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Information Security - E-Learning System

How to Use IP Restrictions to Enhance Online Learning Security

How to Use IP Restrictions to Enhance Online Learning Security This is Kidaoka, Marketing Manager. This paper introduces basic knowledge about IP addresses - how to set IP restrictions. eLearning-based online learning, online classes, and in-house education are very convenient as cloud services that can be used from anywhere. However, the ability to access from anywhere also increases the risk of unauthorized access and the risk of personal information leakage. One solution to this problem is IP restrictions, which prevent users from logging into their accounts unless they use a specified IP address. Our learningBOX is an e-learning system that can be configured with IP restrictions to ensure security. Click here for Table of Contents 1. what is an IP address? 2. connection restriction by IP address 3. setting IP restrictions on learningBOX 4. summary What is an IP address? An IP address is simply a "number" assigned to a computer or communication device connected to the Internet. When using the Internet to browse websites or send and receive e-mail, it is necessary to identify the other party with whom you are communicating. The IP address plays a role in this process. Every terminal connected to the network has an IP address, which is assigned to identify devices on the network such as computers, smartphones, and tablets, and serves as an address on the Internet. Basic Knowledge of IP Addresses Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia IP addresses are represented using decimal numbers. The IP address is represented by a decimal number, and is called a "domain" when it is replaced by letters to make it easier for humans to understand. The Internet has a vast number of users coming and going. Who is viewing or accessing a website and where? The global IP address indicates the unique IP address of the user. This global IP address is unique and cannot be duplicated anywhere in the world. This is the same mechanism that prevents duplicate phone numbers and addresses! What is a decimal number? A decimal number is a way of writing numbers (notation) in which the base number is 10. It expresses numbers using all numbers from "0" to "9".➡【0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 】 Connection Restriction by IP Address LearningBOX can be restricted so that only certain IP addresses can view it. It is important to note, however, that "IP restriction" here refers to settings for global IP addresses. Keep in mind that it is the global IP address that is relevant to IP restrictions! Setting IP restrictions on learningBOX Starting from learningBOX Ver. 2.11, it is possible to set IP restrictions for the access source. How to set IP restrictions Please log in to learningBOX and go to Member Management > IP Restrictions in the side menu. Click IP Restrictions, and the screen will switch to "Login IP Restrictions". Restrict IP This function can be configured for each group. Click "Add IP Restrictions" to display a pop-up configuration window, where you can select a group and enter its IP address, then click the "Add" button to add it. Select the members of the group, enter the IP addresses that can log in, and click the Add button. IP restrictions are now set. Conclusion In this article, we have briefly introduced the basics of IP addresses and how to set up IP restrictions to prevent unauthorized access and information leaks related to the protection of members' personal information. Since it is very easy to set up IP restrictions on learningBOX, please refer to this article and try using IP restrictions according to your own purposes.
Online Classes - Free

I recommend it for online classes! An e-learning system that is easy to set up, even for first-time users

Hello, my name is Kuroda from the Quality Control Department. Do you know all the types of content you can create with our e-learning system? LearningBOX has contents, functions, and learning environment that even beginners can easily start online classes. In this article, we would like to tell you about "how to choose learningBOX content," a topic we have received many inquiries about recently. It is not easy to get used to writing, but I will do my best, and I hope you will enjoy this article as well. Click here for the Table of Contents 1. types of learningBOX materials 2. how to choose learning materials 3. examples of use 4. summary Types of learning materials available on learningBOX There are currently a total of 15 types of functions available for our e-learning system! However, the abundance of learning materials is one of the strengths of learningBOX and the secret of its popularity! By utilizing these 15 types of materials, we are able to support all kinds of companies, schools, and cram schools, such as "online learning, newcomers, in-house training, and remote training"! How to Select Learning Materials With such a large number of learning materials, it is hard to think of learning materials from scratch. Is it possible to create the teaching materials you have imagined? Many people wonder how to combine the contents they have created. For such customers, we would like to briefly introduce the contents function of learningBOX. If you are not sure how to create teaching materials, please take a look at these contents. Quiz / Test The quiz function allows you to create and grade paper-based exam questions on the web, such as school tests, mock tests, and quizzes. The quiz function allows users to create questions in more than 12 different formats, including multiple choice, multiple choice, essay, and fill-in-the-blanks. The quiz function allows you to create questions in two modes: master mode, which is suitable for preparation and review, and normal mode, which is suitable for exam questions. We highly recommend this quiz function if you want to encourage learners to consolidate their understanding and memory. There is also a setting that does not tell (hide) the results to the learner.➡Here is how to use the test mode setting function. Memorization card I am sure that many of our customers have seen or used memorization cards at least once in their lives. I also often used them to prepare for exams during my high school years and up until I was a working adult. These memorization cards are the same as actual word cards, and you cannot look back at them randomly. But instead, you can visualize what percentage you have memorized by checking "☑memorized". Why not use it as an aid for studying for a test or for content you want learners to remember for sure? Unlike conventional memorization cards, these memorization cards can be prepped and reviewed as many times as you want with just one smartphone. Video/YouTube Video Besides uploading videos created by customers, learningBOX also makes it easy to set up YouTube videos. Simply copy the embed code and paste it into place. By using videos and YouTube videos as teaching aids, "you can keep track of who watched it, when, and for how long, right on your results screen." The advantage of videos is that they can be watched over and over again, making them very useful for university lectures, experiments, and other content that cannot be memorized in a single session. *Please be careful to use the copyright of the videos. WEB page This function allows you to easily create an explanatory page. You can also add pages, so you can use it like a textbook. Not only simple text like a notepad, but also font size and text color can be changed. Worm-eaten notebook MUSHIBUKI Notebook allows you to easily create memorization questions in the form of sentences. It is used to memorize words that often appear on exams by hiding the words you want to remember with a marker. I also have fond memories of memorizing world history textbooks in high school by drawing green markers and covering them with red sheets. As with the memorization cards, the key point here is that you can visualize what percentage you have memorized as the number of hidden parts increases. Please use it for memorization materials before exams, etc. Questionnaire Collect multiple responses to a question. The administrator can download a CSV of the total responses from the question-specific tab of the Results Management screen. Reports Both text entry and file submission are supported, and administrators can grade the reports with comments. Learners can easily see the grading details on the grade details screen or in the "Submitted Reports List" in the side menu. PDF file PDF files can be viewed and distributed to learners. Printing and downloading of PDFs can be prohibited. Attachment Used when you want to give data or files to users. You can use the data by itself or compress multiple data into a zip file for attachment teaching materials. Using this function, you can have learners download a variety of files as educational materials. SCORM teaching materials You can upload your own content or materials that have been used on other companies' LMSs. Two of our engineers have created SCORM materials in the past and introduced them to you. Click here to read the article about SCORM teaching materials. How to create and add SCORM materials using TensorFlow.js How to rewrite your own programs into SCORM materials and use them in learningBOX Typing materials Teaching materials for typing practice. You can set the font size, time limit, passing score, order of questions, and level of grading, and wrong letters are displayed in bold red letters on the score details screen. iSpring Teaching Materials iSpring is available as an add-on to PowerPoint. iSpring allows you to shoot lecture videos based on PowerPoint materials you already have on hand for teaching purposes. This authoring tool is recommended for those who are considering in-house production of video presentations. iframe teaching materials If you specify "embed tags" to be used in HTML notation, you can register them as educational materials. If the embedded content is a quiz from our QuizGenerator, the score is not saved, but the history of the opened material can be checked on the grade management screen. In addition to our quizzes, you can also embed word cards and Google Maps. Certificates From stylish to cute designs, we can create certificates that give learners a special feeling. You can set the issue date and expiration date, and print, save as a PDF, or save as an image. You can easily check the certificates you have already obtained on the certificate list screen. Here are some examples of use The teaching material I came up with this time is a vocabulary book to memorize prefectural capitals using memorization cards! The letters are centered and larger, and ruby settings have been added. Even adults can learn enough. Using Mnemonic Cards as a Self-Study Auxiliary Tool Combine the contents and use it as a course study. Use the quiz function to test the content learned on the memorization cards and distribute certificates after passing the test! Watch the video to see the series of steps. ▼If you have difficulty seeing the video, please view it in full screen. Conclusion In this article, we introduced how to select learningBOX content, a topic we have received many inquiries about recently. Appropriate selection of learning materials will help you learn more effectively. For more detailed information on how to use learningBOX, please refer to the LearningBOX Content Management page. If we come up with more good ideas, or if you have any examples of our customers' use of learningBOX, we would like to share them with you as soon as possible!

What is EdTech?

What is EdTech? Hello! I am Motoki from Marketing. As a quick reminder, I would like to write this blog as a glossary of e-learning terms, "What is EdTech?" So, I will write a blog on this topic. Click here for the table of contents. What is EdTech? 2. the beginning of EdTech 3. what is learningBOX? 4. summary What is EdTech? EdTech" is written and read as "EdTech." (When I first saw it, I read it as "edtech.") This term was coined by combining the words "Education" and "Technology. It refers to new education and learning using digital technology and the apps and services that provide it. In Japan, it began to be searched for around 2012 and has been attracting more and more attention in recent years. (Reference: Google Trends) There are many other such "00Tech" terms. For example, "FinTech" is a word often seen on TV and in magazines. For example, household account bookkeeping apps are well-known. Another commonly heard term is "HR Tech," which is a combination of the words "Human Resources" and "Technology. These industry names followed by "tech" are collectively referred to as "X-Tech (X-Tech or Cross-Tech). And when you get down to the meaning of the word "EdTech," you will find that (to put it in a very cool way) EdTech" means "to revolutionize the way educational services are provided through technology. Now, what comes to mind when you think of "EdTech"? What comes to mind, for example, is "e-learning. What is e-learning? E-learning is a form of learning that uses the Internet. Learning that allows students to improve their skills at their own pace regardless of location, time, or learning content by using electronic devices such as PCs, mobile terminals, and other IT networks. From learning English using an e-learning learning system learningBOX provides EdTech e-learning and the "e-learning box," an LMS (Learning Management System). If you have never tried such EdTech services, please register as a free administrator first. After registering, you will be able to experience a sample e-learning course and create your own teaching materials right away! You will be able to create your own e-learning materials right away! Start using the service for free! The Beginning of EdTech EdTech began in the United States, a country that has produced many global IT companies. The U.S. is a large country, and many companies are expanding globally, not only domestically, so there are limits to the amount of employee training and human resource development that can be conducted through group training. As a result, along with the spread of the Internet, e-learning and EdTech services evolved as a means of corporate human resource development. The services also became increasingly popular as a means of closing the education gap. ▼ Evolving EdTech services in the U.S. [e-Learning around the world]. Evolving EdTech Services in the U.S. [eLearning Around the World]. Educational innovations that began with EdTech have also spawned trends such as "STEM education. ▼ What is STEM education? In addition, EdTech services are now being created not only in the U.S. but also around the world in terms of educational disparities. Many EdTech IT ventures have emerged, especially in developing countries where there is a large educational gap and where the use of smartphones is rapidly increasing. ICT in Education in Japan Unfortunately, Japan lags behind other developed countries in ICT in education. Although the introduction of programming education in elementary schools has been attracting attention, ICT equipment, which is also the tool for such education, has not been well developed. There are many issues that need to be addressed in order to promote ICT in education, such as budgetary issues for the development of the environment and the structure for teaching. Reference article ICT in Schools: A Necessity but Not Being Implemented What about learningBOX? As I mentioned at the beginning, our service, learningBOX, is an EdTech e-learning and "e-learning box", an LMS (Learning Management System). ▼ What is LMS? What is LMS? Our LMS features an "inexpensive" and "easy-to-use" e-learning system. The price is low, just beyond the norm, from 30,000 yen per year (plus consumption tax) even for 100 users. It is also easy to use, with content that can be created on the spot, even by non-IT personnel. Please take a look at our LearningBOX case studies. Case studies|learningBOX e-learning system The most important feature is the "Quiz Creation" function. The "Create Quiz" function is very attractive. There are a wide variety of question types, such as fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice questions. The quiz can be set to a test mode with a time limit. You can easily create questions with pictures and sounds. There are many other features that we recommend. If you have never used our service before, you can easily create your own quiz by filling out the question creation form below. Please give it a try! You can easily create a quiz. Try to make a quiz Conclusion In this article, I have explained about "EdTech" (EdTech), overseas, Japan, and our LMS. We will continue to be a part of the movement to "revolutionize the way educational services are provided through technology! Thank you for your continued support!
learningBOX is now version 2.11

learningBOX has been upgraded to version 2.11

About this upgrade Thank you for using learningBOX, our e-learning creation system. Today, learningBOX has been upgraded from Ver. 2.9 to Ver. 2.11. In this article, we will provide details about Ver. 2.11 (released on May 19, 2020), to which various new features have been added. List of New Functions and Functional Improvements☑Certification☑English Support☑"B to B Sales in EC"☑"B to B Sales in EC"☑"Renewal of Order Screen☑"Renewal of Order Screen As of Ver. 2.11, English support for learningBOX has been added as a function, which has been requested by many customers with foreign employees. In addition, the certification has been further improved. Many other features have been added, including improvements to existing functions. We will now introduce the 2.11 series version upgrade in detail. Certificate Prepare a certificate that gives your learners a special feeling, from a stylish design to a cute design. Starting with Ver. 2.11, you can now customize the design and layout of your certificate to your liking. Previously, certificates were created according to a predetermined format, but now they can be customized freely. In addition, once a certificate is created, it can be saved as a template and edited. English Support The functions of the learningBOX can be displayed and operated in English without any modification! The functions of the Japanese version of learningBOX are now available in English, making it possible for more people to use it. English website also opened! English versions of the manual site and service introduction site are also available. ▼learningBOX ▼QuizGenerator B-to-B sales of EC functions The EC function of learningBOX now supports BtoB sales! Until now, we have specialized in BtoC and have been used to build new sales businesses on the Web, but now you can purchase learning content on a company or group basis. Renewal of the order screen The order screen has been renewed starting with Ver. 2.11. We have made it easier for you to select a plan and check the options available. Due to the renewal, some plans cannot be renewed on the web at this time.  In such cases, the "Upgrade" and "Apply" buttons are not displayed.  We apologize for the inconvenience, but please contact us via the inquiry form or phone call to let us know that you wish to continue your subscription. Other Please contact our CS sales team if you have any questions or need more information. Inquiry Form We will continue to listen to our customers' voices and improve our functions to make your use of our products even more comfortable. Thank you for your continued support of LearningBOX/QuizGenerator.

How to issue and set up certificates for children studying at home through online learning

This is Fukumoto🍞, our marketing manager. In this article, I would like to introduce "Certificate" which is included in the content feature of our learningBOX. We believe that there are so many educators who are having a hard time in school due to the coronavirus, and are having trouble in making progress and interrupting lessons at school. In addition to the quiz creation function, video content, memorization cards, bug-eaten notes, and typing materials necessary to advance online learning, the learningBOX content function also allows users to set up a digital version of an award called a "certificate of recognition. This function allows you to issue certificates to members who have met certain passing standards and completed their studies. This certificate can also be printed. The creation process is quite simple, so anyone can easily create and set up a certificate. We encourage you to take advantage of this certificate by referring to this paper! Table of Contents 1. what is a certificate? 2. here is a course study that includes a certificate. 3. pass the quiz and receive the certificate 4. summary What is a certificate anyway? With learningBOX, we can issue digital certificates to members who have "passed and completed" the content (learning materials) created by you. ▼ Do any of our customers have these kinds of problems or questions? ①I want to send effort awards to members who have worked hard on their studies: ...... ②Want to send a certificate of success to members who pass quizzes and exam questions. ...... (iii) You want to send certificates to members who have taken and cleared all online studies: ...... We believe that there are many people who would like to set up or send 00 awards or 00 certificates in various usage scenarios, such as the following. You would like to grant special 00 awards or 00 certificates according to learners' hard work, effort, test scores, and learning progress. If children can receive a 00 prize or a 00 certificate for their study, it will help them to maintain their goals and motivation as they advance their online learning.▶The learningBOX's certificate function can solve these problems as well! Here are some course studies that include certificates. Since this is a practice, we will set up a web quiz created in learningBOX to issue certificates to members who solve the quiz and reach a passing score. Let's log in to learningBOX with the administrator's account and immediately create a course study that incorporates the certificate. Contents of this time ①Create a quiz. (2) Use the constraint bar to set up "---- You can move on to the next one if you have passed up to this point ----. (3) Grant a certificate to members who pass the quiz. Let's make a quiz! Quizzes created in the learningBOX can include images and videos, as well as links to pages within the player that explain the quiz, for example. In addition, you can hide "correct/incorrect" answers in the test, or randomly rearrange the questions and choices. You can also easily set the question score and time limit. Click here to see the options that can be set in the learningBOX. We will use this quiz for this project. You can solve the actual quiz here. Take the quiz LearningBOX's quiz creation function allows you to create quizzes from more than 12 different types of questions. The language support is wide-ranging, including English, Chinese, Portuguese, and German, and it is possible to select male or female speakers. Creating a Certificate Since this is an exercise, we will actually create one folder and set up the quiz ▷Certificate ▷Constraints bar in the folder we created. If you have difficulty viewing the video, please click on the bottom right corner of the video to make it full screen. ▼ Please watch the video here. Steps to Create a Certificate Step 1: Log in to learningBOX with your administrator account. Step 2: Go to Content Management ‣ Certificates Step 3: The certificate creation form will open. Please fill in the form according to the specified format. The first English quiz and constraint bar will be used to study the course. In learningBOX, in addition to making quizzes using the creation form in learningBOX, you can also import and register questions in a batch using a text or Excel file. For those who are new to quiz creation, we recommend creating quizzes from the question creation form; even those who are not good at PC operation can easily create quizzes that customers want to create by simply keyboarding in according to the dedicated format. In this case, we will import an "English quiz" created in advance in text format and register it in learningBOX. Import this quiz into learningBOX. →[download id="34356"]] ▼ Please watch this video. ▼Once you have set up the quiz, certificate, and constraint bar, set up a thumbnail image to make it look better! Here is the image to be set as the thumbnail image. Thumbnail image of the certificate →[download id="34395"]. Thumbnail image of quiz →[download id="34398"]. Folder thumbnail image →[download id="34401"]] Pass the quiz and receive your certificate Since this is an exercise, let's log in with an account named Student A and see how the actual process of receiving a certificate works. ▼ Please watch this video Conclusion In this article, we introduced "certificates" included in the learningBOX content features. In the process of online learning, if children can receive a 00 award or 00 certificate for their study, it will help them to maintain a goal and motivation. The process is very simple, so anyone can easily create and set up a certificate.
E-learning - Newcomer Training

Introduce in-house training for new employees using e-learning

Greetings, I am Kozuki🐰, a new member of the Marketing Department who joined the company this year. As we start a new fiscal year, I believe that many companies first conduct new employee training when new employees join the company. I, too, took the new employee training! At learningBOX, of course! So this time, I would like to introduce new employee training using our e-learning system, learningBOX, and my "impressions after using it. For those of you who are thinking about "improving the efficiency of new employee training and online learning"! We hope you will consider implementing learningBOX with reference to this article. Click here for the table of contents 1. click here for Tatsuno Information System's new employee training program 2. training flow Impressions of the training 4. summary Click here for Tatsuno Information System's new employee training program. Upon joining our company, all new employees undergo "Basic New Employee Training" and "Customer Support (CS) Training" using the learningBOX. After these two training courses, they are divided into their respective departments and areas of expertise. A brief description of the content of the training... STEP: 1. New employee basic training New employees learn basic information about the company, such as business activities, employment regulations, company rules, tools used in business, and information security. STEP: 2. Customer support (CS) training After learning how to reply to e-mails and how to write sentences, trainees submit a report on how they would reply to e-mails from customers who have actually inquired about learningBOX and QuizGenerator in the past. The purpose of CS training is "to deepen understanding of the functions and services of learningBOX and QuizGenerator," and all employees, not just those in charge of CS, take part in the training. Please take a look at our internal case studies for more information on CS training. Training Flow Upon receiving training at learningBOX, you will receive a brief verbal overview of the training and an explanation of how the training will be conducted. After having a senior employee register as a learningBOX member, you will receive an "ID" and "password," and log in to learningBOX to begin the training. The training on learningBOX is conducted by first learning through PDF/Google Slides/videos published on learningBOX, and then answering tests to pass the tests. A passing score is set for the test, and if you fail the test, you will have to take the test again to pass. For quiz-style tests, learningBOX will automatically grade the test, but for questions that require a report, a senior employee will grade the test on learningBOX after the report is submitted. Impressions of newcomer training at learningBOX Now, let me share with you my impressions of the new employee training on learningBOX, the subject of this issue. Impression #1: No confusion in operation When I took the training course at learningBOX, I had no trouble at all in operating the screen. Even if you don't check how to operate the system, you will be able to use it without any problems. One of the points that prevents us from getting lost is the "visualization of the training to be taken". Point 1 ⇒Materials are displayed in the order of progression. LearningBOX has a "course setting" function that allows you to advance to the next question after you pass a specific question. You cannot proceed to the next question until you have passed and understood the question, so you can proceed with the training in the order in which you should proceed. Point 2 Learning status is displayed on the status display. The current learning status is displayed by status, and can be checked from the list, so you can see at a glance which trainings have been completed and which have not. For tests whose results you do not want to show immediately, you can change the status to "Conducted". Point 3 Easy-to-answer question screen As learningBOX offers multiple question formats, tests are presented in a format suitable for the difficulty level and answer method desired by the presenter. The question answer screen is simple and intuitive. The function to display explanations makes it easy to review even if you make a mistake on a question. LearningBOX can also display only the training courses that each department should receive, since it is possible to set up the distribution of training materials for each group by dividing members into groups and setting up the assignment of training materials. Impression #2: Deepen understanding at your own pace Basically, you can proceed from learning to testing all by yourself, allowing you to learn at your own pace. In addition, learningBOX is equipped with "functions to deepen learners' understanding. Point 4. Focused study of wrong questions Questions created in Master Mode are suitable for repeated study and review. By answering questions from the "Overcome Weaknesses" button, learners can focus on the questions they got wrong. Furthermore, if a question or section has been created using the "tagging function," the number of correct answers, number of incorrect answers, and percentage of correct answers for each tag will be displayed on the "chart function" page, allowing learners to check their weak areas. →Click here for more information about the tagging function. Tagging Function About the tagging function By tagging each section or question, you can use the tags to analyze your performance (e.g., to check your weak areas)▶For more information, click here. (e.g. to check areas of weakness)▶For details, click here. →Click here for more information about the chart function. About the chart function The personal chart function allows you to check how much each user is learning each day and how far he or she has progressed.▶Click here for details. Point 5 Favorite function to save training materials The ability to save training materials as favorites makes it convenient for reviewing training materials on the job after the training is over. Favorite materials will be displayed in the "Favorite Materials" section of the "Study" menu. Conclusion learningBOX is an easy-to-use e-learning system for learners. It is easy to use, and learners can check their own understanding of the training content as they go along. It can also be used on smartphones and tablets, so learners can study at home as part of their pre-employment training. If you are considering implementing learningBOX, we encourage you to register for learningBOX and use almost all of its features for free for an unlimited period of time for up to 10 accounts.
learningBOX 2.9

learningBOX has been upgraded to version 2.9

About this Version Upgrade Thank you for using learningBOX, our e-learning creation system. Today, learningBOX has been upgraded from Ver. 2.8 to Ver. 2.9. In this article, we will provide details about Ver. 2.9.10 (released on February 13, 2020), which adds various new features. List of New Functions and Functional Improvements☑"Integration with LDAP / ActiveDirectory SAML Authentication Settings Badge Settings"☑"Badge Settings"☑"Resume Suspension Suspend and Resume"☑"Suspend and Resume Function☑"Notification of Specified Course Materials"☑"Notification of Course Materials In this version upgrade, we have added the "LDAP / ActiveDirectory integration function" which has been requested by many users. In addition, many features have been added, including improvements to existing functions. We will now introduce the details of the 2.9 series upgrade. LDAP / ActiveDirectory Integration With the learningBOX 2.9 version upgrade, we have added support for integration with LDAP servers. LDAP v3 compatible directory services (OpenLDAP, Active Directory, etc.) can be used as a user authentication method. LDAP authentication can be used not only for user authentication, but also for user management in conjunction with directory services. LDAP authentication requires a dedicated server contract. SAML Authentication Settings SAML authentication settings have been added since Ver. 2.8. To make it easier to use, the corresponding Identity Provider (IdP) and authentication setting screen have been added. SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is an XML-based international standard authentication method for authenticating users across different Internet domains, and is a protocol for achieving single sign-on (SSO). Single sign-on (SSO) is a mechanism that allows users to log in to multiple services simultaneously with a single ID and password. SAML authentication requires design customization or a dedicated server contract. SAML Authentication Settings for Trust Login Trust Login" is a single sign-on service for enterprises with basic functions such as "single sign-on" that enables login to multiple services with a single ID and password, "ID management" and "log and report functions. SAML Authentication Settings in Google G Suite LearningBOX can be registered as a SAML application for G Suite. SAML Authentication Settings with OneLogin You can register learningBOX as a SAML application for OneLogin. Badge setting function A new feature has been added that also serves as a gamification element. With the badge function, learners are given badges based on their learning achievements, which can be expected to increase their motivation. Learners can also check their course status at a glance. The badge display function can be set for each material or folder. Please note that badge acquisition conditions differ for each material. Interruption Resume Function The "Suspend and Resume" function, which is useful when conducting tests and examinations, has been further improved. We understand that in many cases you may use the one-time-only limit when conducting a test, but with this improved feature, you can interrupt and resume the quiz even if you leave the system screen during the test. This is an option that allows users to suspend and resume the quiz when taking the quiz/test. You can interrupt your answers in the middle of the quiz, and resume from the middle of the quiz. A new mode "Resume from Interruption" has been added for this time. When "Enable" is specified, you can choose to "Resume from the beginning" or "Start over from the beginning" when resuming. If you specify "Enable only from the continuation", you can only select "Resume from the continuation". Notification function for specified course materials The "Notify me when a learner has completed certain material" function has been added to meet the request of "automatically notifying the administrator when a learner has completed certain material". This function allows you to set up email notifications to be sent to the administrator when there is a change in a learner's grade status. By using this function, you can set up an e-mail notification to be sent to the administrator only for the specified course materials. You can set this function to send email notifications to the administrator only for the specified course materials. Miscellaneous Please contact our CS sales team if you have any questions or need more information. Inquiry Form We will continue to listen to our customers' voices and improve our functions to make your use of our products even more comfortable. Thank you for your continued support of LearningBOX/QuizGenerator.
LearningBOX report function

How to set up a report assignment using learningBOX

How to set up a report assignment using learningBOX This is Kitaoka🍎, our marketing manager. In this article, I would like to introduce how to set up a report assignment using our e-learning system, learningBOX. In addition to the quiz creation function and the memorization-focused "Mushi-Eating Notebooks and Memorization Cards," learningBOX has a content function that allows learners to set up report assignments. This function is very effective in helping students understand what they have learned and in providing feedback for in-house training! It is easy to set up, so please take advantage of it. Click here for the Table of Contents 1. what is the report submission function of learningBOX? 2. create a report assignment. 3. 3. when the report is submitted, it is graded. 4. the learner can check the grading results. The learner can check the grading results. 5. 5. summary What is the report submission function of learningBOX? The "Report Submission" function allows learners to submit reports. Reports can be submitted as a file or as an input form. Please note that there is no automatic grading function for reports. Create a report assignment. ▼STEP 1. Log in to learningBOX Please login to learningBOX and click [Contents Management] on the menu bar. ▼STEP2. Click on the ⊕ symbol. Move to the contents management screen, click the operation menu (+ mark) in the upper left corner, and select 【Report Assignment】. ▼STEP3. Select the method of report assignment submission. You can choose either "Web Entry", "File Upload", or both. Next, enter the title and notes for the report assignment. *If you do not need to write any notes, you do not need to enter any notes. Finally, click the Save button to complete the process. Submission Method Web Entry File Upload *・・・You can choose to have the file submitted in one of two formats. *The extensions that can be selected can be changed if you are using a dedicated server plan. Please contact us if you have any requests. Grading when reports are submitted. The administrator sets the report assignment and proceeds as if the learner had submitted the report. Please go to [View Grades] on the menu bar > Report Grading Management. The date of submission, report name, student name, pass/fail, score, submitted file, and grade will be displayed. ▼How to grade the report function Click on "Download Submitted Files. → Click on "Download Submitted Files" to download files submitted by learners. Click on the "Grade" button Click "Score" button → You can grade the submitted reports. Enter the score and select pass/fail. Enter optional feedback and click "Save" to complete. Learners can check the grading results. The learner can check the pass/fail status of the report assignment from the Grading Manager of his/her account. Click on the ▼Details button to see the details. Conclusion In this article, we have introduced the report function of learningBOX. Reports can be submitted as a file or as an input form. It is easy to set up, so please try this report function. Thank you for taking the time to read this article.
Upgrading the learningBOX

About updates and upgrades of the learningBOX

Hello, this is Kadota from the Development Department. I thought it was the year 2020, but it turned out to be February in the blink of an eye. We are in the middle of winter! Let's eat something warm and keep up the good work against the cold! The theme of this blog is about "updates and upgrades". Best regards. Click here for the Table of Contents 1. what is an update in the first place? 2. what is a version update? 3. what is the difference between major and minor updates? 4. when will learningBOX be updated next? 5. summary What is an update in the first place? Have you ever been using a computer or smartphone when a comment such as "Update is ready" or "Please update" suddenly appears and you wonder "What is it? Have you ever wondered what it is? If you use a lot of apps on your smartphone, something might be updated every day. In general, an update is a minor improvement or bug fix for a service (app or software). For example, a bug is fixed, a new antivirus is added, or a new feature is added. What is a version update? A version up, on the other hand, is a major improvement or update, such as the addition of new features or a change in design or usage. Let's consider Windows 7 as an example For example, Windows 7 support has recently ended. For the past year or so, I have often heard people say that they would like to migrate to Windows 10 because the support for Windows 7 is about to expire. If you have migrated from Windows 7 to Windows 10, it is an upgrade. Windows 7 and Windows 10 are very different even if they are the same Windows. For example, "the Start menu has changed," "startup is faster," "security has been enhanced," and "Microsoft Edge" has been installed. It is like a completely new and different product. I think it would be good to think of this kind of major improvement/update as an "upgrade. Incidentally, the term "version up" is not understood by English-speaking people, as it seems to be a Japanese word. If you want to express the same meaning in English, it is "version upgrade" (or just "upgrade"). (Some people may be more familiar with "upgrade" than "version up" (or just "upgrade"). The difference between major and minor updates Updates are sometimes referred to as "major updates" or "minor updates," while version upgrades are sometimes referred to as "major version upgrades" or "minor version upgrades. Which term is used depends on the company releasing the service and the detailed nuances. Basically, it is safe to say that if it is labeled major, it is a major change, and if it is labeled minor, it is a minor change. Here are the POINT Major → major change Minor → small change When is the next update for learningBOX? We call updates that involve the addition of new features "major updates" and updates that mainly fix bugs "minor updates. As of this writing, the latest version is "2.8.18. The version of minor updates is managed by the number "18" on the right side of "2. 8. 18". We release a new version approximately once a week. So the next "2.8.19" will be released in the near future. What about "major updates"? Major updates are released at a pace of 3 to 4 months. The next "2.9" series will be released soon. Announcement We would like to introduce some of the features that will be included in the "2.9" series. By linking learningBOX and LDAP servers, it will be possible to link account information and perform login authentication. LDAP authentication requires a subscription to a dedicated server plan. →Please click here for details on pricing plans and LDAP authentication integration. Summary Do you understand the meaning of the terms "update" and "version up" that you have been using somehow? When learningBOX is updated or upgraded in the future, please check what has changed. It may be difficult to notice if it is an update. In that case, please check the release notes. And although learningBOX is currently in version 2, version 3 will be released one day. If you have any requests for features like this, please feel free to contact us.
About China's EdTech market

About China's EdTech market

About China's EdTech Market This winter has been mild. How is everyone doing? As a quick reminder, we have looked into the EdTech market in China. Click here for the table of contents 1. China's EdTech market is hot. 2. list of unicorn companies in China's EdTech sector 3. why is the EdTech market growing so fast in China? 4. the future of the EdTech market China's EdTech market is hot. What is EdTech? China's EdTech market is currently very active. EdTech is a coined term that combines the words "education" and "technology," and refers to efforts to bring about innovation by incorporating technology into the field of education. The term X-Tech (cross tech) refers to the incorporation of technology into existing industries to create new value, and EdTech is an example of X-Tech. X-Tech includes FinTech (finance), MedTech (healthcare), AdTech (advertising), HRTech (human resources), AgriTech (agriculture), LegalTech (law), and many other fields. Many of the unicorn companies originated in China! To give you an idea of how much momentum there is in the Chinese EdTech market, 8 of the 14 unicorn companies in the global EdTech sector are from China (about 57%). The others are 5 companies from the U.S. and 1 from India. *See: Holon IQ January 6, 2020 Unicorn companies are defined as venture companies with a company valuation of $1 billion (about 125 billion yen) or more, less than 10 years old, and privately held. In other words, 8 of the 14 companies are Chinese companies, a number that can be considered one indicator of growth areas. List of Unicorn Companies in China's EdTech Sector The following is a list of unicorn companies in the EdTech sector in China (as of January 2020). VIPKid Online English conversation classroom service with teachers in North America 猿辅导 Yuanfudao Online tutoring and math and English services for children 小盒科技 Knowbox Online education using AI teachers iTutorGroup Online English conversation classroom service with teachers in North America Zhangmen One-on-one tutoring Huike Industry-University Cooperation Ichiqisaku 17zuoye Online Education Platform for K-12 *K-12 means kindergarten through 12th grade (3rd grade of high school) k=kindergarten HuJiang HuJiang Language-centric online classes, SNS, community Why is the EdTech market growing so fast in China? If you look at the number of unicorn companies worldwide, not just in the EdTech sector, according to CBinsights (as of January 6, 2020), there are 433, of which 214 are in the US, 101 in China, 22 in the UK, and 19 in India. Japan has 3 companies. The number of Chinese unicorn companies in all sectors is about 23% of the global total, while the percentage in the EdTech sector is about 57%, indicating that the EdTech sector in China is growing much faster than in other sectors. Why is the EdTech market growing so fast in China? The reasons include the following. Cultural background in which education is highly valued Education is highly competitive, and education is considered very important to stay ahead of the competition. On average, families with preschoolers spend 26% of their household income on education and 20% of their income on K-12 children. *Reference pdf document: The Value of Education-Higher and higher - HSBC Group Huge Market Approximately 20% of the world's population lives in China, and according to the Chinese government (January 17, 2020), the population will exceed 1.4 billion by the end of 2019. In addition, the one-child policy, which has been in place for about 35 years, has been relaxed since 2016, increasing the factors for client expansion. (Currently, the number of births is at an all-time low and has been declining for three consecutive years, and the birthrate is declining and aging. The population is growing.) Also, there is an increase in the middle class who are able to finance their education. Widespread recognition of EdTech There seems to be a strong common perception in Japan, including among VC [venture capitalists], that EdTech has a large market. Strong Government Support Almost every year since 2011, the Chinese government has increased its share of GDP spending on education. It has also provided much support, including building a 22-story MOOC Times building dedicated to EdTech in Beijing's Zhongguancun; in 2017, Premier Li Keqiang set out a technology-infused Chinese education reform for 2030. Soil to foster developers There is also the influence of creative education, which increases the number of makers, and the presence of young people known as "sea turtles," who have acquired cutting-edge knowledge and skills abroad and returned to China to play an active role in the country. These are just a few of the many factors that may be contributing to this trend. Future EdTech Market What do you think? We have talked about the Chinese EdTech market, and we hope that you have been able to see that the market is expanding rapidly. And it seems that the Chinese EdTech market will continue to develop rapidly in the future. I think that a system that has both a cultural background and national policy support is the driving force behind the creation of new educational services. Not only in China, but also in other countries that are focusing on the e-learning and EdTech fields, there will be more and more countries in the future. We will do our best to help Japan become a leading EdTech country. Thank you for your continued support of learningBOX! Reference sites: *Reference: Why Is China The World's Leading EdTech Country? Why Is China The World's Leader In Edtech? NHK News Good Morning Japan: "Sea Turtles" Supporting China's Rapid Technological Development
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