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Causes and countermeasures for logging out of Excel when linking from Excel

When I step on a link from Word or Excel, for some reason I am taken to the login screen. We have also had this problem with learningBOX in the past, but it was resolved in version 2.8.9. We are now disclosing the cause and countermeasure for this problem in case other systems are also suffering from the same problem. Click here to see the table of contents. 1. symptoms 2. causes 2. countermeasures 3. why was it discovered in the first place? 4. are all the web apps out there coping with it? Symptoms While logged in to a certain system, when I open a URL in the system from Word or Excel, I am redirected to the login screen. Since the user is already logged in, we would like to have the URL in the system opened directly. Cause In Word or Excel, when you click on a link, Word or Excel sends a request to that link address; Word or Excel receives a response that redirects you to the login page because you are not logged in to the linked site. This redirect URL is passed to the web browser, which causes a transition to the login page. Countermeasures When a request for the post-login page is received from Word or Excel, do not perform redirect processing. By doing so, the specified URL is passed to the web browser as is, and the post-login page can be opened. In the figure above, it is enough to change the processing at point (2). If you are using PHP, you can use the following code to handle this issue. exit may have side effects, so please terminate the process in accordance with your framework's style. If you return an empty document with a status code of 200, it is almost OK. How was it discovered in the first place? One of our customers distributes URLs for educational materials via Excel, and for some reason, when he steps on the link, he is taken to the login screen. Since there is no special exception handling only when opening from Excel, we investigated the cause of the problem by referring to the web server logs, etc., and found that the problem was caused by strange behavior of Office. Are all the web apps in the world coping with this? As of January 14, 2020, Gmail and Slack have been addressed, but there are many services that everyone knows about that have not been addressed. This is not so much a problem on the web application side as it is a problem with the behavior of Office, but it can be easily handled using the method described above, so please consider taking action.

Gamification and e-learning

Gamification and e-Learning Dear blog readers, this is Tanimoto from Development, making my second appearance! I'd like to start off by asking, have you ever heard of "gamification"? To be honest, I have only heard of it. So, in this article, I will summarize gamification! After reading this article, you may feel like you know what gamification is! So let's take a look at gamification together! Table of Contents 1 . What is gamification? 2 . History and Purpose of Gamification 3 . Gamification and e-Learning 4 . Conclusion What is Gamification? According to "What is Gamification? -A Comparison with Design History". If one were to give a positive definition of the term, it would be "the addition of game-like elements to an already existing object. Although often translated as "gamification," that is almost always a mistranslation, since gamification is not the creation of the game itself. (omission) In other words, it is a movement to incorporate elements of "games" into industrial products and various everyday activities, rather than making them into "games" themselves. Source: What is gamification? -From a Comparison with the History of Design In other words, it means to add an extra game-like element to a service or product. For example, a "point system" or "level-based rewards" in a membership service are examples of game-like elements. Why is it necessary to incorporate gamification? Let's find out how gamification came into being and why we need to incorporate it! History and Purpose of Gamification Gamification began to attract the world's attention around 2011, and the birth of the term can be traced back to the birth of a new word "gamification" for a very old idea. According to "What is Gamification? -A Comparison with the History of Design", the prehistory of gamification is Gamification is an attempt to encourage the "active participation" of learners in learning. This attempt is very old, and the realization that the learner's spontaneity is important in learning itself can be found even in the Analects of Confucius. (The study of spontaneous learning itself continues to be an extremely important issue in the fields of educational psychology, learning psychology, and gaming simulation research. Cited from: What is Gamification? -From a Comparison with the History of Design as. In other words, as a prehistory of gamification, we can see that various studies have been approaching gamification to encourage spontaneous and active participation of learners. I believe that "motivation" and "self-efficacy" are related to spontaneous learning and active participation, but the details would be very lengthy, so I would like to introduce them at another time. To summarize the definition of gamification and the pre-history of gamification up to this point, the purpose of incorporating gamification can be described as "to encourage users to participate voluntarily or actively by adding an extra game-like element to a service or product". The purpose of gamification can be expressed as "to encourage users to participate spontaneously or actively by adding an extra game element to a service or product. Gamification and e-Learning As mentioned above, learning and gamification are a combination that has long been attracting attention, and the e-learning environment is no exception. In fact, it can be said that eLearning is a great match for incorporating game-like elements on the screen and game-like element mechanisms! Our LMS, learningBOX, also has gamification elements, so you can try it out just like a game! Here is the gamification element in learningBOX! Only the image on the right shows a badge! This is one of the optional features when creating a question, and is displayed when the conditions are met by setting the "Mode" to "Complete Strategy Mode"! It's nice to have the results of your efforts left in a tangible form! The purpose of gamification is to motivate you with this and lead you to the next stage of learning. With our e-learning system, you can even create game-like quizzes like this one! Click Start to actually solve the quiz. Get Started Summary Thank you for reading this far! I have only touched on the basics of gamification for those who are unfamiliar with it. I hope you have gained some understanding of gamification so far. In addition to the badge function mentioned earlier, learningBOX has a variety of other functions, such as a function that allows you to check the learning status of your students! LearningBOX also offers a free plan that you can use for free, so feel free to try it out! We will continue to develop our LMS (Learning Management System), learningBOX, which provides an e-learning environment, in the direction of more gamification, so please do not hesitate to contact us!
Harassment training via e-learning.

Using e-learning to combat power harassment

Hello! My name is Shiraki, and I'm in charge of Human Resources! Recently, our air conditioner broke down and we are enduring the cold... I hope you all are aware of sudden breakdowns! In this article, I would like to write about "power harassment" which has been widely covered in news and newspapers, and the benefits of introducing e-learning training to prevent power harassment. Thank you very much for your kind attention. Click here for Table of Contents 1. "Power harassment" is on the rise 2. what is "power harassment" in the first place? 3. Does your company/organization provide training on measures against power harassment? 4. If you neglect training on measures against power harassment, there are risks such as the following... 5. 5. e-Learning can raise the level of knowledge on harassment to a certain level 6. summary Power harassment" is on the rise. The number of consultations regarding power harassment among the inquiries at the consultation corners set up at prefectural labor bureaus has been increasing year by year. In addition to the increase in the number of power harassment consultations, the number of cases of depression and other mental disorders caused by bullying and violence in the workplace and compensated for by workers' compensation is also increasing. Reference (Increasing Power Harassment) The following cases have actually occurred Click here to see the power harassment victims in 2019. Toyota employee commits suicide due to power harassment, develops adjustment disorder, and receives workers' compensation (11/19/2019) The director general of the Education Bureau played betting games at a government building (11/18/2019) Director General of the Bureau of Education takes a pay cut for "power harassment"(11/15/2019) ...Power harassment by a colleague...Kawagoe City Council member seeks action(11/7/2019) References (Harassment-related news) Individual labor disputes are also increasing so much! Power harassment tops the list of most frequently consulted topics by employees Summary of Harassment Power harassment is the most common form of harassment. In a survey by Nippon Life Insurance, one out of two respondents said that harassment has occurred around them. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's survey on "Occurrence of Power Harassment in Companies" (2016), 49.8% of all responding companies had actually received at least one consultation regarding power harassment in the past three years, and 36.3% of all responding companies had actually had a case of power harassment What is power harassment? The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare defines power harassment in the workplace as "acts that cause mental or physical pain or aggravate the work environment to those who work in the same workplace against the background of superiority in the workplace, such as job status or human relations, beyond the appropriate scope of work. Superiority in the workplace" includes not only job status, but also human relations, experience, expertise, and various other advantages. In other words, in addition to harassment between supervisor and subordinate, harassment between senior and junior employees, between colleagues, and even between subordinates and supervisors can also be considered as power harassment. Even if you think you have a vague understanding of the term, when you actually look into it, you will find that the definition of what constitutes power harassment is vague, and the line between words and actions is often indeterminate, depending only on your personal judgment. It was difficult for me to understand everything about "power harassment. This time, I made a quiz on the contents related to power harassment using our e-learning program. How well do you understand power harassment? The quiz contains 5 questions in total. And since explanations are included, we hope you'll take this opportunity to take the quiz! You can take advantage of e-learning! By making the quiz, you can check the lack of knowledge and understanding of harassment, as well as any gaps in perception. By visualizing the learner's performance data, you can analyze the level of knowledge and understanding of harassment within your company. Passing scores for the quiz can also be set arbitrarily, so you can raise the knowledge level of the entire company by raising the passing standard! Does your company/organization provide training to prevent power harassment? The results show that more than 80% of companies feel the importance of anti-harassment measures. While 80% of companies are aware of the problem, only just over 50% are actually taking steps to address it. Furthermore, this breakdown varies depending on the size of the company: for companies with more than 1,000 employees, the percentage is just under 90%, and as the number of employees decreases, the percentage decreases to less than 30% for companies with less than 100 employees. While large companies are taking firm measures to deal with this problem, small and medium-sized companies seem to be aware of the problem, but are unable to take action because the person in charge is often juggling various other duties. Neglecting to provide training in anti-harassment measures can lead to the following risks. Social risks such as compensation issues In some cases, companies have been required to pay tens of millions of yen in compensation in lawsuits due to harassment. The risk of neglecting harassment can lead to serious risks such as damage to the company's image due to compensation issues. Decrease in business efficiency and productivity Lack of employee motivation, deterioration of workplace atmosphere, and mental health problems caused by internal bullying and harassment can lead to a decline in business efficiency and productivity. Outflow of excellent human resources Deterioration of internal atmosphere and business performance due to harassment causes outflow of excellent human resources to other companies. We have learned that anti-harassment training is very important for the growth and development of a company. However, most of you probably do not know what kind of training or education you should actually have your employees receive. An Internet search will only find fragmented knowledge. It takes a lot of time and money to call an instructor, and ...... We can't afford to give careful guidance to each one of you. ...... That's when you need help! E-learning can bring your knowledge of harassment to a certain level Features of learningBOX・E-learning can be started from the day of registration even for those who are not good at computer operation. Intuitive operation without the need to read manuals A wealth of content functions to support training and education You can use "memorization cards" and "bug-eaten notebooks" to create educational materials specialized for memorization! Quiz" is recommended to check your understanding and knowledge of the training! There are 12 types of questions! You can also register and manage members individually or in groups. The "Medical Record" function can be used to easily convert learner performance data into numerical data and show the learning status on a graph! Detailed information on how to use learningBOX can be found here. The learningBOX allows learners to take a course study. This allows learners to study at their own level during their busy schedule. The course study allows learners to study in a set order, and those who do not reach the passing standard will not be able to move on. The passing score and difficulty level of the material can be easily set by the administrator. A certificate can also be issued upon successful completion of all course study material. Conclusion This article has focused on power harassment. Although more and more companies are focusing on anti-harassment measures, there are still few companies that have concrete measures in place. Our e-learning system can help you to deal with the harassment that you are facing. Please take this opportunity to consider learningBOX. Thank you for taking the time to read this article.
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