondents started using the service because of a referral. It can be inferred that they are making decisions based on information from a trusted source. What were the specific reasons for choosing this service? When asked, "What was the deciding factor in choosing your current e-learning system (multiple answers allowed)?" the most common answer was "System functionality and convenience (44.8%)," followed by "Quality of course materials (30.2%)" and "Ability to customize course materials (22.6%). The main functions of an e-learning system are learner, management, and instructional functions, which eliminate the need to manually manage learners and course materials, and enable centralized management of large amounts of information. In recent years, the variety of teaching materials has expanded and their quality has improved. Among them, those using video and images are expected to improve learning effectiveness because they can express learning content in an easy-to-understand manner. In addition to video, there are various other types of content, such as drill-type teaching materials and live lectures given in real time, which seem to be the deciding factor in selecting a system. Satisfaction Ranking of e-Learning Systems The survey so far has revealed that many companies have introduced e-learning systems for the purpose of conducting basic and fundamental employee training, providing the same training remotely, and training a large number of employees simultaneously. The reasons for choosing the current service from among a number of services included system functionality and convenience, quality of teaching materials, and the ability to customize the system, indicating that a system that meets substantial and serious needs is required. So which e-learning systems are the most satisfactory? We asked the respondents about their level of satisfaction with the e-learning systems they use, and the top 5 systems with the highest percentage of "very satisfied" respondents were as follows. ■Top 5 e-Learning System Satisfaction Ranking No. 1: [learningBOX] Tatsuno Information System Corporation (45.5%) No. 2: [Moodle] Open Source (29.0%) No. 3: [KnowledgeDeliver] Digital Knowledge Corporation (23.4%) Fourth: [AirCourse] KIYO Learning Corporation (23.1%) Fifth: [UMU] Umu Technology Japan Corporation (21.7%) So what conditions and environments are these companies using the systems? When we asked, "Please tell us the conditions, frequency, and number of people using the system," we received the following responses and others. A wide range of usage exists in terms of frequency and number of people. Three times a day for a group of 50 people (30s / Male / Nagano) Once every 7 days for a group of 20 (40s / Male / Shiga) Once a year for 13,000 people (50s / Male / Kyoto) Once a day for 2,000 people (50s / Male / Kanagawa) Once a month for a group of 5,000 (50s / Male / Tokyo) Once every 10 days for a group of 10 people (50s / Female / Osaka) The number of users ranges from several dozen to 10,000, with some companies using it once a year and others using it three times a day, indicating a wide range of usage. Improvements sought in e-learning systems While the number of people and frequency of use varied considerably from company to company, the survey revealed that many companies place importance on functionality, convenience, and quality of teaching materials, and that they select e-learning systems based on information from people they trust. In addition, nearly 90% of respondents were satisfied with the systems they use. Amidst all this, are there any areas in which they feel they would like to see improvements? When asked, "What improvements, if any, would you like to see in your current e-learning system (multiple responses allowed)?" the most common response was "lower cost (30.9%)," followed by "system functionality and convenience (30.8%)" and "quality of teaching materials (26.7%). Then, what aspects of the e-learning system are they dissatisfied with? We asked, "What specific areas of the e-learning system are you dissatisfied with? ■Improve the usability of the system and the contents of the course materials. Account management is complicated, and it takes a lot of time and effort to register (the system is difficult to use) (20s / female / Tokyo). The contents of the educational materials are difficult to understand (40s / Male / Osaka). Cost is high (40s / Male / Osaka) The screen is difficult to see (50s / Male / Saitama) Time constraints for overseas-based instructors (50s / Male / Chiba Prefecture) I want a wider range of fields (50s / Male / Shizuoka) There were both requests for improvements in hardware (e.g., difficulty in using the system and difficulty in viewing the screen) and software (e.g., ease of understanding of teaching materials and wider range of content). In addition, there was a wide range of requests regarding time constraints and high costs. So, with such dissatisfaction, are they considering discontinuing use of their current system or switching to another company's system? When asked, "Would you like to continue using your current e-learning system?" The results were "Yes (89.5%)" and "No (10.5%)," indicating that nearly 90% of the respondents would like to continue using their current e-learning system. Although there are many e-learning systems in the world, it is necessary to consider various selection points, such as the number of people to be trained, the support system, whether the system is designed to keep students motivated, whether the content of the material matches the company's employee training, and cost-effectiveness. Since the systems were carefully selected after identifying the advantages of the candidate systems, they are used with satisfaction, and nearly 90% of the companies want to continue using them. Conclusion LearningBOX will continue to assist and accompany busy HR professionals! The quality of human resources is a major factor in determining the future of a company. Therefore, many companies would like to focus on human resource training, but many companies may not have the time to take the time to train their employees. Our "learningBOX" is an e-learning system that focuses on "ease of use" and "low cost. The introduction of conventional e-learning systems generally requires a high level of expertise and is expensive. LearningBOX" was developed to remove these hurdles as much as possible, focusing on "ease of use" and "low cost," making e-learning accessible to those who have never been able to afford it. LearningBOX is a service that can be easily used by people who have never had access to e-learning before. We do not aim to implement the system as a goal. Our employees will work together to improve the functions of the system until the desired operation is realized, and even while the system is in operation. Survey Summary: "Corporate e-Learning System Satisfaction Survey Survey period: Wednesday, December 22, 2021 - Thursday, December 23, 2021 Survey method: Internet survey Number of people surveyed: 1,011 Survey targets] Training managers at companies that have implemented e-learning systems. Monitor Source] General Research

Should you introduce e-learning training? Explaining the advantages and selection points

Should you implement e-learning training? Explanation of advantages and points to choose Due to various social conditions, are there any managers or persons in charge who would like to promote in-house training as efficiently as possible online? This article provides an overview of e-Learning training, which has been increasingly adopted by various companies in recent years, as well as an introduction to the process of implementing e-Learning training and points to consider when choosing a system. Table of Contents What is e-Learning Training? Advantages of e-Learning Training for Companies Disadvantages of e-Learning Training for Companies Flow of e-Learning Training Key Points for Selecting a Learning Management System E-Learning is becoming an essential part of the business environment. Conclusion What is e-Learning Training? E-learning training is a type of training that is received remotely via a PC or smartphone connected to the Internet. The system itself has existed since the dawn of the Internet in 1990, when it was called CBT (Computer Based Training). The "e" in e-learning is an acronym for "electric," meaning "electronic." e-learning training literally refers to training conducted through electronic media. Benefits of e-Learning Training for Companies With the accelerating trend toward online training in all fields, more and more companies are adopting e-learning training. Many companies may want to know what benefits they can gain by adopting e-learning training. Here are four advantages of e-learning training for companies. Cost savings in transportation, lodging, and venue expenses By introducing e-learning, companies can reduce the costs that they have incurred in the past when holding training sessions. For example, when conducting "group training," participants need to gather at a single venue to receive training. For a company with a nationwide presence, this can be a significant expense, requiring payment of transportation and lodging fees. Also, if the number of participants is large, a large venue must be available to accommodate them. E-learning training eliminates the need for transportation and lodging expenses, thus significantly reducing costs. No need to arrange instructors E-learning training is an online program that has already been prepared. Therefore, there is no need to arrange for a special lecturer to give a lecture or instruct the content. This is a big advantage, especially if the training is on a specialized subject, as it can be difficult to find quality instructors unless you have a strong network of contacts. In addition, there is no need to pay gratuities to the lecturers. Uniform quality of instructors and training In e-learning training, learning progresses regardless of the instructor's level when taking the same course. Therefore, there is no variation in the quality of instructors or learning depending on the region or the year the course is taken. Because the content of instruction is homogenized, a certain level of learning is guaranteed. Easy to manage progress By receiving training through e-learning, it is easier to manage the progress of learning. Both the organizer and the participant can check the progress of the course from the management screen, making it easier to grasp the overall picture of the learning process and to monitor progress. This makes it easier to grasp the overall picture of the learning process and to keep track of the progress. Disadvantages of implementing e-learning training for companies While there are many advantages to implementing eLearning, there are also disadvantages. It is important to understand the challenges unique to online eLearning. Here are four disadvantages of implementing eLearning training for companies. Initial and monthly costs are required When implementing e-learning training, initial and monthly costs are required. These two costs vary depending on the type of system or service used, but in general, these two costs are incurred. Compared to group training, transportation and venue costs are not required, but the overall cost may be higher than group training. Internet access is required Since e-learning is a training program conducted via the Internet, it is essential to have an Internet environment when taking the course. Although personal computers and smartphones are becoming increasingly popular throughout Japan, the availability of an Internet environment and facilities will vary depending on each household and individual's situation. In some cases, such as when using the course for pre-employment training, the cost of setting up an environment may be a burden for students who do not have an Internet environment at home. Practical skills are difficult to acquire. The disadvantage of e-learning training is that it is difficult to learn practical skills because it is mainly a classroom training. It may be difficult to incorporate content such as learning hands-on tasks or working with other trainees to create deliverables into the training. On the other hand, group training has the advantage of allowing multiple participants to learn practical skills. Difficulty in maintaining student motivation The advantage of online training is that students can learn anytime, anywhere, but this can also be a disadvantage. Because it is difficult to enforce the timing of training, low student motivation can lead to slacking off. It will be essential to take measures to keep the motivation of all trainees constant and in line with each other. Flow of e-learning training implementation This section describes the training implementation flow for those who are considering implementing e-learning training. If you are not sure how to program, or if you would like to know how to proceed systematically, please refer to this section. STEP1: Determining the content of the training The first thing to do is to determine the main purpose of the training and solidify the content. Identify the issues the company is facing and the contents you want specific subjects to learn, and decide how to proceed with the learning process. Since the content to be learned will vary depending on the situation of each participant, such as new employees and managers, the main purpose of the training is to solve individual problems and step up the learning process. STEP2: Decide on a Learning Management System (LMS) Once the main objective has been established, it is time to decide which learning management system (LMS) will be used. Various services and systems have been released by various companies, including those that require in-house preparation of course materials and those that provide course materials. Therefore, you must carefully select a system that meets your company's training objectives. For more effective e-learning training, choose a system that allows you to visualize the end of the program in concrete terms. STEP3: Determining the training administrator Once the content and system have been finalized, decide on a training administrator. The appropriate person should be able to organize the students and properly manage the progress of the training program. If the number of students is too large for one person to manage, it is also possible to form a team and proceed with the training as a project. In this case, it is also important to decide who will be given the final responsibility and decision-making authority. STEP4: Implement the training Once all preparations are in place, move on to the flow of actually implementing the training. The manager should take the lead in smoothly checking the progress of the trainees and the submitted reports. Since e-learning training tends to vary in terms of student progress and motivation, it is important to keep in mind how to maintain a good balance between the two. STEP5: Follow-up In all training programs, it is important to remember that the objective is not to provide training, but to learn how to apply what has been learned to the job. Therefore, make sure to conduct follow-up follow-up after the training is completed. After the e-learning training is completed, it is also recommended to prepare a method to properly measure the effectiveness of the training, such as assigning tasks to measure the level of learning. In addition, it is also common to collect results and feedback by submitting reports and questionnaires. Key Points for Selecting a Learning Management System Many people may not know how to select a learning management system to promote e-learning, since numerous products have been released by various companies. Here we will explain the key points for selecting a learning management system so that you can choose the one that best fits your company. Does the system have the type of materials that match your business and objectives? When selecting a learning management system, first check to see if the system has learning materials that match your company's business and objectives. If you use a system that deviates from your learning objectives, you will not be able to achieve a high level of effectiveness. For example, if you are conducting training for new employees through e-learning, choose a system that offers a wide variety of types of materials in that field, such as "a system that enables smooth communication" or "content that teaches the basics of being a member of society. Is there an abundance of teaching materials? When implementing a learning management system, it is important to select a system that has a rich amount of teaching materials and functions. Once you have implemented a training system, it will be very difficult to switch to a new system. In addition, there will be a disadvantage from a cost standpoint as new initial costs will be incurred. We recommend that you select a system that can handle a wide range of training content and has a large amount of teaching materials, taking into account the possibility of program changes. Is the system easy to operate? Ease of use is an important point, although it is often overlooked. Ease of use" is very important for the smooth operation of the training program, both for the participants and for the organizer. In particular, we recommend choosing a system that has intuitive functions, especially if you are training a generation that is not familiar with PCs and smartphones. Does the system have a motivation management function? Managing student motivation is an important issue when conducting training online. In order to keep motivation as constant as possible, a function such as an "alert function" that encourages students to skip a class would be more effective. The introduction of e-Learning is becoming a must The number of companies that are adopting or considering e-learning training has been increasing, partly due to recent social conditions. The fact that the quality of learning is maintained at a constant level and the time and effort required to prepare the program is reduced by conducting it online is spurring the adoption of e-learning. If you are planning to introduce e-learning training within your company, we encourage you to carefully research the characteristics of each service and system and select the content that best suits your objectives. These systems are now indispensable for efficient in-house training. Conclusion In this issue, we introduced the e-learning training, the process of training implementation, and points to consider when introducing e-learning training. If you are considering implementing e-learning training, we recommend our "learningBOX". It is intuitive, easy to use, and offers a wealth of functions at a low price. We also offer a free plan that allows up to 10 users, including the administrator, to use the system free of charge, so please feel free to try it out.  

What is the current focus of training videos? The advantages of using them and points to consider when creating them

With the rapid increase in the number of companies adopting remote work in recent years, employee training is also becoming mainstream to be conducted remotely. Among these, "training videos" through e-learning are now attracting attention. Amid the demand for diversity in work styles, "training videos," which can flexibly meet the needs of companies and trainees, can achieve their objectives more effectively than conventional training methods. For corporate HR recruiters who are considering reviewing their training methods, please take a look at the advantages of introducing "training videos" utilizing e-learning and the points to consider when creating such videos. What is a Training Video? Training videos are used to educate employees by distributing training content via video. Training at companies includes training for new employees that conveys work rules and basics, and training for employees that conveys work flow and how to handle complaints. Many people may think of training as a situation where participants gather in a conference room or training facility and an instructor speaks one-sidedly with a microphone in front of them. There are also cases in which the training is conducted online in one place, rather than in person in real life. Until now, these types of "group training" have been the norm. In recent years, however, "training videos" utilizing e-learning, which are more convenient than "group training," have been attracting attention. Differences from Online Group Training The major difference between training videos and online group training is that the videos that participants watch are in real time. In online group training, the instructor also conducts the training in real time to the trainees, since multiple people are taking the course online at the same time using a video conferencing system, etc. The instructor also provides the training to the trainees in real time. Training videos, on the other hand, are videos that have been recorded and prepared in advance by the company and are viewed by the trainees. Since the videos are not delivered in real time, trainees can watch the videos at their own convenience. Back to Table of Contents Three Formats of Training Videos There are three main formats for training videos: seminar format, manual format, and documentary format. Since which format to use depends on the content of the training, it is important to understand the differences between them to create a video that is appropriate for the content of the company's training program. Seminar Format The seminar format is a video version of classroom training, in which one instructor speaks to multiple participants, as in a course. There are two ways to film a video: one is to create the video as if the instructor is speaking to the participants, and the other is to film the actual scene of the training being conducted with the participants gathered together. Training content for which seminar-style videos are suitable include training for new employees and etiquette training. Manual format The manual format is a video of actual work procedures, customer service, store operations, and other aspects of the operations manual. Because trainees can see and memorize actual job descriptions, it is easier for them to visualize and deepen their understanding of the training content than verbal or visual explanations. It is effective for training content and employee education in companies whose main business is customer service, such as restaurants, beauty salons, esthetic clinics, and apparel companies. Documentary format Documentary format is a video clip of actual employees at work and employee interviews. The point is to give participants an understanding of the corporate atmosphere and real opinions of employees. This is effective when you want to convey the corporate culture and philosophy of the company. Another key point is that the presentation can have a storyline, allowing participants to watch without getting bored. Back to Table of Contents Advantages of Implementing Training Videos If you are actually considering implementing training videos, or if you do not have major problems or dissatisfaction with your current training methods, the question of "what benefits will be gained by implementing training videos" is a very important factor. Here are some of the benefits that companies and participants can gain from implementing training videos over offline or online group training. Can be viewed anytime there is a viewing environment With conventional group training, participants need to adjust their schedules according to the time when the training is held. With the introduction of training videos, participants can view video training at their own convenience, regardless of time or location, as long as they have a smartphone, computer, tablet, or other device and an Internet connection. This is effective from an educational perspective, as it allows trainees to review and review points they had difficulty understanding, even if they find some parts of the training content difficult. Information is conveyed more easily than in writing. There are inevitably limitations in conveying the content of corporate training and employee education through text alone. By introducing training videos and inserting tickers and sound effects in addition to the instructor's explanations, it will be easier for the audience to naturally grasp the points and difficult content that the company is trying to convey. In addition, since more information can be accurately conveyed to trainees, a high learning effect can be expected, which is a major advantage. Since most people today are accustomed to taking in information from videos, it is recommended that companies can intuitively convey the content they wish to convey, leading to a better understanding by the trainees. Can be used in a single shooting For group training, the instructor must set aside time for each training session. With training videos, the instructor must shoot the video once, but after the video is produced, it can be used over and over again, reducing the burden on the instructor. If you are inviting outside instructors, you no longer need to secure instructors and coordinate their schedules, which leads to more efficient operations. Furthermore, since all trainees will be watching the same video, there is no need to worry about differences in the level of education, since there will be no variation in the teaching style or approach of the instructor in charge of the training. By maintaining a certain level of quality in the training content, it is possible to eliminate gaps in understanding among employees after the training. No need to pay for transportation, venue, etc. Off-line group training requires various costs, such as transportation to and from the venue, venue costs, and lodging costs for those attending from distant locations. If an outside instructor is called in, personnel expenses for the training staff are also incurred, so the cost of a single training session can be a significant burden for a company. Although there are initial costs involved in the introduction of the system, training videos do not incur these costs, and thus can realize cost reductions in operating expenses compared to conducting group training. Back to Table of Contents Disadvantages of Introducing Training Videos While training videos offer a variety of advantages in terms of improved understanding, cost, and time, they are not the best method for all trainees. Here are some of the possible problems, concerns, and other disadvantages of implementing training videos. Requires a viewing environment In order to view training videos, a viewing environment must be in place, including internet and device availability. However, this is not a major disadvantage since many people have smartphones and computers in recent years and there are many places in town besides homes where Wi-Fi is available. Time, effort, and cost required to create a video Creating a video takes time and effort, from planning the content of the video to shooting and editing. If you rent a location outside of the company, you will also need to pay for the location and equipment for filming. In addition, if none of your employees have access to video creation tools, it may take a long time to create a video that is effective for learning. Once a video is completed, it is difficult to modify it. Another disadvantage of training videos is that once they are completed, they are difficult to revise later. If changes are made to the content of the training, it is relatively easy to make changes to some of the handouts or the content of the instructor's speech in the case of group training, but be aware that a video can be very time-consuming and labor-intensive. When creating a video, it is necessary to confirm that there will be no immediate changes to the content of the training or new rules to be introduced into company policies. It is also a good idea to plan in advance how to operate the training video after its introduction before starting. There is concern that participants may become less motivated. There is a concern that participants may become unmotivated because the training is not timed like group training and is not mandatory. If a person is not good at managing his/her schedule, he/she may put off watching the training videos and fail to complete the training within the time frame. In addition, since we cannot check the attitude and environment of the participants, they may not be able to concentrate on the training. Back to Table of Contents Points to keep in mind when producing training videos Training videos are not the end of the process. It is necessary to create videos that are easy for participants to view and more effective in educating them. Understand the key points when creating a training video, and devise a video that is easy for viewers to learn and that achieves the company's objectives for the training. Make the videos available on YouTube and other sites. To ensure that your training videos are well viewed, do not just hand them out as data, but also make them available on YouTube and other platforms. If the platform is one that you use regularly, you are likely to be familiar with how to operate it, so you can eliminate unnecessary stress when viewing the video. However, if you choose to upload your video somewhere, you should make sure that the information is not leaked, for example, by setting the video to "limited public access. Adding a message The key to effective use of video is to add a message as much as possible so that the information can be received visually. This will help convey important information in a way that is easy for the audience to understand. A visual change, such as in the color and size of the message, will also help to prevent people from looking at the message in a pause. If you are using a message that covers the entire line of the lecturer or narrator, adjust the speed of the message so that the audience can read the message without difficulty. Ensure that no single piece of content is too long. If a piece of content is too long, participants will not be able to concentrate on it, so first organize the content and points you want to convey in the training video. When organizing, write down the steps in chronological order and consciously omit unnecessary content. If the video is too long, divide it into 30-minute segments to narrow down the main points you want to convey in a single content. Prepare a system to measure viewing status and effectiveness. When implementing training videos, we recommend creating tools and management sheets that enable measurement of viewing status and effectiveness of training at the same time. At the same time, tracking viewership can prevent participants from not watching the videos, and measuring the effectiveness of the training can provide hints on how to improve the videos. Training videos that meet the needs of both the company and the participants By implementing training videos, companies can reduce time and cost burdens. Furthermore, by tailoring video production to the content and purpose of the training, companies can effectively achieve their goals. For trainees, being able to watch at their own pace, regardless of time or location, makes it easier for them to absorb the training content. As more attention is paid to the diversity of work styles, the introduction of training videos, which offer many benefits to both companies and trainees, is expected to spread even further in the future. Back to Table of Contents SUMMARY In this issue, we have introduced the advantages and key points about training videos using e-learning. When conducting training, it is important not only to consider the content of the training videos, but also how to select an e-learning system to utilize those videos. Our e-learning system, "learningBOX," makes it easy to incorporate created training videos into training materials. It is easy to use and low-cost, so we are sure that it will be of great help to you when you introduce training videos. Please feel free to try our free plan. ▼ We also recommend this one! Also read Back to Table of Contents

[Recommended for video training! What is learningBOX's video delivery system?

Recommended for video training! What is learningBOX's video delivery system? Nice to meet you. My name is Okuda, PM (Project Manager) of the Development Department. In this article, I would like to introduce the video delivery system of learningBOX. Our e-learning system is an LMS that allows anyone to easily create teaching materials and upload video content. The delivery specifications are based on the "streaming method," which is also commonly used by delivery sites around the world. There are several methods available for learningBOX, including streaming, so we will introduce them here. Click here for the table of contents. 1. What video on demand (VOD) services are recommended for e-learning 2. Characteristics of Streaming Distribution and Download Distribution 3. Streaming technology used by LearningBox 4. Premium plan is recommended to view videos in high quality! 5. Summary What is the recommended video on demand (VOD) service for e-learning? VOD stands for "video on demand." It is a service that allows you to watch movies and dramas at a fixed price over the Internet. This service allows you to watch movies on PCs, smartphones, tablets, game consoles, and various other devices in your home via the Internet or mobile communication lines. There are various types of VOD services, from those that specialize in movies to those that distribute mostly domestic dramas. Youtube, for example, is a free video streaming service. Video distribution on the Internet Currently, video distribution over the Internet allows users to enjoy movies and dramas through subscription video services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. There are also many other types of video distribution services that allow users to participate and post their own videos, such as YouTube and Tik Tok, live streaming services such as Instalive, and webinars (webinars), which have a variety of audience sizes. The devices on which videos can be viewed also vary widely, with most of them supporting viewing on PCs, tablets, and smartphones as standard. Characteristics of Streaming Distribution and Download Distribution There are two major types of on-demand delivery: streaming delivery and download delivery. *On-demand delivery is a method in which content that has been created in advance and uploaded to a server is viewed at the timing requested by the viewer. What is Streaming Delivery? Streaming is a technology for comfortably viewing large files such as videos through communication lines. Since large data on the server is loaded little by little and played back sequentially, the viewer can watch without worrying about the time required for downloading or the HD capacity of the device. What is download distribution? Downloading is a method in which all data is downloaded to the terminal before playback begins. Before the spread of streaming, downloading was a common video delivery method. In this method, the video or other data is downloaded from the distributor to the user's terminal and then played back. Transition from downloading to streaming Just as the U.S. music market shifted from downloading to streaming around 2015, streaming has become the mainstream trend in video distribution. In the past, video data was downloaded completely to the device side, and the video file was played separately. In the past, video data was downloaded completely to the terminal side, and video files were played back separately. In addition, some systems limit the playback player or use a system linked to DRM (Digital Rights Management) to playback the data. However, with the spread of 4G and 5G lines and broadband, transmission speeds have improved year by year, and with the appearance of new streaming standards, there has been a shift to streaming distribution from the perspective of copyright protection by preventing content redistribution, as well as preventing storage pressure on terminals. Of course, downloading has not disappeared, and there are still services that offer downloadable distribution. In particular, in response to the needs for offline viewing, such as "I want to watch on my tablet or smartphone even when I am out of the house and cannot connect to the Internet," some subscription-based distribution services from various companies have prepared dedicated applications that allow downloading in a way that takes content protection into consideration. Streaming technology used by learningBOX Here we introduce the delivery method used by learningBOX. In learningBOX, there are two versions of the Movie Player, version 1 and version 2, with different delivery formats. Version 1 uses the "progressive download method" and version 2 uses the "HLS streaming method. Let's take a look at the features of each. Progressive Download Method Progressive download, also called "pseudo-streaming," is a method in which content is actually temporarily stored in the cache of a PC or smartphone for playback. Even in poor communication environments, once the data is imported, it can be played back smoothly. On the other hand, since the content remains temporarily on the device, there are concerns about copyright protection and hard disk space consumption. HLS Streaming Method Unlike the progressive download method described above, the "streaming method" only transfers the video being played to the user and does not leave data on the terminal. Basically, as long as the Internet environment has sufficient transmission speed, smooth playback is possible, and the hard disk is not overwhelmed even during long playback times. The HLS (=HTTP Live Streaming) format is a streaming transmission protocol developed by Apple Inc. It is the most widely used streaming standard today. You can check which version of learningBOX is currently specified in the "Learning Preferences" and you can change the version. Please use it according to your environment. Premium plans are recommended for viewing videos in high quality! The quality of video playback varies depending on the learningBOX plan you use. The higher the plan you subscribe to, the higher quality videos you can upload. No matter how high the quality of the video data you have at hand, the quality may appear inferior if the plan you have subscribed to does not apply to your plan. When using video materials, choose a plan that fits your environment so that learners can learn without stress. For more information on pricing plans, please refer to the learningBOX pricing plan here. Click here for recommended articles on ▼Video Conclusion In this article, we introduced learningBOX's video delivery system. Our e-learning system is an LMS that allows anyone to easily create teaching materials and upload video content. Even those with no programming knowledge can easily start e-learning, and free trials are available. We also recommend this one! Also read "[The Forefront of Education] Conducting Effective Newcomer Training with Video and E-Learning"
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